ÚFP - Ústav fyziky plazmatu


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

112654 - UFP-V 20040096 RIV DE eng J
Adámek, J. - Ďuran, I. - Hron, M. - Pánek, R. - Stöckel, J. - Bařina, O. - Hrach, R. - Vicher, M. - Balan, P. - Schrittwiesser, R. - Ionita, C. - De Beule, P. - Van Den Berge, G. - Van Rompuy, T. - Van Oost, G. - Gunn, J. P. - Martines, E.
Measurements of the Parallel and Perpendicular Ion Temperatures by Means of an Ion-sensitive Segmented Tunnel Probe.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 44 [7-8] 683-688 (2004).
[International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas /5./. Greifswald (DE), 03.07.21-03.07.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.297(91) 0.416(92) 0.273(93) 0.530(94) 0.662(95) 0.846(96) 1.008(97) 0.790(98) 1.008(99) 0.785(00) 0.846(01) 0,804(02) 0.863(03) ]

112653 - UFP-V 20040095 GB eng C
Adámek, J. - Martines, E. - Cavazzana, R. - Spolaore, M. - Zuin, M. - Serianni, G. - Antoni, V.
Synchronization of drift waves a DC magnetron sputtering device.
In: Proceedings of the 31th EPS on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - London, EPS 2004. - S. -.
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110623 - UFP-V 20040055 RIV CZ eng J
Adámek, J. - Stöckel, J. - Hron, M. - Ryszawy, J. - Tichý, M. - Schrittwieser, R. - Ionita, C. - Balan, P. - Martines, E. - Van Oost, G.
A novel approach to direct measurement of the plasma potential.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [supll.C] C95-C99 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105; INTASprojekt(XX) No.2001-2056
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112652 - UFP-V 20040094 GB eng C
Adámek, J. - Stöckel, J. - Hron, M. - Ryszawy, J. - Tichý, M. - Schrittwieser, R. - Ionita, C. - Balan, P. - Martines, E. - Van Oost, G.
Direct plasma potential measurements by a novel probe.
In: Proceedings of the 31th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - London, - 2004. - S. -.
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110597 - UFP-V 20040029 RU rus A
Aržannikov, A. - Burdakov, A. V. - Weinzettl, V. - Ivanov, I. A. - Kojdan, V. S. - Piffl, V. - Polosatkin, S. V. - Postupaev, V. V. - Rovenskich, A. F. - Sinickij, S. L.
Issledovanije vzaimodejstvija gorjačej plazmy s poverchnostju s pomošču spektroskopii v vuch i vidimom diapazonach.
In: Tezisy dokladov, XXXI Zvenigorodskoj konferencii po fizike plazmy i UTS. - Moskva, Rossijskaja akademija nauk 2004. - S. 203.
[Zvenigorodskaja konferencija po fizike i UTS/31./. Zvenigorod (RU), 03.02.16-03.02.20 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112670 - UFP-V 20040112 CZ eng J
Batani, D. - Barbanotti, S. - Canova, F. - Dezulian, R. - Stabile, H. - Ravasio, A. - Lucchini, G. - Ullschmied, J. - Krouský, E. - Skála, J. - Juha, L. - Kraliková, B. - Pfeifer, M. - Kadlec, C. - Mocek, T. - Präg, A. - Nishimura, H. - Ochi, Y.
Laser driven shock experiments at PALS.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C431-C443 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: HPRI-CT(XX) 1999-00053; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112669 - UFP-V 20040111 RIV US eng J
Batani, D. - Strati, F. - Stabile, H. - Tomasini, M. - Lucchini, G. - Ravasio, A. - Koenig, M. - Benuzzi-Mounaix, A. - Nishimura, H. - Ochi, Y. - Ullschmied, J. - Skála, J. - Kraliková, B. - Pfeifer, M. - Kadlec, C. - Mocek, T. - Präg, A. - Hall, T. - Milani, P. - Barborini, E. - Piseri, P.
Hugoniot data for carbon at megabar pressures.
Physical Review Letters, 92 [6] 065503-065506 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; HPRI-CT(XX) 1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:7.290(91) 7.375(92) 7.111(93) 6.626(94) 6.297(95) 6.477(96) 6.140(97) 6.017(98) 6.095(99) 6.462(00) 6.668(01) 7,323(02) 7.035(03) ]

110151 - FZU-D 20040447 RIV PL eng J
Borodziuk, S. - Doskach, I. Y. - Gus'kov, S. - Jungwirth, K. - Kálal, M. - Kasperczuk, A. - Králiková, B. - Krouský, E. - Limpouch, J. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Pisarczyk, P. - Pisarczyk, T. - Rohlena, K. - Rozanov, V. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of crater formation in an aluminium target in a PALS experiment.
Nukelonika, 49 [1] 7-14 (2004).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
[Impact factor: 0.360(01) 0,500(02) 0.231(03) ]

112666 - UFP-V 20040108 PL eng J
Borodziuk, S. - Doskach, I. Y. - Gus'kov, S. - Jungwirth, K. - Kalal, M. - Kasperczuk, A. - Kraliková, B. - Krouský, E. - Limpouch, J. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Pisarczyk, P. - Pisarczyk, T. - Rohlena, K. - Rozanov, V. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of crates information in an aluminium target in a PALS experiment.
Nukleonika, 49 [1] 7-14 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; HPRI-CT(XX) 1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.360(01) 0,500(02) 0.231(03) ]

112664 - UFP-V 20040106 PL eng J
Borodziuk, S. - Kasperczuk, A. - Pisarczyk, T. - Gus'kov, S. - Ullschmied, J. - Kraliková, B. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Kalal, M. - Pisarczyk, P.
Investigation of plasma ablation and crater formation processes in the Prague Asterix Laser System laser facility.
Optica Applicata, 34 [1] 31-42 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; HPRI-CT(XX) 1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.132(91) 0.145(92) 0.150(93) 0.053(94) 0.136(95) 0.275(96) 0.141(97) 0.203(98) 0.125(99) 0.231(00) 0.298(01) 0,291(02) 0.221(03) ]

112667 - UFP-V 20040109 PL eng J
Borodziuk, S. - Kasperczuk, A. - Pisarczyk, T. - Demchenko, N. N. - Gus'kov, S. Yu. - Rozanov, V. B. - Kalal, M. - Limpouch, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Kondrashov, V. N. - Pisarczyk, P.
Application of the 3-frame interferometry and crater replica method for investigation of laser accelerated macroparticles interacting with massive targets in the Prague Asterix Laser System(PALS) experimenty.
Optica Applicata, 49 [3] 385-403 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.132(91) 0.145(92) 0.150(93) 0.053(94) 0.136(95) 0.275(96) 0.141(97) 0.203(98) 0.125(99) 0.231(00) 0.298(01) 0,291(02) 0.221(03) ]

