ÚFP - Ústav fyziky plazmatu


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Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

065478 - UFP-V 990053 RIV DE eng C
Allen, A. J. - Long, G. G. - Wallace, J. - Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C. C.
Microstructural Changes in YSZ Deposits During Anneling.
In: Conference Proceedings: United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 6.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

065477 - UFP-V 990052 DE eng C
Boukari, H. - Allen, A. J. - Long, G. G. - Wallace, J. - Ilavský, J. - Berndt, C. C. - Herman, H.
The Role of Feedstock Particle Size on the Miscrostructural Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed YSZ Deposits During Annaling.
In: Conference Proceedings: United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 799-804.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

097336 - UFP-V 20020122 RIV CZ eng B
Boulos, M. I. - Fauchais, P. - Heberlein, J. - Hrabovský, M. - Pfender, M.
Thermal Plasma Technology. (Ed. Boulos, M.). - Prague, IUPAC 1999. - 939 s.
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

085781 - UFP-V 20010092 RIV CZ eng C
Brad Breadsley, M. - Chráska, P.
Plasma Spraying with Water Stabilized Torch.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics 1999. - S. 2743-2745. - ( 5).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]

059148 - UFP-V 990018 RIV CZ eng C
Brožek, V. - Boháč, P. - Gaukler, L. - Paul, W. - Chráska, P.
Sealing of MgO and CrO Plasma Sprayed Substrates.
In: METAL 99 - 8. mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium. - Ostrava, TANGER, s.r.o., Ostrava 1999. - S. 266-272. - ( 3).
[METAL 99 - mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium /8./. Ostrava (CZ), 99.05.11-99.05.13]

085785 - UFP-V 20010096 RIV DE eng C
Brožek, V. - Dufek, V. - Neufuss, K.
Adhesion improvement of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings on steel through boronizing.
In: Proceedings of the United Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 208-212.
[Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99.. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19 (WRD)]

097337 - UFP-V 20020123 RIV US eng J
Brožek, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V.
Decomposition of polyhanogenide hydrocarbons in plasma jet generated by water stabilized plasma torch.
High Temperature Material Processes An International Journal, 3, 375-384 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.076(99) 0.151(00) 0.342(01) 0,225(02) 0.116(03) ]

085783 - UFP-V 20010094 SK cze C
Brožek, V. - Špirková, L. - Chráska, P.
Regulace porovitosti hořečnaté keramiky pro supravodiče.
In: Zborník príspevkov: 51. zjazd chemických společností. - (Ed. Uher, M.). - Bratislava, STU Bratislava 1999. - S. B-PO 32/1-2.
[Zjazd chemických společností/51./. Nitra (SK), 99.09.06-99.09.09 ( EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008; GA AV ČR(XC) Projekt Eureka 1543 SUBSTR
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

065505 - UFP-V 990082 CZ eng A
Chráska, P. - Denoirjean, A. - Fauchais, P. - Lagnoux, O. - Neufuss, K. - Schneeweiss, O. - Voleník, K.
Oxidation of high-alloy steels during their deposition by gas- and water-stabilized plasma guns.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics 1999. - S. 2019-2024. - ( 4).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/0298; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008; Barrande (CZ) 970120
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059133 - UFP-V 990003 CZ cze J
Ctibor, P.
Granát-minerál i pro techniku.
MM Průmyslové spektrum, - [1,2] 40-41 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/96/1354
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065472 - UFP-V 990047 HU eng A
Ctibor, P. - Kolman, B.
Splat Evaluation in Thermal Spraying.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. - (Ed. Kovács, K.). - Veszprém, University of Veszprém 1999. - S. 299-300.
[Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy /4./. Veszprém (HU), 99.09.05-99.09.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

074162 - UFP-V 20000062 CZ cze A
Ctibor, P. - Neufuss, K.
Plazmové nanášení perovskitu a směsi obsahující perovskit.
In: 15.seminář "Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav". - (Ed. Kreibich, V.). - Praha, Fakulta strojní ČVUT 1999. - S. 37-41.
[Seminář"Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav"/15./. Praha (CZ), 99.11.27-99.11.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1010601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059131 - UFP-V 990001 US eng J
DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M.
Excitation and decay of N2(b3p,v) states in a pulsed discharge:Kinetics of electrons and long-lived species.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 110 [6] 2947-2962 (1999).
[Impact factor:3.568(91) 3.433(92) 3.615(93) 3.635(94) 3.610(95) 3.516(96) 3.247(97) 3.147(98) 3.289(99) 3.301(00) 3.147(01) 2,998(02) 2.950(03) ]

085705 - UFP-V 20010015 RIV CZ eng C
DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šimek, M. - Vigliotti, M.
NO rotational temperature and density lif measurements in a supersonic jet.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Acad. Sci. 1999. - S. 619-624. - ( 2).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

