ÚTIA - Ústav teorie informace a automatizace


Zpět na seznam ústavů                     Domovská stránka ASEP

Další roky: 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

018389 - UTIA-B 940196 DE eng C
Bakule, L.
On-line distributed control of uncertain complex systems.
In: Internationales wissenschaftliches Koloquium. - (Ed. Köhler, E.). - Ilmenau, Technische Universität 1994. - S. 269-274.
[IWK '94. /39./. Ilmenau (DE), 94.09.27-94.09.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103

021966 - UTIA-B 950022 CZ eng Rx
Bakule, L.
Rec.: Maciejowski, J. M. / Multivariable Feedback Design.
Kybernetika, 30 [4] 471-472 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

021967 - UTIA-B 950023 DE eng J
Bakule, L.
On-line decentralized control of uncertain interconnected systems.
Systems analysis-Modelling-Simulation, 16 [1] 17-24 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103

018289 - UTIA-B 940093 NL eng C
Beulens, A. J. M. - Doležal, J. - Sebastian, H. J.
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Proceedings.
In: Proceedings. - Leidschendam, Lansa 1994. - 211 s.
[Working Conference of the IFIP TC 7.6 /2./. Dagstuhl (DE), 92.09.28-92.10.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) 102/94/0654

018271 - UTIA-B 940074 DE eng C
Boček, P. - Víšek, J. Á.
Significance of differences of estimates.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 195-202.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

018399 - UTIA-B 940209 CZ cze C
Böhm, J. - Halousková, A.
Programový systém pro počítačovou podporu návrhu adaptivního řízení.
In: Řízení procesů. - Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice 1994. - S. 31-34.
[ŘÍP '94. Řízení procesů. Horní Bečva (CZ), 94.05.30-94.06.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018401 - UTIA-B 940211 CZ eng C
Böhm, J. - Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
LQ optimization with irregular input-output sampling: algorithmic and complexity aspects.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 265-268.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) 275110

018355 - UTIA-B 940162 DE eng C
Buráň, P. - Doležal, J.
Modelling, control and optimization of mechanical systems with open chains in robotics.
In: System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings. - (Ed. Henry, J.; Yvon, J. P.). - Berlin, Springer 1994. - S. 345-354. - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 197).
[IFIP-TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /16./. Compiegne (FR), 93.07.05-93.07.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

021965 - UTIA-B 950020 CZ cze V
Buráň, P. - Doležal, J. - Fidler, J.
Implementace systému LANCELOT v prostředí HP-UX a některé aspekty jeho využití při řešení úloh nelineárního matematického programování. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 55 s. - (Research Report. 1827).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

018303 - UTIA-B 940107 JP eng C
Čelikovský, S.
Global state linearization of multi-input bilinear systems.
In: Proceedings of the First Asian Control Conference. - 3 - Tokyo, Waseda University 1994. - S. 133-136.
[ASCC '94. Asian Control Conference /1./. Tokyo (JP), 94.07.27-94.07.30]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403

018352 - UTIA-B 940159 CZ eng A
Čelikovský, S.
On a heuristic algorithm for the nonsmooth stabilization and its connection with the topological linearization.
In: Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts. - (Ed. Doležal, J.; Fidler, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 51-57.
[Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./. Prague (CZ), 94.05.24-94.05.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0053

018339 - UTIA-B 940146 CZ eng J
Čelikovský, S. - Vaněček, A.
Bilinear systems and chaos.
Kybernetika, 30 [4] 403-423 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018308 - UTIA-B 940113 US eng V
Derviz, A.
Structural Change, Bargaining and Learning. Santa Cruz, University of California 1994. - 43 s. - (Working Paper. 289).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0683

018266 - UTIA-B 940069 CZ eng A
Doležal, J. - Fidler, J. (Eds.)
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts.
In: Book of Abstracts. - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 175 s.
[Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./. Prague (CZ), 94.05.24-94.05.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

018346 - UTIA-B 940153 CZ eng J
Doležal, J. - Hraba, T.
Mathematical modelling of immunotherapy in HIV infection.
Folia Biologica, 40 [4] 193-199 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

018370 - UTIA-B 940177 US eng C
Doležal, J. - Hraba, T.
Model-based analysis of inhibition phenomena: immunological tolerance and HIV infection.
In: Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings. - San Antonio, IEEE 1994. - S. 1297-1302.
[IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. San Antonio (US), 94.10.02-94.10.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

018390 - UTIA-B 940197 NL eng C
Ferri, F. J. - Pudil, P. - Hetel, M. - Kittler, J.
Comporative study of techniques for large-scale feature selection.
In: Pattern Recognition in Practice IV: Multiple Paradigms, Comporative Studies and Hybrid Systems. - (Ed. Gelsema, E. S.; Kanal, L. S.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1994. - S. 403-413.
[International Workshop on Pattern Recognition. Vlieland (NL), 94.06.01-94.06.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

018333 - UTIA-B 940139 CZ eng C
Ferri, F. J. - Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J.
Methods for selecting features from high dimensional pattern spaces.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 273-278.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

018247 - UTIA-B 940048 CZ cze V
Fidler, J. - Doležal, J.
Použití systému OPTIA pro řešení úloh optimálního řízení. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 41 s. - (Research Report. 1802).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

018309 - UTIA-B 940114 CH eng A
Fidler, J. - Doležal, J.
Solution of optimal control problems via parameter optimization.
In: International Congress of Mathematicians. Abstracts. - Zürich, ETH 1994. - S. 238-239.
[International Congress of Mathematicians. Zürich (CH), 94.08.03-94.08.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

021962 - UTIA-B 950013 CZ cze C
Fidler, J. - Doležal, J.
OPTIA - rozšíření uživatelských možností.
In: Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 7. - Praha, MÚ AV ČR 1994. - S. 42-47.
[Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /7./. Bratříkov (CZ), 94.06.13-94.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645

021970 - UTIA-B 950028 US eng C
Flusser, J. - Saic, S. - Suk, T.
Registration of images with affine geometric distortion by means of moment invariants.
In: Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing. - (Ed. Desachy, J.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1994. - S. 843-852.
[European Symposium on Satellite Remote Sensing. Roma (IT), 94.09.26-94.09.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835

018258 - UTIA-B 940061 NL eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Affine moment invariants: a new tool for character recognition.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 15, [-] 433-436 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835
[Impact factor:0.375(92) 0.275(93) 0.381(94) 0.621(95) 0.329(96) 0.304(97) 0.344(98) 0.315(99) 0.346(00) 0.552(01) 0,409(02) 0.809(03) ]

018295 - UTIA-B 940099 CZ eng V
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Description and Recognition of Blurred Images by the Method of Blur Invariants. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 28 s. - (Research Report. 1806).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835

018298 - UTIA-B 940102 US eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
A moment-based approach to registration of images with affine geometric distortion.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32 [2] 382-387 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835
[Impact factor:0.905(92) 0.471(93) 1.356(94) 1.233(95) 1.218(96) 1.419(97) 1.251(98) 1.732(99) 1.485(00) 1.605(01) 1,603(02) 1.867(03) ]

018388 - UTIA-B 940195 DE eng C
Flusser, J. - Suk, T. - Saic, S.
Moment-based features for description and recognition of blurred images.
In: Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision. - (Ed. Klette, R.; Kropatsek, W.; Solina, F.). - Dagstuhl, - 1994. - S. 5-13. - ( Dagstuhl Seminar Report. 85/9411).
[Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision. Dagstuhl (DE), 94.03.14-94.03.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835

018230 - UTIA-B 940012 CZ eng V
Gaston, F. M. F. - Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
The Block Regularised Linear Quadratic Optimal Controller. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 18 s. - (Research Report. 1789).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018348 - UTIA-B 940155 GB eng C
Gaston, F. M. F. - Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
The block regularized linear quadratic optimal controller.
In: IEE International Conference on Control '94. - 2 - London, IEE 1994. - S. 1254-1259. - (IEE. 389).
[CONTROL '94. Warwick (GB), 94.03.21-94.03.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018240 - UTIA-B 940039 SG eng C
Grim, J.
Individualized voting scheme - a democratic violation of the democratic voting principle.
In: Cybernetics and Systems '94. - 2 - (Ed. Trappl, R.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1994. - S. 1081-1088.
[European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /12./. Vienna (AT), 94.04.05-94.04.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27550

