ÚTIA - Ústav teorie informace a automatizace


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049406 - UTIA-B 980155 DE eng G
Amin, A. - Dori, D. - Pudil, P. - Freeman, H.
Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - 1047 s. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1451).
[Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. (AU), 98.08.11-98.08.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 187

049333 - UTIA-B 980070 RIV FR eng C
Aranda-Bricaire, E. - Čelikovský, S.
Design of continuous stabilizing control laws for nonlinear triangular systems.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 77-82.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: CONACYT(MX) 26356-A; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075702

049366 - UTIA-B 980109 RIV FR eng C
Aranda-Bricaire, E. - Čelikovský, S.
Nonsmooth stabilization of nonlinear systems.
In: Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, TEMPUS 1998. - S. 129-142.
[International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control. (FR), 98.07.13-98.07.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075702

049467 - UTIA-B 980232 RIV PL eng C
Bakule, L. - Böhm, J.
Robust decentralized H_infty control design of input delayed uncertain interconnected systems.
In: SMART '98. - (Ed. Rodellar, J.). - Warsaw, IFTR 1998. - S. 5-8.
[SMART '98. (PL), 98.06.16-98.06.19]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075802

049412 - UTIA-B 980162 RIV GR eng C
Bakule, L. - de la Sen, M.
Decentralized stabilization of uncertain symmetric composite systems.
In: Preprints of the 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications. - (Ed. Groumpos, P. P.). - Rio Patras, University of Patras 1998. - S. 265-270.
[LSS'98 /8./. (GR), 98.07.15-98.07.17]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075802

049413 - UTIA-B 980164 RIV CZ eng C
Benáček, V. J. - Jarolím, M. - Víšek, J. Á.
Supply-side characteristics and the industrial structure of Czech foreign trade.
In: Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for Economic Integration into Wider Europe. - (Ed. Groumpos, P. P.). - Brno, VUT 1998. - S. 51-68.
[Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe. ( CZ), 98.09.02-98.09.03]

049487 - UTIA-B 980253 RIV CZ eng C
Beneš, V. - Šimák, J.
Simulation of random fibre processes.
In: Prague Stochastic '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 21-25.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

049274 - UTIA-B 980006 RIV GB eng J
Berec, L.
A multi-model method to fault detection and diagnosis: Bayesian solution. An introductory treatise.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 12 [1] 81-92 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; Copernicus (XE) CT 94:0237
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.167(93) 0.211(94) 0.514(95) 0.194(96) 0.307(97) 0.181(98) 0.291(99) 0.342(00) 0.241(01) 0,540(02) 0.602(03) ]

060070 - UTIA-B 990043 FR eng V
Berlinet, A. - Hobza, T. - Vajda, I.
Analysis of Some New Histogram Based Estimators. Montpellier, Université Montpellier 1998. - 17 s. - (Research Report. 98-09).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703

049364 - UTIA-B 980106 RIV CZ eng C
Berlinet, A. - Liese, F. - Vajda, I.
M-estimates of parameters of periodic stochastic models.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 39-42.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709; Copernicus(XE) 579

049477 - UTIA-B 980243 RIV US eng J
Berlinet, A. - Vajda, I. - van der Meulen, E. C.
About the asymptotic accuracy of Barron density estimates.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44 [3] 999-1009 (1998).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 579
[Impact factor:1.230(92) 1.163(93) 1.971(94) 1.840(95) 1.698(96) 1.354(97) 2.083(98) 2.009(99) 0.654(00) 2.077(01) 2,045(02) 2.245(03) ]

049345 - UTIA-B 980086 RIV GB eng C
Bobál, V. - Böhm, J. - Prokop, R.
Practical aspects of self-tuning controllers.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Glasgow, IFAC 1998. - S. 183-188.
[Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0927; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049382 - UTIA-B 980126 CZ cze C
Bobál, V. - Böhm, J. - Prokop, R.
Samočinně se nastavující regulátory: Algoritmy a implementace.
In: Process Control '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Pardubice, University of Pardubice 1998. - S. 38-41.
[Process Control '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.06.07-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0927

049384 - UTIA-B 980128 CZ cze C
Bobál, V. - Böhm, J. - Prokop, R.
Samočinně se nastavující regulátory: Matlab toolbox.
In: Process Control '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Pardubice, University of Pardubice 1998. - S. 34-37.
[Process Control '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.06.07-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0927

049383 - UTIA-B 980127 RIV CZ eng C
Böhm, J.
The use of input reference signal in LQ controllers.
In: Process Control '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Pardubice, University of Pardubice 1998. - S. 52-55.
[Process Control '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.06.07-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/0927; Copernicus(XE) CP-1174

049411 - UTIA-B 980161 RIV GR eng C
Böhm, J.
Multivariable LQ controller optimization as an event driven process.
In: Preprints of the 8th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposiumon Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications. - (Ed. Groumpos, P. P.). - Rio Patras, University of Patras 1998. - S. 852-856.
[LSS'98 /8./. (GR), 98.07.15-98.07.17]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP-1174; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049464 - UTIA-B 980229 CZ eng V
Böhm, J.
Experiments with LQ Adaptive Controller in the Heat Exchanger Station at STU Bratislava. (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 30 s. - (Research Report. 1919).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049336 - UTIA-B 980074 RIV CZ eng C
Böhm, J. - Nedoma, P. - Rojíček, J.
Algorithms, software and experience with automated controller design DESIGNER 2000.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 285-292.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049318 - UTIA-B 980055 RIV CZ eng C
Bůcha, J.
On efficiency of learning: A framework.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 99-104.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]

