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Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i.

Publications 2007

Publications of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.


  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Montesinos, S.V. - Vanderwerff, J. - Zizler, Václav,  Biorthogonal Systems in Banach Spaces,  New York : Springer (CMS Books in Mathematics, 26), (2007), 315 pp.
  • Kufner, Alois - Maligranda, L. - Persson, L. E.,  The Hardy Inequality: About its History and Some Related Results,  Plzeň : Vydavatelský servis,, (2007), 161 pp.
  • Müller, Vladimír,  Spectral Theory of Linear Operators and Spectral Systems in Banach Algebras,  Basel : Birkhäuser (2. přepracované a rozšířené vydání), (2007), 439 pp.

Papers in Scientific Journals

  • Adamec, Ladislav,  Theorem of Wazewski and Dynamic Equations on Time Scales,  Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,  13  (2007), pp.63-78.
  • Eisner, Jan - Kučera, Milan - Recke, L.,  Bifurcation direction and exchange of stability for variational inequalities on nonconvex sets,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  67  (2007), pp.1082-1101.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Singular Berezin transforms,  Complex Analysis and Operator Theory,  1  (2007), pp.533-548.
  • Engliš, Miroslav,  Toeplitz operators and group representations,  Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications,  13  (2007), pp.243-265.
  • Ali, S.-T. - Engliš, Miroslav,  A matrix-valued Berezin-Toeplitz quantization,  Journal of Mathematical Physics,  48  (2007), pp.1-14.
  • Engliš, Miroslav - Taskinen, J.,  Deformation quantization and Borel´s theorem,  Studia mathematica,  180  (2007), pp.77-93.
  • Fabian, Marián - Finet, C.,  On Stegall´s smooth variational principle,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  66  (2007), pp.565-570.
  • Fabian, Marián - Montesinos, V. - Zizler, Václav,  Weak compactness and sigma-Asplund generated Banach spaces,  Studia mathematica,  181  (2007), pp.125-152.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Novotný, A.,  The Low Mach Number Limit for the Full Navier-Stokes-Fourier System,  Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,  186  (2007), pp.77-107.
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  Mathematical Theory of Compressible Viscous, and Heat Conducting Fluids,  Computers & Mathematics With Applications,  33  (2007), pp.461-490.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Laurençot, P.,  Non-isothermal Smoluchowski-Poisson equation as a singular limit of the Navier-Stokes-Fourier-Poisson system,  Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees,  88  (2007), pp.325-349.
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  Asymptotic Analysis of the Full Navier-Stokes-Fourier System: From Compressible to Incompressible Fluid Flows,  Russian Mathematical Surveys,  62  (2007), pp.1-24.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Laurencot, P. - Petzeltová, Hana,  On convergence to equilibria for the Keller-Segel chemotaxis model,  Journal of Differential Equations,  236  (2007), pp.551-569.
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Petzeltová, Hana,  On the Long-Time Behaviour of Solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier System with a Time Dependent Driving Force,  Journal of Dynamical and Differential Equations,  19  (2007), pp.685-707.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Johansson, M. - Okpoti, C.A. - Persson, L. E.,  Characterisation of Embeddings in Lorentz Spaces,  Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society,  76  (2007), pp.69-92.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Pick, L.,  A reduction theorem for supremum operators,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,  208  (2007), pp.270-279.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Ovchinnikov, V.I.,  Interpolation orbits and optimal Sobolev´s embeddings,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  253  (2007), pp.1-17.
  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Neves, J. S. - Opic, Bohumír,  Sharpness and non-compactness of embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces,  Mathematische Nachrichten,  280  (2007), pp.1083-1093.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Lancien, G.,  Various Slicing Indices on Banach Spaces,  Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics,  4  (2007), pp.179-190.
  • Guirao, A. J. - Hájek, Petr Pavel,  Monotonicity of Schauder basis under UR of UF renormings,  Positivity,  11  (2007), pp.627-638.