018252 - UTIA-B 940054 US eng J
Grim, J.
Knowledge representation and uncertainty processing in the probabilistic expert system PES.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 103-111 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27550
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018412 - UTIA-B 940224 CZ eng C
Grim, J.
Multidimensional problems in the probabilistic expert system PES.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 83-90.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAa275110

018367 - UTIA-B 940174 CZ eng V
Grim, J. - Boček, P.
Statistical Model of Prague Households for Interactive Presentation of Census Data. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 14 s. - (Research Report. 1822).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018274 - UTIA-B 940077 DE eng C
Györfi, L. - Vajda, I. - Meulen van der, E.
Parameter estimation by projecting on structural statistical models.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 261-272.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

018282 - UTIA-B 940086 US eng J
Györfi, L. - Vajda, I. - Meulen van der, E.
Minimum Hellinger distance point estimates consistent under weak family regularity.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 3 [1] 25-45 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

021984 - UTIA-B 950160 NL eng V
Haindl, M.
An Adaptive Image Reconstruction Method. Amsterdam, CWI 1994. - 7 s. - (Research Report. CS-R9537).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT III 6307

018405 - UTIA-B 940215 CZ eng C
Hajmán, D.
Approximate control design for adaptively controlled Markov chains.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 287-291.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018424 - UTIA-B 940236 CZ eng V
Halousková, A. - Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P.
Recursive Approximation by ARX Model: Use of Prior Information for Stabilized Forgetting. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 1821).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018235 - UTIA-B 940024 CZ eng V
Hench, J. J.
The Pseudo-Givens Rotation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 9 s. - (Research Report. 1800).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAa275102

018394 - UTIA-B 940203 US eng J
Hench, J. J.
On the periodic quotient singular value decomposition.
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2 [3] 138-153 ( 1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

018395 - UTIA-B 940204 CZ eng C
Hench, J. J.
Computing the roots of a polynomial using structured matrix techniques.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 245-249.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

018337 - UTIA-B 940143 US eng J
Hench, J. J. - Kenney, C. S. - Laub, A. J.
Methods for the numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems.
Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 13 [6] 695-732 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:1.263(92) 0.294(93) 0.357(94) 0.416(95) 0.143(96) 0.213(97) 0.256(98) 0.267(99) 0.304(00) 0.296(01) 0,423(02) 0.280(03) ]

018301 - UTIA-B 940105 US eng J
Hench, J. J. - Laub, A. J.
Numerical solution of the discrete-time periodic Riccati equation.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 39 [6] 1197-1210 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

018398 - UTIA-B 940208 CZ eng C
Heřmanská, J. - Blažek, T. - Kárný, M.
Beyond effective half-life characterization of radionuclide dynamics.
In: Radiohygienické dny. - Praha, Centrum hygieny záření 1994. - S. 78-85.
[Radiohygienické dny /18./. Jáchymov (CZ), 94.11.20-94.11.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20

018406 - UTIA-B 940216 DE eng C
Heřmanská, J. - Jirsa, L. - Kárný, M.
Effective half-life estimation: Bayesian solution.
In: Radiation Protection Physics. - Dresden, Technische Universität 1994. - S. 4-27.
[Symposium Radiation Protection Physics /25./. Dresden (DE), 94.09.26-94.09.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20

018408 - UTIA-B 940220 CZ cze C
Heřmanská, J. - Kárný, M.
Kvantitativní popis kinetiky 131 I v organismu.
In: Dny nukleární medicíny. - Plzeň, Společnost nukleární medicíny 1994. - S. 10.
[Dny nukleární medicíny /31./. Plzeň (CZ), 94.09.06-94.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20

018402 - UTIA-B 940212 DE eng J
Heřmanská, J. - Němec, J. - Blažek, T. - Kárný, M.
Bayesian prediction of 131 I kinetics.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 21 [8] 870 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20
[Impact factor:1.355(91) 1.856(92) 1.832(93) 2.690(94) 2.930(95) 3.097(96) 2.692(97) 2.564(98) 3.239(99) 3.772(00) 3.464(01) ]

018392 - UTIA-B 940199 DE eng J
Hoffmann, K. H. - Roubíček, T.
Optimal control of a fine structure.
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 30, [-] 113-126 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.508(92) 0.407(93) 0.574(94) 0.339(95) 0.441(96) 0.426(97) 0.477(98) 0.639(99) 0.667(00) 0.707(01) 1,045(02) 0.694(03) ]

021980 - UTIA-B 950126 US eng J
Hoffmann, K. H. - Roubíček, T.
Thermomechanical evolution of a microstructure.
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 52 [4] 721-737 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor: 0.413(99) 0.398(00) 0.477(01) 0,458(02) 0.709(03) ]

018345 - UTIA-B 940152 CZ eng J
Hraba, T. - Doležal, J.
Mathematical modelling of chemotherapy in HIV infection.
Folia Biologica, 40 [3] 103-111 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0645
[Impact factor:0.319(92) 0.090(93) 0.213(94) 0.446(95) 0.500(96) 0.522(97) 0.632(98) 0.493(99) 0.351(00) 0.519(01) 0,615(02) 0.527(03) ]

018420 - UTIA-B 940232 US eng J
Hunt, K. J. - Šebek, M. - Kučera, V.
Polynomial solution of the standard multivariable H2-optimal control problem.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 39 [7] 1502-1507 (1994).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) Copernicus CP 93:2424
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

018268 - UTIA-B 940071 DE eng C
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic behaviour of the error probabilities in the pseudo-likelihood ratio test for Gibbs-Markov distributions.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 285-296.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

018275 - UTIA-B 940078 US eng A
Janžura, M.
Source coding theorem for random fields.
In: Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. - Piscataway, IEEE 1994. - S. 185.
[IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. Trondheim (NO), 94.06.27-94.07.01]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175402

018281 - UTIA-B 940085 CZ eng J
Janžura, M.
The central limit theorem for random fields.
Kybernetika, 30 [1] 77-86 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0449
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018316 - UTIA-B 940121 CZ eng C
Janžura, M.
Asymptotic normality of the maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate of parameters for Gibbs random fields.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 119-121.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

021959 - UTIA-B 950010 DE eng J
Janžura, M.
Statistical analysis of Gibbs-Markov binary random sequences.
Statistics and Decisions, 12 [12] 367-384 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

018342 - UTIA-B 940149 US eng J
Janžura, M. - Koski, T. - Otáhal, A.
Minimum entropy of error principle in estimation.
Information Sciences, 79 [1/2] 123-144 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0321
[Impact factor:0.198(91) 0.248(92) 0.181(93) 0.266(94) 0.245(95) 0.207(96) 0.174(97) 0.169(98) 0.161(99) 0.322(00) 0.264(01) 0,361(02) 0.447(03) ]

018357 - UTIA-B 940164 SE eng V
Janžura, M. - Koski, T. - Otáhal, A.
Minimum Entropy of Error Estimation for Discrete Random Variables. Lulea, University of Technology 1994. - 31 s. - (Research Report. 94/12).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0321

018277 - UTIA-B 940080 CZ cze C
Janžura, M. - Otáhal, A.
Náhodná pole a jejich aplikace.
In: ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Antoch, J.; Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1994. - S. 32-43.
[ROBUST '94. Malenovice (CZ), 94.01.17-94.01.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

018264 - UTIA-B 940067 IT eng J
Jarušek, J.
Solvability of the variational inequality for a drum with a memory vibrating in the presence of an obstacle.
Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana, 7 [8-A] 113-122 ( 1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.108(91) 0.104(92) 0.000(93) 0.079(94) 0.079(95) 0.077(96) 0.141(97) 0.170(98) 0.096(99) 0.117(00) 0,056(02) 0.066(03) ]

