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Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Preprint series of the Institute

List of papers in our printed series is available below. For preprints of authors involved in Nečas Center for Mathematical Modeling follow this link. Our electronic preprints are below this text.

Electronic Preprints

The aim of this series that was established in November 2007 is to provide exposure to early versions of research papers by authors from our institute. Authors of these preprints are solely responsible for their contents. These preprints stay available on-line for up to two years and then they go off-line. Older preprints are provided upon request unless the author specifies otherwise. To submit a preprint send its .ps or .pdf version to preprint@math.cas.cz preferably as an attachment. All other related correspondence can be sent to the same address.


  1. Antonio J. Guirao, Petr Hájek, Vicente Montesinos: Ranges of operators and derivatives.
  2. Petr Hájek, Paola Vivi: Some problems on ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces.
  3. Petr Hájek, Paola Vivi: On \omega-limit sets of ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces.
  4. Petr Hájek, Michal Johanis: On Peano's Theorem in Banach spaces.
  5. Petr Hájek, Richard J. Smith: Operator machines on directed graphs.
  6. Petr Hájek: A note on Grothendieck Duality Theorem.
  7. Petr Hájek, Antonín Procházka: C^k-Smooth approximations of LUR norms.
  8. Dagmar Medková: BEM and the Neumann problem for the Poisson equation on Lipschitz domains.
  9. Catalin Badea, Sophie Grivaux, Vladimír Müller: A generalization of the Friedrichs angle and the method of alternating projections.
  10. Vladimír Müller: On the Salas Theorem and hypercyclicity of f(T).
  11. Martin Markl: An E_\infty-extension of the associahedra and the Tamarkin cell mystery.
  12. Tomáš Vejchodský: Complementarity based a posteriori error estimates and their properties.
  13. Jan Mandel, Bedřich Sousedík, Jakub Šístek: Adaptive BDDC in Three Dimensions.
  14. Pavel Burda, Marta Čertíková, Alexandr Damašek, Jaroslav Novotný, Jakub Šístek: Selection of Corners for the BDDC Method.
  15. Wieslaw Kubiś, Aníbal Moltó: Finitely fibered Rosenthal compacta and trees.
  16. Marcello Ortaggio, Vojtěch Pravda, Alena Pravdová: On asymptotically flat algebraically special spacetimes in higher dimensions.
  17. Marcello Ortaggio: Bel-Debever criteria for the classification of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions.
  18. Vita Pylypenko, András Rontó: On slowly growing solutions of linear functional differential systems.
  19. Miroslav Šilhavý: A proposal for the modification of the notion of quasiconvexity.
  20. Miroslav Šilhavý: Phase transitions with interfacial energy: interface null lagrangians, polyconvexity, and existence.
  21. Vita Pylypenko, András Rontó: On a singular Cauchy problem for functional differential equations with non-increasing non-linearities.
  22. Vladimír Müller: The joint essential numerical range, compact perturbations, and the Olsen problem.
  23. Amiran Gogatishvili, Rza Mustafayev: The multidimensional reverse Hardy inequalities.
  24. Emil Jeřábek: Bases of admissible rules of Lukasiewicz logic.
  25. Emil Jeřábek: Admissible rules of Lukasiewicz logic.
  26. Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová: Thermalization in a model of neutron star.
  27. Robert Bonnet, Latifa Faouzi, Wieslaw Kubiś: Free Boolean algebras over unions of two well orderings.
  28. Miroslav Šilhavý: Phase transitions with interfacial energy: convexity conditions and the existence of minimizers.
  29. Yael Frégier, Martin Markl, Donald Yau: The L_\infty-deformation complex of diagrams of algebras.
  30. Stanislav Kračmar, Miroslav Krbec, Šárka Nečasová, Patrick Penel, Katrin Schumacher: An L^q -approach with generalized anisotropic weights of the weak solution of the Oseen flow around a rotating body in the whole space.
  31. Emil Jeřábek: A sorting network in bounded arithmetic.
  32. Emil Jeřábek: On theories of bounded arithmetic for NC^1.