110578 - UFP-V 20040010 CZ eng A
Božic' Lončaric', A. - Koprivanac, N. - Šunka, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V.
Organic synthetic dye degradation by modified pinhole discharge.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, Organisační výbor symposia ve spolupráci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 122.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110579 - UFP-V 20040011 CZ eng J
Božic' Lončaric', A. - Koprivanac, N. - Šunka, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V.
Organic synthetic dye degradation by modified pinhole discharge.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C958-C963 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112685 - UFP-V 20040127 RIV CZ eng C
Brožek, V.
Plasma spraying in enhanced gravitational field.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education". - (Ed. Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF,s.r.o. 2004. - S. 5-6.
[Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education"/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119012 - UFP-V 20040137 CZ cze K
Brožek, V. - Ctibor, P.
Plazmochemická výroba sferoidního karbidu boru.
In: Sborník APROCHEM 2004. - Praha, PetroChemProgress 2004. - S. 443-447.
[APROCHEM 2004.. Milovy (CZ), 04.09.20-04.09.22 (CST)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119014 - UFP-V 20040139 RIV CZ cze C
Brožek, V. - Dufek, V.
Perspektivy využití českých zdrojů lithia.
In: Proceedings METAL 2004. - Ostrava, Tanger s.r.o., Ostrava 2004. - S. 85-91.
[International Metallurgical and Materials Conference/13th./. Hrádek nad Moravicí (CZ), 04.05.17-04.05.20 (WRD)]
Grant: MPO Progres(XX) FF-P2/057
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119005 - UFP-V 20040130 CZ cze K
Brožek, V. - Dufek, V. - Hrnčíř, B. - Hrnčířová, M.
Recyklace lithia z druhotných a odpadních surovin.
In: Sborník APROCHEM 2004. - Praha, PetroChemProgress 2004. - S. 448-450.
[APROCHEM 2004.. Milovy (CZ), 04.09.20-04.09.22 (CST)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119011 - UFP-V 20040136 RIV CZ cze J
Brožek, V. - Dufek, V. - Hrnčířová, M.
Zpracování odpadních lithných surovin.
Chemické listy, 98 [8] 784 (2004).
[Sjezd chemických společností/56./. Ostrava (CZ), 04.09.06-04.09.09 ( EUR)]
Grant: MPO Progress(XX) FF-P2/057
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

119004 - UFP-V 20040129 CZ eng A
Brožek, V. - Flemr, V.
Transport of carbon in plasma treatment of tungsten carbide.
In: Summaries CHISA 2004. - Praha, - 2004. - S. 2017.
[CHISA 2004.. Praha (CZ), 04.08.22-04.08.26 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119010 - UFP-V 20040135 RIV CZ cze C
Brožek, V. - Flemr, V. - Matějíček, J. - Neufuss, K.
Chování karbidu wolframu při plazmové depozici.
In: Proceedings METAL 2004. - Ostrava, Tanger s.r.o., Ostrava 2004. - S. 78-79.
[International Metallurgical and Materials Conference/13th./. Hrádek nad Moravicí (CZ), 04.05.17-04.05.20 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119015 - UFP-V 20040140 RIV CZ eng C
Brožek, V. - Janča, J. - Eliáš, M.
Plasmachemical preparation of lead-tungstate bronze.
In: Proceedings 14th Joint Seminar DMSRE. - Praha, MAXDORF,s.r.o. 2004. - S. 13-14.
[Joint Seminar Development in Material Science Research and Education/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119013 - UFP-V 20040138 RIV CZ cze J
Brožek, V. - Neufuss, K. - Šrank, Z. - Mastný, L. - Vacík, M. - Hofman, R.
Fotokatalycké vlastnosti plazmově deponovaného oxidu titaničitého II.
Chemické listy, 98 [8] 760 (2004).
[Sjezd chemických společností/56./. Ostrava (CZ), 04.09.06-04.09.09 ( EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

119009 - UFP-V 20040134 CZ eng A
Brožek, V. - Šrank, Z. - Mastný, L. - Neufuss, K.
Photocatalytic properties of plasma sprayed ilmenite.
In: Summaries CHISA 2004. - Praha, - 2004. - S. 295.
[CHISA 2004.. Praha (CZ), 04.08.22-04.08.26 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110596 - UFP-V 20040028 RIV RU eng J
Burdakov, A. V. - Weinzettl, V. - Piffl, V. - Polosatkin, S. V. - Postupaev, V. V.
A Complex of Imaging Diagnostic Devices of Vacuum UV Radiation for the GOL-3 Multimirror Trap.
Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 47 [2] 234-239 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.211(99) 0.361(00) 0.265(01) 0,332(02) 0.373(03) ]

110622 - UFP-V 20040054 DE eng C
Chráska, P. - Kolman, B. - Suchánek, M. - Voleník, K.
Composition changes of selected alloys during their plasma spraying.
In: International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, ITSC 2004. - Düsseldorf, DVS-Verlag GmbH 2004. - S. -.
[International Thermal Spray Conference, ITSC 2004.. Osaka (JP), 04.05.10-04.05.12 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0710
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110586 - UFP-V 20040018 CZ cze A
Chraska, T.
Přesně příčné řezy pro TEM připravené technikou slešťování do klínku.
In: Mikroskopie 2004-Souhrny přednášek a posterů. - Praha, Československá mikroskopická společnost 2004. - S. 29.
[Mikroskopie 2004.. Nové Město na Moravě (CZ), 04.03.11-04.03.12 ( CST)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP106/04/P012
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112650 - UFP-V 20040092 CZ eng A
Chraska, T.
Plasma Spraying of Alumina and Zirconia Nanoceramics.
In: Nano'04 - NENAMAT mobilization workshop:Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Šandera, P.). - Brno, - 2004. - S. 24.
[Nano'04.. Brno (CZ), 04.10.13-04.10.15 (WRD)]
Grant: ANCEC(XX) project of ASCR and NRC
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112634 - UFP-V 20040076 CZ eng A
Chumak, O. - Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Kavka, T.
Powder Particle Penetration into Steam-argon Plasma Jet and its Relation with Particle Parameters.
In: Sborník abstraktů 21.Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 2004. - S. 116.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110587 - UFP-V 20040019 RIV CZ eng J
Chumak, O. - Kopecký, V. - Konrád, M. - Hrabovský, M. - Kavka, T.
Powder Particle Penetration into Steam-argon Plasma Jet and its Relation with Particle Parameters.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C931-C936 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110461 - UFCH-W 20040025 RIV NL eng J
Civiš, S. - Juha, L. - Babánková, D. - Cvačka, J. - Frank, O. - Jehlička, J. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Kubát, P. - Muck, A. - Pfeifer, M. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Amino Acid Formation Induced by High-power Laser in CO2/CO-N2-H2O Gas Mixtures.
Chemical Physics Letters, 386 [1/3] 169-173 (2004).
[Impact factor:2.404(91) 2.686(92) 3.018(93) 2.614(94) 2.509(95) 2.589(96) 2.441(97) 2.257(98) 2.269(99) 2.364(01) 2,526(02) 2.438(03) ]

112663 - UFP-V 20040105 FR eng C
Ctibor, P. - Nourouzi, S. - Le Niniven, C. - Vardelle, A. - Rohan, P. - Bouaricha, S. - Legoux, J.-G. - Moreau, C.
Effect of the in-flight behavior of particles on the amorphous content of metallic coatings under thermal spray conditions.
In: Proceedings of European Material Research Society 2004 Spring meeting,Strasbiurg, France, 2004. - Strasbourg, - 2004. - S. paper-no.2458.
[European Material Research Society 2004 Spring meeting.. Strasbourg (FR), 04.05.24-04.05.28 (EUR)]
Grant: AOPS(CA) 0024
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112661 - UFP-V 20040103 RIV CZ eng J
Ctibor, P. - Nourozi, S. - Inizan, M. - Bonnet, N. - Enžl, R.
Structural analysis of plasma- and wire arc- sprayed stainless steel coatings.
Acta Technica CSAV, 49 [12] 1-12 (2004).
Grant: GA(XX) Barrande 2003-040-2
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112662 - UFP-V 20040104 RIV CZ eng C
Ctibor, P. - Sedláček, J. - Neufuss, K.
Relative permitivity and loss factor of plasma sprayed glass and glassceramics.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education". - Praha, - 2004. - S. 5-6.
[Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education"/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119016 - UFP-V 20040141 RIV FR eng J
Djakov, B. E. - Jones, G. R. - Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V.
Monitoring water vapour plasma jets admixed with argon using chromatic optical sensing techniques.
High Temperature Material Processes, 8 [2] 185-194 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.076(99) 0.151(00) 0.342(01) 0,225(02) 0.116(03) ]