021960 - UTIA-B 950011 CZ eng Rx
Jarušek, J.
Rec.: Byrnes, Ch. I. - Kurzhanski, A. / Nonlinear Synthesis.
Mathematica Bohemica, 119 [4] 447-448 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

018254 - UTIA-B 940056 US eng J
Jiroušek, R.
Decision-tree modelling of probability distributions.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 125-137 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018361 - UTIA-B 940168 CZ eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Probabilistic model of nonmonotonic reasoning.
In: Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 87-97.
[Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./. Třešť ( CZ), 94.09.11-94.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

018414 - UTIA-B 940226 FR eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Multimodel approximation of probability distributions: a tool for knowledge derivation.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings. - 1 - Paris, Cité Internationale Universitaire 1994. - S. 449-454.
[International Conference IPMU /5./. Paris (FR), 94.07.04-94.07.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

018226 - UTIA-B 940008 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
The Cell-Level Description of Systolic Block Regularised QR Filter. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 10 s. - (Research Report. 1792).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018227 - UTIA-B 940009 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Lattice Feedback Regularised Identification. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 30 s. - (Research Report. 1788).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018228 - UTIA-B 940010 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Structure Determination and Tracking for Parallel Radial Basic Function Based Nonlinear Networks. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 13 s. - (Research Report. 1790).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018229 - UTIA-B 940011 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Transputer Implementation of Block Regularised Filtering. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 16 s. - (Research Report. 1791).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018283 - UTIA-B 940087 DK eng A
Kadlec, J.
Matlab transputer bridge. Abstract.
In: 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Preprints. - 4 - (Ed. Blanke, M.; Söderström, T.). - Copenhagen, IFAC 1994. - S. 31.
[IFAC SYSID '94 /10./. Copenhagen (DK), 94.07.04-94.07.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018284 - UTIA-B 940088 DK eng C
Kadlec, J.
Lattice feedback regularised identification.
In: 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Preprints. - 3 - (Ed. Blanke, M.; Söderström, T.). - Copenhagen, IFAC 1994. - S. 277-282.
[IFAC SYSID '94 /10./. Copenhagen (DK), 94.07.04-94.07.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018320 - UTIA-B 940126 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Systolic Arrays for Identification of Systems with Variable Structure. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 10 s. - (Research Report. 1817).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018321 - UTIA-B 940127 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Numerical Analysis of a Normalized RLS Filter Using a Probability Description of Propagated Data. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 1818).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018322 - UTIA-B 940128 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Direct Software Bridge MATLAB-Transputer Boards. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 4 s. - (Research Report. 1819).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018323 - UTIA-B 940129 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J.
Parallel Normalized Identification Algorithm with Lattice Feedback Regularization. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 35 s. - (Research Report. 1820).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018329 - UTIA-B 940135 CZ eng C
Kadlec, J.
Systolic arrays for identification of systems with variable structure.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 123-132.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018374 - UTIA-B 940181 BE eng A
Kadlec, J.
Numerical analysis of normalized RGS filter by probability description of propagated data. Abstract.
In: Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures. Abstracts. - Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit 1994. - S. -.
[International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures /3./. Leuven (BE), 94.08.29-94.08.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018378 - UTIA-B 940185 GB eng C
Kadlec, J.
Direct software bridge MATLAB-transputer boards.
In: Signal Processing Conference. Proceedings. - 3 - (Ed. Covan, C. F. N.). - Edinburgh, EUSIPCO 1994. - S. 1601-1604.
[EUSIPCO '94. European Signal Processing Conference /7./. Edinburgh (GB), 94.09.13-94.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018379 - UTIA-B 940186 GB eng Rx
Kadlec, J.
Rec.: Nocetti, D. F. G. - Fleming, P. J. / Parallel Processing in Digital Control.
Automatica, 30 [5] 917-918 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

021978 - UTIA-B 950105 NL eng C
Kadlec, J.
Numerical analysis of normalized RLS filter using a probability description of propagated data.
In: Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III. - (Ed. Moonen, M.; Catthor, F.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1994. - S. 61-72.
[Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures /3./. Leuven (BE), 94.08.29-94.08.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018224 - UTIA-B 940006 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
Regularised Lattice-Ladder Adaptive Filter. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 1793).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018225 - UTIA-B 940007 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
The Block Regularised Parameter Estimator and Its Parallel Implementation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 33 s. - (Research Report. 1787).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018377 - UTIA-B 940184 GB eng B
Kadlec, J. - Gaston, F. M. F. - Irwin, G. W.
Parallel implementation of restricted parameter tracking.
In: Mathematics in Signal Processing. - (Ed. McWhirter, J. G.). - Oxford, Clarendon 1994. - S. 315-325. - (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference Series. 49).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018269 - UTIA-B 940072 DE eng C
Kaňková, V.
On stability in two-stage stochastic nonlinear programming.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 329-340.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018325 - UTIA-B 940131 CZ eng C
Kaňková, V.
A note on the relationship between distribution function estimation and estimations in stochastic programming.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 122-125.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018327 - UTIA-B 940133 SK cze C
Kaňková, V.
Poznámka ke stabilitě úloh vícekriteriálního stochastického programování.
In: Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII). - Bratislava, Ekonomická univerzita 1994. - S. 97-103.
[Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. Bratislava (SK), 94.09.27-94.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018328 - UTIA-B 940134 CZ cze C
Kaňková, V.
Aproximace a stabilita ve stochastickém programování.
In: 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 79-90.
[MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018396 - UTIA-B 940205 DE eng A
Kaňková, V.
A note sensitivity analysis for stochastic programming problems. Abstract.
In: Minisymposium on Stochastic Programming. - (Ed. Römisch, W.; Schultz, R.). - Berlin, Humboldt-Universität 1994. - S. -.
[Minisymposium on Stochatic Programming. Berlin (DE), 94.01.22-94.01.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631; GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561

018397 - UTIA-B 940206 DE eng A
Kaňková, V.
Estimates in stochastic programming problems. Abstract.
In: Stochastic Programming: Stability, Numerical Methods and Applications. - Berlin, Humboldt-Universität 1994. - S. -.
[GAMM/IFIP Workshop. Gosen (DE), 92.03.23-92.03.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561

021956 - UTIA-B 950005 CZ eng V
Kaňková, V.
On Distribution Sensitivity in Stochastic Programming. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 26 s. - (Research Report. 1826).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

021963 - UTIA-B 950014 LT eng J
Kaňková, V.
On the stability in stochastic programming - generalized simple recourse problems.
Informatica, 5 [1/2] 55-78 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

021974 - UTIA-B 950055 NL eng J
Kaňková, V.
A note on estimates in stochastic programming.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 56, [-] 97-112 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561
[Impact factor:0.320(92) 0.290(93) 0.349(94) 0.373(95) 0.301(96) 0.402(97) 0.433(98) 0.370(99) 0.455(00) 0.533(01) 0,564(02) 0.567(03) ]

018400 - UTIA-B 940210 CZ eng C
Kárný, M. - Hajmán, D. - Halousková, A.
On conservative recursive learning.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 77-82.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018231 - UTIA-B 940015 CZ eng V
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
Automatic Prior Design of LQG Adaptive Controllers. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 1794).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018259 - UTIA-B 940062 GB eng B
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
Pre-tuning of self-tuners.
In: Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control. - (Ed. Clarke, D.). - Oxford, Oxford University Press 1994. - S. 333-343. - (Oxford Science Publications.).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

018236 - UTIA-B 940025 CZ eng V
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A. - Zörnigová, L.
Bayesian Pooling of Expert Opinions. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 21 s. - (Research Report. 1799).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

018286 - UTIA-B 940090 DK eng C
Kárný, M. - Halousková, A. - Zörnigová, L.
On pooling expert opinions.
In: 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Preprints. - 2 - (Ed. Blanke, M.; Söderström, T.). - Copenhagen, IFAC 1994. - S. 477-478.
[IFAC SYSID '94 /10./. Copenhagen (DK), 94.07.04-94.07.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