  1. Agnieszka Kalamajska, Miroslav Krbec: Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in regular Orlicz spaces involving nonlinear expressions.
  2. Miroslav Krbec, Hans-Jürgen Schmeisser: Dimension-free imbeddings of Sobolev spaces.
  3. Marcello Ortaggio, Vojtěch Pravda, Alena Pravdová: Higher dimensional Kerr-Schild spacetimes.
  4. Amiran Gogatishvili, Alois Kufner, Lars-Erik Persson: Some new scales of weight characterizations of the class B_p.
  5. José A. Conejero, Vladimír Müller: On the universality of a class of non convolution operators on H(C).
  6. Ondřej F.K. Kalenda, Wieslaw Kubiś: The structure of Valdivia compact lines.
  7. Vladimír Müller, Yuri Tomilov: Weakly wandering vectors and interpolation theorems for power bounded operators.
  8. Calin-Grigore Ambrozie, Bojan Kuzma, Vladimír Müller: On an upper bound in dimension of reflexivity closure.
  9. Calin-Grigore Ambrozie: Remarks on Bishop-type operators.
  10. Luisa Consiglieri, Šárka Nečasová, Jan Sokolowski: Incompressible Maxwell-Boussinesq approximation: Existence, uniqueness and shape sensitivity.
  11. Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová: On a fluid model of neutron star.
  12. Tomáš Ebenlendr, Jiří Sgall: Semi-online preemptive scheduling: One algorithm for all variants.
  13. Tomáš Ebenlendr, Jiří Sgall: A lower bound for scheduling of unit jobs with immediate decision on parallel machines.
  14. Jonathan M. Borwein, Antonio J. Guirao, Petr Hájek, Jon Vanderwerff: Uniformly convex functions on Banach spaces.
  15. Miroslav Bačák, Petr Hájek: Mazur intersection property for Asplund spaces.
  16. Petr Hájek, Vicente Montesinos: Boundedness of biorthogonal systems in Banach spaces.
  17. Petr Hájek, Gilles Lancien, Antonín Procházka: Weak* dentability index of spaces C([0, \alpha]).
  18. Petr Hájek, Michal Johanis: Smooth approximations.
  19. Amiran Gogatishvili, Pekka Koskela, Nageswari Shanmugalingam: Interpolation properties of Besov spaces defined on metric spaces.
  20. Tomáš Vejchodský, Sergey Korotov, Antti Hannukainen: Discrete maximum principle for parabolic problems solved by prismatic finite elements.
  21. Miroslav Šilhavý: Equilibrium of phases with interfacial energy: a variational approach.
  22. Alena Pravdová, Vojtěch Pravda: Newman-Penrose formalism in higher dimensions: vacuum spacetimes with a non-twisting multiple Weyl aligned null direction.
  23. Jiří Neustupa and Patrick Penel: Existence of a weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier's boundary condition around striking bodies.
  24. Jiří Neustupa and Patrick Penel: A Weak solvability of the Navier-Stokes equation with Navier's boundary condition around a ball striking the wall.
  25. Jiří Šremr: On the Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic functional-differential equations.
  26. Jiří Šremr: A note on absolutely continuous functions of two variables in the sense of Carathéodory.
  27. Kamila Kliś-Garlicka, Vladimír Müller: Non-operator reflexive subspace lattice.
  28. Josef Janyška, Martin Markl: Combinatorial differential geometry and ideal Bianchi-Ricci identities.
  29. Zdeněk Halas, Milan Tvrdý: Approximated Solutions of Generalized Linear Differential Equations.
  30. Bernd Kirchheim, Eva Kopecká, Stefan Müller: Do projections stay close together?.
  31. Catalin Badea, Sophie Grivauz, Vladimír Müller: Epsilon-hypercyclic operators.
  32. Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová: A boundary value problem for the spherically symmetric motion of a pressureless gas with a temperature-dependent viscosity.