  • Aron, R. M. - Hájek, Petr Pavel,  Odd Degree Polynomials on Real Banach Spaces,  Positivity,  11  (2007), pp.143-153.
  • Guirao, A. J. - Hájek, Petr Pavel,  On the Moduli of Convexity,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,  135  (2007), pp.3233-3240.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Lancien, G. - Montesinos, V.,  Universality of Asplund Spaces,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,  135  (2007), pp.2031-2035.
  • Hájek, Petr Pavel - Haydon, R.,  Smooth norms and approximation in Banach spaces of the type C (K),  Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,  58  (2007), pp.221-228.
  • Hakl, Robert,  On a periodic type boundary value problem for functional differential equations with a positively homogeneous operator,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  40  (2007), pp.17-54.
  • Hakl, Robert - Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,  On a periodic boundary value problem for third order linear functional differential equations,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  41  (2007), pp.27-42.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan,  Mixed finite element analysis of semi-coercive unilateral contact problems with given friction,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.25-58.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan,  Uncertain input data problems and the worst scenario method,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.187-196.
  • Hlaváček, Ivan,  Mixed finite element analysis of semi-coercive unilateral contact problems with given friction,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.25-58.
  • Ilucová, Lucia - Saxl, Ivan - Svoboda, Milan - Sklenička, Václav - Král, Petr,  Structure of ECAP aluminium after different number of passes,  Image Analysis and Stereology,  26  (2007), pp.37-43.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  Unilateral dynamic contact of von Kármán plates with singular memory,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.515-527.
  • Jarušek, Jiří - Outrata, Jiří,  On sharp necessary optimality conditions in control of contact problems with strings,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  64  (2007), pp.1117-1128.
  • Feng, Q. - Jech, Thomas - Zapletal, J.,  On the structure of stationary sets,  Science in China Series A-Mathematics,  50  (2007), pp.615-627.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Complexity of admissible rules.,  Archive for Mathematical Logic,  46  (2007), pp.73-92.
  • Rössler, Michal - Jeřábek, Emil,  Fragment of Nonstandard Analysis with a Finitary Consistency Proof,  Bulletin of Symbolic Logic,  13  (2007), pp.54-70.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  On Independence of Variants of the Weak Pigeonhole Principle,  Journal of Logic and Computation,  17  (2007), pp.587-604.
  • Jeřábek, Emil,  Approximate counting in bounded arithmetic,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  72  (2007), pp.959-993.
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,  Control of discrete-event systems with modular or distributed structure,  Theoretical Computer Science,  388  (2007), pp.199-226.
  • Kopecká, Eva - Reich, S.,  Nonexpansive retracts in Banach spaces,  Banach Center Publications,  77  (2007), pp.161-174.
  • Kopecká, Eva,  Small set in a large box,  Mathematical Notes,  81  (2007), pp.308-317.
  • Krajíček, Jan,  Substitutions into propositional tautologies,  Information Processing Letters,  101  (2007), pp.163-167.
  • Cook, S. - Krajíček, Jan,  Consequences of the Provability of $NP /subseteq P/poly$,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  72  (2007), pp.1353-1371.
  • Krajíček, Jan - Skelley, A. - Thapen, N.,  NP search problems in low fragments of bounded arithmetic,  Journal of Symbolic Logic,  72  (2007), pp.649-672.
  • Hudzik, H. - Krbec, Miroslav,  On non-effective weights in Orlicz spaces,  Indagationes Mathematicae-New Series,  18  (2007), pp.215-231.
  • Krbec, Miroslav - Schmeisser, H.-J.,  Critical imbeddings with multivariate rearrangements,  Studia mathematica,  181  (2007), pp.255-284.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov S. - Křížek, Michal,  Simplicial Finite Elements in Higher Dimensions,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.251-265.