018285 - UTIA-B 940089 DK eng C
Kárný, M. - Nagy, I. - Halousková, A.
Second layer least squares for recursive non-linear estimation.
In: 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Preprints. - 2 - (Ed. Blanke, M.; Söderström, T.). - Copenhagen, IFAC 1994. - S. 655-660.
[IFAC SYSID '94 /10./. Copenhagen (DK), 94.07.04-94.07.06]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

018349 - UTIA-B 940156 GB eng C
Kárný, M. - Warwick, K.
Partitioned least squares.
In: IEE International Conference Control '94. - 1 - London, IEE 1994. - S. 827-832. - (IEE. 389).
[CONTROL '94. Warwick (GB), 94.03.21-94.03.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018369 - UTIA-B 940176 CZ cze C
Klán, P. - Maršík, J.
Nekonvenční metoda predikce výstupu dynamických systémů.
In: Řízení procesů. - Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice 1994. - S. 205-211.
[ŘÍP '94. Řízení procesů. Horní Bečva (CZ), 94.05.30-94.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/93/0227

018371 - UTIA-B 940178 US eng C
Klán, P. - Maršík, J.
Control expert advisor.
In: Signal Processing Applications and Technology. - Waltham, DSP Associates 1994. - S. 1103-1108.
[ICSPAT '94. International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology. Dallas (US), 94.10.18-94.10.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27513

018387 - UTIA-B 940194 AT eng B
Klimešová, D. - Havel, J. - Saic, S.
Multitemporal and multisource analysis.
In: Image Analysis and Synthesis. - (Ed. Pölzleitner, W.; Wenger, E.). - Wien, R. Oldenbourg 1994. - S. 156-162.

018257 - UTIA-B 940059 DE eng V
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
On Optimization of Systems Governed by Implicit Complementarity Problems. Jena, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik 1994. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 513).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

018307 - UTIA-B 940111 US eng C
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
Shape optimization of elasto-plastic bodies governed by variational inequalities.
In: Boundary Control and Boundary Variation. - (Ed. Zolesio, J. P.). - New York, Dekker 1994. - S. 261-271.
[IFIP Workshop Boundary Control and Boundary Variation. Sophia Antipolis (FR), 92.06.03-92.06.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

021958 - UTIA-B 950008 US eng J
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
On optimization of systems governed by implicit complementarity problems.
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 15 [7/8] 869-887 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.230(91) 0.228(92) 0.175(93) 0.378(94) 0.441(95) 0.336(96) 0.246(97) 0.206(98) 0.220(99) 0.313(00) 0.333(01) 0,311(02) 0.616(03) ]

021971 - UTIA-B 950037 GB eng C
Kočvara, M. - Outrata, J.
A numerical approach to the design of masonry structures.
In: System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings of the 16th IFIP-TC7 Conference. - (Ed. Henry, J.; Yvon, J. P.). - London, Springer 1994. - S. 195-205. - (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 197).
[IFIP-TC7 /16./. Compiegne (FR), 93.07.05-93.07.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 175101

021979 - UTIA-B 950107 GR eng C
Kočvara, M. - Rozložník, M. - Xanthis, L. S.
On iterative solvers for the method of arbitrary lines.
In: Proceedings of the Second Hellenic European Conference on Mathematics and Informatics. - (Ed. Lipitakis, E. A.). - Athens, Hellenic Mathematical Society 1994. - S. 261-272.
[HERMIS '94 /2./. Athens (GR), 94.09.22-94.09.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 175101

018300 - UTIA-B 940104 DE eng J
Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
An iterative two-step algorithm for linear complementarity problems.
Numerische Mathematik, 68 [1] 95-106 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 175101
[Impact factor:0.667(92) 0.626(93) 0.753(94) 0.766(95) 0.816(96) 0.819(97) 1.076(98) 0.968(99) 1.210(00) 1.145(01) 1,239(02) 1.206(03) ]

018263 - UTIA-B 940066 CZ cze Cz
Kolář, P.
Celulární systémy jako modely biologických buněčných tkání.
In: Proceedings of Conference MOSIS '94. - (Ed. Štefan, J.). - Ostrava, House of Technology 1994. - S. 241-245.
[MOSIS '94. Zábřeh na Moravě (CZ), 94.05.30-94.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

028288 - UTIA-B 960088 CZ cze J
Kotásková, J. - Vajda, I. - Kožený, J.
Vzorce osobnosti 2: Ontogenetické zvláštnosti vztahu morální úrovně a lokalizace kontroly.
Československá psychologie, 38 [1] 15-27 (1994).
[Impact factor: 0.196(99) 0.295(00) 0.195(01) 0.190(02) 0.232(03) ]

018363 - UTIA-B 940170 DE eng C
Kovanic, P.
Gnostical modelling of uncertainty.
In: Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications. - 2 Invited and Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Helmke, U.; Mennicken, R.; Saurer, J.). - Berlin, Akademie 1994. - S. 293-296. - (Mathematical Research. 79).
[International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./. Regensburg (DE), 93.08.02-93.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27520

018331 - UTIA-B 940137 CZ eng C
Kozák, P.
Dealing with complexity in the discrete event system control methods.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 229-236.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

018368 - UTIA-B 940175 GB eng C
Kozák, P.
Decentralized controller design for a class of hybrid systems.
In: Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings. - (Ed. Johannsen, G.). - Oxford, Pergamon 1994. - S. 123-128.
[IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering. Baden-Baden (DE) , 94.09.27-94.09.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

018372 - UTIA-B 940179 US eng C
Kozák, P.
Supervisory control of parallelly interconnected timed discrete event systems.
In: Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings. - San Antonio, IEEE 1994. - S. 1012-1017.
[IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. San Antonio (US), 94.10.02-94.10.05]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

021981 - UTIA-B 950138 CZ eng J
Kraffer, F. - Pejchová, S. - Šebek, M.
Polynomial operations: numerical performance in matrix Diophantine equation.
Kybernetika, 30 [6] 745-753 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018255 - UTIA-B 940057 US eng J
Kříž, O.
Supremal inference machine and measures of certainty.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 171-184 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018356 - UTIA-B 940163 FR eng C
Kříž, O.
Invariant moves for constructing extensions of marginals.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings. - 2 - Paris, Cité Internationale Universitaire 1994. - S. 984-989.
[International Conference IPMU /5./. Paris (FR), 94.07.04-94.07.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

018359 - UTIA-B 940166 CZ eng C
Kříž, O.
Optimizations in finite-dimensional distributions with fixed marginals.
In: Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 143-156.
[Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./. Třešť ( CZ), 94.09.11-94.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564

018354 - UTIA-B 940161 JP eng C
Kučera, V.
How to teach LQG.
In: Symposium on Advances in Control Education. - Tokyo, IFAC 1994. - S. 37-40.
[IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education /3./. Tokyo (JP), 94.08.01-94.08.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294

018380 - UTIA-B 940187 CZ cze C
Kučera, V.
Návrh regulačních obvodů metodou zlomků.
In: Řízení procesů. - Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice 1994. - S. 235-240.
[ŘÍP '94. Řízení procesů. Horní Bečva (CZ), 94.05.30-94.06.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

018429 - UTIA-B 940242 CZ eng J
Kučera, V.
The pole placement equation - A survey.
Kybernetika, 30 [6] 578-584 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018353 - UTIA-B 940160 BR eng C
Kučera, V. - De Souza, C. E.
A necessary and sufficient condition of output feedback stabilizability.
In: Symposium on Robust Control Design. - (Ed. Geromel, J. C.; Ferreira, P. M. G.). - Rio de Janeiro, IFAC 1994. - S. 133-135.
[IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design. Rio de Janeiro (BR), 94.09.14-94.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294

018382 - UTIA-B 940189 GR eng C
Kučera, V. - Kraus, F. J.
Pole placement within a region.
In: New Directions in Control and Automation. Proceedings. - Chania, IEEE 1994. - S. 205-208.
[IEEE Mediterranean Symposium /2./. Chania (GR), 94.06.19-94.06.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294