049348 - UTIA-B 980089 RIV GB eng C
Bůcha, J. - Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P. - Böhm, J. - Rojíček, J.
Designer 2000 project.
In: International Conference on Control '98. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - London, IEE 1998. - S. 1450-1455.
[UKACC International Conference on Control '98. (GB), 98.09.01-98.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049360 - UTIA-B 980101 RIV CZ eng C
Bůcha, J. - Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P. - Böhm, J. - Rojíček, J.
Overview of Designer 2000 project.
In: Process Control '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Beran, J.). - Pardubice, University of Pardubice 1998. - S. 65-70.
[Process Control '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.06.07-98.06.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049429 - UTIA-B 980184 CZ eng V
Bůcha, J. - Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P. - Böhm, J. - Rojíček, J.
DESIGNER 2000. Feasibility Study. Version 1.0. (Ed. Elster, K. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 59 s. - (Research Report. 1918).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049415 - UTIA-B 980166 RIV US eng C
Colaneri, P. - de Souza, C. - Kučera, V.
Output stabilizability of periodic systems: necessary and sufficient conditions.
In: American Control Conference. ACC'98. /CD-ROM/. - (Ed. Groumpos, P. P.). - Philadelphia, IEEE CSS 1998. - 1 s.
[ACC'98. (US), 98.06.24-98.06.26]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 112

049458 - UTIA-B 980223 RIV GB eng J
Comets, F. - Janžura, M.
A central limit theorem for conditionally centred random fields with an application to Markov fields.
Journal of Applied Probability, 35 [3] 608-621 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/93/0449
[Impact factor:0.438(91) 0.437(92) 0.406(93) 0.432(94) 0.377(95) 0.350(96) 0.387(97) 0.358(98) 0.435(99) 0.419(00) 0.471(01) 0,482(02) 0.491(03) ]

049367 - UTIA-B 980110 RIV FR eng C
Čelikovský, S.
Introduction to stability of nonlinear systems.
In: Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, TEMPUS 1998. - S. 119-128.
[International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control. (FR), 98.07.13-98.07.24]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075702

049334 - UTIA-B 980071 RIV FR eng C
Čelikovský, S. - Castro-Linares, R.
Passivity equivalence of SISO systems via continuous feedback.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 83-88.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075702

049460 - UTIA-B 980225 RIV US eng C
Čelikovský, S. - Huang, J.
Continuous feedback asymptotic output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems having nonstabilizable linearization.
In: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - Tampa, IEEE Control Systems Society 1998. - S. 3087-3092.
[IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /37./. (US), 98.12.17-98.12.19]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075702

049452 - UTIA-B 980216 CZ eng V
Darbellay, G.
Comments on the Mutual Information and the Linear Correlation. (Ed. Nikodemová, D.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1932).

049433 - UTIA-B 980191 RIV DE eng J
Darbellay, G. A.
A note on the volatility term structure in short rate models.
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, [Suppl.3] 885-886 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.142(91) 0.174(92) 0.133(93) 0.388(94) 0.105(95) 0.182(96) 0.128(97) 0.107(98) 0.171(99) 0.407(00) 0.238(01) 0,085(02) 0.154(03) ]

049448 - UTIA-B 980211 CZ eng V
Darbellay, G. A.
An Adaptive Histogram Estimator for the Mutual Information. (Extended Version). (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 30 s. - (Research Report. 1936).

049453 - UTIA-B 980218 RIV CZ eng C
Darbellay, G. A.
Statistical dependences in IRd: An information-theoretic approach.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 83-88.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]

049454 - UTIA-B 980219 FR eng A
Darbellay, G. A.
Entropy and Predictability. Abstract.
In: International Conference on Statistical Physics. Abstracts. - (Ed. Iagolnitzer, D.). - Paris, French Physical Society 1998. - S. 2.
[International Conference on Statistical Physics /20./. (FR), 98.07.20-98.07.24]

049455 - UTIA-B 980220 RIV CZ eng C
Darbellay, G. A.
A nonparametric estimator for the mutual information.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 93-98.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

049456 - UTIA-B 980221 RIV US eng M
Darbellay, G. A.
Predictability: An information-theoretic perspective.
In: Signal Analysis and Prediction. - (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - Boston, Birkhäuser 1998. - S. 249-262.

049278 - UTIA-B 980013 CZ eng V
Darbellay, G. A. - Vajda, I.
Entropy Expressions for Continuous Multivariate Distributions. (Ed. Heck, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1920).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703

049279 - UTIA-B 980014 CZ eng V
Darbellay, G. A. - Vajda, I.
Estimation of the Mutual Information with Data-dependent Partitions. (Ed. Heck, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 24 s. - (Research Report. 1921).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) Copernicus 579

049480 - UTIA-B 980246 RIV NL eng J
de Baets, B. - Mesiar, R.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 97, [-] 211-223 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

049298 - UTIA-B 980035 RIV CZ eng J
Derviz, A. - Klacek, J.
Precautionary saving and currency substitution in an optimizing model of the Czech economy.
Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, 5 [5] 97-112 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA8085701

047360 - UIVT-O 980074 RIV CZ eng C
Fabián, Z. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Testing in Exponential Families by Means of the Rényi Distances.
In: Prague Stochastics'98. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Prague, Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists 1998. - S. 137-142.
[Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics /6./ - Prague Conference on Information Theory /13./. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709

049317 - UTIA-B 980054 RIV CZ cze J
Filáček, J. - Kapička, M. - Vošvrda, M.
Testování hypotézy efektivního trhu na BCPP.
Finance a úvěr, 48 [9] 554-566 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742
[Impact factor: 0.281(00) 0.231(01) 0.222(02) 0.112(03) ]

049309 - UTIA-B 980046 RIV AT eng M
Flusser, J.
Fast calculation of geometric moments of binary images.
In: Pattern Recognition and Medical Computer Vision. - (Ed. Gengler, M.). - Illmitz, ÖCG 1998. - S. 265-274.
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694

049437 - UTIA-B 980196 RIV NZ eng C
Flusser, J.
Effective boundary-based calculation of object moments.
In: Image and Vision Computing. Proceedings. - (Ed. Kakarala, R.). - Auckland, University of Auckland 1998. - S. 369-374.
[IVCNZ '98. (NZ), 98.11.16-98.11.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694