  33. Amiran Gogatishvili, Rza Mustafayev: Dual spaces of local Morrey-type spaces.
  34. Viktor Burenkov, Amiran Gogatishvili, Vagif Guliyev, Rza Mustafayev: Boundedness of the fractional maximal operator in local Morrey-type spaces.
  35. Amiran Gogatishvili, Rza Mustafayev: Equivalence of norms of Riesz potential and fractional maximal function in Morrey-type spaces.
  36. Jan Brandts, Sergey Korotov, Michal Křížek: On the equivalence of ball conditions for simplicial finite elements in R^d.
  37. Emil Jeřábek: Abelian groups and quadratic residues in weak arithmetic.
  38. Yuliya V. Namlyeyeva, Šárka Nečasová, Igor I. Skrypnik: Homogenization of the Dirichlet problem for steady Navier-Stokes equations in domains with channels.
  39. Bernard Ducomet, Šárka Nečasová: Free boundary problem for the equations of spherically symmetric motion of compressible gas with density-dependent viscosity.
  40. Wieslaw Kubiś, Matatyahu Rubin: Extension and reconstruction theorems for the Urysohn universal metric space.
  41. Catalin Badea, Sophie Grivaux, Vladimír Müller: Multiples of hypercyclic operators.
  42. Dragan S. Djordjevic, Jerry J. Koliha, Ivan Straškraba: On EP elements in a C*-algebra.
  43. Eric Allender, Michal Koucký: Amplifying lower bounds by means of self-reducibility.
  44. Hong Van Le: Yang-Mills bar connections over compact Kaehler manifolds.
  45. Michael Batanin, Martin Markl: Crossed interval groups and operations on the Hochschild cohomology.
  46. Emil Jeřábek: Canonical rules.
  47. Martin Panák, Vojtěch Žádník: Remarks on special symplectic connections.
  48. Dagmar Medková: The integral equation method and the Neumann problem for the Poisson equation on NTA domains.
  49. Vladimír Müller, Jaroslav Nešetřil, Vojtěch Rodl: Some recollections on early work with Jan Pelant.
  50. Wieslaw Kubiś: Banach spaces with projectional skeletons.
  51. František Neuman: On efficiency of the criterion for the equivalence of linear differential equations.
  52. Leszek Aleksander Kolodziejczyk, Neil Thapen: The polynomial and linear time hierarchies in V^0.
  53. Alan Skelley, Neil Thapen: The Provably Total Search Problems of Bounded Arithmetic.
  54. Chen Avin, Michal Koucký, Zvi Lotker: How to Explore a Fast-Changing World.
  55. Stanislav Kračmar, Šárka Nečasová, Patrick Penel: L^q-approach of weak solutions to Stationary Rotating Oseen Equations in exterior domains.
  56. Paul Deuring, Jiří Neustupa: An Eigenvalue Criterion for Stability of a Steady Navier-Stokes Flow in R^3.
  57. Jiří Neustupa: Existence of a Weak Solution to the Navier-Stokes Equation in a General Time-Varying Domain by the Rothe Method.
  58. Eduard Feireisl, Lukáš Poul: On compactness of the velocity field in the incompressible limit of the full Navier-Stokes-Fourier system on large domains.
  59. Tyrone E. Duncan, Bohdan Maslowski, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan: Semilinear stochastic equations in a Hilbert space with a fractional Brownian motion.
  60. Eduard Feireisl, Šárka Nečasová: The effective boundary conditions for vector fields on domains with rough boundaries: Applications to fluid mechanics.
  61. Emil Jeřábek: Independent bases of admissible rules.
  62. Jan Eisner, Milan Kučera, Lutz Recke: Smooth dependence on data of solutions and contact regions for a Signorini problem.
  63. Noga Alon, Chen Avin, Michal Koucký, Gady Kozma, Zvi Lotker, Mark R. Tuttle: Many Random Walks Are Faster Than One.
  64. Martin Markl: Invariant tensors and graphs.
  65. Antti Hannukainen, Sergey Korotov, Tomáš Vejchodský: Discrete maximum principle for 3D-FE solutions of the diffusion-reaction problem on prismatic meshes.