018336 - UTIA-B 940142 CZ eng C
Kulhavá, L. - Kárný, M. - Warwick, K.
Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing.
In: Proceedings. - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 350 s.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275110

018291 - UTIA-B 940095 CZ eng V
Kulhavý, R.
Bayesian Estimation, Large Deviations, and Incomplete Data. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 8 s. - (Research Report. 1810).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109

018305 - UTIA-B 940109 DE eng C
Kulhavý, R.
Can we preserve the structure of recursive Bayesian estimation in a limited-dimensional implementation?
In: Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications. - 1 Key Invited Lectures. - (Ed. Helmke, U.; Mennicken, R.; Saurer, J.). - Berlin, Akademie 1994. - S. 251-272. - (Mathematical Research. 79).
[International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./. Regensburg (DE), 93.08.02-93.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27515

018318 - UTIA-B 940123 CZ eng V
Kulhavý, R.
Recursive Nonlinear Estimation through Global Approximation of Model. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 10 s. - (Research Report. 1813).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0314

021973 - UTIA-B 950046 US eng C
Kulhavý, R.
Bayesian estimation, large deviations, and incomplete data.
In: Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - 1 - Lake Buena Vista, IEEE 1994. - S. 755-756.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /33./. Lake Buena Vista ( US), 94.12.14-94.12.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0314

018290 - UTIA-B 940094 CZ eng V
Kulhavý, R. - Hrnčíř, F.
Approximation and Uncertainty in Parameter Estimation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 23 s. - (Research Report. 1811).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0314; GA AV ČR(CZ) 275109

018407 - UTIA-B 940217 CZ eng C
Kulhavý, R. - Hrnčíř, F.
Approximation and uncertainty in parameter estimation.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 61-70.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0314

018246 - UTIA-B 940047 CZ eng V
Lachout, P.
Stability of Equation Solutions. (A Topological Point of View). Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 8 s. - (Research Report. 1804).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

018278 - UTIA-B 940081 CZ cze C
Lachout, P.
Eficientní odhady a kompenzátor zobecněného bodového procesu.
In: ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Antoch, J.; Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1994. - S. 77-89.
[ROBUST '94. Malenovice (CZ), 94.01.17-94.01.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA275114

021964 - UTIA-B 950018 CZ eng J
Lachout, P.
A general version of Delta Theorem.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 35 [2] 51-57 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

021952 - UTIA-B 950001 CZ eng C
Lachout, P. - Víšek, J. Á. (Eds.)
Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes.
In: Proceedings. - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 267 s.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]

018411 - UTIA-B 940223 US eng J
Liese, F. - Vajda, I.
Consistency of M-estimates in general regression models.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 50 [1] 93-114 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232
[Impact factor:0.331(92) 0.387(93) 0.304(94) 0.291(95) 0.351(96) 0.301(97) 0.339(98) 0.359(99) 0.432(00) 0.500(01) 0,492(02) 0.320(03) ]

018306 - UTIA-B 940110 DE eng C
Loiseau, J. J. - Zagalak, P.
Eigenstructure assignment in linear and uncontrollable systems.
In: Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications. - 2 Invited and Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Helmke, U.; Mennicken, R.; Saurer, J.). - Berlin, Akademie 1994. - S. 327-330. - (Mathematical Research. 79).
[International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./. Regensburg (DE), 93.08.02-93.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

021987 - UTIA-B 950186 GR eng C
Loiseau, J. J. - Zagalak, P.
On feedback simulation.
In: New Directions in Control and Automation. Proceedings. - Chania, IEEE 1994. - S. 209-211.
[IEEE Mediterranean Symposium /2./. Chania (GR), 94.06.19-94.06.22]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

018242 - UTIA-B 940042 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Chen, S. J. - Hwang, Ch. L. - Hwang, F. P. / Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making. Methods and Applications.
Kybernetika, 30 [1] 103-104 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018243 - UTIA-B 940043 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Zimmerman, H. J. / Fuzzy Sets, Decision Making and Expert Systems.
Kybernetika, 30 [1] 102-103 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018244 - UTIA-B 940044 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Billot, A. / Economic Theory of Fuzzy Equilibria. An Axiomatic Analysis.
Kybernetika, 30 [1] 101-102 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018245 - UTIA-B 940045 SK eng A
Mareš, M.
Equivalentions over fuzzy quantities.
In: Second International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications. Abstracts. - Liptovský Mikuláš, Technical University 1994. - S. 32-33.
[Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Its Applications /2./. Liptovský Mikuláš (SK), 94.01.31-94.02.04]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

018315 - UTIA-B 940120 CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Fuzzy cooperation without side payments.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 142-144.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

018344 - UTIA-B 940151 NL eng J
Mareš, M.
Analysis of data with fuzzy noise.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 64, [-] 353-360 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

018418 - UTIA-B 940230 US eng B
Mareš, M.
Computation over Fuzzy Quantities. Boca Raton, CRC Press 1994. - 156 s.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

018426 - UTIA-B 940239 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Butnariu, D. - Klement, E. P. / Triangular Norm-Based Measures and Games with Fuzzy Coalitions.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 574 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018427 - UTIA-B 940240 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Kitainik, L. / Fuzzy Decision Procedures with Binary Relations.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 575 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018428 - UTIA-B 940241 CZ eng Rx
Mareš, M.
Rec.: Gelbaum, B. R. - Olmsted, J. M. H. / Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 576 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

028286 - UTIA-B 960023 CZ cze N
Mareš, M.
Statistiky chtějí opatrnost.
Vesmír, 73 [3] 127-130 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

028287 - UTIA-B 960026 FR eng J
Mareš, M.
Structure of fuzziness in almost trapezoidal fuzzy quantities.
Busefall, [60] 39-47 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

018351 - UTIA-B 940158 CZ eng A
Maršík, J. - Klán, P.
A nonlinear adaptive PID controller.
In: Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts. - (Ed. Doležal, J.; Fidler, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 114-115.
[Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./. Prague (CZ), 94.05.24-94.05.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/93/0227

018362 - UTIA-B 940169 CZ cze C
Maršík, J. - Nedoma, P. - Klán, P.
Netradiční řízení. Od adaptivních algoritmů k laboratorním experimentům.
In: Quo vadis automatizace? Sborník přednášek. - Praha, ČVUT FEL 1994. - S. 74-79.
[Quo vadis automatizace. Temešvár (CZ), 94.09.13-94.09.15]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA104/93/0227

018250 - UTIA-B 940052 US eng J
Matúš, F.
Probabilistic conditional independence structures and matroid theory: background.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 185-196 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018326 - UTIA-B 940132 CZ eng C
Matúš, F.
Combining m-dependence with Markovness.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 145-149.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 255105; GA AV ČR(CZ) A27564

018360 - UTIA-B 940167 CZ eng C
Matúš, F.
On the maximum-entropy extensions of probability measures over undirected graphs.
In: Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 181-198.
[Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./. Třešť ( CZ), 94.09.11-94.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275105; GA AV ČR(CZ) A27564

018393 - UTIA-B 940202 US eng J
Matúš, F.
On nonnegativity of symmetric polynomials.
American Mathematical Monthly, 101 [7] 661-664 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.193(92) 0.194(93) 0.276(94) 0.249(95) 0.179(96) 0.292(97) 0.228(98) 0.255(99) 0.238(00) 0.221(01) 0,260(02) 0.264(03) ]

021957 - UTIA-B 950007 NL eng J
Matúš, F.
Stochastic independence, algebraic independence and abstract connectedness.
Theoretical Computer Science, 134, [-] 455-471 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27569
[Impact factor:0.589(91) 0.285(92) 0.310(93) 0.413(94) 0.331(95) 0.405(96) 0.361(97) 0.349(98) 0.413(99) 0.417(00) 0.468(01) 0,417(02) 0.764(03) ]

018232 - UTIA-B 940020 CZ eng V
Michálek, J.
Exponential Smoothing, Kalman Filtering and Volatility. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 1798).