049285 - UTIA-B 980022 RIV US eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
Degraded image analysis: An invariant approach.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20 [6] 590-603 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/P069
[Impact factor:1.906(92) 1.917(93) 2.006(94) 1.940(95) 2.085(96) 1.668(97) 1.417(98) 1.882(99) 2.094(00) 2.289(01) 2,923(02) 3.823(03) ]

049315 - UTIA-B 980052 RIV CZ eng J
Flusser, J. - Suk, T.
On selecting the best features in a noisy environment.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 411-416 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694; MZ(CZ) IZ4178
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049335 - UTIA-B 980073 RIV CZ eng C
Grim, J.
Discretization of probabilistic neural networks with bounded information loss.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 205-210.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

049479 - UTIA-B 980245 RIV CZ eng J
Grim, J.
Mixture of experts architectures for neural networks as a special case of conditional expectation formula.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 417-422 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049313 - UTIA-B 980050 RIV US eng C
Grim, J. - Novovičová, J. - Pudil, P. - Somol, P. - Ferri, F. J.
Initializing normal mixtures of densities.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Lovell, B. C.). - Los Alamitos, IEEE 1998. - S. 886-890.
[ICPR '98 /14./. (AU), 98.08.16-98.08.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

049375 - UTIA-B 980119 RIV DE eng C
Grim, J. - Pudil, P.
On virtually binary nature of probabilistic neural networks.
In: Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. - (Ed. Freeman, H.). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - S. 765-774. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1451).
[Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. (AU), 98.08.11-98.08.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 187

049428 - UTIA-B 980183 CZ eng V
Guy, T. V.
Smoothing Noisy Data by Splines to Design of an Adaptive Controller. (Ed. Elster, K. H.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 14 s. - (Research Report. 1929).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2147701; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1075601

049436 - UTIA-B 980194 RIV DE eng J
Györfi, L. - Liese, F. - Vajda, I. - van der Meulen, E. C.
Distribution estimates consistent in x2-divergence.
Statistics, 32, [-] 31-57 (1998).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 579
[Impact factor: 0.371(99) 0.267(00) 0.319(01) 0,245(02) 0.439(03) ]

049373 - UTIA-B 980117 RIV DE eng C
Haindl, M.
Unsupervised texture segmentation.
In: Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. - (Ed. Freeman, H.). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - S. 1021-1028. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1451).
[Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. (AU), 98.08.11-98.08.13]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) 0K 276; Copernicus(XE) 960174

049442 - UTIA-B 980204 CZ eng V
Haindl, M.
Shape and Texture Data Fusion. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 10 s. - (Research Report. 1941).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049444 - UTIA-B 980207 CZ eng V
Haindl, M.
Texture Mapping. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 1942).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049390 - UTIA-B 980134 RIV SK eng C
Haindl, M. - Havlíček, V.
Multiresolution colour texture synthesis.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. - (Ed. Dobrovodský, K.). - Bratislava, ASCO Art 1998. - S. 297-302.
[Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region /7./. (SK), 98.06.26-98.06.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049439 - UTIA-B 980198 RIV CZ eng C
Haindl, M. - Havlíček, V.
Colour texture modelling.
In: Week of Doctoral Students 1998. Proceedings. - (Ed. Šafránková, J.). - Praha, Matfyzpress 1998. - S. 128-135.
[WDS '98 /7./. (CZ), 98.06.09-98.06.12]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96049; Copernicus(XE) 960174

049440 - UTIA-B 980200 CZ eng V
Haindl, M. - Havlíček, V.
Texture Synthesis. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 1943).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049441 - UTIA-B 980201 RIV CZ eng J
Haindl, M. - Šimberová, S.
A scratch removal method.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 423-428 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049312 - UTIA-B 980049 RIV US eng C
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
Fast segmentation of plannar surfaces in range images.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Lovell, B. C.). - Los Alamitos, IEEE 1998. - S. 985-987.
[ICPR '98 /14./. (AU), 98.08.16-98.08.20]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) INCO 960174; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 276

049391 - UTIA-B 980135 RIV SK eng C
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
Range image segmentation by curve grouping.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. - (Ed. Dobrovodský, K.). - Bratislava, ASCO Art 1998. - S. 339-344.
[Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region /7./. (SK), 98.06.26-98.06.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049443 - UTIA-B 980206 CZ eng V
Haindl, M. - Žid, P.
Scene Segmentation II. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 19 s. - (Research Report. 1944).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 960174

049289 - UTIA-B 980026 RIV CZ eng C
Halíř, R. - Flusser, J.
Numerically stable direct least squares fitting of ellipses.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization. WSCG '98. - (Ed. Kall, P.). - Plzeň, CZ 1998. - S. 125-132.
[WSCG '98 /6./. (CZ), 98.02.09-98.02.13]

049295 - UTIA-B 980032 RIV GB eng J
Händel, P. - Tichavský, P. - Savaresi, S. M.
Large error recovery for a class of frequency tracking algorithms.
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 12 [5] 417-436 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466
[Impact factor:0.000(92) 0.167(93) 0.211(94) 0.514(95) 0.194(96) 0.307(97) 0.181(98) 0.291(99) 0.342(00) 0.241(01) 0,540(02) 0.602(03) ]

049420 - UTIA-B 980173 RIV US eng J
Hench, J. J. - He, C. - Kučera, V. - Mehrmann, V.
Dampening controllers via a Riccati equation approach.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43 [9] 1280-1284 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294
[Impact factor:0.945(91) 0.994(92) 0.931(93) 0.867(94) 0.833(95) 0.918(96) 0.819(97) 0.874(98) 1.643(99) 1.488(00) 1.222(01) 1,553(02) 1.896(03) ]

049303 - UTIA-B 980040 RIV GB eng J
Henrion, D. - Šebek, M.
Symmetric matrix polynomial equation: Interpolation results.
Automatica, 34 [7] 811-824 (1998).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CP 93:2424; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; GA MŠk (CZ) VS97034; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 112; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 351
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

049378 - UTIA-B 980122 RIV FR eng C
Henrion, D. - Šebek, M.
Numerical methods for polynomial matrix rank evaluation.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Derigs, U.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 385-390.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 171