  1. Eva Kopecká: Spokes, mirrors and alternating projections.
  2. Amiran Gogatishvili, Alois Kufner, Lars-Erik Persson: Some new scales of characterization of Hardy's inequality.
  3. Bohuslav Balcar, Tomáš Pazák: Quotients of Boolean algebras and regular subalgebras.
  4. Jamol I. Baltaev, Milan Kučera: Global bifurcation for quasivariational inequalities of reaction-diffusion type.
  5. Jan Eisner, Milan Kučera, Martin Vath: Global bifurcation for a reaction-diffusion system with inclusions.
  6. Jan Eisner, Milan Kučera, Lutz Recke: Bifurcation direction and exchange of stability for an elliptic unilateral BVP.
  7. Amiran Gogatishvili, Luboš Pick, Jan Schneider: Interpolation characterization of the rearrangement-invariant hull of a generalized Besov space.
  8. Marián Fabian, Julian Revalski: A variational principle in reflexive spaces with Kadec-Klee norm.
  9. Marián Fabian, Vicente Montesinos, Václav Zizler: On weak compactness in L_1 spaces.
  10. Marián Fabian, Vicente Montesinos, Václav Zizler: Sigma-locally uniformly rotund and sigma-weak Kadets dual norms.
  11. Marián Fabian: That l_p cannot sit in l_q shown via Stegall's variational principle.
  12. Marián Fabian, Vicente Montesinos, Václav Zizler: Sigma-finite dual dentability indices.
  13. Marián Fabian, A. González, Václav Zizler: Flat sets, l_p-generating and fixing c_0 in nonseparable setting.
  14. Tomáš Jech: WHAT IS Forcing?.
  15. Tomáš Jech: Algebraic characterizations of measure algebras.
  16. Bohuslav Balcar, Tomáš Jech: Contributions to the Theory of Weakly Distributive Complete Boolean Algebras.
  17. Qi Feng, Tomáš Jech, Jindřich Zapletal: On the structure of stationary sets.
  18. Viktor Burenkov, Amiran Gogatishvili, Vagif Guliyev, Rza Mustafayev: Sufficient conditions for boundedness of the Riesz potential in local Morrey-type spaces.
  19. Jonathan M. Borwein, Antonio J. Guirao, Petr Hájek, Jon Vanderwerff: Uniformly convex functions on Banach spaces.
  20. Petr Hájek, Michal Johanis: Polyhedrality in Orlicz spaces.
  21. Robert Deville, Petr Hájek: Smooth noncompact operators from C(K), K scattered.
  22. Petr Hájek, Michal Johanis: Uniformly Gateaux Smooth Approximations on c_0(\Gamma).
  23. Sulkhan Mukhigulashvili: On a nonlinear problem of periodical type of functional differential systems (in Russian).
  24. Sulkhan Mukhigulashvili: The Dirichlet BVP for the second order nonlinear ordinary differential equation at resonance.
  25. Sulkhan Mukhigulashvili, Iryna Grytsay: An optimal condition for the uniqueness of periodic solution for linear functional differential systems.
  26. František Neuman: A survey of algebraic methods in linear differential equations.
  27. M. Cho, Vladimír Müller: Spectral commutativity of multioperators.
  28. Vladimír Müller, Michael M. Neumann: Localizable spectrum and bounded local resolvent functions.
  29. Catalin Badea, Vladimír Müller: On weak orbits of operators.
  30. Thomas L. Miller, Vladimír Müller: The closed range property for Banach space operators.
  31. Janko Bračič, Vladimír Müller, Michal Zajac: Reflexivity and hyperreflexivity of the space of localy intertwining operators,.
  32. Calin-Grigore Ambrozie, Vladimír Müller: Dominant Taylor spectrum and invariant subspaces.
  33. Vladimír Müller, Jan Vršovský: Orbits of linear operators tending to infinity.