059150 - UFP-V 990020 CZ eng A
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B.
Yuong Modulus of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3 on the Steel Substrate and Affter Stripping-off.
In: EAN 99 - 37th International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. - (Ed. Macura, P.). - Ostrava, Vysoká škola báňská-TU Ostrava 1999. - S. 17-20.
[EAN 99 - 37th International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. Frenštát pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 99.06.01-99.06.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065462 - UFP-V 990037 CH eng C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Ctibor, P. - Kroupa, F. - Ilavský, J.
Structure and residual stresses in thermally sprayed steel coatings.
In: Functionally graded materials 1998. - (Ed. Kaysser, W.A.). - Zuerich, ttp Trans Tech Publications ltd 1999. - S. 232-237. - ( Materials Science Forum. vol.308-311(1999)).
[International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials /5./. Dresden (DE), 98.10.26-98.10.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059151 - UFP-V 990021 RIV DE eng C
Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Vyšohlíd, M.
Residual stresses and yuong-modulus of alumina and chromia plasma sprayed deposits.
In: Conference Proceedings:United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC 99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, Verlag für Schweiben und Verwande Veflahren, D.V.S-Verlag 1999. - S. 659-663.
[UTSC '99 United Thermal Spray Conference. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065487 - UFP-V 990063 FR eng G
Ďuran, I. - Stöckel, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kryška, L.
Longitudinal current fluctuations in the SOL of the CASTOR tokamak. (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 1593-1596. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

064621 - UFA-U 990172 RIV CZ cze C
Horák, J. - Krlín, L.
Deterministický chaos: reverzibilita, ireverzibilita a prediktabilita.
In: Chaos, věda a filosofie. - (Ed. Nosek, J.). - Praha, Filosofia 1999. - S. 265-281.
[Chaos, věda a filosofie. Praha (CZ), 98.11.11-98.11.13]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:Z3042911

059140 - UFP-V 990010 TR eng A
Hrabovský, M.
Generation of thermal plasmas in torches with liquid stabilized arcs.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions,Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - -, ICHMT 1999. - S. 8-9.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions/2nd./. Tekirova, Antalya (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]

097338 - UFP-V 20020124 GB eng J
Hrabovský, M.
Preface-plenary and topical lectures presented at the 14th ISPC.
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 71 [10] iv (1999).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor:1.308(91) 1.739(92) 1.323(93) 1.403(94) 1.495(95) 1.630(96) 1.971(97) 1.677(98) 1.141(99) 1.257(00) 1.535(01) 1,750(02) 1.471(03) ]

059138 - UFP-V 990008 US eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
Measurements of velocity of individual particles injected into oxygen-hydrogenplasma jet. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; Amouroux, J.). - New York, Begell House, Inc. 1999. - 6 s.
[International Thermal Plasma Prossing Conference /5./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059139 - UFP-V 990009 US eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
Investigation of structure of turbulent boundary layer between thermal plasma jet and ambient air. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; Amouroux, J.). - New York, Begell House, Inc. 1999. - 6 s.
[International Thermal Plasma Processing Conference /5./. St. Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059141 - UFP-V 990011 TR eng A
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Effect of anode attachment on flow structure of plasma jet generated in water stabilized torch.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions,Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - -, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT 1999. - S. 114+0.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions/2nd./. Tekirova, Antalya (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]

059142 - UFP-V 990012 TR eng A
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Properties of Electric Arc Stabilized by Mixture of Water with Ethanol.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions,Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - -, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT 1999. - S. 111-113.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions/2nd./. Tekirova, Antalya (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245,102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065452 - UFP-V 990027 CZ eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Symposium Proceedings. (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1.Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR 1999. - 2276 s.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]

065455 - UFP-V 990030 CZ eng A
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Effect of addition of ethanol in to stabilizing liquid of water plasma torch on plasma jet characteristics for plasma spraying application.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry-Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1. Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR 1999. - S. 2043-2048.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043808; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A54/98:Z2-043-9ii

065528 - UFP-V 990115 RIV US eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Effect of Anode Attachment on Flow Structure in Plasma Jet Generated in DC Arc Torch. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; van der Mullen, J.; Heberlain, J.). - New York, The New York Academy of Sciences 1999. - 8 s. - (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 8).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065529 - UFP-V 990116 RIV US eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V. - Sember, V.
Properties of Electric Arc Stabilized by Mixture of Water with Ethanol. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; van der Mullen, J.; Heberlein, J.). - New York, The New York Academy of Sciences 1999. - 7 s. - (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 891).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z-043-9ii

065530 - UFP-V 990117 RIV US eng G
Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M. - Kopecký, V.
Characteristics of Turbulence in the Boundary Layer Between a Plasma Jet and an Ambient Gas Investigated by Electric Probes. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; van der Mullen, J.; Heberlein, J.). - New York, The New York Academy of Sceinces 1999. - 8 s. - (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 89).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065512 - UFP-V 990096 CZ eng G
Hron, M. - Ďuran, I. - Horáček, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kryška, L. - Stöckel, J. - Žáček, F.
Structure of edge turbulence at plasma polarization on the CASTOR tokamak. (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Prague, Matfyzpress 1999. - 9 s. - ( 2).
[Week of Doctoral Students 1999. Prague (CZ), 99.06.22-99.06.25]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065476 - UFP-V 990051 RIV DE eng C
Ilavský, J. - Boukari, H.
Microstructure-wear Resistance Relationship for YSZ and Alumina Plasma-Sprayed Deposits.
In: Conference Proceedings: United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 57-62.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