119028 - UFP-V 20040153 RIV FR eng C
Ďuran, I. - Hron, M. - Stöckel, J. - Viererbl, L. - Všolák, R. - Červa, V. - Bolshakova, I. - Holyaka, R. - Vayakis, G.
Stability of the Hall sensors performance under neutron irradiation.
In: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. - Nice, - 2004. - S. -.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 04.10.25-04.10.29 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119007 - UFP-V 20040132 RIV CA eng J
Eliáš, M. - Frgala, Z. - Kudrle, V. - Janča, J. - Brožek, V.
Low temperature plasma metallurgy. Reduction of metals in plasma reactors.
Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 7 [1] 91-97 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:MSM 143100003

109474 - FZU-D 20040023 RIV NL eng J
Fiedorowicz, H. - Bartnik, A. - Juha, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Kubát, P. - Pfeifer, M. - Pina, D. - Prchal, P. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Horvath, M. - Wawer, J.
High-brightness laser plasma soft X-ray source using a double-stream gas puff target irradiated with th Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS).
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 362, 67-70 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
[Impact factor:0.667(92) 0.900(93) 0.961(94) 0.909(95) 0.829(96) 1.035(97) 0.880(98) 0.932(99) 0.845(00) 0.953(01) 1,014(02) 1.080(03) ]

110142 - FZU-D 20040438 RIV NL eng J
Fiedorowicz, H. - Bartnik, A. - Juha, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Kubát, P. - Pfeifer, M. - Pína, L. - Prchal, P. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Horvath, M. - Wawer, J.
High-brightness laser plasma soft X-ray source using a double-stream gas puff target irradiated with the Prague Asterix Laser system (PALS).
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 362, 67-70 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
[Impact factor:0.667(92) 0.900(93) 0.961(94) 0.909(95) 0.829(96) 1.035(97) 0.880(98) 0.932(99) 0.845(00) 0.953(01) 1,014(02) 1.080(03) ]

110625 - UFP-V 20040057 RIV CZ eng J
Frolov, O. - Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Štraus, J. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V.
Gas-filled laser-triggered spark gap.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [supll.C] C309-C313 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112639 - UFP-V 20040081 RIV CZ eng J
Fuchs, V. - Gunn, J. P.
Numerical stability of 2nd order Runge-Kutta integration alghorithms for use in particle-in-cell codes.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C100-C110 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

119020 - UFP-V 20040145 RIV GB eng C
Fuchs, V. - Gunn, J. P. - Petržílka, V. - Goniche, M.
Quasineutral simulations of plasma response to the lower hybrid antenna electric field.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, European Physical Society(EPS) 2004. - S. P-5.142.
[European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119022 - UFP-V 20040148 GB eng C
Goniche, M. - Petržílka, V. - Devynck, P. - Gunn, J. - Žáček, F. - Achard, J. - Gauthier, E. - Ekedahl, A. - Fuchs, V. - Pascal, J. Y.
Exploration of fast particle generation and density fluctuations in front of the lower hybrid grills on Tore Supra.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, European Physical Society 2004. - S. P-4.110.
[European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110633 - UFP-V 20040065 RIV CZ eng J
Gregor, J. - Jakubová, I. - Šenk, J. - Konrád, M.
Experimental investigation of hot gas mixture free jet.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C696-C701 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

119023 - UFP-V 20049148 RIV GB eng C
Hidalgo, C. - Goncalves, B. - Pedrosa, M. A. - Silva, C. - Orozco, O. - Calderon, E. - Falchetto, G. - Garbet, X. - Hron, M.
On the momentum re-distribution via fluctuations in fusion plasmas.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics. - London, - 2004. - S. P-4.168.
[European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119029 - UFP-V 20040154 FR eng J
Hlína, J. - Sonsky, J. - Nenicka, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Chumak, O.
Influence of external pressure on turbulent phenomena in a thermal plasma jet.
High Temperature Material Processes, 8 [2] 207-214 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.076(99) 0.151(00) 0.342(01) 0,225(02) 0.116(03) ]

112684 - UFP-V 20040126 CZ eng C
Hofman, R. - Vacík, M. - Brožek, V. - Eliáš, M. - Janča, J.
Interaction of hydrogen plasma with ferrites.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Scince in Research and Education". - (Ed. Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF,s.r.o. 2004. - S. 19-20.
[Joint Seminar "Development in Material Science Research and Education"/14th./. Lednice (Cz), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

117001 - UFA-U 20040066 RIV CZ cze B
Horák, J. - Krlín, L.
Vratnost a nevratnost dynamických systémů. Praha, Academia 2004. - 147 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z3042911

112631 - UFP-V 20040073 RIV DE eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Chumak, O. - Kavka, T. - Kopecký, V.
Study of anode restrike progresses in DC arc plasma torch.
In: 12th Workshop Plasma Technology. - (Ed. Nutsch, G.). - Ilmenau, - 2004. - S. 15-22.
[Workshop Plasma Technology /12./. Ilmenau (DE), 04.09.23-04.09.24 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1027
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112629 - UFP-V 20040071 RIV FR eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Heinz, J. - Jakubová, I. - Šenk, J.
Theoretical-experimental investigation of intensively blasted electric arc.
In: Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. - (Ed. Bordage, M.C.; Gleizes, A.; Gonzales, J.J.). - Toulous, - 2004. - S. 129-132.
[International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications/15th./. Toulous (FR), 04.09.05-04.09.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:MSM 262200010

112635 - UFP-V 20040077 RIV FR eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Heinz, J. - Jakubová, I. - Šenk, J.
Theoretical-experiment investigation of intesively blasted electric arc.
In: Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Gas Discharge and their Applications. - (Ed. Bordage, M.C.; Gleizes, A.; Gonzales, J.J.). - Toulous, - 2004. - S. 129-132.
[International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications /15./. Toulous (FR), 04.09.05-04.09.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:MSM 262200010; CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110634 - UFP-V 20040066 CZ eng A
Hrabovský, M. - Hurba, O. - Kopecký, V. - Chumak, O.
Study of Anode Restrike Processes in DC Arc Plasma Torch.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Prague, Organizační výbor symposia ve spolupráci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 100.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112637 - UFP-V 20040079 FR eng C
Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V. - Chumak, O.
Investigation of water-argon stabilized arc at reduced pressures.
In: Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. - (Ed. Bordage, M.C.; Gleizes, A.; Gonzales, J.J.). - Toulous, - 2004. - S. 93-96.
[International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications /15./. Toulous (FR), 04.09.05-04.09.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110630 - UFP-V 20040062 RIV CZ eng J
Hron, M. - Ďuran, I. - Stöckel, J. - Hidalgo, C.
Decay of enhanced density and damping of plasma flows after the electrode biasing terminator on the CASTOR tokamak.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C22-C27 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

119026 - UFP-V 20040151 FR eng C
Hron, M. - Weinzettl, V. - Dufková, E. - Hidalgo, C. - Ďuran, I. - Stöckel, J.
Relaxation of potential, flows, and density in the edge plasma of CASTOR tokamak.
In: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. - Nice, - 2004. - S. -.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 04.10.25-04.10.29 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112683 - UFP-V 20040125 RIV CZ eng C
Janča, J. - Eliáš, M. - Brožek, V.
Plasmachemical reduction and carbidation of ilmenite.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education". - (Ed. Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF,s.r.o. 2004. - S. 23-24.
[Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110580 - UFP-V 20040012 RIV US eng J
Jeništa, J.
Numerical modeling of hybrid stabilized electric arc with uniform mixing of gases.
IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science. part 1, 32 [2] 464-472 ( 2004).
[International Conference on Plasma Science/ICOPS 2003./. Jeju (KR), 03.06.02-03.06.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1027
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.918(91) 1.317(92) 1.078(93) 0.969(94) 1.085(95) 1.300(96) 1.183(97) 1.072(98) 1.085(99) 1.227(00) 0.892(01) 1,170(02) 0.840(03) ]