  34. Vladimír Müller, Jan Vršovský: On orbit-reflexive operators.
  35. Harry Buhrman, Lance Fortnow, Michal Koucký, John D. Rogers, Nikolay Vereshchagin: Inverting Onto Functions and Polynomial Hierarchy.
  36. Michal Koucký: Circuit complexity of regular languages.
  37. Arkadev Chattopadhyay, Andreas Krebs, Michal Koucký, Mario Szegedy, Pascal Tesson, Denis Thérien: Languages with Bounded Multiparty Communication Complexity.
  38. Anna Gál, Michal Koucký, Pierre McKenzie: Incremental branching programs.
  39. Miroslav Engliš: Toeplitz operators and localization operators.
  40. Eduard Feireisl, Hana Petzeltová: Non-standard applications of the Lojasiewicz-Simon theory: Stabilization to equilibria of solutions to phase-field models.
  41. Stig-Olof Londen, Hana Petzeltová: Convergence of solutions of a non-local phase-field system.
  42. Sergiu Aizicovici, Hana Petzeltová: Convergence to equilibria of solutions to a conserved phase-field system with memory.
  43. Miroslav Engliš: Berezin transforms on pluriharmonic Bergman spaces.
  44. Miroslav Engliš, Genkai Zhang: Ramadanov conjecture and line bundles over compact Hermitian symmetric spaces.
  45. Miroslav Engliš, Kunyu Guo, Genkai Zhang: Toeplitz and Hankel operators and Dixmier traces on the unit ball of C^n.
  46. Miroslav Engliš: Boundary behaviour of the Bergman invariant and related quantities.
  47. Jonathan Arazy, Miroslav Engliš: Holomorphic retractions and boundary Berezin transforms.
  48. Jonathan Arazy, Miroslav Engliš: Q_p-spaces on bounded symmetric domains.
  49. Miroslav Engliš: Toeplitz operators and weighted Bergman kernels.
  50. Dagmar Medková, Werner Varnhorn: Boundary value problems for the Stokes equations with jumps in open sets.
  51. Dagmar Medková: The successive approximation method for the Dirichlet problem in a planar domain.
  52. Pavel Řehák: Regular Variation on Time Scales and Dynamic Equations.
  53. Martin Markl, Alexander A. Voronov: PROPped up graph cohomology.
  54. Martin Markl, Sergei Merkulov, Sergey Shadrin: Wheeled PROPs, graph complexes and the master equation.
  55. Martin Markl: Intrinsic brackets and the L_\infty-deformation theory of bialgebras.
  56. Martin Markl: Natural differential operators and graph complexes.
  57. Chérif Amrouche, Šárka Nečasová, Jan Sokolowski: Shape sensitivity analysis of the Neumann problem of the Laplace equation in the Half-Space.
  58. David E. Edmunds, Henryk Hudzik, Miroslav Krbec: On weighted critical imbeddings of Sobolev spaces.
  59. Hong Van Le, Martin Panák, Jiří Vanžura: Manifolds admitting stable forms.
  60. Miroslav Šilhavý: Cauchy's stress theorem for stresses represented by measures.
  61. Jiří Vanžura: Special n-forms on a 2n-dimensional vector space.
  62. Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzík: Easton's theorem and large cardinals.
  63. Radek Honzík: A quick guide to independence results in set theory.
  64. Hong Van Le: Universal spaces for manifolds equipped with a closed integral k-form.
  65. Hong Van Le: The existence of closed 3-forms of G_2-type on 7-manifolds.
  66. Hong Van Le, Kaoru Ono: Parameterized Gromov-Witten invariants and topology of symplectomorphism groups.
  67. Hong Van Le: Weak equivalence classes of complex vector bundles.
  68. Igor Bock, Jiří Jarušek: Solvability of dynamic contact problems for elastic von Kármán plates.