065475 - UFP-V 990050 RIV DE eng C
Ilavský, J. - Kolman, J. - Neufuss, K. - Chráska, P.
Influence of Spray Angle on the Microstructure of YSZ and Alumina Plasma-Sprayed Deposits.
In: Conference Proceedings:United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 820-824.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

074124 - UFP-V 20000023 RIV US eng J
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Berndt, C. C.
Evolution of the void structure of plasma-sprayed YSZ deposits during heating.
Materials Science and Technology, 272, 215-221 (1999).
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

065474 - UFP-V 990049 US eng J
Ilavský, J. - Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Leblanc, L. - Prystay, M. - Moreau, C.
Anisotropic Microstructure of Plasma Sprayed Deposits.
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 8 [3] 414-420 (1999).
[Impact factor: 0.800(97) 0.707(99) 0.816(00) 0.862(01) 0,591(02) 0.726(03) ]

059136 - UFP-V 990006 US eng G
Jeništa, J.
Modeling of Fluid, Thermal and Electric Quantities Characterizing a Water-Swirl Stabilized Electric Arc. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; Amouroux, J.). - New York, Begell House, Inc. 1999. - 8 s.
[International Thermal Plasma Processing Conference /5./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065464 - UFP-V 990039 RIV UK eng J
Jeništa, J.
Water-vortex stabilized electric arc.Part I:Numerical model.
Journal of Physics D. D:Applied Physics, 32 [21] 2763-2776 ( 1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043804; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

065465 - UFP-V 990040 RIV CZ eng C
Jeništa, J.
The effect of absorption of radiation within the discharge region of a water-vortex stabilized electric arc.
In: 14th International Symposium on plasma chemistry.Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1. Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR 1999. - S. 281-286.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065467 - UFP-V 990042 RIV UK eng J
Jeništa, J.
Water-vortex stabilized electric arc.Part II:Effect of non-uniform evaporation of water.
Journal of Physics D. D:Applied Physics, 32 [21] 2777-2784 ( 1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
[Impact factor: 1.100(96) 1.090(97) 0.000(98) 1.188(99) 1.179(00) 1.260(01) 1,366(02) 1.265(03) ]

065466 - UFP-V 990041 CZ eng A
Jeništa, J. - Gonzales, J. J.
On behaviour of a water-swirl stabilized electric arc under different operational regimes.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry.Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1. Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR 1999. - S. 355-360.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) IAC1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065527 - UFP-V 990114 RIV US eng J
Jeništa, J. - Hrabovský, M. - Kopecký, V.
Effect of Vortex Motion of Stabilizing Liquid Wall on Properties of Arc in Water Plasma Torch.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 891, [-] 64-71 ( 1999).
[ (US)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065468 - UFP-V 990043 FR eng C
Jeništa, J. - Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M.
Effect of vortex motion of stabilizing liquid wall on properties of arc in water plasma torch.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions.Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - Limoges, University of Limoges, France 1999. - S. 132-134.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions /2./. Tekirova (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065463 - UFP-V 990038 RIV CZ eng C
Jeništa, J. - Sember, V. - Kotalík, P.
Study of non-LTE effects in thermal plasma water jet by means of optical emission spectroscopy and numerical modeling.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry.Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1. Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics 1999. - S. 2815-2819.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043804; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065469 - UFP-V 990044 FR eng A
Jeništa, J. - Sember, V. - Kotalík, P.
On diagnostics and modeling of non-LTE effects in thermal water plasma jet.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions.Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - Limoges, University of Limoges, Francie 1999. - S. 108-110.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions /2./. Tekirova (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA1043804; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065515 - UFP-V 990099 RIV NL eng J
Jiang, X. - Sampath, S. - Matějíček, J.
Substrate Temperature Effects on Splat Formation, Microstructure Development and Properties of Plasma Sprayed Coatings. Part 2.: Case Study for Molybdenum.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 272 [1] 189-198 (1999).
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

074178 - UFP-V 20000079 US eng A
Jungwirth, K. - Ullschmied, J. - Rohlena, K. - Rus, B.
PALS-A New High Power Facility.
In: Digest of technical papers of the 12th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference. - (Ed. Stallings, C.; Kirbie, H.). - -, - 1999. - S. 1010-1013. - ( vol. II).
[IEEE Pulsed Power Conference/12th./. Monterey (US), 99.06.27-99.06.30]

059147 - UFP-V 990017 RIV CZ cze C
Kantor, P. - Siegl, J. - Neufuss, K. - Dubský, J.
Unavové zkoušky těles s různými typy nástřiků.
In: Metal 99 - 8. mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium. - Ostrava, TANGER, s.r.o., Ostrava 1999. - S. 250-256.
[METAL 99 - mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium /8./. Ostrava (CZ), 99.05.11-99.05.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/0775
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065520 - UFP-V 990107 CH eng J
Kesler, O. - Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Suresh, S.
Measurement of Residual Stress in Plasma-Sprayed Composite Coatings with Graded and Uniform Compositions.
Materials Science Forum, 308-311, [-] 389-395 (1999).
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 0.981(99) 0.597(00) 0.461(01) 0,613(02) 0.602(03) ]

