
Molecular farming

Plants as a Production Platform for High Value Proteins


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Short Time Scientific Missions


To be sent to chairman of STSM committee Dr. Tomas Vanek, Ph.D.

  1. Proposal
  1. Connection with COST Action programme (max 1/2 page)
  2. Objectives of the mission (max 1/2 page)
  3. Detailed work plan (2-4 pages)
  4. Time schedule (no limit)
  5. Dissemination ((max 1/2 page)
  1. Applicants CV
  2. COST STSM Application form (Cost Vademecum p. 33)
  3. Agreement of Host Institution

TO BE SENT TO COST OFFICE ONLINE (according to Cost Vademecum p. 30)

Online registration by the applicant see http://www.cost.esf.org/stsm. The Applicant must use the online registration tool (to register their request for an STSM.

The following information has to be encoded with the registration:

  •  Applicant's title, name, work place, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address;
  • name, postal address, telephone, fax and email of the prospective host at the receiving institute;
  • the planned dates and length of stay;
  • the title of the planned STSM;
  • a short description of the proposed work plan (about 250 words);
  • a short curriculum vitae;
  • a budget request with breakdown for the costs of the STSM;
  • bank details.

Evaluation process (STSM committee) will take approx 4 weeks, if application is formally OK. After that formal approval will be sent to COST office. COST Vadamecum is available at: http://www.cost.esf.org/participate/guidelines

Remember limits:
Duration: minimum one week (5 working days), maximum 3 months.
Budget: The total of a STSM shall normally not exceed EUR 2 500
Only Institutes resident in the countries involved in the COST Action can apply.