049414 - UTIA-B 980165 RIV US eng C
Henrion, D. - Šebek, M. - Tarbouriech, S.
Algebraic approach to robust controller design: A geometric interpretation.
In: American Control Conference. ACC'98. /CD-ROM/. - (Ed. Groumpos, P. P.). - Philadelphia, IEEE CSS 1998. - 1 s.
[ACC'98. (US), 98.06.24-98.06.26]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) ME 112; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 351

049397 - UTIA-B 980146 RIV CZ eng C
Heřmanská, J. - Kárný, M. - Jirsa, L. - Němec, J.
Evaluation of biophysical quantities related to the treatment of thyroid diseases.
In: Quantitative Image Analysis in Functional Scintigraphic Imaging. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Praha, GAMAMED 1998. - S. 39-42.
[Satellite Post-Congress Symposium. (CZ), 98.09.05]

060062 - UTIA-B 990035 RIV CZ eng J
Heřmanská, J. - Vošmiková, K. - Jirsa, L. - Kárný, M. . - Šámal, M.
Biophysical inputs into the software "MIRDose".
Sborník lékařský, 99 [4] 521-527 (1998).
Grant: MZ(CZ) NC4581

049451 - UTIA-B 980215 RIV SK eng C
Heřmanská, J. - Zimák, J. - Jirsa, L. - Kárný, M. - Vošmiková, K. - Němec, J. - Blažek, T.
Initial experience with software system JODNEW for evaluation biophysical characteristics related to treatment of carcinoma of thyroid gland by 131I.
In: Proceedings of the 21st Radiation Hygiene Days. - (Ed. Nikodemová, D.). - Bratislava, Nuclear Regulatory Authority 1998. - S. 82-86.
[Radiation Hygiene Days /21./. (SK), 98.11.23-98.11.27]
Grant: MZ(CZ) NC4581; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049478 - UTIA-B 980244 CZ eng V
Hobza, T. - Kůs, V. - Vajda, I. - van der Meulen, E. C. - Vrbenský, K.
Optimal Partitions and Dominating Distributions for Barron Density Estimates. (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 36 s. - (Research Report. 1928).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 579

049488 - UTIA-B 980254 CZ eng G
Hušková, M. - Lachout, P. - Víšek, J. Á.
Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - 617 s.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]

049419 - UTIA-B 980172 RIV CZ eng C
Ivanova, P. I. - Kulhavý, R.
Towards the optimal design of nonlinear predictors based on developments in chaos and wavelet theories.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 279-284.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603

049319 - UTIA-B 980056 RIV CZ eng C
Janžura, M.
Differentiability of the rate function in the large deviations theorem for Gibbs random fields.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 263-267.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075601

049342 - UTIA-B 980083 CZ cze K
Janžura, M.
Odhady parametrů gaussovských náhodných polí.
In: ROBUST'98. Sborník prací desáté zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 77-87.
[ROBUST'98 /10./. (CZ), 98.01.26-98.01.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0731

049326 - UTIA-B 980063 RIV CZ eng J
Janžura, M. - Boček, P.
A method for knowledge integration.
Kybernetika, 34 [1] 41-55 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA202/96/0731; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

075967 - UTIA-B 20000016 RIV US eng J
Jarre, F. - Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
Optimal truss design by interior-point methods.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 8 [4] 1084-1107 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707
[Impact factor: 1.932(99) 2.023(00) 1.086(01) 1,513(02) 1.757(03) ]

049392 - UTIA-B 980136 RIV DE eng C
Ježek, J.
Linear discrete time meromorphic systems.
In: Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems: Management, Control, and Supervision. Preprints. - (Ed. Dobrovodský, K.). - Bremen, University of Bremen 1998. - S. 111-112.
[Advanced Summer Institute '98. ASI'98. (DE), 98.06.14-98.06.17]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

049379 - UTIA-B 980123 RIV FR eng C
Ježek, J. - Šebek, M. - Preisler, M.
Use of delta distributions in space-time control systems.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Derigs, U.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 397-401.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034

049416 - UTIA-B 980167 RIV CZ cze J
Jiroušek, R.
Bayesovské sítě - moderní technologie umělé inteligence.
Lékař a technika. Biomedicínské inženýrství a informatika, 29 [ 4] 79-88 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/1487

049417 - UTIA-B 980169 RIV FR eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Graph Modelling without Graphs.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Paris, La Sorbonne 1998. - S. 809-816.
[IPMU'98 /7./. (FR), 98.07.06-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/1487

049418 - UTIA-B 980170 RIV IT eng C
Jiroušek, R.
Graph modelling of probability distributions.
In: Congresso nazionale della Societa Italiana di Matematica applicata e industriale. - (Ed. Gevers, M.). - Roma, SIMAI 1998. - S. 154-158.
[SIMAI'98 /4./. (IT), 98.06.01-98.06.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/1487

049316 - UTIA-B 980053 RIV CZ eng C
Kadlec, J.
Acceleration of computation-intensive algorithms on parallel Alpha AXP processors.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 89-98.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 25729; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 314; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 317; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 186

049277 - UTIA-B 980012 RIV BE eng C
Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
Rapid prototyping of adaptive control algorithms on parallel multiprocessors.
In: Signal Processing Symposium. - (Ed. Heck, A.). - Leuven, IEEE 1998. - S. 115-118.
[SPS '98. (BE), 98.03.26-98.03.27]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 23544; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 25729

049299 - UTIA-B 980036 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
Results of the Global Probability Analysis Approach. (Ed. Green, P.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 89 s. - (Research Report. 1926).
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 23544 HSLA; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 314

049300 - UTIA-B 980037 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
HSLA DSP Package. (Ed. Green, P.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 12 s. - (Research Report. 1924).
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 23544 HSLA; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 314

049301 - UTIA-B 980038 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
HSLA 3D Monitor Package. (Ed. Green, P.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 51 s. - (Research Report. 1925).
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 23544 HSLA; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 314