097328 - UFP-V 20020114 RIV PL eng J
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Boháček, V. - Řípa, M. - Šunka, P. - Piffl, V. - Ullschmied, J.
The Fast Capillary Discharge-Some Technological Remarks.
Journal of Technical Physics, 40, 493-496 (1999).
[International Symposium PLASMA '99, Research and Applications of Plasmas.. Varšava (PL), 99.07.07-99.07.09 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

097329 - UFP-V 20020115 PL eng A
Koláček, K. - Schmidt, J. - Boháček, V. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M. - Piffl, V. - Golubev, A.
Enhanced Axial Emission of the Fast Capillary Discharge in the Soft X-Ray Region.
In: Proceedings Contributed Papers. - Varšava, - 1999. - S. 107-108.
[International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases/24./. Varšava (PL), 99.07.11-99.07.16 (EUR)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

059145 - UFP-V 990015 RIV UK eng J
Kolman, B. - Neufuss, K. - Ilavský, J. - Dubský, J. - Chráska, P.
Chemical Inhomogeneity of Silicates Treated by Plasma Spraying.
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 14 [3] 471-473 (1999).
[ICXOM-15th International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis. Antwerp (BE), 98.08.24-98.08.27]
[Impact factor:2.366(91) 3.316(92) 2.061(93) 2.884(94) 2.797(95) 2.545(96) 3.595(97) 3.845(98) 3.677(99) 3.488(00) 3.305(01) 4,250(02) 3.200(03) ]

059143 - UFP-V 990013 TR eng A
Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Konrád, M.
Characteristics of turbulence of the boundary layer between plasma jet and ambient gas investigated by electric probes.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions, Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Fauchais, P.). - -, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT 1999. - S. 89-91.
[International Symposium on Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions/2nd./. Tekirova, Antalya (TR), 99.04.19-99.04.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059153 - UFP-V 990023 CZ eng D
Kotalík, P.
Multiphase Flow and Thermal Plasma Spraing. Praha 1, Malostranské nám. 25, Katedra numerické matematiky MFF UK 1999. - 144 s.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043804
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065513 - UFP-V 990097 RIV CZ eng C
Kotalík, P.
Modelling of Water Stabilized Plasma Torch.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, LOC of the ISPC-14 1999. - S. 397-402.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GV106/96/K245; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/0813
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065524 - UFP-V 990111 CZ cze M
Krlín, L.
Fyzika plazmatu-plazma.
In: Výkladový slovník fyziky. - (Ed. Mechlová, E.; Košťál, K.). - CZ, Prometheus 1999. - S. 455-457.

065521 - UFP-V 990108 RIV GB eng J
Krlín, L. - Klíma, R. - Pavlo, P. - Petržílka, V. - Svoboda, V. - Tataronis, J. A.
Transport of intense LH pulses into a tokamak plasma.
Journal of Plasma Physics, 62 [2] 203-218 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778; US DOE(US-CZ 93068) DE-FG02-88 ER 53264; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.571(91) 0.489(92) 0.712(93) 0.615(94) 0.552(95) 0.661(96) 0.516(97) 0.850(98) 0.761(99) 0.837(00) 0.649(01) 0,645(02) 0.610(03) ]

059154 - UFP-V 990024 RIV UK eng J
Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Stochastic (ExB) diffusion of ions in a spatially periodical potential field.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 41 [3] 339-353 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA ČR(CZ) IAA1043201
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:2.871(92) 1.988(93) 2.056(94) 2.020(95) 1.902(96) 2.232(97) 1.816(98) 2.858(99) 1.696(00) 1.910(01) 2,121(02) 2.820(03) ]

059155 - UFP-V 990025 NL eng C
Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Simulation of Stochastic (ExB) Diffusion of Ions in a Spatially Periodical Potential Field.
In: 26th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Schroeer, B.; Van Oost, G.; Vietzke, E.). - Maastricht, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 497.
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]

065470 - UFP-V 990045 NL eng A
Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Simulation of Stochastic (ExB) Diffusion Ofions in a Spatially Periodical Potential Field.
In: 26th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, Van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Maastricht, - 1999. - S. 496.
[European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1350; GA ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

099830 - UFP-V 20030055 RIV GB eng J
Kroupa, F. - Dubský, J.
Pressure Dependency of Young's Moduli of Thermal Sprayed Materials.
Scripta Materialia, 40, 1249-1254 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/01/0094
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 0.645(97) 0.955(99) 0.923(00) 1.130(01) 1,168(02) 1.633(03) ]

065506 - UFP-V 990083 RIV PL eng J
Langner, J. - Sadowski, M. - Kolman, B. - Písačka, J. - Chráska, P.
Morphology of Solid Surfaces Treated with High-Energy Ion Beams.
Journal of Technical Physics, 40 [1] 505-508 (1999).

