± 100 kN, quiet 25 l/min pump, 38 l/min servovalve, mechanical and hydraulic grips, upgraded by Teststar IIs digital control unit, equipped with split three-zone oven up to 1000 °C, high temperature hydraulic grips and high temperature longitudinal and diagonal extensometers
± 50 kN, 16 l/min servovalve, mechanical and hydraulic grips, extensometers, upgraded by FlexTestPlus digital control unit
± 100 kN, quiet 25 l/min pump, two 38 l/min servovalves, Teststar IIs digital control unit, grips for room and low temperatures, cryostat down to liquid nitrogen temperature, low temperature extensometer
grabber and PC for picture capture and storage
high magnification long-distance microscope equipped with Olympus DP 70 high resolution camera for real-time crack monitoring