021961 - UTIA-B 950012 LT eng J
Michálek, J.
A simple test for tracking the regular behaviour of a technological process.
Informatica, 5 [1/2] 110-122 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018415 - UTIA-B 940227 NL eng J
Michálek, J. - Rüschendorf, L.
A remark on the spectral domain of nonstationary processes.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 53 [1] 55-64 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233
[Impact factor:0.432(91) 0.492(92) 0.419(93) 0.690(94) 0.465(95) 0.445(96) 0.445(97) 0.454(98) 0.543(99) 0.594(00) 0.844(01) 0,682(02) 0.789(03) ]

018416 - UTIA-B 940228 CZ eng C
Michálek, J. - Rüschendorf, L.
Karhunen class processes forming a basic.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 158-160.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018287 - UTIA-B 940091 DK eng A
Nedoma, P.
Object oriented interactive design laboratory Dlab. Abstract.
In: 10th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Preprints. - 4 - (Ed. Blanke, M.; Söderström, T.). - Copenhagen, IFAC 1994. - S. 7-8.
[IFAC SYSID '94 /10./. Copenhagen (DK), 94.07.04-94.07.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

018335 - UTIA-B 940141 CZ eng C
Nedoma, P.
Parallel processing under MATLAB ver. 4.0
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 331-333.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

018324 - UTIA-B 940130 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Halousková, A.
Recursive Approximation by ARX Model. Simulation Verification of Adaptive Controller Initialization. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 14 s. - (Research Report. 1816).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27554

018409 - UTIA-B 940221 DE eng C
Otáhal, A.
Finiteness and continuity of differential entropy.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 415-419.
[Asymptotic Statistics. /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0321

018299 - UTIA-B 940103 US eng J
Outrata, J.
On optimization problems with variational inequality constraints.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 4 [2] 340-357 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor: 1.932(99) 2.023(00) 1.086(01) 1,513(02) 1.757(03) ]

018404 - UTIA-B 940214 CZ eng C
Pavelková, L.
Approximate identification of Markov chains.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 335-340.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0228

018241 - UTIA-B 940040 SG eng C
Pik, J.
An objective formalization of the selectivity principle using the weighted distance of formal symbols.
In: Cybernetics and Systems '94. - 2 - (Ed. Trappl, R.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1994. - S. 1611-1618.
[European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research /12./. Vienna (AT), 94.04.05-94.04.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

018256 - UTIA-B 940058 CZ eng Rx
Pik, J.
Rec.: / Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Control. - Proceedings of a Joint Workshop held in Prague. August 1992
Kybernetika, 30 [1] 104 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018304 - UTIA-B 940108 FI eng C
Pik, J.
Fault tolerant specification of discrete events.
In: IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes. Preprints. - 1 - (Ed. Ruokonen, T.). - Helsinki, University of Technology 1994. - S. 227-230.
[IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS '94. Espoo (FI), 94.06.13-94.06.16]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

018338 - UTIA-B 940145 CH eng J
Pik, J.
Natural discrete-event process forecasting: A decision support system.
Annals of Operations Research, 51 [2] 367-374 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558
[Impact factor: 0.311(99) 0.364(00) 0.255(01) 0,258(02) 0.331(03) ]

018365 - UTIA-B 940172 GB eng C
Pik, J.
A computer aided decision support system for the analysis and forecasting of natural discrete event processes.
In: Integrated Systems Engineering. Proceedings. - (Ed. Johannsen, G.). - Oxford, Pergamon 1994. - S. 29-34.
[IFAC Conference on Integrated Systems Engineering. Baden-Baden (DE) , 94.09.27-94.09.29]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27558

021977 - UTIA-B 950095 GB eng R
Pudil, P.
Rec.: Chen, C. H. - Pau, L. F.oE - Wang, P. S. P. / Handbook of Pattern Recognition & Computer Vision.
IAPR Newsletter, 16 [4] 5 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

018366 - UTIA-B 940173 US eng C
Pudil, P. - Ferri, F. J. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
Floating Search methods for feature selection with nonmonotonic criterion functions.
In: International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. - 2 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. - (Ed. Storms, P.). - Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society 1994. - S. 279-283.
[IAPR-International Conference on Pattern Recognition /12./. Jerusalem (IL), 94.10.09-94.10.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

018334 - UTIA-B 940140 CZ eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Ferri, F. J.
Methods of dimensionality reduction in statistical pattern recognition.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 185-198.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

018248 - UTIA-B 940050 GB eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
Simultaneous learning of decision rules and important attributes for classification problems in image analysis.
Image and Vision Computing, 12 [3] 193-198 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107
[Impact factor:0.405(92) 0.391(93) 0.602(94) 0.484(95) 0.585(96) 0.616(97) 0.431(98) 0.662(99) 0.684(00) 0.893(01) 1,029(02) 1.169(03) ]

018249 - UTIA-B 940051 IN eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
The Max-Min approach to feature selection: its foundations and practical potential.
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 25 [1/2] 71-84 ( 1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275107

021953 - UTIA-B 950002 NL eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Kittler, J.
Floating search methods in feature selection.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 15, [-] 1119-1125 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275107
[Impact factor:0.375(92) 0.275(93) 0.381(94) 0.621(95) 0.329(96) 0.304(97) 0.344(98) 0.315(99) 0.346(00) 0.552(01) 0,409(02) 0.809(03) ]

018391 - UTIA-B 940198 DE eng J
Roubíček, T.
Finite element approximation of a microstructure evolution.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 17, [-] 377-393 ( 1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101
[Impact factor:0.285(91) 0.321(92) 0.333(93) 0.247(94) 0.265(95) 0.315(96) 0.234(97) 0.289(98) 0.287(99) 0.344(00) 0.418(01) 0,541(02) 0.713(03) ]

021985 - UTIA-B 950174 CH eng C
Roubíček, T.
Various relaxations in optimal control of distributed parameter systems.
In: Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems. - Basel, Birkhäuser 1994. - S. 327-341.
[International Conference on Control and Estimation of D.P.S. Vorau (AT), 93.07.00]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

018233 - UTIA-B 940021 CZ eng V
Rubio, A. M. - Quintana, F. - Víšek, J. Á.
Diagnostics of Non-Linear Regression. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 24 s. - (Research Report. 1797).

018302 - UTIA-B 940106 CZ eng J
Rubio, A. M. - Quintana, F. - Víšek, J. Á.
Sensitivity analysis of M-estimators of non-linear regression models.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 35 [1] 111-125 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27557; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

018273 - UTIA-B 940076 DE eng C
Rubio, A. M. - Víšek, J. Á.
Diagnostics of regression model: test of goodness of fit.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 425-434.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

018292 - UTIA-B 940096 CZ eng V
Schier, J.
A Systolic Algorithm for the Block-Regularised RLS Identification. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 24 s. - (Research Report. 1807).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018293 - UTIA-B 940097 CZ eng V
Schier, J.
Systolic Algorithms for Adaptive Control, Implementation in the Matlab Environment. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 11 s. - (Research Report. 1808).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018319 - UTIA-B 940124 CZ eng V
Schier, J.
The Systolic Regularized Linear Quadratic Controller. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 8 s. - (Research Report. 1815).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018330 - UTIA-B 940136 CZ eng C
Schier, J.
The systolic regularized linear quadratic controller.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 133-140.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018373 - UTIA-B 940180 CZ eng C
Schier, J.
Systolic algorithms for adaptive control, implementation in the Matlab environment.
In: Distributed Control. Proceedings. - Praha, ČVUT FEL 1994. - S. 103-113.
[Distributed Control: TEMPUS IMPACT Workshop. Praha (CZ), 94.05.19-94.05.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018375 - UTIA-B 940182 BE eng A
Schier, J.
A systolic algorithm for the block-regularized RLS identification. Abstract.
In: Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures. Abstracts. - Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit 1994. - S. -.
[International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures /3./. Leuven (BE), 94.08.29-94.08.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018376 - UTIA-B 941183 CZ eng D
Schier, J.
Parallel Algorithms for Robust Adaptive Identification and Square-Root LQG Control Synthesis. Doctor Dissertation. Praha, FJFI ČVUT 1994. - 161 s.