074123 - UFP-V 20000022 US eng A
Long, G. G. - Allen, A. J. - Jennion, P. R. - Zschack, P. - Ilavský, J.
The Ultra-Small-Angle X-ray scattering Instrumentation on unicat at the APS.
In: Proceedings of the 11th US National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference(SRI '99). - Standford, - 1999. - S. -.
[US National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference/11th./. Stanford (US), 99.10.13-99.10.15]

065502 - UFP-V 990079 RIV CZ eng C
Lukeš, P. - Šunka, P. - Člupek, M. - Babický, V. - Janda, V.
The Effects of Solution Composition on Phenol Degradation by Pulsed Corona Discharge in Liquid Phase.
In: 14th ISCP Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Science Academy Science 1999. - S. 2703-2708. - ( 5).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/0305
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z22-043-9ii

065514 - UFP-V 990098 US eng D
Matějíček, J.
Processing Effects on Residual Stress and Related Properties of Thermally. Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook, State University of New York 1999. - 170 s.
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570

065517 - UFP-V 990101 RIV US eng J
Matějíček, J. - Sampath, S. - Brand, P. C. - Prask, H. J.
Quenching, Thermal and Residual Stress in Plasma Sprayed Deposits:NiCrAIY and YSZ Coatings.
Acta Materialia, 47 [2] 607-617 (1999).
Grant: NSF(US) DMR 632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 0.000(96) 1.242(97) 1.953(99) 2.166(00) 2.658(01) 3,104(02) 3.059(03) ]

085780 - UFP-V 20010091 RIV CZ eng C
Neufuss, K. - Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Chráska, P. - Brožek, V. - Boháč, P.
APS Spraying of MgO and CeO2 with WSP.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics 1999. - S. 2075-2079. - ( 4).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008; GA MŠk(CZ) OE16a/EU1543
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

065473 - UFP-V 990048 DE eng C
Neufuss, K. - Ilavský, J. - Dubský, J. - Kolman, B. - Chráska, P.
Plasma Spraying of Silikates 2.
In: Conference Proceedings: United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, DSV Verlag, Düsseldorf 1999. - S. 636-640.
[United Thermal Spray Conference /2./. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

059146 - UFP-V 990016 RIV CZ cze C
Neufuss, K. - Kolman, B. - Chráska, P. - Dubský, J.
Vysokoteplotní chování soustavy plazmově deponovaný cordierit/molybden.
In: Metal 99 - 8.mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium. - Ostrava, TANGER, s.r.o. Ostrava 1999. - S. 160-161.
[Metal 99 - 8.mezinárodní metalurgický veletrh a symposium. Ostrava (CZ), 99.05.11-99.05.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/97/S008
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065461 - UFP-V 990036 RIV GB eng J
Pavlo, P. - Krlín, L.
Limits of applicability of the quasilinear approximation to the lower hybrid nave-plasma interaction.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 41 [4] 541-550 (1999).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:2.871(92) 1.988(93) 2.056(94) 2.020(95) 1.902(96) 2.232(97) 1.816(98) 2.858(99) 1.696(00) 1.910(01) 2,121(02) 2.820(03) ]

065459 - UFP-V 990034 NL eng A
Pavlo, P. - Krlín, L. - Klíma, R. - Petržílka, V. - Pánek, R.
Resonance broadening by the interaction of spatially localized LHW with plasma.
In: Abstracts of invited and contributed papers 26th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, Van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Maastricht, - 1999. - S. 427.
[European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAC1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065492 - UFP-V 990068 PT eng A
Pavlo, P. - Krlín, L. - Pánek, R.
Interaction of Spatially Localized Lower Hybrid Waves with Plasma.
In: International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics:New Frontiers of Nonlinear Sciences Program & Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Guerra, R.). - Faro, Universidade de Algarve 1999. - S. C17-C17.
[International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics:New Frontiers of Nonlinear Sciences. Faro (PT), 99.09.06-99.09.10]

065493 - UFP-V 990069 CH eng C
Pavlo, P. - Krlín, L. - Preinhaelter, J. - Klíma, R. - Petržílka, J. - Pánek, R.
Resonance Broadening by the Interaction of Spatially Localized LHW with Plasma.
In: Contributions to the 26th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. - (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Lausanne, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 85-88. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]

065522 - UFP-V 990109 RIV US eng J
Pavlo, P. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L.
Energy-dependent Velocity Lattices in Thermo-Lattice Boltzmann Simulations.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 44 [7] 23 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics /41./. Seattle, WA (US), 99.11.15-99.11.19]

085706 - UFP-V 20010016 RIV CZ eng C
Pekárek, S. - Kříha, V. - Šimek, M.
Atmospheric pressure hollow needle to plate electrical discharge in nitrogen and air.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Acad.Sci. 1999. - S. 1003-1008. - ( 2).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

