Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Show surnames starting withDepartment
NameSurnamesort iconPositionDepartmentRoom26605-
AdamHaidukPh.D. studentZOI
MichalHaindlhead of the departmentRO4702350
MartinHatkaPh.D. studentRO4712365
VojtěchHavlíčekresearch associateRO4662200
AntonínHeřmánekdeputy head of the departmentZS2752470
TomášHobzapostdoc SI
RadekHofmanPh.D. studentAS3802442
RadekHolubresearch assistantRO2212262
JitkaHomolováresearch assistantAS3622347
PetrHonzíkPh.D. studentZS2762264
JanHoraPh.D. studentRO3672845
OndřejHoráčekPh.D. studentZOI242597
MichalHoudaPh.D. studentE2092411
MartinHromčíkpostdoc 374a2240
JiříHumpolíčekPh.D. studentRO217
MarieHuškováresearch fellowSI1232466
Institute of Information Theory and Automation