  69. Martin Panák, Lorenz J. Schwachhoefer: Bochner-Kaehler metrics and connections of Ricci type.
  70. Martin Panák, Jiří Vanžura: Three-forms and almost complex structures on six-dimensional manifolds.
  71. Emil Jeřábek: Proof complexity of the cut-free calculus of structures.
  72. Emil Jeřábek: Approximate counting by hashing in bounded arithmetic.
  73. Emil Jeřábek: Substitution Frege and extended Frege proof systems in non-classical logics.
  74. Pavel Řehák: A Critical Oscillation Constant as a Variable of Time Scales for Half-Linear Dynamic Equations.
  75. Tomáš Vejchodský, Pavel Šolín: Static Condensation, Partial Orthogonalization of Basis Functions, and ILU Preconditioning in hp-FEM.
  76. Tomáš Vejchodský: Computational comparison of the discretization and iteration errors.
  77. Tomáš Vejchodský: Higher-order discrete maximum principle for 1D diffusion-reaction problems.
  78. Tomáš Vejchodský: On Efficient Solution of Linear Systems Arising in hp-FEM.
  79. Jan Komenda, Jan H. van Schuppen: Modular Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Coalgebra.
  80. Jan Komenda, Jan H. van Schuppen, Benoit Gaudin, Herve Marchand: Supervisory Control of Modular Systems with Global Specification Languages.
  81. Marek Chrobak, Wojciech Jawor, Jiří Sgall, Tomáš Tichý: Improved Online Algorithms for Buffer Management in QoS Switches.
  82. Antti Hannukainen, Sergey Korotov, Michal Křížek: Nodal O(h^4)-superconvergence of piecewise trilinear FE approximations.
  83. Stanislav Kračmar, Šárka Nečasová, Patrick Penel: Anisotropic L2 estimates of weak solutions to the stationary Oseen-type equations in 3D-exterior domain for a rotating body.
  84. Pavel Hrubeš: Theories very close to PA where Kreisel's Conjecture is false.
  85. Pavel Hrubeš: Lower bounds for modal logics.
  86. Pavel Hrubeš: A lower bound for intuitionistic logic.
  87. Štefan Schwabik: Variational measures and the Kurzweil-Henstock integral.
  88. Zdeněk Halas, Milan Tvrdý: Singular Periodic Impulse Problems.
  89. Jan Chleboun: An approach to the Sandia Workshop Static Frame Challenge Problem: a combination of elementary probabilistic, fuzzy set, and worst scenario tools.
  90. Jan Chleboun: The Worst Scenario Method: A Red Thread Running Through Various Approaches to Problems with Uncertain Input Data.
  91. Marcia Federson, Štefan Schwabik: Stability for retarded functional differential equations.
  92. Tomáš Ebenlendr, Jiří Sgall: Optimal and online preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines.
  93. Tomáš Ebenlendr, Wojciech Jawor, Jiří Sgall: Preemptive Online Scheduling: Optimal Algorithms for All Speeds.
  94. Tomáš Ebenlendr, Marek Krčál, Jiří Sgall: Graph Balancing: A Special Case of Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines.
  95. Jihuan Ding, Tomáš Ebenlendr, Jiří Sgall, Guochuan Zhang: Online scheduling of equal-length jobs on parallel machines.
  96. Pavel Hrubeš: On the hierarchies of universal predicates.
  97. Petr Honzík: On p dependent boundedness of singular integral operators.
  98. Henning Bruhn, Jakub Černý, Alexander Hall, Petr Kolman, Jiří Sgall: Single source multiroute flows and cuts on uniform capacity networks.
  99. Marek Chrobak, Mathilde Hurand, Jiří Sgall: Algorithms for testing fault-tolerance of sequenced jobs.
  100. Marco Annoni, Loukas Grafakos, Petr Honzík: An inequality concerning the Rademacher functions.