065456 - UFP-V 990031 GB eng J
Pekárek, S. - Kříha, V. - Šimek, M. - Bálek, R. - Hanitz, F.
Hollow needle-to-plate electrical discharge at atmospheric pressure.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 8 [3] 513-518 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 2.038(99) 1.963(00) 2.063(01) 1,816(02) 1.676(03) ]

065511 - UFP-V 990095 IT eng A
Petržílka, V. - Tataronis, J. A. - Lontano, M. - Califano, F. - Krlín, L.
Random field effects on fast particles generation near RF antennae and in laser plasmas.
In: Book of Abstracts. - (Ed. Lontano, M.). - Milano, IFP CNR Milano 1999. - S. PT07.
[European Fusion Theory Conference /8./. Como (IT), 99.10.27-99.10.29]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2792
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065510 - UFP-V 990094 RIV CZ eng J
Petržílka, V. - Tskhakaya, D. - Tataronis, J. A. - Kuhn, S. - Jakubka, K. - Klíma, R. - Fuchs, V. - Goniche, M. - Krlín, L. - Pavlo, P. - Stöckel, J. - Žáček, F.
Plasma biasing by fast particles generated in front of the CASTOR and Tore Supra tokamak LH grills.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Suppl. S3, 49 [S3] 127-140 ( 1999).
[European Workshop on the Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust /2./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.19-99.06.20]
Grant: GA MZd(CZ) IZ2792
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.344(91) 0.309(92) 0.351(93) 0.330(94) 0.310(95) 0.339(96) 0.212(97) 0.348(98) 0.328(99) 0.298(00) 0.345(01) 0,311(02) 0.263(03) ]

065486 - UFP-V 990062 FR eng G
Piffl, V. - Badalec, J. - Weinzettl, V.
Prototype of the Imaging High-troughput XUV Monochromator on Base of Spherical Multilayer Mirror. (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 1605-1608. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) IAC1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059152 - UFP-V 990022 RIV DE eng C
Písačka, J. - Laub, D. - Buffat, F.
Plasma Sprayed Coating-Substrate Interface Study.
In: Conference Proceedings:United Thermal Spray Conference UTSC '99. - (Ed. Lugscheider, E.; Kammer, P.A.). - Düsseldorf, Verlag für Schweiben ind Verwandbe Verfahren, D.V.S-Verlag 1999. - S. 641-644.
[UTSC '99 United Thermal Spray Conference. Düsseldorf (DE), 99.03.17-99.03.19]

065497 - UFP-V 990073 FR eng G
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Proporels of quasi-optical grills for ITER and NTSTX tokamaks. (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1999. - 4 s. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065500 - UFP-V 990076 US eng G
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Vahala, L. - Vahala, G.
Quasi-optical grills for ITER and NSTX plasmas. (Ed. Bernabei, S.; Paoletti, F.). - New York, AIP 1999. - 4 s. - ( American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings.).
[Topical Conference on RF Power in Plasmas /13./. Annapolis, Maryland (US), 99.04.12-99.04.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

097314 - UFP-V 20020100 RIV US eng J
Preinhaelter, J. - Irzak, M. A. - Vahala, G. - Vahala, L.
Comparison of Quasi-Optical and Passive active Multijunction Grills for ITER- and NSTX-like Plasmas.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 44 [7] 210 (1999).
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society/41st./. Seattle (US), 99.11.15-99.11.19 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

065526 - UFP-V 990113 RIV US eng J
Rus, B. - Rohlena, K. - Skála, J. - Králiková, B. - Jungwirth, K. - Ullschmied, J. - Witte, K. J. - Baumhacker, H.
New high-power laser facility PALS-prospects for laser-plasma research.
Laser and Particle Beams, 17 [2] 179-194 (1999).
[European Conference on Laser Interaction With Matter, ECLIM 1998 /25./. Formia (IT), 99.05.04-99.05.08]
[Impact factor:0.429(91) 0.743(92) 0.576(93) 0.389(94) 0.570(95) 0.720(96) 0.490(97) 0.685(98) 0.553(99) 0.651(00) 0.518(01) 0,487(02) 0.646(03) ]

059135 - UFP-V 990005 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
Věda, technika a my, 53 [3] 30-31 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059156 - UFP-V 990026 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
40let Ústavu fyziky plazmatu Akademie věd ČR.
Akademický bulletin, - [8] 8-9 (1999).

065453 - UFP-V 990028 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
40 let Ústavu fyziky plazmatu a Tour de Plazma.
Cykloturistika, 5 [10] 16 (1999).

065457 - UFP-V 990032 CZ cze N
Řípa, M.
40let Ústavu fyziky plazmatu.
Technický týdeník, 47 [34] 4 (1999).

065458 - UFP-V 990033 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
Laserový system Asterix IV/PALS.
Věda, technika a my, 53 [8] 28-30 (1999).

065523 - UFP-V 990110 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
1. ledna 1999 bylo Ústavu fyziky plazmatu Akademie věd České republiky právě 40 let.
Československý časopis pro fyziku, 49 [4] 251-258 (1999).