021986 - UTIA-B 950179 NL eng C
Schier, J.
A systolic algorithm for block-regularized RLS identification.
In: Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III. - (Ed. Moonen, M.; Catthor, F.). - Amsterdam, Elsevier 1994. - S. 49-60.
[Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures /3./. Leuven (BE), 94.08.29-94.08.31]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/93/0897

018419 - UTIA-B 940231 CH eng B
Schindler, Z.
Steady-state modelling of a turbine engine with controllers.
In: Computational Optimal Control. - (Ed. Bulirsch, R.; Kraft, D.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1994. - S. 349-355. - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. 115).

018265 - UTIA-B 940068 NL eng C
Schindler, Z. - Doležal, J. - Fidler, J. - Matoušek, O.
Steady-state model of a turbine engine coupled with a propeller.
In: Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Proceedings. - (Ed. Beulens, A. J. M.; Doležal, J.; Sebastian, H. J.). - Leidschendam, Lansa 1994. - S. 21-30.
[Working Conference of the IFIP TC 7.6 /2./. Dagstuhl (DE), 92.09.28-92.10.01]

018270 - UTIA-B 940073 DE eng C
Sladký, K.
On a multistage stochastic linear program.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 435-446.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018311 - UTIA-B 940116 DE eng C
Sladký, K.
Value convergence in generalized Markov decision chains.
In: Operations Research '94. - (Ed. Bachem, A.; Derigs, U.; Jünger, M.; Schrader, R.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 480-482.
[Symposium on Operations Research /18./. Cologne (DE), 93.09.01-93.09.03]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561

018312 - UTIA-B 940117 SK cze C
Sladký, K.
Nezáporné matice a Leontjevovské modely.
In: Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. (Viackriteriálna optimalizácia VII). - Bratislava, Ekonomická univerzita 1994. - S. 157-164.
[Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonomike. Bratislava (SK), 94.09.27-94.09.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018313 - UTIA-B 940118 CZ cze C
Sladký, K.
Nezáporné matice v dynamických modelech ekonomických systémů.
In: 12. seminář o Matematických metodách v ekonomice. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 175-186.
[MME '94. Matematické metody v ekonomice /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.08]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018317 - UTIA-B 940122 CZ eng C
Sladký, K.
Sensitivity analysis in normalized Markov decision chains.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 224-227.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018347 - UTIA-B 940154 CZ eng J
Sladký, K.
On sufficient conditions for the stability of dynamic interval systems.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 525-536 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27561
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

021975 - UTIA-B 950056 CZ eng V
Sladký, K.
On the Asymptotic Stability of Time-Varying Interval Systems. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 16 s. - (Research Report. 1828).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275103

018251 - UTIA-B 940053 US eng J
Studený, M.
Structural semigraphoids.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 207-217 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018288 - UTIA-B 940092 FR eng C
Studený, M.
Marginal problem in different calculi of AI.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Proceedings. - 1 - Paris, Cité Internationale Universitaire 1994. - S. 597-604.
[International Conference IPMU /5./. Paris (FR), 94.07.04-94.07.08]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105

018297 - UTIA-B 940101 US eng C
Studený, M.
Semigraphoids are two-antecedental approximations of stochastic conditional independence models.
In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mantaras, R. L.; Poole, D.). - San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann 1994. - S. 546-552.
[Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /10./. Seattle (US), 94.07.29-94.07.31]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 275105; GA AV ČR(CZ) A27564

021969 - UTIA-B 950027 US eng J
Studený, M.
Description of structures of stochastic conditional independence by means of faces and imsets. 1st part: introduction and basic concepts.
International Journal of General Systems, 23 [2] 123-137 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27510; GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018358 - UTIA-B 940165 CZ eng C
Studený, M. - Boček, P.
CI-models arising among 4 random variables.
In: Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems. Proceedings. - Praha, VŠE 1994. - S. 268-282.
[Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems /3./. Třešť ( CZ), 94.09.11-94.09.15]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105

018296 - UTIA-B 940100 CZ eng V
Suk, T. - Flusser, J.
Point-Based Projective Invariants. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 22 s. - (Research Report. 1812).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/1835

021968 - UTIA-B 950025 CZ eng C
Suk, T. - Novák, J.
Digital processing of the images of the retina.
In: BIOSIGNÁL '94. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference. - (Ed. Rozman, J.). - Brno, Electrical Engineering Society 1994. - S. 57-59.
[BIOSIGNÁL '94 /12./. Brno (CZ), 94.06.28-94.06.30]

018364 - UTIA-B 940171 DE eng C
Syrmos, V. L. - Zagalak, P.
Normal external descriptions and staircase forms in implicit systems.
In: Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications. - 2 Invited and Contributed Papers. - (Ed. Helmke, U.; Mennicken, R.; Saurer, J.). - Berlin, Akademie 1994. - S. 503-506. - (Mathematical Research. 79).
[International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./. Regensburg (DE), 93.08.02-93.08.06]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102

018403 - UTIA-B 940213 DE eng J
Šámal, M. - Backfrieder, W. - Kletter, K. - Kárný, M. - Bergmann, H.
Reproducibility of dynamic structures extracted from dynamic renal studies by factor analysis.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 21 [8] 774 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA312/94/0679; Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20
[Impact factor:1.355(91) 1.856(92) 1.832(93) 2.690(94) 2.930(95) 3.097(96) 2.692(97) 2.564(98) 3.239(99) 3.772(00) 3.464(01) ]

021982 - UTIA-B 951141 CZ eng D
Šebek, M.
Multi-Dimensional Systems: Control Via Polynomial Techniques. DrSc. Dissertation. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 241 s.

018421 - UTIA-B 940233 CH eng V
Šebek, M. - Kraus, F. J.
From Robust Stabilization to Robust Performance. Zürich, Automatic Control Laboratory 1994. - 41 s. - (Report. 94-02).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) Copernicus CP 93:2424

018386 - UTIA-B 940193 US eng J
Šebek, M. - Kwakernaak, H.
Polynomial J-spectral factorization.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 39 [2] 315-328 (1994).
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

021983 - UTIA-B 950156 US eng C
Šebek, M. - Pejchová, S. - Kraffer, F.
Testing algorithms for linear matrix polynomial equations.
In: Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - 3 - Lake Buena Vista, IEEE 1994. - S. 2518-2519.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /33./. Lake Buena Vista ( US), 94.12.14-94.12.16]

021954 - UTIA-B 950003 CZ eng J
Šindelář, J.
On L-estimators viewed as M-estimators.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 551-562 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018234 - UTIA-B 940022 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J. - Boček, P.
Kolmogorov Complexity and the Law of the Interated Logarithm. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1796).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560

021955 - UTIA-B 950004 CZ eng C
Šindelář, J. - Boček, P.
Are there safe Monte-Carlo methods?
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 39-46.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27560; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275109; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403

018262 - UTIA-B 940065 CZ eng V
Tichavský, P.
Aposteriori Cramer-Rao Bounds for Adaptive Harmonic Retrieval. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 14 s. - (Research Report. 1805).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018238 - UTIA-B 940027 CZ eng V
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Two Algorithms for Adaptive Retrieval of Slowly Time-Varying Multiple Cisoids in Noise. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 29 s. - (Research Report. 1803).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018341 - UTIA-B 940148 US eng J
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Adaptive filtering for periodic signal enhancement and tracking.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 8 [5] 447-456 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.167(93) 0.211(94) 0.514(95) 0.194(96) 0.307(97) 0.181(98) 0.291(99) 0.342(00) 0.241(01) 0,540(02) 0.602(03) ]

018385 - UTIA-B 940192 GB eng C
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Performance analysis of two algorithms for tracking of multiple noisy cisoids.
In: Signal Processing. - 7 Theories Applications. - (Ed. Holt, H.; Cowan, C.; Grant, P.; Sandham, W.). - Edinburgh, European Association for Signal Processing 1994. - S. 1720-1723.
[EUSIPCO '94. Edinburgh (GB), 94.09.13-94.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018237 - UTIA-B 940026 CZ eng V
Tichavský, P. - Swami, A.
Statistical Characterization of Sample Fourth-Order Cumulants of a Noisy Complex Sinusoidal Process. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 21 s. - (Research Report. 1801).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0233

018267 - UTIA-B 940070 CZ cze C
Tuzar, A.
Optimalizace v úlohách vlakové dopravy.
In: Doprava jako věda. - Praha, ČVUT 1994. - S. 79-83.
[Pracovní seminář "Doprava jako věda". Praha (CZ), 94.05.10-94.05.11]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175101

021976 - UTIA-B 950076 CZ cze Bx
Tuzar, A.
Teorie dopravy. Pracovní materiály pro posluchače Univerzity 3.věku. Pardubice, Dopravní fakulta 1994. - 18 s.

