Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Show surnames starting withDepartment
NameSurnamesort iconPositionDepartmentRoom26605-
StanislavSaicresearch fellowZOI1482211
ElenaSavushkinaPh.D. studentE
JanSchierresearch fellowZS2752470
KateřinaSchindlerováresearch fellowAS
MichaelŠebekresearch fellow374a2314
JiříSedlářPh.D. studentZOI462451
JanSeidlerhead of the departmentSI1142041
JanŠindelářresearch associateSI2042440
JanŠindelářPh.D. studentAS4802570
PetraŠindelářovádeputy head of the department3642392
KarelSladkýresearch fellowE2082366
MartinŠmíddeputy head of the departmentE2142844
VáclavŠmídlresearch associateAS3812420
PetrSomolresearch FellowRO4672205
MichalŠorelpostdoc ZOI482069
LubomírSoukupresearch associateZOI322551
OtakarŠprdlíkPh.D. student3712286
FilipŠroubekdeputy head of the departmentZOI472527
MilanStudenýresearch fellowMTR3792304
TomášSukresearch fellowZOI1472231
EvgeniaSuzdalevapostdoc AS4822280
Jan M.Swartresearch fellowSI1122584
JaroslavSýkoraPh.D. studentZS2712502
Institute of Information Theory and Automation