097331 - UFP-V 20020117 CZ cze J
Řípa, M.
40 let Ústavu fyziky plazmatu.
Věda, technika a my, 53 [6] 28-29 (1999).
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

065516 - UFP-V 990100 NL eng J
Sampath, S. - Jiang, X. - Matějíček, J. - Leger, A. C. - Vardelle, A.
Substrate Temperature Effects on Splat Formation, Microstructure Development and Properties of Sprayed Coatings, Part I:Case Study for Partially Stabilized Zirconia.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 272 [1] 181-188 (1999).
Grant: GA NSF DMR(US) 9632570
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

097330 - UFP-V 20020116 CZ eng C
Schmidt, J. - Koláček, K. - Boháček, V. - Šunka, P. - Ullschmied, J. - Řípa, M.
Capillary Discharge as a Source of the Soft X-Ray Radiation.
In: Proceedings of Week of Doctorand Students. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Prague, Matfyzpress, Praha 1999. - S. 319-322.
[Week of Doctorand Students 99.. Prague (CZ), 99.06.22-99.06.25 (EUR) ]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/98/0831
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

059137 - UFP-V 990007 US eng G
Sember, V. - Koláček, K. - Řípa, M. - Kopecký, V. - Hrabovský, M.
Mixing and entrainment of cold gas into thermal plasma Jet generated in water plasma torch. (Ed. Fauchais, P.; Amouroux, J.). - New York, Begell House, Inc. 1999. - 6 s.
[International Thermal Plasma Processing /5./. St.Petersburg (RU), 98.07.13-98.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/96/K245,102/98/0813,AV K1043601/97
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065454 - UFP-V 990029 CZ eng A
Shin, K. H. - Lee, D. Y. - Brožek, V. - Hrabovský, M. - Chráska, P. - Kopecký, V.
Reduction of Fe2O3 by hydrogen using water plasma torch.
In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry-Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - 1. Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR 1999. - S. 2803-2807.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]

065490 - UFP-V 990066 UK eng J
Stöckel, J. - Badalec, J. - Ďuran, I. - Hron, M. - Horáček, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kryška, L. - Petržílka, J. - Žáček, F. - Heller, M. V. P. - Brazilio, Z. A. - Caldas, I. L.
Magnetic and electrostatic fluctuations in the CASTOR tokamak.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Supplement 3A, 41 [3A] A577-A585 (1999).
[European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics and International Congress on Plasma Physics/25./. Prague (CZ), 98.06.29-99.07.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:2.871(92) 1.988(93) 2.056(94) 2.020(95) 1.902(96) 2.232(97) 1.816(98) 2.858(99) 1.696(00) 1.910(01) 2,121(02) 2.820(03) ]

065488 - UFP-V 990064 FR eng G
Stöckel, J. - Dyabilin, K. - Ďuran, I. - Horáček, J. - Hron, M. - Jakubka, K. - Kryška, L. - Nanobashvili, S. - Nanobashvili, I. - Tendler, M. - Oost, v. G. - Žáček, F.
Structure of edge turbulence at plasma polarizati on theCASTOR tokamak. (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 1589-1592. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

085704 - UFP-V 20010014 RIV CZ eng C
Šimek, M.
A spectroscopic study of DC gliding discharge in nitrogen.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Acad.Sci. 1999. - S. 1045-1050.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

085707 - UFP-V 20010017 RIV BE eng C
Šimek, M.
Emission spectrocsopy on non-lte N2-O2 discharges.
In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics. - (Ed. Leys, C.; Soetens, T.). - Gent, Universiteit Gent 1999. - S. 11-24.
[International Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics. Gent (BE), 99.08.26-99.08.28 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

085703 - UFP-V 20010013 CZ eng A
Šimek, M. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - DeBenedictis, S. - Dilecce, G. - Šunka, P.
Time and space resolved analysis of pulsed positive streamer induced NO-t and N2-2PG emission in N2.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Instituteof Plasma Physics, Czech Acad.Sci. 1999. - S. 1051-1056.
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/14th./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06 (WRD)]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/1298; GA AV ČR (XC) JOINT PROJECT AV ČR-CNR Itálie
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z2043910

085782 - UFP-V 20010093 SK cze C
Špirková, L. - Brožek, V. - Chráska, P. - Durand, J.
Keramické membrány připravené žárovou plazmovou depozicí.
In: Proceedings of the 51st Chemical Society Conference. - (Ed. Uher, M.). - Bratislava, STU Bratislava 1999. - S. B-PO 33/1-2.
[Zjazd chemických společností/51./. Nitra (SK), 99.09.06-99.09.09 ( EUR)]

085784 - UFP-V 20010095 CZ eng C
Špirková, L. - Brožek, V. - Chráska, P. - Durand, J.
Properties of Plasma-sprayed Ceramics Membranes.
In: Proceedings CHISA '99. - (Ed. Pešinová, E.; Tvrdíková, A.). - -, - 1999. - S. 107.
[CHISA '99.. Srní (CZ), 99.10.18-99.10.21 (EUR)]