  • Křížek, Michal - Šolcová, A. - Somer, L.,  Construction of Šindel sequences,  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,  48  (2007), pp.373-388.
  • Somer, L. - Křížek, Michal,  On semiregular digraphs of the congruence x.sup.k = y (mod n),  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,  48  (2007), pp.41-58.
  • Somer, L. - Křížek, Michal,  On semiregular digraphs of the congruence xk = y (mod n),  Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,  48  (2007), pp.48-57.
  • Křížek, Michal - Luca, F. - Somer, L.,  Desde los números de Fermat hasta la geometría,  La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matematica Espaňola,  10  (2007), pp.463-475.
  • Brandts, J. - Korotov, S. - Křížek, Michal,  Dissection of the path-simplex in Rn into n path-subsimplices,  Linear Algebra and Its Applications,  421  (2007), pp.382-393.
  • Křížek, Michal - Šolc, J. - Šolcová, A.,  Pražský orloj a stereografická projekce,  Matematika - fyzika - informatika,  17  (2007), pp.129-139.
  • Karátson, J. - Korotov S. - Křížek, Michal,  On discrete maximum principles for nonlinear elliptic problems,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,  76  (2007), pp.99-108.
  • Drábek, P. - Kufner, Alois,  Hardy inequality and properties of the quasilinear Sturm-Liouville problem,  Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti. Matematica e Applicazioni. Rendiconti,  18  (2007), pp.125-138.
  • Kufner, Alois - Kuliev, K. - Oguntuase, J.A. - Persson, L. E.,  Generalized weighted inequality with negative powers,  Journal of Mathematical Inequalities,  1  (2007), pp.269-280.
  • Le, Hong-Van,  Universal spaces for manifolds equipped with an integral closed k-form,  Archivum mathematicum,  43  (2007), pp.443-457.
  • Lomtatidze, Alexander - Opluštil, Z. - Šremr, Jiří,  On a nonlocal boundary value problem for first order linear functional differential equations,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  41  (2007), pp.69-85.
  • Cabada, A. - Lomtatidze, Alexander - Tvrdý, Milan,  Periodic Problem Involving Quasilinear Differential Operator and Weak Singularity,  Advanced Nonlinear Studies,  7  (2007), pp.629-649.
  • Lomtatidze, Alexander - Vodstrčil, Petr,  On solvability of a three-point boundary value problem for second order nonlinear functional differential equations,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  40  (2007), pp.55-65.
  • Markl, Martin,  Cohomology Operations and the Deligne Cojecture.,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,  57  (2007), pp.473-503.
  • Markl, Martin,  Lie elements in pu-Lie algebras, trees and cohomology operators,  Journal of Lie Theory,  17  (2007), pp.241-261.
  • Maslowski, Bohdan - Pospíšil, J.,  Parameter estimates for linear partial differential equations with fractional boundary noise,  Communications in Information and Systems,  7  (2007), pp.1-20.
  • Medková, Dagmar,  The Neumann Problem for the Laplace Equation on General Domains,  Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,  57  (2007), pp.1107-1139.
  • Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,  On a periodic boundary value problem for fourth order linear functional differential equations,  Georgian Mathematical Journal,  14  (2007), pp.533-542.
  • Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan,  On a periodic boundary value problem for third order linear functional differential equations,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  66  (2007), pp.527-535.
  • Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan - Půža, Bedřich,  On a periodic boundary value problem for 3th order linear functional differential equations,  Functional Differential Equations,  14  (2007), pp.347-361.
  • Mukhigulashvili, Sulkhan - Půža, Bedřich,  On a periodic boundary value problem for cyclic freedback type linear functional differential systems,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  40  (2007), pp.67-75.
  • Arhippainen, J. - Müller, Vladimír,  Norms on unitizations of Banach algebras revisited,  Acta Mathematica Hungarica,  114  (2007), pp.201-204.