049302 - UTIA-B 980039 CZ eng V
Kadlec, J. - Schier, J.
Numerical Analysis of a Normalized QR Filter Using Probability Description of Propagated Data. (Ed. Green, P.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 23 s. - (Research Report. 1923).
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 23544 HSLA; GA MŠk(CZ) OK 314

049283 - UTIA-B 980020 RIV DE eng C
Kaňková, V.
A note on multifunctions in stochastic programming.
In: Stochastic Programming Methods and Technical Applications. - (Ed. Kall, P.). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - S. 154-168. - (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems. 458).
[GAMM/IFIP Workshop on Stochastic Optimization: Numerical Methods and Technical Applications /3./. (DE), 96.06.17-96.06.20]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075502; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

049321 - UTIA-B 980058 RIV CZ eng C
Kaňková, V.
A note on empirical estimates and probability multifunctions in stochastic programming.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 279-284.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742

049350 - UTIA-B 980091 RIV CZ eng C
Kaňková, V.
Empirical analysis of stability conditions of returns on capital markets.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 295-305.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049449 - UTIA-B 980212 CZ eng V
Kaňková, V.
Empirical Estimates in Multistage Stochastic Programs. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 24 s. - (Research Report. 1930).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742

063391 - UTIA-B 990081 RIV SK eng J
Kaňková, V.
Remarks on contamination in stochastic programming.
Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics, 6 [3/4] 215-224 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742

049292 - UTIA-B 980029 RIV GB eng C
Kárný, M.
Adaptive systems: Local approximators?
In: Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Green, P.). - Glasgow, IFAC 1998. - S. 129-134.
[Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2147701; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA2075606

049404 - UTIA-B 980153 RIV CZ eng C
Kárný, M. - Kadlec, J. - Sutanto, E. L.
Quasi-Bayes estimation applied to normal mixture.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 77-82.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 25729

049347 - UTIA-B 980088 RIV CZ eng J
Kárný, M. - Šámal, M. - Böhm, J.
Rotation to physiological factors revised.
Kybernetika, 34 [2] 171-179 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049399 - UTIA-B 980148 RIV CZ eng C
Kárný, M. - Šindelář, J. - Valečková, M.
Towards Bayesian pooling of probabilistic controllers.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 19-24.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA2075603

049308 - UTIA-B 980045 RIV GB eng C
Kárný, M. - Valečková, M. - Gao, H.
Mixtures of adaptive controllers based on Markov chains: A future of intelligent control?
In: International Conference on Control '98. - (Ed. Green, P.). - London, IEE 1998. - S. 721-726.
[UKACC International Conference on Control '98. (GB), 98.09.01-98.09.04]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/98/P059; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA2075606

049438 - UTIA-B 980197 RIV NZ eng C
Kautsky, J. - Zitová, B. - Flusser, J. - Peters, G.
Feature point detection in blurred images.
In: Image and Vision Computing. Proceedings. - (Ed. Kakarala, R.). - Auckland, University of Auckland 1998. - S. 103-108.
[IVCNZ '98. (NZ), 98.11.16-98.11.18]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1694

049329 - UTIA-B 980066 RIV FR eng C
Kerre, E. E. - Mareš, M. - Mesiar, R.
On the orderings of generated fuzzy quantities.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Paris, La Sorbonne 1998. - S. 250-254.
[IPMU'98 /7./. (FR), 98.07.06-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA MŠk(CZ) 15; VEGA(SK) 1/4064/97

049481 - UTIA-B 980247 RIV ES eng J
Klement, E. P. - Mesiar, R. - Pap, E.
On some geometric transformation of t-norms.
Mathware & Soft Computing, 5, [-] 57-67 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414

049291 - UTIA-B 980028 RIV NL eng J
Klimešová, D. - Saic, S.
Feature selection algorithm and cobweb correlation.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 19 [8] 681-685 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1295
[Impact factor:0.375(92) 0.275(93) 0.381(94) 0.621(95) 0.329(96) 0.304(97) 0.344(98) 0.315(99) 0.346(00) 0.552(01) 0,409(02) 0.809(03) ]

049376 - UTIA-B 980120 RIV SK eng C
Klimešová, D. - Saic, S.
Context sliding window for training learning and texture classification.
In: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Artificial Intelligence in Industry. - (Ed. Hatala, M.). - Košice, Technical University 1998. - S. 171-176.
[Artificial Intelligence in Industry /3./. (SK), 98.04.22-98.04.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/95/1295

049286 - UTIA-B 980023 RIV CZ cze J
Klumpar, J. - Pechová, E. - Pecha, P. - Nedoma, P.
Interaktivní programové prostředky hodnocení radiační zátěže populace používané při projektování jaderných zařízení.
Bezpečnost jaderné energie, 6(44) [5/6] 159-172 (1998).

075979 - UTIA-B 20000028 RIV FR eng J
Kočvara, M. - Zibulevsky, M. - Zowe, J.
Mechanical design problems with unilateral contact.
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 32 [3] 255-282 ( 1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707
[Impact factor:0.406(92) 0.351(93) 0.218(94) 0.438(95) 0.343(96) 0.266(97) 0.439(98) 0.382(99) 0.564(00) 0.246(01) 0,530(02) 0.697(03) ]

075981 - UTIA-B 20000030 RIV DE eng J
Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
Free material optimization.
Documenta Mathematica, 3, [-] 707-716 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

049370 - UTIA-B 980114 RIV CZ eng C
Kodera, J. - Vošvrda, M.
A description of the capital market in the Czech Republic (1995-1996).
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 43-64.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049356 - UTIA-B 980097 MX eng V
Kraffer, F.
State-Space Algorithms for Polynomial Matrix Operations. (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Mexico City, CINVESTAV IPN 1998. - 159 s. - ( Technical Report.).

049476 - UTIA-B 981241 CZ eng D
Kraffer, F.
H2-optimization with H_infty constraints for the standard structure configuration: A polynomial matrix approach to the state feedback case. Dr.Dissertation. (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Praha, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská ČVUT 1998. - 115 s.