018272 - UTIA-B 940075 DE eng C
Vajda, I.
Conditions for consistency of MLE's.
In: Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings. - (Ed. Mandl, P.; Hušková, M.). - Heidelberg, Physica 1994. - S. 459-466.
[Asymptotic Statistics /5./. Prague (CZ), 93.09.04-93.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

018276 - UTIA-B 940079 US eng A
Vajda, I.
Approximate ML-estimates of random processes.
In: Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. - Piscataway, IEEE 1994. - S. 436.
[IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. Trondheim (NO), 94.06.27-94.07.01]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

018413 - UTIA-B 940225 ES eng C
Vajda, I.
From perceptron to the Boltzman machine: Information processing by cognitive networks.
In: Tercera Escuela Europea de Sistemas. - (Ed. Figueras, L. F.). - Valencia, Universitat de Valencia 1994. - S. 65-68.
[Tercera Escuela Europea de Sistemas. Valencia (ES), 94.10.18-94.10.22]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0320

018410 - UTIA-B 940222 CZ eng C
Vajda, I. - Kůs, V.
Dimensionality reduction by projecting probability distributions on simple families.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 53-61.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232

018417 - UTIA-B 940229 CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - Österreicher, F.
Statistical analysis and applications of log-optimal investments.
Kybernetika, 30 [3] 331-342 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/93/0232
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018422 - UTIA-B 940234 CZ eng V
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
Perturbation Theory for Open Leontief Input-Output Models. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1824).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018423 - UTIA-B 940235 CZ eng V
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
A Note on Error Bounds for Closed Leontief Input-Output Models. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 5 s. - (Research Report. 1823).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018425 - UTIA-B 940238 NL eng A
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
Perturbations and error bounds in nonnegative dynamic models.
In: Stochastic Models. Abstracts. - (Ed. Hordijk, A.). - Leiden, Leiden University 1994. - S. 21-22.
[Workshop on Stochastic Models. Leiden (NL), 94.12.12-94.12.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

021972 - UTIA-B 950043 CZ eng V
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
Error Bounds for Nonnegative Dynamic Models. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 29 s. - (Research Report. 1825).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/93/0631

018239 - UTIA-B 940034 GB eng Rx
Vaněček, A.
Rec.: Basile, G. - Marro, G. / Controlled and Conditioned Invariants in Linear System Theory.
Automatica, 30 [2] 369-370 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) 27531
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

018294 - UTIA-B 940098 CZ eng J
Vaněček, A. - Čelikovský, S.
Synthesis of chaotic systems.
Kybernetika, 30 [5] 537-542 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

018340 - UTIA-B 940147 US eng J
Vaněček, A. - Čelikovský, S.
Chaos synthesis via Root Locus.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I. Fundamental Theory and Applications, 41 [1] 59-60 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0053
[Impact factor:0.756(92) 1.378(93) 0.732(94) 0.651(95) 0.599(96) 0.565(97) 0.739(98) 0.877(99) 0.595(00) 0.642(01) 0,956(02) 1.061(03) ]

018350 - UTIA-B 940157 CZ eng A
Vaněček, A. - Čelikovský, S.
Homotopy based computation of the frequency response for nonlinear Lur'e system.
In: Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts. - (Ed. Doležal, J.; Fidler, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 162-164.
[Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./. Prague (CZ), 94.05.24-94.05.26]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275403

018223 - UTIA-B 940002 CZ eng V
Včelař, F.
On an Approach to the Fuzzification of Classical Arrow's Aggregation Problem. Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1795).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27553

021988 - UTIA-B 950215 US eng J
Včelař, F.
On an approach to the fuzzification of classical Arrow's aggregation problem.
International Journal of General Systems, 23 [2] 139-154 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075503
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018253 - UTIA-B 940055 US eng J
Vejnarová, J.
A few remarks on measures of uncertainty in Dempster-Shafer theory.
International Journal of General Systems, 22 [2] 233-244 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IA27564
[Impact factor:0.275(91) 0.761(92) 0.293(93) 0.318(94) 0.268(95) 0.214(96) 0.319(97) 0.175(98) 0.457(99) 0.268(00) 0.229(01) 0,241(02) 0.172(03) ]

018280 - UTIA-B 940083 CZ eng C
Víšek, J. Á.
High robustness and an illusion of "truth".
In: ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Antoch, J.; Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1994. - S. 172-185.
[ROBUST '94. Malenovice (CZ), 94.01.17-94.01.21]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

018279 - UTIA-B 940082 CZ cze C
Volf, P.
Odhadování a testování v regresních modelech pro životnost.
In: ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Antoch, J.; Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1994. - S. 195-204.
[ROBUST '94. Malenovice (CZ), 94.01.17-94.01.21]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275408

018314 - UTIA-B 940119 CZ eng C
Volf, P.
On consistent estimation of additive regression model for intensity of counting process.
In: Transactions of the 12th Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes. - (Ed. Lachout, P.; Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 260-263.
[Prague Conference on Information Theory /12./. Praha (CZ), 94.08.29-94.09.02]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275408

018332 - UTIA-B 940138 CZ eng C
Volf, P.
Dimension reducing approach in statistical regression analysis.
In: Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Kulhavá, L.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1994. - S. 71-76.
[IEEE Workshop CMP '94. Praha (CZ), 94.09.07-94.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0322

018343 - UTIA-B 940150 DE eng J
Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J.
Heat dynamics in gas transport and distribution.
Oil Gas, - [3] 29-31 (1994).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) CIPD 3510 PL 92:0205
[Impact factor: 0.033(99) 0.019(00) 0.000(01) 0,078(02) 0.069(03) ]

018310 - UTIA-B 940115 US eng C
Vostrý, Z. - Záworka, J. - Jeníček, T.
Optimum control of gas transport.
In: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group. - San Diego, PSIG 1994. - S. 1-36.
[PSIG '94. San Diego (US), 94.10.13-94.10.14]
Grant: Commission EC(XE) CIPD 3510 PL 92:0205

018260 - UTIA-B 940063 CZ eng V
Vošvrda, M.
The Output-Inflation Tradeoff. Prague, CERGE 1994. - 37 s. - (Working Paper. 49).

018261 - UTIA-B 940064 CZ cze Bx
Vošvrda, M.
Teoretická ekonomie. Praha, Univerzita Karlova 1994. - 191 s.

018383 - UTIA-B 940190 US eng B
Vošvrda, M.
The output - inflation tradeoff.
In: Transforming Czechoslovakia an Economic Assessment. - (Ed. Švejnar, J.). - New York, Academic Press 1994. - S. 350-375.

018384 - UTIA-B 940191 CZ cze J
Vošvrda, M.
Perspektivy finančních analýz.
Ekonom, - [43] 35-36 (1994).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/94/0588

018381 - UTIA-B 940188 CZ eng J
Zagalak, P. - Kučera, V. - Loiseau, J. J.
Dynamics assignment by PD state feedback in linear reachable systems.
Kybernetika, 30 [2] 153-158 (1994).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275102
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

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