110569 - UFP-V 20040001 US eng A
Jeništa, J. - Bartlová, M. - Aubrecht, V.
Hybrid stabilized electric arc: numerical study of the performance under different radiation models.
In: IEEE Conference Record-Abstracts, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. - (Ed. Commisso, R.J.; Parker, R.K.; Hussey, T.W.). - Piscataway, USA, IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA 2004. - S. 222.
[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science.. Baltimore (US), 04.06.28-04.07.01 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1027
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110614 - UFP-V 20040046 RIV US eng J
Jeništa, J. - Bartlová, M. - Aubrecht, V.
Radiation in water-vortex stabilized electric arc-comparsion among different models.
High Temperature Material Processes, 8 [2] 195-206 (2004).
[E-MRS 2004 Spring Meeting(TPP8 Thermal Plasma Processes).. Strasburg (FR), 04.05.24-04.05.28 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1027
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.076(99) 0.151(00) 0.342(01) 0,225(02) 0.116(03) ]

112686 - UFP-V 20040128 CZ eng C
Jeništa, J. - Bartlová, M. - Aubrecht, V.
Comparison of preformance between hybrid and water vortex stabilized electric arcs.
In: New Trends in Physics(NTF 2004). - (Ed. Štrunc, M.; Dobis, P.). - Brno, Department of Physics FEEC, Brno University of Technology 2004. - S. 178-181.
[New Trends in Physics (NTF 2004).. Brno (CZ), 04.11.11-04.11.12 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1027
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112660 - UFP-V 20040102 RIV SI eng J
Jůzková, R. - Ctibor, P. - Beneš, V.
Analysis porous structure in ceramic plasma sprayed coating.
Image Analysis and Stereology, - [23] 45-52 (2004).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/03/0946
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:MSM 113200008

116813 - FZU-D 20040670 RIV XE eng C
Kasperczuk, A. - Borodziuk, S. - Demchenko, N. N. - Gus'kov, S. Y. - Kalal, M. - Kondrashov, V. N. - Králiková, B. - Krouský, E. - Limpouch, J. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Pisarczyk, P. - Pisarczyk, T. - Rohlena, K. - Rozanov, V. B. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Investigation of crater creation efficiency by means of single and double targets in the PALS experiment.
In: Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). - Mulhous, EPS 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100

112632 - UFP-V 20040074 CZ eng A
Kavka, T. - Gregor, J. - Chumak, O. - Hrabovský, M.
Effect of Arc Power and Gas Flow Rate on Properties of Plasma Jet under Reduced Pressures.
In: Sborník abstraktů 21.Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 2004. - S. 81.
[Symposium on plasma physics and technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110635 - UFP-V 20040067 RIV CZ eng J
Kavka, T. - Gregor, J. - Chumak, O. - Hrabovský, M.
Effect of Arc Power and Gas Flow Rate on Properties of Plasma Jet under Reduced Pressures.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C753-C758 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110638 - UFP-V 20040070 RIV DE eng C
Kavka, T. - Hrabovský, M. - Arnold, J. - Henne, R.
Experimental investigation of shroud gas effect on properties of thermal plasma jets.
In: 12th Workshop Plasma Technology. - (Ed. Nutsch, G.). - Ilmenau, - 2004. - S. 49-54.
[Workshop Plasma Technology/12th./. Ilmenau (DE), 04.09.23-04.09.24 ( WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110637 - UFP-V 20040069 RIV CZ eng J
Kavka, T. - Mašlani, A. - Arnold, J. - Henne, R.
Influence on Injection Mode on Properties of DC Plasma Jets for Thermal Plasma Spraying.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C766-C771 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: DFG(XX) HE2061/2-1-879/97; DFG(XX) HE2061-2-3
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112630 - UFP-V 20040072 CZ eng A
Kavka, T. - Mašlani, A. - Arnold, J. - Henne, R.
Influence on Injection Mode on Properties of DC plasma Jets for Thermal Plasma Spraying.
In: Sborník abstraktů 21.Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 2004. - S. 123.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110589 - UFP-V 20040021 CZ eng A
Kavka, T. - Mašláni, A. - Stuttgard, D. L. R. - Arnold, J. - Henne, R.
Influence on Injection Mode on Properties of DC Plasma Jets for Thermal Plasma Spraying.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, Organisační výbor symposia ve spolupraáci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 123.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110593 - UFP-V 20040025 US eng A
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V. - Boháček, V. - Řípa, M. - Štraus, J. - Vrba, P. - Frolov, O.
Influence of Initial and Boundary Discharge Conditions on Soft X-ray Amplification in the Fast Gas-Filled-Capillary Discharge.
In: IEEE Conference Record-Abstracts, The 31st IEEE Interantional Conference on Plasma Science. - (Ed. Commisso, R.J.; Parker, R.K.; Hussey, T.W.). - Piscataway, NJ,US, - 2004. - S. 295.
[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 31st ICOPS 2004/31st./. Baltimore, Maryland, US (US), 04.06.28-04.07.01 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711; GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110598 - UFP-V 20040030 CN eng A
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V. - Štraus, J. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Vrba, P.
Technical Issues of Gas-Filled-Capillary Driver for Ne-like Ar Soft X-ray Laser.
In: IC XRL 2004 International Conference on X-ray Lasers, Abstracts. - (Ed. Zhang, J.; Zhizhan, X.; Wang, S.). - Beijing, - 2004. - S. 90.
[International Conference on X-ray Lasers, ICXRL 2004/9th./. Beijing (CN), 04.05.24-04.05.28 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711; GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110599 - UFP-V 20040031 CZ eng A
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V. - Štraus, J. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Vrba, P.
Role of Pre-pulse in Gas-filled-capillary Soft X-ray Source.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 2004. - S. 57.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711; GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110600 - UFP-V 20040032 RIV DE eng C
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V. - Štraus, J. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Vrba, P.
Fast Capillary Discharge-Enviroment for Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Soft X-ray Region.
In: 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, EPPS 2004. - Aachen, International Society of Pulsed Power Applications e.V. 2004. - S. 19-23.
[European Pulsed Power Symposium/2nd./. DESY, Hamburg (DE), 04.09.20-04.09.23 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711; GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110601 - UFP-V 20040033 RIV CZ eng J
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Prukner, V. - Štraus, J. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Vrba, P.
Role of Pre-pulse in Gas-filled-capillary Soft X-ray Source.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [supplement C] C334-C343 ( 2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, 21st SPPT 2004.. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711; GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110588 - UFP-V 20040020 CZ eng A
Kopecký, V.
Dependence of Frequency and Phase Velocity of Plasma Jet Hydrodynamic Instability on Sound Velocity.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, Organisační výbor symposia ve spolupráci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 119.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112636 - UFP-V 20040078 CZ eng A
Kopecký, V.
Dependence of Frequency and Phase Velocity of Plasma Jet Hydrodynamic Instability on Sound Velocity.
In: Sborník abstraktů 21.Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, - 2004. - S. 119.
[Symposium on Plasma physics and technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112638 - UFP-V 20040080 RIV CZ eng J
Kopecký, V.
Dependence of Frequency and Phase Velocity of Plasma Jet Hydrodynamic Instability on Sound Velocity.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C1056-C1061 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1057202
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112633 - UFP-V 20040075 RIV DE eng C
Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M.
Investigation of interaction of atmospheric pressure thermal plasma jet with ambient air by moving electric probes.
In: 12th Workshop Plasma Technology. - (Ed. Nutsch, G.). - Ilmenau, - 2004. - S. 132-133.
[Workshop Plasma Technology /12./. Ilmenau (DE), 04.09.23-04.09.24 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110624 - UFP-V 20040056 RIV CZ eng J
Krlín, L. - Pánek, R. - Petržílka, V. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V. - Kuhn, S. - Tskhakaya, D. - Tendler, M.
Anomalous impurity diffusion in models of tokamak edge plasma turbulence.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C157-C163 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043201; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786; GA ČR(CZ) GP202/03/P062
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110570 - UFP-V 20040002 RIV CZ eng J
Krlín, L. - Zápotocký, M. - Svoboda, V.
Role of finite Larmor radius in chaotic regime of waves-particle interaction.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [7] 759-774 (2004).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043201
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