Printed Series

The preprint series was founded in 1982. Its purpose is to present manuscripts of submitted or unpublished papers and reports of researchers of the Institute. The authors are fully responsible for the content of the preprints. Please contact the authors of the preprints to obtain copies.

Latest preprints of the series


189 Amiran Gogatishvili, Julio S. Neves, Bohumir Opic: Compact embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Hoelder spaces involving k-modulus of smoothness
188 Antonio M. Caetano, Amiran Gogatishvili, Bohumir Opic: Compact embeddings of Besov spaces involving only slowly varying smoothness
187 Bohumir Opic: The averaging integral operator between weighted Lebesgue spaces and reverse Hoelder inequalities
186 Bohumir Opic, Jiri Rakosnik: Weighted estimates for the averaging integral operator
185 I. Bock, J. Jarusek: Dynamic contact problem for a bridge modeled by a viscoelastic full von Karman system
184 Ch. Eck, J. Jarusek, M. Sofonea: A Dynamic Elastic-visco-plastic Unilateral Conract Problem with Normal Damped Response and Coulomb Friction
183 Jiri Outrata, Jiri Jarusek, Jana Stara: On optimality conditions in control of elliptic variational inequalities


182 Amiran Gogatishvili, Julio S. Neves, Bohumir Opic: Optimal embeddings of Bessel-potential-type spaces into generalized Holder spaces involving k-modulus of smoothness
181 Ivan Straskraba, Emil Vitasek: The flow of a liquid with cavitation
180 Bernard Ducomet, Sarka Necasova: A boundary value problem for the spherically symmetric motion of a pressureless gas with a temperature-dependent viscosity
179 Bernard Ducomet, Sarka Necasova: Free boundary problem for the equations of spherically symmetric motion of compressible gas with density-dependent viscosity
178 Amiran Gogatishvili, Julio S. Neves, Bohumir Opic: Sharp Estimates of the k-Modulus of Smoothness of Bessel Potentials
177 Antonio M. Caetano, Amiran Gogatishvili, Bohumir Opic: Sharp embeddings of Bessov spaces involving only slowly varying smoothness
176 Ch. Eck, J. Jarusek: Solvability of static contact problems with Coulomb friction for othotropic material


175 I. Bock, J. Jarusek: Solvability of dynamic contact problems for elastic von Kármán plates
174 S. Kracmar, S. Necasova, P. Penel: Anisotropic L^2-Estimates of Weak Solutions to the Stationary Oseen-Type Equations in 3D-exterior domain for a rotating body
173 Beniamin Goldys and Bohdan Maslowski: The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck bridge and applications to Markov semigroups
172 Bohdan Maslowski and Jan Pospisil: Ergodicity and parameter estimates for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
171 Zdenek Halas and Milan Tvrdy: Singular Periodic Impulse Problems
170 Martin Doubek, Martin Markl, Petr Zima: Deformation Theory (Lecture Notes)
169 Bohumir Opic: Embeddings of Bessel-Potential-Type Spaces
168 Antonio M. Caetano, Amiran Gogatishvili, Bohumir Opic: Sharp embeddings of Besov spaces involving only logarithmic smoothness


167 Alberto Cabada, Alexander Lomtatidze and Milan Tvrdy: Periodic Problem with Quasilinear Differential Operator and Weak Singularity
166 Eduard Feireisl and Sarka Necasova: On the motion of several rigid bodies in a viscous multipolar fluid
165 S. Kracmar, S. Necasova, P. Penel: Anisotropic L^2-Estimates of Weak Solutions to the Stationary Oseen-Type Equations in R^3 for a Rotating Body
164 Patrick Penel and Ivan Straskraba: Construction of a Lyapunov functional for 1D-viscous compressible barotropic fluid equations admitting vacuums
163 Martin Markl: Operads and Props


162 Jiri Sremr: On the initial value problem for two-dimensional systems oflinear functional differential equations with monotone operators
161 Jiri Sremr: On the Characteristic Initial Value Problem for Linear Partial Functional-Differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type
160 A. Lomtatidze, A. Mukhigulashvili, J. Sremr: Nonnegative Solutions of the Characteristic Initial Value Problem for Linear Partial Functional-Differential Equations of Hyperbolic Type
159 Andrei Ronto: Upper Bounds for the Eigenvalues of Compact Linear Operators in a Pre-ordered Banach Space
158 Martin Markl: Cohomology Operators and the Deligne Conjecture