  • Bračič, J. - Müller, Vladimír,  Open set of eigenvalues and SVEP,  Banach Center Publications,  75  (2007), pp.67-69.
  • Müller, Vladimír,  On Smooth Local Resolvents,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory,  57  (2007), pp.229-234.
  • Kérchy, L. - Müller, Vladimír,  Compressions of Stable Contractions,  Integral Equations and Operator Theory,  58  (2007), pp.477-486.
  • Conejero, J.A. - Müller, Vladimír - Peris, A.,  Hypercyclic Behaviour of Operators in a Hypercyclic C0-Semigroup,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  244  (2007), pp.342-348.
  • Müller, Vladimír - Tomilov, Y.,  Quasisimilarity of power bounded operators and Blum-Hanson property,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  246  (2007), pp.385-399.
  • Du, H.-K. - Deng, Ch-Y. - Mbekhta, M. - Müller, Vladimír,  On spectral properties of linear combinations of idempotents,  Studia mathematica,  180  (2007), pp.211-217.
  • Neustupa, Jiří - Penel, P.,  On regularity of a weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equation with generalized impermeability boundary conditions,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  66  (2007), pp.1753-1769.
  • Ondreját, Martin,  Integral representations of cylindrical local martingales in every separable Banach space,  Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability and Related Topics,  10  (2007), pp.1-15.
  • Brzezniak, Z. - Ondreját, Martin,  Strong solutions to stochastic wave equations with values in Riemannian manifolds,  Journal of Functional Analysis,  253  (2007), pp.449-481.
  • Ondreját, Martin,  Unigueness for stochastic non-linear wave equations,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  67  (2007), pp.3287-3310.
  • Gurka, P. - Opic, Bohumír,  Sharp embeddings of Besov-type spaces,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,  208  (2007), pp.235-269.
  • Ortaggio, M. - Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena,  Ricci identities in higher dimensions,  Classical and Quantum Gravity,  24  (2007), pp.1657-1664.
  • Pavlica, David - Zajíček, L.,  On the directions of segments and r-dimensional balls on a convex surface,  Journal of Convex Analysis,  14  (2007), pp.149-167.
  • Grasselli, M. - Petzeltová, Hana - Schimperna, G.,  Asymptotic behavior of a nonisothermal viscous Cahn-Hillard equation with inertial term,  Journal of Differential Equations,  239  (2007), pp.38-60.
  • Grasselli, M. - Petzeltová, Hana - Schimperna, G.,  A nonlocal phase-field system with inertial term,  Quarterly of Applied Mathematics,  65  (2007), pp.451-469.
  • Pravda, Vojtěch - Pravdová, Alena - Ortaggio, M.,  Type D Einstein spacetimes in higher dimensions,  Classical and Quantum Gravity,  24  (2007), pp.4407-4428.
  • Gatskevich, E. - Přikryl, Petr - Ivlev, G.,  Modelling laser-induced phase transformations in semiconductors,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,  76  (2007), pp.65-72.
  • Rontó, Andrei - Samoilenko, A. M.,  Unique solvability of some two-point boundary value problems for linear functional differential equations with singularities,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  41  (2007), pp.115-136.
  • Rontó, Andrei - Šremr, Jiří,  Equivalent solutions of nonlinear equations in a topological vector space with a wedge,  Journal of Inequalities and Applications,  2007  (2007), pp.1-25.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Čtyři geometrické příběhy,  Kritické listy,  27  (2007), pp.24-27.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Lentilky,  Kritické listy,  26  (2007), pp.29-30.
  • Matucci S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Nonoscillatory solutions of a second-order nonlinear discrete system,  Applied Mathematics and Computation,  190  (2007), pp.833-845.
  • Řehák, Pavel - Taddei, V.,  Existence of positive decaying solutions for nonlinear singular second order equations,  Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,  15  (2007), pp.89-108.
