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19 Jun 09 - 5 Apr 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu

Lucie Kubinova, RNDr, PhD
Jiri Janacek, RNDr,PhD
Zuzana Burdikova, MSc
Martin Capek, Ing, PhD
Alexandr Cernavsky, MSc
Petr Karen, MD, PhD
Jan Michalek, Ing, PhD
Radek Pelc, RNDr, DPhil
Barbora Radochova, RNDr, PhD
Technical Assistants:
Alena Dedicova
Stanislava Kucerova, Ing
Lukas Pellar, RNDr
Frantisek Rech, Ing, PhD
Jan Klepetar, RNDr
Jiri Vilim
Jaroslav Vorlicek
PhD students:
Zuzana Lhotakova, MSc
Aleš Vyhnal, MSc



A: Surface reconstruction of capillary network in rat brain cortex.
In cooperation with Dr. J. Archambeau and Dr. X.W. Mao, Loma Linda University, CA, USA.
B: Superficial layer of mouse experimental melanoma capsule visualized by 2PE autofluorescence and SHG imaging. Melanoma cells are detected by 2PE autofluorescence in red channel, collagen fibers are visualized by SHG imaging in cyan channel.
In cooperation with Prof. L. Vannucci, Institute of Microbiology, AS CR