059134 - UFP-V 990004 SK eng A
Šunka, P. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - Schmidt, J. - Lukeš, P.
Nonthermal plasma generated by electrical discharges in water.
In: 12th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. - (Ed. Skalný, J.D.; Ráhel, J.). - Bratislava, Universita Komenského 1999. - S. 234-236.
[Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes /12./. Liptovský Ján ( SK), 99.02.09-99.02.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0746
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059144 - UFP-V 990014 RIV GB eng J
Šunka, P. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - Lukeš, P. - Šimek, M. - Schmidt, J. - Černák, M.
Generation of chemically active species by electrical discharges in water.
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 8 [2] 258-265 (1999).
[Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases/14th./. Malahide, Dublin (IE), 98.08.26-98.08.29]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0746
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor: 2.038(99) 1.963(00) 2.063(01) 1,816(02) 1.676(03) ]

065503 - UFP-V 990080 CZ eng A
Šunka, P. - Babický, V. - Člupek, M. - Lukeš, P. - Šimek, M. - Brablec, A.
New Approach to Generation of Corona Like Discharges in Water.
In: 14th IPSC Symposium Proceedings. - (Ed. Hrabovský, M.; Konrád, M.; Kopecký, V.). - Prague, Institute of Plasma Physics 1999. - S. 1057-1062. - ( 2).
[International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /14./. Prague (CZ), 99.08.02-99.08.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/99/0305
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065508 - UFP-V 990092 RIV US eng J
Tataronis, J. A. - Petržílka, V. - Goniche, M. - Fuchs, V. - Söldner, F. X.
Enhancement of Plasma Vortex in front of LH Grills by Spontaneously Generated Waves.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 44 [1/part II] 1268 ( 1999).
[APS Centernical Meeting Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference. Atlanta (US), 99.03.22-99.03.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) ústavní projekt 2792
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065489 - UFP-V 990065 FR eng G
Tendler, M. - Krlín, L. - Stöckel, J. - Svoboda, V.
Simulation of Stochastic (E x B) Diffusion of Ions in a Spatially Periodical Potential Field. (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Mulhouse, European Physical Society 1999. - S. 1597-1600. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065509 - UFP-V 990093 FR eng C
Tskhakaya, D. - Kuhn, S. - Petržílka, V. - Khanal, R.
Effects of fast electron on the potential of a divertor plate.
In: European Conference Abstracts. - (Ed. Schweer, B.; Oost, Van G.; Vietzke, E.). - Paris, EPS 1999. - S. 537-540. - (ECA.; 23J. 23J ).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 99.06.14-99.06.18]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) ústavní projekt 2792
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065494 - UFP-V 990070 RIV US eng J
Vahala, G. - Wah, D. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L.
2-Fluid Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations with Ionization and Recombination.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. partII, 44 [1] 1114 ( 1999).
[Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society/1999./. Atlanta, Georgia (US), 99.03.20-99.03.26]

065504 - UFP-V 990081 CH eng J
Voleník, K. - Hanousek, F. - Chráska, P. - Ilavský, J. - Neufuss, K.
In-flight oxidation of high-alloy steels during plasma spraying.
Materials Science and Engineering. A, 272, [-] 199-206 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 202/98P066; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1010601; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/99/0298
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii
[Impact factor:0.801(92) 1.049(93) 0.986(94) 0.853(95) 0.852(96) 0.842(97) 0.748(98) 0.943(99) 0.897(00) 0.978(01) 1,107(02) 1.365(03) ]

065471 - UFP-V 990046 PL eng C
Vrba, P. - Vrbová, M.
Temperature Dependence of Ion Abundance in X-ray Laser Mixtures.
In: ICPIG 24,Proceedings Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Pisarczyk, P.; Pisarczyk, T.; Wolowski, J.). - Warsaw, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences 1999. - S. 249-250.
[ICPIG International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases /24./. Warsaw (PL), 99.07.11-99.07.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1559
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

059132 - UFP-V 990002 CZ eng A
Vrbová, M. - Vrba, P.
Prospective Active Media for 2-20nm X-Ray Lasers.
In: WORHSHOP 99. - (Ed. Fiala, P.; Kvarda, J.; Maruna, Z.). - Prague, ČVUT 1999. - S. 7+0.
[Scientific seminar on Czech Technical University Prague /8./. Prague (CZ), 99.02.02-99.02.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/99/1559
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

065495 - UFP-V 990071 RIV US eng J
Wah, D. - Vahala, G. - Pavlo, P. - Vahala, L. - Carter, J.
3D Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Simulations.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. part II, 44 [1] 1114 (1999).
[Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society/1999./. Atlanta, Georgia (US), 99.03.20-99.03.26]

065491 - UFP-V 990067 RIV UK eng J
Žáček, F. - Klíma, R. - Jakubka, K. - Plíšek, P. - Nanobashvili, S. - Pavlo, P. - Preinhaelter, J. - Stöckel, J. - Kryška, L.
Spectrum broadening and fluctuations of lower hybrid waves observed in the CASTOR tokamak.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 41 [10] 1221-1230 (1999).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/1355; GA ČR(CZ) GA202/97/0778; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA143405; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1043701; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1043601
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:A52/98:Z2-043-9ii

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