049307 - UTIA-B 980044 PT eng V
Kraffer, F. - Ruiz-León, J. J.
Algorithm for Computing a Column-reduced Kernel of a Polynomial Matrix. (Ed. Green, P.). - Coimbra, CIM 1998. - 12 s. - (Technical Report. 12 ).

060071 - UTIA-B 990044 RIV SG eng C
Kraffer, F. - Ruiz-León, J. J.
State-space algorithm for the row reduction of nonsingular polynomial matrices with connections to the canonical spectral factorization.
In: Theory and Practice of Control and Systems. Proceedings. - (Ed. Tornambe, A.; Conte, G.; Perdon, A. M.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1998. - S. 591-596.
[IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /6./. Alghero (IT), 98.06.09-98.06.11]

049385 - UTIA-B 980129 RIV US eng C
Krejčí, R. - Flusser, J. - Šimberová, S.
A new multichannel blind deconvolution method and its application to solar images.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. - (Ed. Lovell, B. C.). - Los Alamitos, IEEE 1998. - S. 1765-1767.
[ICPR '98 /14./. (AU), 98.08.16-98.08.20]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA205/95/0293

049463 - UTIA-B 980228 RIV CZ eng J
Kružík, M.
DiPerna-Majda measures and uniform integrability.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 39 [3] 511-523 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

049493 - UTIA-B 980259 RIV US eng J
Kružík, M.
Numerical approach to double well problems.
Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, 35 [5] 1833-1849 (1998).
Grant: IMA(US) 15964027
[Impact factor:0.803(91) 0.973(92) 0.800(93) 1.021(94) 0.945(95) 1.175(96) 0.938(97) 1.254(98) 1.119(99) 1.531(00) 1.297(01) 1,374(02) 1.076(03) ]

049288 - UTIA-B 980025 RIV CZ eng J
Kříž, O.
Conditional problem for objective probability.
Kybernetika, 34 [1] 27-40 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/94/0471
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049357 - UTIA-B 980098 CZ cze K
Kříž, O.
Terciální regulace U a Q.
In: Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení. - (Ed. Beran, J.). - Praha, EGÚ 1998. - S. 31-44.
[Aktuální problémy elektrizační soustavy a jejich řešení. (SK), 98.04.28-98.04.29]

049422 - UTIA-B 980175 RIV FR eng C
Kučera, V.
Polynomial equations: A tool for control systems synthesis.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Lafay, J. F.). - Nantes, IRCYN 1998. - S. 279-284.
[IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; Copernicus(XE) CP94:1246

049424 - UTIA-B 980177 RIV BR eng C
Kučera, V.
Three approaches to H2 control theory.
In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automatica Lectures. - (Ed. Vieira, J. B.). - Uberlandia, Sociedade Brasileira de Automática 1998. - S. 1-17.
[Congresso Brasileiro de Automática /12./. (BR), 98.09.14-98.09.18]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034

049489 - UTIA-B 980255 RIV CZ eng J
Kučera, V.
Transfer function equivalence of feedback/feedforward compensators.
Kybernetika, 34 [6] 610-624 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049492 - UTIA-B 980258 RIV IT eng C
Kučera, V.
Deadbeat control, pole placement, and LQ regulation.
In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems. /CD-ROM/. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Alghero, IEEE 1998. - S. 1.
[IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /6./. (IT), 98.07.09-98.07.11]
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861

060058 - UTIA-B 990031 RIV SG eng C
Kučera, V.
Deadbeat control, pole placement, and LQ regulation.
In: Theory and Practice of Control and Systems. Proceedings. - (Ed. Tornambe, A.; Conte, G.; Perdon, A. M.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1998. - S. 5-10.
[IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /6./. Alghero (IT), 98.06.09-98.06.11]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0861; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97034

049363 - UTIA-B 980105 RIV CZ eng C
Kudrna, M. - Vajda, I.
On log-optimal and Sharpe-Markowitz investment portfolios.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 331-336.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709; Copernicus(XE) 579

075965 - UTIA-B 20000014 RIV CZ eng C
Kulhavý, R.
On-line nonlinear estimation.
In: Preprint of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 11-18.
[CMP '98 /3./. Praha (CZ), 98.07.25-98.07.29]

049386 - UTIA-B 980130 DE eng V
Lachout, P.
Evaluation of the Epi-Convergence. (Ed. Lovell, B. C.). - Berlin, Humboldt-Universität 1998. - 12 s. - ( Technical Report. 98-10).

049490 - UTIA-B 980256 CZ cze B
Lachout, P.
Teorie pravděpodobnosti. (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, Karolinum 1998. - 112 s.

049474 - UTIA-B 980239 RIV US eng C
Levine, E. - Kurz, L. - Smid, J. - Smid, M. - Volf, P.
Algorithms and analysis tools for carbon content modeling in soil based on satellite data.
In: Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology. Proceedings. - (Ed. Engman, E. T.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1998. - S. 315-322. - (Proceedings of SPIE. 3499).
[EUROPTO. (ES), 98.09.22-98.09.24]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049394 - UTIA-B 980143 RIV CZ eng C
Linka, A. - Militký, J. - Picek, J. - Volf, P.
Construction of Shewhart-type control charts for strength of textile materials.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference TEXSCI'98. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Liberec, Technická univerzita 1998. - S. 226-229.
[TEXSCI'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.05.25-98.05.27]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354

049290 - UTIA-B 980027 RIV DE eng C
Linka, A. - Ososkov, G. - Picek, J. - Volf, P.
MCMC solution to circle fitting in analysis of RICH detector data.
In: COMPSTAT. Proceedings in Computational Statistics. - (Ed. Green, P.). - Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag 1998. - S. 383-388.
[COMPSTAT /13./. (GB), 98.08.24-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084; RFBR(RU) 97-01-01027