117702 - UFM-A 20043094 RIV CZ eng J
Kroupa, F. - Náhlík, L. - Knésl, Z.
Crack growth in thermally sprayed ceramic coatings.
Acta Technica CSAV, 49 [2] 149-168 (2004).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP106/04/P084; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/03/0331
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2041904

119024 - UFP-V 20040149 RIV CZ eng J
Kroupa, F. - Náhlík, L. - Knésl, Z.
Crack growth in thermally sprayed ceramic coatings.
Acta Technica CSAV, 49 [2] 149-168 (2004).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP106/04/P084; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/03/0331
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

116815 - FZU-D 20040672 RIV XE eng C
Láska, L. - Badziak, J. - Boody, F. P. - Gammino, S. - Jungwirth, K. - Krása, J. - Parys, P. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Torrisi, L. - Ullschmied, J. - Wolowski, J.
Laser production of ions at different pre-formed plasma conditions.
In: Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). - Mulhouse, EPS 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921

111228 - FZU-D 20040478 RIV US eng J
Láska, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Krouský, E. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Badziak, J. - Parys, P. - Ryc, L. - Szydlowski, A. - Wolowski, J. - Woryna, E. - Ciavola, G. - Gammino, S. - Torrisi, L. - Boody, F. P.
Review of laser ion sources developments in Prague and production of q over 50+ ions at Prague Asterix laser System (invited).
Review of Scientific Instruments, 75 [5] 1546-1550 (2004).
[International Conference on Ion Sources, ICIS 03 /10./. Dubna (RU), 03.09.07-03.09.14 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010105; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; HPRI-CT(XE) 1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

111230 - FZU-D 20040480 RIV US eng J
Láska, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Badziak, J. - Parys, P. - Wolowski, J. - Woryna, E. - Torrisi, L. - Gammino, S. - Boody, F. P.
Charge-energy distribution of Ta ions from plasmas produced by 1w and 3w frequencies of a high-power iodine laser.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 75 [5] 1588-1591 (2004).
[International Conference on Ion Sources, ICIS 03 /10./. Dubna (RU), 03.09.07-03.09.14 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010105; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; INFN(XX) ECLISSE
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

111223 - FZU-D 20040473 RIV CZ eng J
Láska, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Krása, J. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Ullschmied, J. - Badziak, J. - Parys, P. - Wolowski, J. - Boody, F. P. - Gammino, S. - Torrisi, L.
Generation of extreme high laser intensities in plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [Suppl. C] C370-C377 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010405; GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105; HPRI-CT(XE) 1999-00053
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110571 - UFP-V 20040003 RIV US eng J
Lukeš, P. - Appleton, A. T. - Locke, B. R.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Ozone Formation in Hybrid Gas-Liquid Electrical Discharge Reactors.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 40 [1] 60-67 (2004).
[IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2002/37th./. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (US), 02.10.13-02.10.18 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 472; NSF(US) INT0086351
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.374(99) 0.699(00) 0.847(01) 0,764(02) 0.783(03) ]

110576 - UFP-V 20040008 RIV CZ eng C
Lukeš, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V. - Šunka, P.
Ozone formation by gaseous corona discharge generated above aqueous solution.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Praha, Organizační výbor symposia ve spolupráci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 110.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110577 - UFP-V 20040009 RIV CZ eng J
Lukeš, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V. - Šunka, P.
Ozone formation by gaseous corona discharge generated above aqueous solution.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C909-C913 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110575 - UFP-V 20040007 JP eng A
Lukeš, P. - Člupek, M. - Šunka, P. - Peterka, F. - Sano, T. . - Negeshi, N. - Matsuzawa, S. - Takeuchi, K.
Degradation of phenol by underwater pulsed corona discharge in combination with TiO2 photocatalysis.
In: 2nd NIMS International Conference on Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications-Abstracts. - JP, - 2004. - S. 103.
[NIMS International Conference on Photocatalysis:Fundamentals and Applications/2nd./. Shonan Village Center, Hayama, Kanawaga (JP), 04.02.01-04.02.03 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 541; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110631 - UFP-V 20040063 RIV CZ eng J
Mlynář, J. - Ongena, J. - Ďuran, I. - Hron, M. - Pánek, R. - Petržílka, V. - Žáček, F.
JET:Preparing the future in fusion.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C28-C38 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

117701 - UFM-A 20043093 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C
Náhlík, L. - Knésl, Z. - Kroupa, F.
Interaction of a Crack in the Plasma-Sprayed Ceramic Coating with the Metal Substrate.
In: Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture 4. - (Ed. Šandera, P.). - Brno, VUTIUM Brno 2004. - S. 134.
[Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture /4./. Brno (CZ), 04.06.23-04.06.25 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP106/04/P084; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/03/0331
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2041904

111237 - FZU-D 20040487 RIV US eng J
Osman, F. - Cang, Y. - Hora, H. - Cao, L.-H. - Liu, H. - He, X. - Badziak, J. - Parys, A. B. - Wolowski, J. - Woryna, E. - Jungwith, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Skin depth plasma fromt interaction mechanism with prepulse suppression to avoid relativistic self-focusing for high-gain laser fusion.
Laser and Particls Beams, 22, 83-87 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
[Impact factor:0.429(91) 0.743(92) 0.576(93) 0.389(94) 0.570(95) 0.720(96) 0.490(97) 0.685(98) 0.553(99) 0.651(00) 0.518(01) 0,487(02) 0.646(03) ]

112678 - UFP-V 20040120 DE eng J
Pánek, R. - Krlín, L. - Taskhakaya, D. - Kuhn, S. - Stöckel, J. - Pavlo, P. - Tender, M. - Svoboda, V. - Petržílka, V.
Anomalous diffusion and radial electric field generation due to edge plasma turbulence.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 44 [1-3] 203-204 (2004).
[International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices/9th./. San Diego (US), 03.09.03-03.09.05 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043201; GA ČR(CZ) GP202/03/P062; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.297(91) 0.416(92) 0.273(93) 0.530(94) 0.662(95) 0.846(96) 1.008(97) 0.790(98) 1.008(99) 0.785(00) 0.846(01) 0,804(02) 0.863(03) ]

112641 - UFP-V 20040083 RIV CZ eng J
Pánek, R. - Pitts, R. A. - Gunn, J. P. - Erents, S. K.
Particle-in-cell simulations of the impact of retarding field analyser probe head geometry on ion saturation current measurements.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C150-C156 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GP202/03/P062
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112659 - UFP-V 20040101 RIV US eng J
Pardy, M.
Massive photons and the Volkov solution.
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 43 [1] 127-139 ( 2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.377(92) 0.447(93) 0.345(94) 0.452(95) 0.387(96) 0.448(97) 0.455(98) 0.474(99) 0.598(00) 0.520(01) 0,655(02) 0.476(03) ]

