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Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies

Joint Laboratory of IEB AS CR, v.v.i. and CRI, v.v.i.

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Copyright ©2009 by P. Soudek


Vanìk T. - Preparation of taxol and its analogues, in Korea-Czech Joint Symposium, Chungju, South Korea, 4 November, 2000

Vanìk T. - Biotransformations involving plant tissue cultures. In: Congreso Perspectivas y Limitaciones de la Biotecnología en Países en Desarrollo. - San José, Costa Rica 2000

Vanìk T. - Basic requirements for radiophytoremediation and radiophytomonitoring. In: COST 837 Internatiomal meeting - Wastewater treatment and plants as a "green liver": The European approach, experience and trends�, Larnaca, Cyprus, 18 - 19 May, 2001

Vanìk T. - Alternative Production of Saponins from Panax ginseng, C.A. Meyer. In: 3rd World congress on Medicinal and Aromatic plants for human Welfare, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Febuary 2003.

Vanìk T. - Phytoremediation of radionuclides, and potential application in decontamination of uranium mill tailings. In: Intersol 2003, The European reference for remediation of polluted soils and groundwater, Analysis, Treatment Methodologies and remediation for Polluted Soils and Groundwater, Porte Maillot, France, 1 - 3 April, 2003

Langhansová L. - Vanìk T. - Cultivation of Ginseng Root Cultures in different Bioreactors and Production of both Biomass and Ginsenosides. In: 1st International Congress on Bioreactor Technology in Cell, Tissue Culture and Biomedical Applications, Tampere, Finland, 14 - 18 July, 2003

Vanìk T. - Phytoremediation of Metals and Radionuclides. In: The European Experience. International Meeting, IRD Centre, Noumea, New Caledonia, 15 - 20 July, 2003

Vanìk T. - Biotechnology Production of Biologically Active Natural Compounds: Example of Taxol and Ginsenosides. 9th Congress of chemistry of natural products, Karachi, Pakistan, 10 - 13 January, 2004

Soudek P. - Valenová Š. - Vanìk T. - Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia. In: Uranium mining and hydrogeology IV., Freiberg, Germany, 11 - 16 September, 2005

Vanìk T. - Radiophytoremediation and sustainable management of radionuclide polluted areas. In: Third U.S. EPA International Phytotechnologies Conference, Atlanta, 21 - 24 April, 2005

Vanìk T. - Soudek P. - Phytoremediation of radionuclides and it’s utilization for land management of radionuclide contaminated areas. In: EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April, 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, 2005, EGU05-A-10703

Vanìk T.- Phytoremediation of TNT in toxic wastes. In: NATO workshop ARW 981071 within NATO PROGRAMME SECURITY THROUGH SCIENCE, Krakow, June 27 - July 01, 2005

Vanìk T. - Phytoremediation of explosives. In: NATO ASI summer school, téma: Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, Zhitomir State Technological University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, 17 - 28 August, 2005

Vanìk T. - General factors influencing application of phytoremediation techniques, In: NATO ASI summer school, téma: Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, Zhitomir State Technological University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, 17 - 28 August, 2005

Soudek P. - Vanìk T. - From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides, In: NATO ASI summer school, téma: Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, Zhitomir State Technological University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, 17 - 28 August, 2005

Vanìk T. - Phytoremediation of explosives from laboratory to real application, International Symposium on Phytoremediation and Ecosystem Health, Hangzhou, China, 10 - 13 September, 2005

Soudek P. -  Vanìk T. - Remediation of radionuclide contaminated sites using phytotechnologies. In: International Workshop: Current developments in remediation of contaminated lands, Pulawy, Poland, 27 - 29 October, 2005

Vanìk T. - Langhansová L. - Maršík P. - Biotechnology methods for plant biomass production under controlled conditions. In: The Labiatae: Advances in Production, Biotechnology and Utilization, Sanremo, Italy, 22 - 25 February, 2006

Soudek P. - Podlipná R. - Vavøíková Z. - Vanìk T. - Phytoremediation of organic pollutants. In: APaCPA 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17 - 21 June, 2007

Vanìk T. - Petrová Š. - Benešová D. - Soudek P. - Accumulation study of 226Ra by different plant species. In: 9th ICOBTE, Peking, China, 15 -19 July, 2007