049472 - UTIA-B 980237 CZ cze K
Linka, A. - Picek, J. - Volf, P.
Identifikace kruhů v obrazových datech z RICH detektoru.
In: Analýza dat '98. Sborník přednášek. - (Ed. Kupka, K.). - Pardubice, TriloByte 1998. - S. 22-30.
[Celostátní konference Analýza dat '98. (CZ), 98.11.10-98.11.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049473 - UTIA-B 980238 CZ cze K
Linka, A. - Volf, P.
Čítací procesy a jejich použití při modelování tahové pevnosti lana.
In: Analýza dat '98. Sborník přednášek. - (Ed. Kupka, K.). - Pardubice, TriloByte 1998. - S. 13-21.
[Celostátní konference Analýza dat '98. (CZ), 98.11.10-98.11.13]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049358 - UTIA-B 980099 RIV US eng J
Loiseau, J. J. - Mondié, S. - Zaballa, I. - Zagalak, P.
Assigning the Kronecker invariants of a matrix pencil by row or column completions.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 278, [-] 327-336 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.352(91) 0.374(92) 0.357(93) 0.430(94) 0.405(95) 0.341(96) 0.329(97) 0.392(98) 0.385(99) 0.491(00) 0.423(01) 0,462(02) 0.656(03) ]

049323 - UTIA-B 980060 RIV CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Following fuzzy instructions.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 367-371.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075503; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049352 - UTIA-B 980093 RIV CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Fuzzification of the regression model.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 249-256.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049353 - UTIA-B 980094 RIV CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Comparison of portfolia.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 257-261.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049354 - UTIA-B 980095 RIV CZ eng C
Mareš, M.
Fuzzification possibilities in the capital market model.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 241-247.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049388 - UTIA-B 980132 RIV AU eng C
Mareš, M.
Critical Path Method with verbal inputs.
In: International Conference on Optimization Techniques and Applications. - (Ed. Siew, P. F.). - Curtin, University of Technology 1998. - S. 634-640.
[ICOTA '98. (AU), 98.07.01-98.07.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049475 - UTIA-B 980240 RIV US eng C
Markham, B. - Kurz, L. - Seiferth, J. - Smid, J. - Volf, P.
Algorithms and analysis tools for the Landsat detectors trending.
In: Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing. Proceedings. - (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Bellingham, SPIE 1998. - S. 25-33. - ( Proceedings of SPIE. 3500).
[EUROPTO. (ES), 98.09.21-98.09.23]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049328 - UTIA-B 980065 RIV FR eng C
Marková-Stupňanová, A.
Idempotent fuzzy intervals.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Paris, La Sorbonne 1998. - S. 255-258.
[IPMU'98 /7./. (FR), 98.07.06-98.07.10]
Grant: VEGA(SK) 1/4064/97; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; VEGA(SK) 95/5305/471

049306 - UTIA-B 980043 RIV FR eng J
Matúš, F.
Combining m-dependence with Markovness.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques , 34 [4] 407-423 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA27564
[Impact factor: 0.419(99) 0.709(00) 0.517(01) 0,661(02) 0.789(03) ]

049324 - UTIA-B 980061 RIV CZ eng C
Matúš, F.
Block-factor fields of Bernoulli shifts.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 383-389.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075801; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0478

049280 - UTIA-B 980015 RIV NL eng J
Menéndez, M. L. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Asymptotic distributions of phi-divergences of hypothetical and observed frequencies on refined partitions.
Statistica Neerlandica, 52 [1] 71-89 (1998).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) Copernicus 579; DGICYT(ES) PB 96-0635
[Impact factor: 0.304(99) 0.477(00) 0.318(01) 0,250(02) 0.222(03) ]

049297 - UTIA-B 980034 RIV US eng J
Menéndez, M. L. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Two approaches to grouping of data and related disparity statistics.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 27 [3] 609-633 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709; DGICYT(ES) PB 93-0022; DGICYT(ES) PB 94-0308; DGICYT(ES) PB 96-0635
[Impact factor: 0.209(99) 0.193(00) 0.157(01) 0,171(02) 0.192(03) ]

049365 - UTIA-B 980107 RIV CZ eng C
Menéndez, M. L. - Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Minimum divergence estimation and testing in case of empirically quantized observations.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 391-396.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709; DGICYT(ES) PB 96-0635; NATO(XE) CRG 970442

049327 - UTIA-B 980064 RIV FR eng C
Mesiar, R.
General k-order additive fuzzy measures.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Paris, La Sorbonne 1998. - S. 1212-1215.
[IPMU'98 /7./. (FR), 98.07.06-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; GA MŠk(CZ) 15; VEGA(SK) 1/4064/97

049389 - UTIA-B 980133 RIV GB eng C
Mesiar, R.
Generated conjunctors and related operators in MV-logic as a basic for AI applications.
In: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings. - (Ed. Siew, P. F.). - Brighton, University of Brighton 1998. - S. 1-5.
[ECAI '98 /13./. (GB), 98.04.23-98.04.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414; VEGA(SK) 1/4064/97

049483 - UTIA-B 980249 RIV NL eng J
Mesiar, R. - Pap, E.
Different interpretations of triangular norms and related operations.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 96, [-] 183-189 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

049482 - UTIA-B 980248 RIV NL eng J
Mesiar, R. - Rybárik, J.
Entropy of fuzzy partitions: A general model.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 99, [-] 73-79 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0414
[Impact factor:0.498(91) 0.712(92) 0.655(93) 0.610(94) 0.445(95) 0.460(96) 0.346(97) 0.331(98) 0.468(99) 0.393(00) 0.470(01) 0,550(02) 0.577(03) ]

049304 - UTIA-B 980041 RIV CZ eng J
Michálek, J.
Maximum likelihood principle and I-divergence: Continuous time observations.
Kybernetika, 34 [3] 289-308 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049305 - UTIA-B 980042 RIV CZ eng J
Michálek, J.
Maximum likelihood principle and I-divergence: Discrete time observations.
Kybernetika, 34 [3] 265-288 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049325 - UTIA-B 980062 RIV CZ eng C
Michálek, J.
Convex covariances and convex classes of operators.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 397-400.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049341 - UTIA-B 980082 CZ cze K
Michálek, J.
Odhady s minimální vzdáleností pro gaussovské procesy.
In: ROBUST'98. Sborník prací desáté zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 139-147.
[ROBUST'98 /10./. (CZ), 98.01.26-98.01.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415

