
Molecular farming

Plants as a Production Platform for High Value Proteins


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Target molecules assessment of (clinical) need and production feasibility (WG3)

The production of complex valuable recombinant proteins such as biopharmaceuticals, including vaccines, in plants can potentially address many of the challenges posed by existing methods of production. The combination of low capital investment, low cost of goods, coupled with highly scalable manufacturing capability is particularly important for many products and will enable the development of new applications (such as passive immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies) that are currently not achievable with conventional fermenter based production technologies.

The following principal advantages which plants can offer need to be evaluated case by case when choosing the best production system:

  1. Scalability. No other production system offers the potential scalability of plants. Whilst some high-value products could be produced in sufficient amounts in plant cell culture in the future, contained technologies in greenhouses or growth at agricultural levels will allow product manufacture on a massive scale. This in turn will enable the design of new products and approaches in many areas, and in the medical arena, will offer the prospect of providing medicines and vaccines at a scale that could finally match the global health need.

  2. Costs. Plants are cost-effective and easy to grow. The cost of raw goods will certainly be low. However, as this typically represents only a small percentage of the total cost of a product, this is not necessarily where the major financial savings are to be found. The major cost attraction of plants is that the initial investment into a production line is significantly lower compared with conventional fermenter facilities. Many observers have also noted that for a plant-derived pharmaceutical the requirement for a major capital investment can be delayed until much later in the product development line.

  3. Adaptability. Plant cells are higher eukaryotes, and therefore possess, like mammalian cells, an endomembrane system that allows them to produce extremely complex proteins such as monoclonal antibodies that are currently not feasible in, for example, microbial systems. Indeed, all the generally recognized forms of antibody and related engineered molecules have been successfully expressed in plants. In addition, there are examples of proteins that, at present, can only be produced in plants (for example secretory IgA antibodies, and recombinant immune complexes). Thus plants appear to be highly amenable to the production of a wide range of proteins.

  4. Speed. The latest advances in plant biotechnology now allow large scale amounts of high quality recombinant proteins to be produced extremely rapidly. This has allowed at least three plant-based commercial ventures to develop technologies, which will allow them to compete, for example, with existing systems for the production of influenza vaccine, or for the requirement for rapid scalability of products to respond to bio-terrorist threats.

Of course, not all pharmaceuticals will be appropriate, or will need to be made in plant systems. Currently, those application areas that are thought likely to benefit most are:

  1. Medicines that are required in very large quantities e.g. monoclonal antibodies, some sub-unit vaccines, HIV protein microbicides.

  2. Medicines that can only be made in plants e.g. secretory IgA antibodies - at present this major class of antibody that is important for mucosal prevention of disease cannot be made efficiently by any other means.

  3. Medicines that are specifically designed for production in plants e.g. recombinant immune complexes - with a growing understanding of the mechanisms of protein production in plants, has come the ability to engineer molecules with enhanced immunological properties.

However, it has always been the cases that as new technologies are developed; potential applications also develop to capitalize on the innovative aspects of the new technologies. This will undoubtedly also be the case for plant biotechnology and MF, and it will be extremely important to monitor potential targets for MF, with the latest plant biotechnological developments in mind.