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Matematický ústav Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i.

Awards of researchers of the Institute

The following researchers of the Institute were honored recently:

  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was awarded the national prize of the Czech government Česká hlava (in 2006).
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was awarded Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (in 2006).
  • Miroslav Fiedler was awarded Honorary Medal Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (in 2006).
  • Jan Kolar was awarded Otto Wichterle award for young researches (in 2006).
  • Alois Kufner was awarded the Prize of the Minister of Education, Youth, and Physical Training for his monograph Weighted Inequalities of Hardy Type (in 2005).
  • Robert Hakl and Pavel Rehak were awarded Otto Wichterle award for young researchers (in 2005).
  • Ivan Hlavacek was awarded the Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic for scientific researchers (in 2005).
  • Alena Pravdova was awarded Otto Wichterle award for young researchers (in 2004).
  • Eduard Feireisl was awarded the Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (in 2004).
  • Marian Fabian and Petr Hajek were awarded the Prize of the President of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (in 2004).
  • Ivan Straskraba was awarded the Prize of the Minister of Education, Youth, and Physical Training for his monograph Mathematical and Computational Methods for Compressible Flow (in 2004).
  • Miroslav Fiedler was awarded the Golden Medal of  the Faculty of Science of the P.J.Safarik University in Kosice (in 2003).
  • Jaromir Simsa and Radan Kucera were awarded the Prize of the Rector of the Masaryk University in Brno (in 2003).
  • Eva Matouskova and Sarka Necasova were awarded Otto Wichterle award for young researchers (in 2003).
  • M. Fabian, P. Hajek, J. Pelant, V. Zizler, and P. Habal were awarded Medal of the 1st Degree of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Physical Training for Research (in 2003).
  • Filip Roubicek was awarded the Bolzano Prize of the Charles University (in 2003).
  • Jiri Vondracek was awarded the Diploma of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences (in 2003).
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was granted the Doctor Honoris Causa Degree by the  University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (in 2003).
  • Miroslav Englis, Petr Hajek, and Jiri Sgall were awarded Otto Wichterle award for young researchers (in 2002).
  • Antonin Sochor was awarded the Josef Hlavka Prize for Best Publication in the Field of Scientific Literature by the Josef, Marie, and Zdenka Hlavka Foundation (in 2002).
  • Petr Hajek was awarded the Junior Prize of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (in 2002).
  • Eva Matouskova and Pavel Rehak were awarded the Prize of the Mathematics Research Section of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists (in 2002).
  • Martin Markl was awarded the Medal of the 1st Degree of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Physical Training for Research (in 2002).
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was granted the Honorary Doctor Degree by the  Silesian University in Opava (in 2001).
  • Pavel Pudlak was awarded the Bernard Bolzano Honorary Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (in 2001).
  • Michal Krizek was enlisted in the Hall of Fame for Engineering, Science, and Technology of the International Technology Institute (Central European Level, in 2001).
  • Pavel Krejci was awarded the Prize of the Minister of Education, Youth, and Physical Training for his monograph Hysteresis, Convexity and Dissipation in Hyperbolic Equation (in 2001).
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was granted the Honorary Doctor Degree by the Masaryk University in Brno (in 2001).
  • Jaroslav Kurzweil was awarded the Josef Hlavka Medal by the Josef, Marie, and Zdenka Hlavka Foundation (in 2001).

The Institute awards best papers of researchers of the Institute published in the journals edited in the Institute. Recently honored papers are:

  • Martin Ondrejat: Brownian representations of cylindrical local martingales, martingale problem and strong Markov property of weak solutions of SPDEs in Banach spaces. Czechoslovak Math. J. 55 (130) (2005), 1003—1039.
  • Roman Fric: Extension of measures: a categorical approach. Math. Bohem. 130 (2005), 397—407.
  • Larisa Beilina, Sergei Korotov, Michal Krizek: Nonobtuse tetrahedral partitions tyhat refine locally towards Fichera-like corners. Appl. Math. 50 (2005), 569—581.
  • M. Silhavy: On semiconvexity properties of rotationally invariant functions in dimensions. Czechoslovak Math. J. 54 (129) (2004) 559—571.
  • J. Kurzweil, S. Schwabik: McShane equi-integrability and Vitali´s convergence theorem. Math. Bohem. 129 (2004), 141—157.
  • P. Solin, K. Segeth: Non-uniqueness of almost unidirectional inviscid compressible flow. Appl. Math.  (49) (2004), 247—268.
  • D. Medkova: Continuous extendibility of solutions of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation. Czechoslovak Math. J. 53 (2003), 377-395, and
    Continuous extendibility of solutions of the third problem for the Laplace equation. Czechoslovak Math. J. 53 (2003), 669-688.
  • P. Krejci: The Kurzweil integral with exclusion of negligible sets.  Math. Bohem. 128 (2003), No. 3, 277-292.
  • J. Chleboun: On fuzzy input data and the worst scenario method. Appl. Math. 6 (2003), 187-496.
  • R. Hakl, A. Lomtatidze, E. Bravyi: On Cauchy problem for first order nonlinear functional differential equations of non-Voltera's type. Czechoslovak Math. J. 52 (127) (2002), 673-690.
  • P. Krejci, J. Kurzweil: A nonexistence result for the Kurzweil integral. Math. Bohem. 127 (2002), 571-580.
  • E. Feireisl: On the motion of rigid bodies in a viscous fluid. Appl. Math. 46 (2002), 463-484.
  • B. Goldys, B. Maslowski: Uniform exponential ergodicity of stochastic dissipative systems. Czechoslovak Math. J. 51 (126) (2001), 745-762.
  • J. Kral, D. Medkova: Essential norms of the Neumann operator of the arithmetical mean. Math. Bohem. 126 (2001), 669-690.
  • I. Hlavacek, M. Krizek: On exact results in the finite element method. Appl. Math. 46 (2001), 467-478.
  • O. Dosly: Methods of oscillation theory of half-linear second order differential equations. Czechoslovak Math.J. 50(2000), 657-671.
  • J. Eisner: Reaction-diffusion systems: Destabilizing effect of conditions given by inclusions. Math. Bohem. 125(2000), 385- 420.
  • P. Krejci: Resonance in Preisach systems. Appl.Math. 6(2000), 439-468.

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