112645 - UFP-V 20040087 RIV CZ eng J
Pekárek, S. - Šimek, M.
Optical diagnostics of the hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in air at atmospheric pressure.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C728-C734 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112648 - UFP-V 20040090 RIV US eng J
Pekárek, S. - Šimek, M.
Relationship between rotational temperature and energy density in atmospheric pressure hollow-needle to plate electrical discharge.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. series2, 49 [5] 66 ( 2004).
[Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference /57./. Bunratty (IE), 04.09.26-04.09.29 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119021 - UFP-V 20040146 GB eng C
Petržílka, V. - Fuchs, V. - Goniche, M. - Krlín, L. - Žáček, F.
Modeling of the Effects of Random Fields in Front of LH Grills on the Local Fast Particle Production.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics. - London, European Physical Society 2004. - S. P-5.141.
[European Physical Society Conference Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043003
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119019 - UFP-V 20040144 GB eng C
Petržílka, V. - Krlín, L. - Ullschmied, J. - Tataronis, J. A.
External Magneto-static Field Effects on Plasma Flows Arising from Primary Electron Acceleration in Two Crossed Laser Beams.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, European Physical Society(EPS) 2004. - S. P-2.011.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110610 - UFP-V 20040042 GB eng A
Piffl, V. - Weinzetll, V. - Burdakov, A. - Polosatkin, S.
Intensity radial profiles of VUV lines near the carbon target in the tokamak CASTOR.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, - 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110611 - UFP-V 20040043 RIV GB eng C
Piffl, V. - Weinzetll, V. - Burdakov, A. - Polosatkin, S.
Intensity radial profiles of VUV lines near the carbon target in the CASTOR tokamak.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, Europhysics Conference Abstracts(ECA) 2004. - S. P-5.138.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110602 - UFP-V 20040034 RIV CZ eng J
Piffl, V. - Weinzettl, V. - Burdakov, A. - Polosatkin, S.
Intensity radial profiles of VUV line radiation near the solid target in a hot plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [supplement C] C89-C94 ( 2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112642 - UFP-V 20040084 RIV CZ eng J
Piffl, V. - Weinzettl, V. - Burdakov, A. - Polosatkin, S.
Intensity radial profiles of VUV line radiation near the solid target in a hot plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C89-C94 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112656 - UFP-V 20040098 GB eng J
Piffl, V. - Weisen, H. - Zabolotsky, A. - Team, T. C. V.
Ultra-soft X-ray spectroscopy using multilayer mirrors on TCV.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 46 [11] 1659-1674 (2004).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:2.871(92) 1.988(93) 2.056(94) 2.020(95) 1.902(96) 2.232(97) 1.816(98) 2.858(99) 1.696(00) 1.910(01) 2,121(02) 2.820(03) ]

112657 - UFP-V 20040099 GB eng C
Piffl, V. - Weisen, H. - Zabolotsky, A. - Team, T. C. V.
Carbon impurity transport studies in the TCV tokamak using spatially resolved ultrasoft X-ray spectroscopy.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, - 2004. - S. P2_142.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

113685 - FZU-D 20040599 RIV FR eng C
Pisarczyk, T. - Borodziuk, S. - Demchenko, N. N. - Gus'kov, S. Yu. - Kalal, M. - Kasperczuk, A. - Kondrashov, V. N. - Králiková, B. - Krouský, E. - Limpouch, J. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Pisarczyk, P. - Rohlena, K. - Rozanov, V. B. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the crater formation process by means of double-target technique.
In: European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. - (Ed. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100

113673 - FZU-D 20040587 RIV CZ eng J
Pisarczyk, T. - Borodziuk, S. - Kasperczuk, A. - Demchenko, N. N. - Guskov, S. Yu. - Rozanov, V. B. - Kalal, M. - Limpouch, J. - Jungwirth, K. - Kraliková, B. - Krouský, E. - Mašek, K. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Kondrashov, V. N. - Pisarczyk, P.
Experimental and theoretical studies of the crater formation process on PALS experiments.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [Suppl. C] C403-C408 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112671 - UFP-V 20040113 RIV US eng J
Poletti, G. - Orsini, F. - Batani, D. - Bernadinello, A. - Desai, T. - Ullschmied, J. - Skála, J. - Kraliková, B. - Krouský, E. - Juha, L. - Pfeifer, M. - Kadlec, C. - Mocek, T. - Präg, A. - Renner, O. - Cotelli, F. - Lamia, C. L. - Zullini, A.
Soft X-ray contact microscopy of nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
European Physical Journal. D, 30 [2] 235-241 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 1.448(99) 1.421(00) 1.583(01) 1,300(02) 1.612(03) ]

106861 - UFP-V 20030225 RIV US eng C
Poletti, G. - Orsini, F. - Ullschmied, J. - Skála, J. - Kraliková, B. - Pfeifer, M. - Kadlec, C. - Mocek, T. - Präg R., A. - Cotelli, F. - Lora Lamia, C. - Batani, D. - Bernadinello, A. - Desai, T. - Zullini, A.
X-ray microscopy and imaging oof Caenorhabditis elegans nematode using a laser-plasma-pulsed x-ray source.
In: Proceedings of SPIE, Laser-Generated and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics and Applications. - Washington, SPIE 2004. - S. 375-382.
[Laser-Generated and Other Laboratory X-Ray and EUV Sources, Optics, and Applications.. San Diego (US), 03.08.04-03.08.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110626 - UFP-V 20040058 SIGLE RU eng A
Polosatkin, S. - Burdakov, A. - Piffl, V. - Postupaev, V. - Weinzettl, V.
Investigation of impurity dynamics at GOL-3 facility.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Novosibirsk, - 2004. - S. 77.
[International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement/5th./. Novosibirsk (RU), 04.07.05-04.07.09 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119006 - UFP-V 20040131 RIV CZ cze J
Prášil, Z. - Vacek, K. - Šrank, Z. - Mastný, L. - Brožek, V.
Změny fotokatalytické aktivity oxidu titaničitého vyvolané vysokými dávkami záření gama.
Chemické listy. Chemical Letters, 98 [8] 572 (2004).
[Congress Chemical Societies/56th./. Ostrava (CZ), 04.09.06-04.09.09 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

112675 - UFP-V 20040117 GB eng C
Preinhaelter, J. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Wilson, H. - Urban, J. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
The sensitivity of ECE simulations in MAST to different magnetic equlibria models.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, ECA 2004. - S. P-4.184.
[EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112677 - UFP-V 20040119 RIV US eng C
Preinhaelter, J. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G. - Urban, J.
Comparison of Theory and Experiment on Electron Cyclotron Emission from Spherical Tori.
In: 31st IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. - Baltimore, - 2004. - S. 6P14.
[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science/31st./. Baltimore ( US), 04.06.28-04.07.01 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119017 - UFP-V 20040142 US eng J
Preinhaelter, J. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Wilson, H. R. - Urban, J. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
The role of magnetic equilibria in determining ECE in MAST.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 50 [11] PP1.-013 ( 2004).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/46th./. Savannah ( US), 04.11.15-04.11.19 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119018 - UFP-V 20040143 US eng A
Preinhaelter, J. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Wilson, H. R. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G. - Urban, J.
Mode Conversion Processes to attain Electron Cyclotron Emission in Spherical Tokamaks.
In: Book of Abstract. - Missoula, Montana, - 2004. - S. 2-C16.
[International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference/2004./. Missoula, Montana (US), 04.04.26-04.04.28 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112640 - UFP-V 20040082 RIV CZ eng J
Preinhaelter, J. - Urban, J. - Pavlo, P. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
ECE from MAST - Gaussian beams and antenna aiming problem.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C116-C122 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112676 - UFP-V 20040118 RIV US eng J
Preinhaelter, J. - Urban, J. - Pavlo, P. - Shevchenko, V. - Valovic, M. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Influence of antenna aiming on ECE in MAST.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 75 [10] 3804-3806 (2004).
[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/15th./. San Diego (US), 04.04.19-04.04.22 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.963(91) 1.288(92) 0.914(93) 1.095(94) 1.042(95) 1.144(96) 1.155(97) 1.177(98) 1.293(99) 1.239(00) 1.352(01) 1,437(02) 1.343(03) ]

112673 - UFP-V 20040115 RIV GB eng J
Rohan, P. - Neufuss, K. - Matějíček, J. - Dubský, J. - Prchlik, L. - Holzgartner, C.
Thermal and mechanical properties of cordierite, mullite and steatite produced by plasma spraying.
Ceramics International, 30, [-] 597-603 (2004).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0710
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.350(91) 0.500(92) 0.454(93) 0.363(94) 0.294(95) 0.430(96) 0.376(97) 0.383(98) 0.325(99) 0.490(00) 0.593(01) 0,731(02) 0.704(03) ]

112651 - UFP-V 20040093 CZ eng C
Řídký, V. - Dubský, J. - Cejp, J.
Tribological Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3 and Cr2O3 Coatings.
In: Proceedings of WORKSHOP 2004, CTU Reports. - Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague 2004. - S. 514-515.
[WORKSHOP 2004.. Prague (CZ), 04.03.22-04.03.24 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110603 - UFP-V 20040035 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
Kdo postaví termojaderný reaktor: Francie, či Japonsko?
Mladá fronta DNES, C8 (04.01.24).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110604 - UFP-V 20040036 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
Plazmové zplynování odpadu.
EKO-ekologie a společnost, 15 [4] 2-5 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110605 - UFP-V 20040037 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
21.symposium o fyzice a technice plazmatu.
Akademický bulletin, [9] 12 (04.09.08).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110606 - UFP-V 20040038 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
EURATOM v Česku po sedmé.
Akademický bulletin, [6] 15 (04.06.10).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110607 - UFP-V 20040039 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
D + T He + n + 17.6 MeV.
Technický týdeník, 52 [4] 14 (04.02.17).