157 Milan Kucera, Jan Eisner, Lutz Recke: A global bifurcation result for variational inequalities
156 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy:  Second Order Periodic with $\phi$-Laplacian and Impulses - Part II
155 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy:  Second Order Periodic with $\phi$-Laplacian and Impulses - Part I


154 Jan Eisner, Milan Kucera, Lutz Recke: Direction and Stability of Bifurcation Branches for Variational Inequalities
153 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy: Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations with Impulses - Part III
152 Dagmar Medkova, Pavel Krutitskii: Neumann and Robin problems in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks


151 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy: Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations with Impulses - Part II
150 Miroslav Silhavy: An O(n) invariant quasiconvex function that is not polyconvex
Sarka Necasova: Asymptotic properties of the steady fall of a body in viscous fluids
148 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy: Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Second Order Differential Equations with Impulses - Part I
147 Pavel Krutitskij, Dagmar Medkova: The harmonic Dirichlet problem for cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks
146 Dagmar Medkova: Boundedness of the solution of the third problem for the Laplace equation
145 George V. Jaiani, Alois Kufner: Oscillation of cusped Euler Bernoulli beams and Kirchhoff-love plates
144 Emil Vitasek: Obycejne diferencialni rovnice (Elementarni metody priblizneho reseni okrajovych uloh)


143 Sarka Necasova: Some remarks on the steady fall of body in Stokes and Oseen flow
142 Miroslav Silhavy: Relaxation in a class of SO(n)-invariant energies related to nematic elastomers
141 I. Rachunkova, M. Tvrdy, I. Vrkoc: Resonance and multliplicity in periodic boundary value problems with singularity
140 Vladimir Muller: On the Taylor functional calculus
139 Miroslav Silhavy: On the hysteresis in martensitic transformations
138 J. Eisner, M. Kucera, L. Recke: Smooth continuation and bifurcation for variational inequalities based on implicit function theorem


137 Ivan Straskraba, Alexander Zlotnik: On a decay rate for 1D-viscous compressible barotropic fluid equations: The case of positive stationary density
136 Dagmar Medkova: Continuous extendibility of solutions of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation
135 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy:  On the Construction of Nonconstant Lower and Upper Functions to Second Order Nonlinear Periodic Boundary Value Problems


134 Irena Rachunkova, Milan Tvrdy, Ivo Vrkoc:  Existence of nonnegative and nonpositive solutions for second order periodic boundary value problem
133 Vladimir Lovicar:  On the uniqueness of mild and weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations of incompressible fluids
132 Bohdan Maslowski, Jan Seidler:  Probabilistic approach to the strong Feller property
131 Milan Kucera, Jan Eisner:  Bifurcation of solutions to reaction-diffusion systems with jumping nonlinearities


130 Miroslav Krbec, Hans-Juergen Schmeisser:  Imbeddings of Brézis-Wainger type. The case of missing derivatives
129 Alberto Fiorenza, Miroslav Krbec:  On decompositions in L(log L)\alpha
128 Dagmar Medkova:  Solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation
127 Miroslav Krbec, Thomas Schott:  Superposition of imbeddings and Fefferman’s inequality
126 Miroslav Silhavy:  On isotropic rank 1 convex functions


125 Amiran Gogatishvili, Jan Lang:  The generalized Hardy operator with kernel and variable integral limits in Banach function spaces
124 W. D. Evans, D. J. Harris, J. Lang:  Two-sided estimates for the approximation numbers of Hardy-type operators in L\infty and L1
123 Josef Kral, Dagmar Medkova:  Essential norms of a potential theoretic boundary integral operator in L1
122 Alberto Fiorenza, Miroslav Krbec:  On the domain and range of the maximal operator
121 Miroslav Silhavy:  Convexity conditions for rotationally invariant functions in two dimnsions
120 Dagmar Medkova:  Solution of the Robin problem for the Laplace equation
119 G. P. Galdi, S. Matusu-Necasova:  Existence and uniqueness of classical solutions of the equations of motion for third-grade fluids and instability of the rest state

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