  • Sklenička, Václav - Dvořák, Jiří - Král, Petr - Kvapilová, Marie - Svoboda, Milan - Saxl, Ivan - Horita, Z.,  Effect of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) on creep in aluminium alloys.,  Materials Science Forum.,  539-543  (2007), pp.2904-2909.
  • Sklenička, Václav - Kuchařová, Květa - Svoboda, Milan - Saxl, Ivan,  Effect of intermittent heating on creep behaviour of advanced 9-12%Cr power plant steels.,  Materials Science Forum.,  561-565  (2007), pp.81-84.
  • Betekhtin, V. I. - Kadomtsev, A. G. - Sklenička, Václav - Saxl, Ivan,  Nanoporosity of fine-crystalline aluminium and an aluminium-based alloy,  Physics of the Solid State,  49  (2007), pp.1874-1877.
  • Saxl, Ivan - Sklenička, Václav - Ilucová, Lucia - Svoboda, Milan - Král, Petr,  Structure development during ECAP and subsequent creep of aluminium,  Materials Science Forum,  539-543  (2007), pp.493-498.
  • Saxl, Ivan - Sklenička, Václav - Ilucová, Lucia - Svoboda, Milan - Král, Petr,  Subgrain boundaries in ECAP aluminium,  Materials Science Forum.,  561-565  (2007), pp.813-816.
  • Šolín, P. - Segeth, Karel,  Hierarchic higher-order hermite elements on hybrid triangular/quadrilateral meshes,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,  76  (2007), pp.198-204.
  • Chrobak, M. - Jawor, W. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš,  Improved online algorithms for buffer management in QoS switches,  ACM Transactions on Algorithms,  4  (2007), pp.1-19.
  • Sgall, Jiří - Woeginger, G.,  An Approximation Scheme for Cake Division with a Linear Number of Cuts,  Combinatorica,  27  (2007), pp.205-211.
  • Woeginger, G. J. - Sgall, Jiří,  On the complexity of cake cutting,  Discrete Optimization,  4  (2007), pp.213-220.
  • Chrobák, M. - Jawor, W. - Sgall, Jiří - Tichý, Tomáš,  Online scheduling of equal-length jobs: Randomization and restarts help,  Siam Journal on Computing,  36  (2007), pp.1709-1728.
  • Ye, Guoju - Schwabik, Štefan,  A negative answer to a problem of Fremlin and Mendoza,  Acta Mathematicum Scienta,  27  (2007), pp.813-820.
  • Penel, P. - Straškraba, Ivan,  Lyapunov analysis and stabilization to the rest state for solutions to the 1D-barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations,  Comptes Rendus Académie Sciences Paris,  345  (2007), pp.67-72.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Zeros of the polyconvex hull of powers of the distance and s-polyconvexity,  Journal of Convex Analysis,  14  (2007), pp.319-344.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav - Bertram, A. - Böhlke, T.,  On the rank 1 convexity of stored energy functions of physically linear stress-strain relations,  Journal of Elasticity,  86  (2007), pp.235-243.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  Ideally soft nematic elastomers,  Networks and Heterogeneous Media,  2  (2007), pp.279-311.
  • Šilhavý, Miroslav,  A note on equilibrated stress fields for no-tension bodies under gravity,  Quarterly of Applied Mathematic,  65  (2007), pp.605-624.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  On the initial value problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional differential equations with monotone operators,  Fasciculi Mathematici,  37  (2007), pp.87-108.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  Solvability conditions of the Cauchy problem for two-dimensional systems of linear functional differential equations with monotone operators,  Mathematica Bohemica,  132  (2007), pp.263-295.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  On the Cauchy type problem for two-dimensional functional differential systems,  Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,  40  (2007), pp.77-134.
  • Šremr, Jiří,  On the Cauchy type problem for systems of functional differential equations,  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,  67  (2007), pp.3240-3260.
