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Department of Synthesis and Catalysis

 Oddělení teoretické chemie    Oddělení fotochemie, spektroskopie a iontové chemie    Oddělení biofyzikální chemie    Oddělení struktury a dynamiky v katalýze    Oddělení syntézy a katalýzy    Oddělení elektrochemických materiálů    Oddělení elektrokatalýzy    Oddělení molekulární elektrochemie   

About the Department


Head of the Department

Deputy Head

RNDr. BALCAR Hynek, CSc.
Ing. BEJBLOVÁ Martina, Ph. D.
Prof. Ing. ČEJKA Jiří, DrSc.
Doc. RNDr. GYEPES Robert, Ph. D.
Mgr. HORÁČEK Michal, Ph. D.
Mgr. LAMAČ Martin, Ph. D.
RNDr. MACH Karel, CSc.
Ing. MAYEROVÁ Jana, Ph. D.
Ing. MUSILOVÁ Zuzana, Ph. D.
Mgr. PINKAS Jiří, Ph. D.
Ing. ZUKAL Arnošt, CSc.
Ing. ŽILKOVÁ Naděžda

Ing. BEK David
Ing. HAVLÍK Aleš
Mgr. HUNG Pham Viet
Ing. KUBŮ Martin
Mgr. SULISZ Katarzyna

Jana Pavlatová (undergraduate, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague);
Denisa Dvořáková, Josef Vlk, Václav Oborník ( students of Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague);
Martin Tožička, Adéla Mandová (secondary school students, MSŠCH Křemencova street Prague 1).

Research interests

Synthesis and characterization of zeolites and mesoporous molecular sieves and their application in adsorption and catalysis centered on petrochemical applications and synthesis of fine chemicals. The main task is to understand the general relationship among the structure of molecular sieve catalysts, structure and properties of catalytically active sites and conversion and selectivity in transformations of aromatic hydrocarbons, acylation reactions, oxidations with hydrogen peroxide, metathesis of olefins and unsaturated esters or ethers, and reactions leading to formations of new C-C bonds.
Synthesis and structural identification of organometallic compounds, metallocene and non-metallocene complexes of early transition metals, acting as selective "single site" catalysts and determination of their function in stereoselective polymerization and oligomerization of olefins and acetylenes. The influence of electronic and steric effects functional groups on structure and properties of organometallic complexes.

Topic: Molecular sieve chemistry and catalysis
presentation video (in Czech):download

Laboratories are oriented towards:
  • Synthesis of zeolites, zeotypes, mesoporous molecular sieves and hierarchic materials combining micro and meso porosity.

  • - synthesis of different structural types of zeolites and mesoporous materials
    - new approaches to the synthesis of organized mesoporous aluminas
    - applications of novel structure-directing agents for the zeolite synthesis
    - isomorphous substitution
    - application of microwave irradiation to the synthesis of molecular sieves
    - novel approaches to the synthesis of hierarchic materials

  • Adsorption of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and organic vapours on advanced molecular sieves.

  • - tailored synthesis of zeolites for adsorption of carbon dioxide
    - synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieves for adsorption of carbon dioxide and organic vapours
    - grafting of organic adsorption sites on the surface of mesoporous materials and delaminated zeolites

  • Catalytic application of zeolites, mesoporous molecular sieves and hierarchic materials
  • - alkylations, isomerization, disproportionations and transalkylations of alkyl and dialkyl aromatic hydrocarbons
    - acylatrions of aromatics and their derivatives for fine chemical products and intermediates
    - metathesis of 1-olefins and unsaturated esters and ethers
    - oxidation reactions with hydrogen peroxide (Baeyer-Villiger reaction, Meerwien-Ponndorf-Verley reduction)
    - C-C coupling reactions (Heck reaction, Suzuki reaction, Sonogashira reaction)

Topic: Organometallic Catalysis
presentation video (in Czech):download

Laboratories are oriented towards:
  • Organometallic chemistry of early transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf).

  • - Preparation and characterization of metallocene complexes with cyclopentadienyl ligands.
    - Preparation and characterization of non-metallocene complexes.
    - Chemistry of low-valent metallocene complexes.
    - Chemistry of multinuclear metallocene complexes.
    - Modification of cyclopentadienyl ligands by substitution of cyclopentadienyl ring.
    - Study of steric and electronic effects of metallocene complexes.
    - Chemistry of cyclooctatetraene derivatives.
    - Chemistry of CGC (constrain geometry complexes) complexes.

  • Catalysis of transformations of unsaturated hydrocarbons by transition metal complexes. Investigation of catalytic centers and reaction mechanisms.

  • - Linear dimerization of terminal alkynes.
    - Polymerization of olefins.
    - Oligomerization of alkynes.

  • Investigation of relations between the structure of early transition metal complexes and their catalytic and physicochemical properties.

  • A combination of vacuum and inert gas techniques for syntheses of new compounds.

  • ESR spectroscopy of transition metal complexes

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