110608 - UFP-V 20040040 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
Tour de Plasma.
Cykloturistika, [1] 12 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110613 - UFP-V 20040045 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
Fúze pro každého.
Česká hlava-svět vědy, 2 [3] 11 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110616 - UFP-V 20040048 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
Evropa, popularizace jaderné fúze a EFDA.
Technický týdeník, 52 [10] 12 (04.05.11).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110618 - UFP-V 20040050 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
O fyzice plazmatu v Praze.
Technický týdeník, 52 [10] 2 (04.05.11).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110612 - UFP-V 20040044 CZ cze N
Řípa, M. - Weinzettl, V.
Výkonný ekologický zdroj energie na obzoru?
EKO-ekologie a společnost, 2004 [2] 18-21 (04.03.31).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110617 - UFP-V 20040049 CZ cze N
Řípa, M. - Weinzettl, V.
Výkonný ekologický zdroj energie na obzoru?
EKO-ekologie a společnost, 15 [2] 18-21 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110615 - UFP-V 20040047 CZ cze B
Řípa, M. - Weinzettl, V. - Mlynář, J. - Žáček, F.
Řízená termojaderná syntéza pro každého. (Ed. Řípa, M.). - Vimperk, Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR 2004. - 84 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110594 - UFP-V 20040026 RU eng A
Sakamoto, N. - Kondo, K. - Masnavi, M. - Nakajima, M. - Hota, E. - Horioka, K. - Vrba, P. - Koláček, K. - Jančárek, A. - Vrbová, M.
Lasing Condition of Fast Capillary Discharge.
In: BEAMS 2004, Abstracts. - (Ed. Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Glukhikh, V.; Engelko, V.). - St.Petersburg, - 2004. - S. 235.
[International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, BEAMS 2004/15th./. St.Petersburg (RU), 04.07.18-04.07.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112679 - UFP-V 20040121 RIV US eng J
Sampath, S. - Jiang, X. - Matějíček, J. - Prchlík, L. - Kulkarni, A. - Vaidya, A.
Role of thermal spray processing method on the microstructure, residual stress and properties of coatings:an integrated study for Ni-5wt.% Al bond coats.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 364 [1-2] 216-231 (2004).
Grant: NSF(US) DMR9632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

110627 - UFP-V 20040059 US eng A
Schmidt, J. - Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Prukner, V. - Štraus, J.
Laser-triggered driver for fast capillary discharge device.
In: PMC 2004, Book of Abstracts. - San Francisco, - 2004. - S. 26.
[Power Modulator Symposium and 2004 High Voltage Workshop, 2004 IEEE International PMC 2004/26th./. San Francisco (US), 04.05.23-04.05.26 ( WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110632 - UFP-V 20040064 RIV CZ eng J
Schmidt, J. - Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Prukner, V. - Frolov, O. - Štraus, J.
Desing of a laser-triggered driver for fast capillary discharge.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C321-C325 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110592 - UFP-V 20040024 RU eng A
Schmidt, J. - Koláček, K. - Štraus, J. - Prukner, V. - Frolov, O. - Boháček, V.
Soft X-ray Emission of Fast-Capillary-Discharge Device.
In: BEAMS 2004, Abstracts. - (Ed. Mesyats, G.; Smirnov, V.; Glukhikh, V.; Engelko, V.). - St. Petersburg, - 2004. - S. 282.
[International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, BEAMS 2004/15th./. St.Petersburg (RU), 04.07.18-04.07.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK2043105; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112674 - UFP-V 20040116 CZ eng J
Sedláček, Z.
Non-linear free streaming in Vlasov plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C82-C88 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21th./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110636 - UFP-V 20040068 CZ eng A
Sember, V. - Mašlani, A. - Kopecký, V.
Spectroscopic Diagnostic of a Hybrid Water Argon DC Torch at Reduced Pressure.
In: 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Programme & Abstracts. - (Ed. Koller, J.; Píchal, J.). - Prague, Organizační výbor symposia ve spolupráci s katedrou fyziky ČVUT FEL 2004. - S. 101.
[Symposium on Plasma PHysics and Technology/21st./. Prague (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]

119025 - UFP-V 20040150 RIV RU eng C
Shevchenko, V. F. - Baranov, Y. - O'Brien, M. - Piliya, A. D. - Preinhaelter, J. - Saveliev, A. N. - Tregubova, E. N. - Volpe, F.
Prospects of EBW emission diagnostics and EBW heating in spherical tokamaks.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance. - -, Institute of Applied Physics, Russia Academy of Sciences 2004. - S. -.
[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance/13th./. Nizhniy Novgorod (RU), 04.05.17-04.05.20 ( WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110590 - UFP-V 20040022 RIV GB eng J
Stelmashuk, V. - Biederman, H. - Slavinská, D. - Trchová, M. - Hlídek, P.
RF magnetron sputtering of polypropylene.
Vacuum, 75 [3] 207-215 (2004).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 553; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 554
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.527(91) 0.700(92) 0.608(93) 0.488(94) 0.545(95) 0.518(96) 0.483(97) 0.474(98) 0.510(99) 0.520(00) 0.541(01) 0,723(02) 0.612(03) ]

119027 - UFP-V 20040152 FR eng C
Stöckel, J. - Devynck, P. - Gunn, J. - Martines, E. - Bonhomme, G. - Van Oost, G. - Hron, M. - Adámek, J. - Brotánková, J. - Dejarnac, R. - Ďuran, I. - Görler, T. - Hansen, T. - Pánek, R. - Stejskal, P. - Svoboda, V. - Žáček, F.
Formation of convective cells in the scrape-off layer of the CASTOR tokamak.
In: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. - Nice, - 2004. - S. -.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 04.10.25-04.10.29 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786; GA ČR(CZ) GP202/03/P062; INTASprojekt(XX) No.2001-2056
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

111236 - FZU-D 20040486 RIV US eng J
Szydlowski, A. - Badziak, A. - Parys, P. - Wolowski, J. - Woryna, E. - Jungwirth, K. - Králiková, B. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Ullschmied, J. - Boody, F. D. - Gammino, S. - Torrisi, L.
Measurements of energetic ions produced by high-energy laser pulses by means of solid-state nuclear track detectors.
High Temperature Material Processes, 7 [3] 327-332 (2004).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1010921
[Impact factor: 0.076(99) 0.151(00) 0.342(01) 0,225(02) 0.116(03) ]