  • Šolín, Pavel - Vejchodský, Tomáš,  On a Weak Discrete Maximum Principle for hp-FEM,  Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,  209  (2007), pp.54-65.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Šolín, P. - Zítka, M.,  Modular hp-FEM system HERMES and its application to Maxwell´s equations,  Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,  76  (2007), pp.223-228.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Šolín, Pavel,  Discrete Maximum Principle for Higher-Order Finite Elements in 1D,  Mathematics of Computation,  76  (2007), pp.1833-1846.
  • Vitásek, Emil,  Approximate solutions of abstract differential equations,  Applications of Mathematics,  52  (2007), pp.171-183.
  • Křivan, Vlastimil - Vrkoč, Ivo,  A Lyapunov function for piecewise-independent differential equations: stability of the ideal free distribution in two patch environments,  Journal of Mathematical Biology,  54  (2007), pp.465-488.
  • Kundrát, Vojtěch - Lokajíček, Miloš - Vrkoč, Ivo,  Limited validity of West and Yennie interference formula for elastic scattering of hadrons,  Physics Letters. B,  656  (2007), pp.182-185.
  • Moltó, A. - Orihuela, J. - Troyanski S. - Zizler, Václav,  Strictly convex renormings,  Journal of the London Mathematical Society,  75  (2007), pp.647-658.

Contributions to International Proceedings

  • Adamec, Ladislav,  On Transition Mapping of $n$-dimensional Systems with Constraints,  Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Brno : Masaryk University - (Došlý, O.; Řehák, P.),  - (2007), pp.3-8 .
  • Ding, J. - Ebenlendr, Tomáš - Sgall, Jiří - Zhang, G.,  Online scheduling of equal-length jobs on parallel machines,  Proceedings of the 15th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA). Berlin : Springer - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4698),  (2007), pp.427-438 .
  • Janko, Karel - Drozd, B. - Pannell, J. - Eisner, Jan - Flégr, J.,  Clonal turnover versus clonal decay: A null model for observed patterns of asexual longevity, diversity and distribution,  Apoximis. Wernigerode,  (2007), pp.1-1 .
  • Ali, S.-T. - Engliš, Miroslav,  Berezin-Toeplitz quantization over matrix domains,  Contributions in Mathematical Physics. A tribute to Gerard G. Emch. New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency, (Ali, S.; Sinha, K.),  (2007), pp.1-36 .
  • Feireisl, Eduard,  On singular limits for the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system,  Proceedings of the Kyoto Conference on the Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications. Kyoto : Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences University - (Giga, Y.; Kozono, H.; Okamoto, H.,  (2007), pp.107-127 .
  • Feireisl, Eduard - Nečasová, Šárka,  On the motion of several rigid bodies in a viscous multipolar fluid,  Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations. The Günter Lumer Volume. Basel : Birkhäuser - (Amann, H.; Arenot, W.; Hieber, M.; Neubrander, F.; Nicaise, S.; von Below, J.),  (2007), pp.291-305 .
  • Komenda, Jan - van Schuppen, J. H.,  Conditions structurelles dans le contrôle modulaire de systemes a événements concurrents,  Proceedings Modelisation des Systemes Reactifs (MSR). Lavoisier : Hermes, (Niel, E.; Muller, J.),  (2007), pp.53-70 .
  • Komenda, Jan - Al Saba, Michel - Boimond, J.-L.,  Supervisory Control of ( max,+ ) Automata: Timing Aspects,  Proceedings of European Control Conference ( ECC 2007 ). Kos : European Union Control Association,  (2007), pp.4417-4424 .
  • Komenda, Jan - Boimond, J.-L. - Lahaye, S.,  Supervisory Control of Heap Models Using Synchronous Composition,  Proceedings of International X. Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Angers : Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication,  (2007), pp.467-475 .
  • Chattopadhyay, A. - Koucký, Michal - Krebs, A. - Szegedy, M. - Tesson, P. - Thérien, D.,  Languages with Bounded Multiparty Communication Complexity,  Proceeding of the 24th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS). Berlin : Springer-Verlag, - (Thomas, W.; Weil, P.) - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4393),  (2007), pp.500-511 .
