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11 Dec 09 - 11 Dec 09
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Running projects
Investigation of possibilities of strengthening of iron-aluminides-based alloys by second-phase particles
Investigator: Ing. Ferdinand Dobeš, DrSc.

Numerical modeling of small punch tests on miniaturized specimens from advanced steels for reliable life-time estimation
Investigator: Ing. Petr Dymáček, Ph.D.

Transient Effects in Creep at Conditions Leading to Very Low Strain Rates
Investigator: RNDr. Luboš Kloc, CSc.

Finished projects
Effect of reinforcement-matrix interface on the strength and thermal properties of Mg-Al-Ca alloy composites
Investigator: RNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.

Numerical simulations of small punch tests on miniature specimens for determination of residual and guaranteed life of heat resistant steels.
Investigator: Ing. Petr Dymáček, Ph.D.

High strain sensitivity creep testing techniques for validation of creep constitutive models
Investigator: RNDr. Luboš Kloc, CSc.

The analysis of mechanisms and factors influencing the creep resistance of perspective iron aluminides on the basis of Fe3Al and FeAl
Investigator: Ing. Ferdinand Dobeš, DrSc.

Microprocesses of plastic deformation in light metals based advanced alloys and composites at elevated temperatures
Investigator: RNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.

Analysis of heat resistance of weldments in energetic facilities by means of small punch tests on thin discs
Investigator: RNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.

Alternative methods of the activation analysis in creep
Investigator: Ing. Ferdinand Dobeš, DrSc.

Small punch creep tests of mechanically alloyed aluminium alloys
Investigator: Ing. Ferdinand Dobeš, DrSc.

Thermally activated deformation and internal stress in alloys and composites
Investigator: RNDr. Karel Milička, DrSc.

Creep of a priori Brittle Materials for High Temperature Applications at Very Low Creep Rates
Investigator: RNDr. Luboš Kloc, CSc.

Last update
11. 11. 2009