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Standard Floras represent a basic source of botanical information and a documentation of biodiversity in a focal area. Treatment of Hieracium for "Květena ČR 7" (Flora of the Czech Republic, vol. 7) has been finished, together with a treatment for "Klíč ke květeně ČR" (Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic). Both treatments follow in general terms the Central European tradition of rather broad species. However, a narrower species concept has been accepted whenever justified according to recent taxonomic revisions.

Flora of the Czech Republic, vol. 7

Project leader: B. Slavík, J. Štěpánková
Hieracium by J. Chrtek
More information is available here.

Key to the Flora of the Czech Republic

Project leader: K. Kubát
Hieracium by J. Chrtek (Chrtek 2002)

Further activities in the field of taxonomy include taxonomic treatments of selected groups, particularly in Central European mountains (Chrtek 1997, Chrtek & Marhold 1998). Special attention is paid to the Hieracium alpinum, H. fritzei, H. nigrescens and H. villosum groups. Proposed concepts are supported by morphological as well as karyological and molecular (allozymes, DNA) data (Štorchová et al. 2002).

Studies of population structure in the subgen. Pilosella showed that even the same composition of basic species resulted in different structure of the agamic complex in different regions. Types of the same hybrid origin can behave as stabilized hybridogenous species in one region and as recent hybrids in another one. These facts have some implications for taxonomic treatments in the whole subgenus ( Krahulec & Krahulcová, 2006).