  • Buhrman, H. - Christandl, M. - Koucký, Michal - Lotker, Z. - Patt-Shamir, B. - Vereshchagin, N.K.,  High Entropy Random Selection Protocols,  Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, APPROX 2007, and 11th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation,,  (2007), pp.366-379 .
  • Buhrman, H. - Fortnow, L. - Koucký, Michal - Rogers, J.D. - Vereshchagin, N.K.,  Inverting Onto Functions and Polynomial Hierarchy,  Proceedings of International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2007. Berlin : Springer-Verlag - (Diekert, V.; Volkov, M.; Voronkov, A.),  (2007), pp.92-103 .
  • Koucký, Michal,  Circuit complexity of regular languages,  Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2007. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, (Cooper, S.; Loewe, B.; Sorbi, A.) . - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4497).,  (2007), pp.426-435 .
  • Křížek, Michal - Šolcová, A. - Somer, L.,  Ten Theorems on the Astronomical Clock of Prague,  International Conference Presentation of Mathematics ´07 ( ICPM ´07 ). Liberec : Technical University of Liberec - (Příhonská, J.; Segeth, K.; Andrejsová, D.),  (2007), pp.53-62 .
  • Křížek, Michal,  How to measure gravitational aberration?,  Proceedings of the IAU XXVIth General Assembly in Prague. Binary, stars as critical tools and tests in contemporary astrophysics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,,  (2007), pp.670-678 .
  • Le, Hong-Van,  Monotone Invariants and Embeddings of Statistical Manifolds,  Advances in deterministic and stochastic analysis. World Scientific : Springer - (Chung, N.; Ciarlet, P.; Lax, P.; Mumford, D.; Phong, D.),  (2007), pp.231-254 .
  • Kračmar S. - Nečasová, Šárka - Penel, P.,  Anisotropic L.SUP.2-estimates of weak solutions to the stationary Oseen-type equations in R.SUP.3 for a rotating body,  Proceedings of the Kyoto Conference on the Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications. Kyoto : Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences University - (Giga, Y.; Kozono, H.; Okamoto, H.,  (2007), pp.219-236 .
  • Farwig, R. - Nečasová, Šárka - Neustupa, Jiří,  On the essential spectrum of a Stokes-type operator arising from flow around a rotating body in the Lq framework,  Proceedings of the Kyoto Conference on the Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications. Kyoto : Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences University - (Giga, Y.; Kozono, H.; Okamoto, H.,  (2007), pp.93-106 .
  • Kučera, P. - Neustupa, Jiří - Penel, P.,  Navier-Stokes equations with the generalized impermeability boundary conditions and initial data in domains of powers of the Stokes operator,  Proceedings of the Kyoto Conference on the Navier-Stokes Equations and their Applications. Kyoto : Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences University - (Giga, Y.; Kozono, H.; Okamoto, H.,  (2007), pp.237-250 .
  • Marini, M. - Matucci S. - Řehák, Pavel,  Asymptotic boundary value problems for discrete dynamics,  Difference equations, special functions and orthogonal polynomials. London : World Scientific (Elaydi, S.; Cushing, J.; Lasser, R.; Papageorgiou, V.; Ruffing, A.; van Assche, W.),  (2007), pp.394-403 .
  • Erbe, L. - Peterson, A. - Řehák, Pavel,  Integral comparison theorems for second order linear dynamic equations,  Difference equations, special functions and orthogonal polynomials. London : Worls Scientific - (Elaydi, S.; Cushing, J.; Lasser, R.; Papageorgiou, V.; Ruffing, A.; van Assche, W.),  (2007), pp.497-506 .
