Conference chairmen
R. Blaheta | Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava, Czech Republic |
Z. Dostal | Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic |
Scientific committee
R. Beauwens | Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Brussels, Belgium & President of IMACS |
P. Drabek | University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic |
J. Haslinger | Charles University Prague, Czech Republic |
I. Marek | Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic |
S. Margenov | Institute for Parallel processing BAS Sofia, Bulgaria |
J. Maryska | Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic |
M. Neytcheva | Uppsala University, Sweden |
J. Nedoma | Institute of Computer Science AS CR Prague, Czech Republic |
Z. Strakos | Institute of Computer Science AS CR Prague, Czech Republic |
M. Tuma | Institute of Computer Science AS CR Prague, Czech Republic |
P.S. Vassilevski | Lawrence Livermore national Laboratory (LLNL) Livermore, USA |
J. Verwer | Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica (CWI) Amsterdam, Netherlands |
H. Voss | Hamburg University of Technology, Germany |
Organizing committee
H. Bilkova | Institute of Computer Science AS CR Prague, Czech Republic |
E. Dudkova | Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava, Czech Republic |
J. Stary | Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava, Czech Republic |
J. Vavrova | Institute of Geonics AS CR Ostrava, Czech Republic |