110582 - UFP-V 20040014 IT eng A
Šimek, M.
On the influence of N2(A3Su+) metastable species in ozone production by N2-O2 positive streamers at atmospheric pressure.
In: HAKONE IX Book of Abstracts and Full-papers CD. - (Ed. Rea, M.; Paradisi, C.). - Padova, Universita di Padova 2004. - S. 3O-02.
[International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry/9th./. Padova (IT), 04.08.23-04.08.27 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110583 - UFP-V 20040015 RIV RO eng C
Šimek, M.
Spectroscopic methods for N2(A) metastable detection in atmospheric pressure discharges.
In: Conference Proceedings, ESCAMPIG 17, 2004. - (Ed. Ciupina, V.; Musa, G.; Vladoiu, R.). - Constanta, Ovidius University Constanta 2004. - S. 21-22.
[European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases/17th./. Constanta (RO), 04.09.01-04.09.05 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110585 - UFP-V 20040017 RIV FR eng C
Šimek, M.
Determination of OH(X2t) Species Produced by Pulsed Positive Nitrogen Streamers at Atmospheric Pressure.
In: Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. - (Ed. Bordage, M.C.; Gleizes, A.; Gonzales, J.J.). - Toulouse, Local Organizing Committe GD2004 2004. - S. 853-856.
[International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications/15th./. Toulouse (FR), 04.09.05-04.09.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112646 - UFP-V 20040088 CZ eng J
Šimek, M.
Streamer-induced emission and spectrometric determination of basic plasma parameters.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C778-C783 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043403
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110584 - UFP-V 20040016 RIV FR eng C
Šimek, M. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - Šunka, P.
Concentration of Free Electrons in Pulse Needle-to-Plate Electrical Discharge Induced in Water Solution.
In: Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. - (Ed. Bordage, M.C.; Gleizes, A.; Gonzales, J.J.). - Toulouse, Local Organizing Committe GD2004 2004. - S. 837-840.
[International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications/15th./. Toulouse (FR), 04.09.05-04.09.10 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/02/1026
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

119008 - UFP-V 20040133 CZ cze J
Šrank, Z. - Mastný, L. - Hofman, R. - Vacík, M. - Brožek, V.
Příprava oxidu titaničitého z titanových prekurzorů v různém oxidačním stupni.
Chemické listy. Chemical Letters, 98 [8] 769-760 (2004).
[Sjezd chemických společností/56./. Ostrava (CZ), 04.09.06-04.09.09 ( EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910; CEZ:MSM 22310002
[Impact factor:0.304(91) 0.321(92) 0.184(93) 0.220(94) 0.289(95) 0.186(96) 0.159(97) 0.108(98) 0.190(99) 0.278(00) 0.317(01) 0,336(02) 0.345(03) ]

110619 - UFP-V 20040051 RIV CZ eng J
Štraus, J. - Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Frolov, O. - Prukner, V. - Řípa, M. - Sember, V. - Schmidt, J. - Vrba, P. - Klír, D.
Interactive System for Ionterpretation of Atomic Spectra.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physic, 54 [suppl.C] C314-C320 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) 1P04LA235; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0711
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112649 - UFP-V 20040091 RIV US eng J
Šunka, P. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - Beneš, J. - Poučková, P.
Localized Damage of Tissue Induced by Focused Shock Waves Induced by Focused Shock Waves.
IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 32 [4] 1609-1613 (2004).
[Third International Symposium on Nonthermal Medical/Biological Treatments Using Electromagnetic Fields and Ionized Gases.. San Antonio (US), 03.06.11-03.06.13 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IBS2043004
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.918(91) 1.317(92) 1.078(93) 0.969(94) 1.085(95) 1.300(96) 1.183(97) 1.072(98) 1.085(99) 1.227(00) 0.892(01) 1,170(02) 0.840(03) ]

112643 - UFP-V 20040085 RIV CZ eng J
Urban, J. - Preinhaelter, J.
Adaptive finite elements method for the solution of the Maxwell equations in inhomogeneous magnetized plasma.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C109-C115 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112682 - UFP-V 20040124 RIV CZ eng C
Vacík, M. - Hofman, R. - Mastný, L. - Šrank, Z. - Brožek, V.
Impregnation of ceramic membranes by anatase.
In: Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Delopment of Materials Science in Research and Education. - (Ed. Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.). - Praha, MAXDORF,s.r.o. 2004. - S. 64-65.
[Joint Seminar Development in Material Science Research and Education/14th./. Lednice (CZ), 04.08.31-04.09.03 (EUR)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112647 - UFP-V 20040089 CZ eng J
Voleník, K. - Ctibor, P. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P. - Horák, J.
Oxidation of nickel during plasma spraying and some properties of nickel oxide .
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl.C] C889-C896 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/0298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110620 - UFP-V 20040052 RIV CZ eng C
Vrba, P. - Jančarek, A. - Vrbová, M. - Scholzová, L. - Fojtík, A. - Tamáš, M. - Havlíková, R.
Soft X-ray Emission Spectra from Capillary Plasma.
In: Proceedings of Workshop 2004, CTU Reports. - Prague, Czech Technical University in Prague 2004. - S. 156-157.
[Workshop 2004.. Prague (CZ), 04.03.22-04.03.24 (EUR)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 609
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112644 - UFP-V 20040086 RIV CZ eng J
Vrba, P. - Vrbová, M. - Bobrova, N. A. - Sasorov, P. V.
Pinching discharge in nitrogen filled capillary as a tool for soft x-ray laser recombination pumping.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C244-C249 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 609
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110609 - UFP-V 20040041 RIV GB eng C
Weinzetll, V. - Matějíček, J. - Piffl, V. - Polosatkin, S. V.
First tests of plasma sprayed specimens in CASTOR tokamak discharges.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - London, Europhysics Conference Abstracts(ECA) 2004. - S. P-5.139.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

110595 - UFP-V 20040027 GB eng A
Weinzettl, V. - Matějíček, J. - Piffl, V. - Polosatkin, S. V.
First tests of plasma sprayed tungsten specimens in CASTOR tokamak discharges.
In: 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. - Londýn, - 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. Londýn (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (EUR)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010104; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/03/0786
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

113684 - FZU-D 20040598 RIV FR eng C
Wolowski, J. - Badziak, J. - Boody, F. P. - Gammino, S. - Hora, H. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Mezzasalma, A. - Parys, P. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Rosinski, M. - Torrisi, L. - Ullschmied, J. - Woryna, E.
Ion emission from plasmas produced by a 438-nm laser radiation focused on targets of different Z-numbers.
In: European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. - (Ed. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 2004. - S. -.
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 04.06.28-04.07.02 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100

111222 - FZU-D 20040472 RIV CZ eng J
Wolowski, J. - Badziak, J. - Parys, P. - Rosinski, M. - Ryc, L. - Jungwirth, K. - Krása, J. - Láska, L. - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, K. - Ullschmied, J. - Mezzasalma, A. - Torrisi, L. - Gammino, S. - Hora, H. - Boody, F. P.
The influence of pre-pulse plasma on ion and x-ray emission from Ta plasma produced by a high-energy laser pulse.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [Suppl. C] C385-C390 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) LN00A100
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

110591 - UFP-V 20040023 RIV CZ eng J
Zajac, J. - Preinhaelter, J. - Žáček, F. - Nanobashvili, S.
Microwave experiments on the tokamak CASTOR: fundamental ECE radiometry.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 54 [suppl. C] C68-C73 (2004).
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.14-04.06.17 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/00/1215; INTAS(XE) 2001 1B-2056
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

112672 - UFP-V 20040114 FR eng C
Žáček, F. - Petržílka, V. - Adámek, J. - Goniche, M. - Devynck, P.
Positive plasma biasing in front of the lower hybrid grill of CASTOR tokamak.
In: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. - Nice, - 2004. - S. -.
[International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 04.10.25-04.10.29 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/04/0360
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

112655 - UFP-V 20040097 RIV DE eng J
Žáček, F. - Petržílka, V. - Goniche, M. - Devynck, P. - Nanobashvili, S.
Radially scanned probe measurements in front of the CASTOR lower hybrid antenna.
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 44 [7-8] 635-642 (2004).
[International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasma /5./. Greifswald (DE), 03.07.21-03.07.23 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043101
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:0.297(91) 0.416(92) 0.273(93) 0.530(94) 0.662(95) 0.846(96) 1.008(97) 0.790(98) 1.008(99) 0.785(00) 0.846(01) 0,804(02) 0.863(03) ]

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

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