  • Janáček, Jiří - Saxl, Ivan - Mao, X. W. - Eržen, I. - Kubínová, Lucie,  Analysis of 3D confocal images of capillaries,  ICS´12. Saint-Etienne : International society for stereology,  (2007), pp.12-15 .
  • Tichá, Marie - Hošpesová, A.,  Reflection - one of the ways of teacher professionalization,  Proceedings CIEAEM 59; Mathematical activity in classroom practice and as a research object in didactics: two complementary perspectives. For the Memory of Tamás Varga. Budapest : Varga Tamá,  (2007), pp.241-245 .
  • Cecchi, M. - Došlá, Z. - Marini, M. - Vrkoč, Ivo,  Nonoscillatory solutions for Emden-Fowler type difference equations,  Proceedings of the International Conference Difference Equations, Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials. London : World Scientific - (Elaydi, S.; Cushing, J.; Lasser, R.; Papageorgiou,  (2007), pp.159-167. .

Contributions to Regional Proceedings

  • Chleboun, Jan,  Sandia Workshop Structural Mechanics Challenge Problem,  SNA´07 Seminar on Numerical Analysis. Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems. Ostrava : Institute of Geonics AS CR - (Blaheta, R.; Starý, J.),   (2007), pp.50-53.
  • Bock, I. - Jarušek, Jiří,  On the dynamic contact problem for a von Kármán plate free on the boundary,  Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Functional Analysis and its Applications. Bratislava : Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky STU - (Bock, I.; Zajac, M.),   (2007), pp.3-8.
  • Křížek, Michal - Šolcová, A.,  Optimální řízení lineárních dynamických systémů s kvadratickým kritériem,  Sborník semináře Matematika na vysokých školách. Praha : ČVUT, 2007 - (Herrmann, L.),   (2007), pp.53-60.
  • Macháčková, Jana - Tichá, Marie,  Assessment of knowledge and conceptions through problem posing: The case of fractions,  SEMT ´ 07 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha. UK PedF (Novotná, J.; Moraová, H.),   (2007), pp.178-186.
  • Neuman, František,  Transformations of Differential Equations - Their Algebraic and Geometric Aspects,  Proceedings of XXV-th International Colloquium on the Management of Educational Process. Brno : University of Defence - (Neuman, F.),   (2007), pp.1-10.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Some aspects of communication in the teaching of mathematics - the semiotic viewpoint,  SEMT ´ 07 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha : UK PedF - (Novotná, J.; Moraová, H.),   (2007), pp.225-232.
  • Roubíček, Filip,  Different forms of modelling as a support of communication between the teacher and the pupil,  SEMT ´ 07 - International Symposium, Elementary Maths Teaching. Proceedings. Praha : UK PedF- (Novotná, J.; Moraová, H.),   (2007), pp.290-290.
  • Janáček, Jiří - Saxl, Ivan - Mao, X. W. - Kubínová, Lucie,  Analýza konfokálních snímků vláknitých struktur,  Trendy v biomedicínském inženýrství. Praha : České vysoké učení technické. Fakulta bimedicínského inženýrství (Szabó, Z.; Holčík, J.),   (2007), pp.224-227.
  • Segeth, Karel,  Comparison of some FEM approximations of boundary layers,  Proceedings of Conference International Conference Presentation of Mathematics ´07 Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, (Příhonská, J.; Segeth, K.; Andrejsová, D.),   (2007), pp.103-110.
  • Vejchodský, Tomáš - Šolín, Pavel,  Improving Conditioning of hp-FEM,  SNA´07 Seminar on Numerical Analysis. Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems. Ostrava : Institute of Geonics AS CR - (Blaheta, R.; Starý, J.),   (2007), pp.126-129.

Research Reports

  • Gogatishvili, Amiran - Kufner, Alois - Persson, L. E.,  An equivalence theorem with application to Hardy´s inequality,  Lulea University of Technology (Research Report, 8) (2007), 20 s..

Lecture Notes


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