049281 - UTIA-B 980016 CZ eng V
Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Testing Simple and Composite Hypotheses in Convergent Exponential Families. (Ed. Heck, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 30 s. - (Research Report. 1922).
Grant: DGICYT(ES) PB 96-0635; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709

049362 - UTIA-B 980104 RIV CZ eng C
Morales, D. - Pardo, L. - Vajda, I.
Divergence statistics for testing composite hypotheses.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 419-423.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 579; NATO(XE) CRG 970442; DGES(ES) PB 96-0635

049346 - UTIA-B 980087 RIV GB eng C
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Böhm, J.
Software tools for use of prior knowledge in design of LQG adaptive controllers.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Glasgow, IFAC 1998. - S. 425-429.
[Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049466 - UTIA-B 980231 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Böhm, J. - Rojíček, J. - Berec, L.
ABET98. Adaptive Bayesian Estimation Toolbox for MATLAB. (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 67 s. - (Research Report. 1937).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049465 - UTIA-B 980230 CZ eng V
Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M. - Pecha, P. - Kuča, P. - Tagarev, T.
Predictive Monitoring of Radiation Situation. (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 59 s. - (Research Report. 1934).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) PL963365

049368 - UTIA-B 980111 RIV CZ eng C
Novovičová, J.
Approximation of Bayes classifier using t-mixtures.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 247-252.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606

049311 - UTIA-B 980048 RIV NL eng B
Outrata, J. - Kočvara, M. - Zowe, J.
Nonsmooth Approach to Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints. (Ed. Jordan, M. I.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer 1998. - 273 s. - (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications. 28).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

049471 - UTIA-B 980236 CZ cze I
Pecha, P.
Návrh metodologie transformace dat ze zadaných průměrných hodnot do jemnější prostorové sítě digitálního modelu terénu. (Ed. Rodellar, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 18 s.
Grant: Copernicus(XE) PL963365

049338 - UTIA-B 980076 RIV CZ eng C
Pecha, P. - Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M.
RODOS project.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 239-242.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: INCO Copernicus(XE) P1L963365

049469 - UTIA-B 980234 CZ eng V
Pecha, P. - Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M.
Preparation of RODOS System for the Accreditation Procedure for its Use in the Czech Republic. (Ed. Rodellar, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 30 s. - (Technical Report. WG1).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) RODOS 205

049470 - UTIA-B 980235 CZ eng V
Pecha, P. - Nedoma, P. - Kárný, M.
FDMT Customization for its Use in the Czech Republic. (Ed. Rodellar, J.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 41 s. - (Technical Report. WG3).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) RODOS 205

049423 - UTIA-B 980176 RIV US eng J
Picard, P. - Lafay, J. F. - Kučera, V.
Model matching for linear systems with delays and 2D systems.
Automatica, 34 [2] 183-191 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.796(91) 0.736(92) 0.825(93) 0.900(94) 0.834(95) 0.782(96) 0.871(97) 0.741(98) 0.911(99) 1.280(00) 1.449(01) 1,630(02) 1.683(03) ]

049339 - UTIA-B 980080 RIV BE eng C
Pik, J.
Hierarchy of events in analysis and forecasting of discrete event processes.
In: International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems. - (Ed. Dubois, D. M.). - Liege, University of Liege 1998. - S. 5-6.
[CASYS'98 /2./. (BE), 98.08.10-98.08.14]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671

049343 - UTIA-B 980084 RIV GB eng C
Pik, J.
Imperfectly specified events in failure diagnosis.
In: International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. WODES'98. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - London, IEEE 1998. - S. 340-342.
[WODES'98. (IT), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/96/1671

049491 - UTIA-B 980257 CZ cze B
Prášková, Z. - Lachout, P.
Základy náhodných procesů. (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, Karolinum 1998. - 146 s.

049409 - UTIA-B 980159 CZ cze K
Pudil, P.
Management znalostí.
In: Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví. - (Ed. Motoda, H.). - Jindřichův Hradec, FM VŠE 1998. - S. -.
[Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví. (CZ), 98.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

049410 - UTIA-B 980160 CZ cze K
Pudil, P.
Využití učících se metod rozpoznávání pro podporu rozhodování v klinické praxi i ve zdravotní péči.
In: Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví. - (Ed. Motoda, H.). - Jindřichův Hradec, FM VŠE 1998. - S. -.
[Systémy na podporu rozhodování ve zdravotnictví. (CZ), 98.06.02]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063

049275 - UTIA-B 980009 RIV US eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J.
Novel methods for subset selection with respect to problem knowledge.
IEEE Intelligent Systems & Their Applications, 13 [2] 66-74 ( 1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242
[Impact factor: 0.220(99) 1.000(00) 1.118(01) 1,905(02) 3.725(03) ]

049408 - UTIA-B 980158 RIV US eng M
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J.
Novel methods for feature subset selection with respect to problem knowledge.
In: Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection: A Data Mining Perspective. - (Ed. Motoda, H.). - Boston, Kluwer Academic 1998. - S. 101-116.
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242

049374 - UTIA-B 980118 RIV DE eng C
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Somol, P. - Vrňata, R.
Feature selection expert - user oriented approach. Methodology and concept of the system.
In: Advances in Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. - (Ed. Freeman, H.). - Berlin, Springer 1998. - S. 573-582. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1451).
[Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. (AU), 98.08.11-98.08.13]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA MŠk(CZ) ME 187

049434 - UTIA-B 980192 RIV CZ eng J
Pudil, P. - Novovičová, J. - Somol, P. - Vrňata, R.
Conceptual base of feature selection consulting system.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 451-460 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075608; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049468 - UTIA-B 980233 RIV US eng J
Pudil, P. - Paterson, M.
Improving the quality of decision-making in health care management: A project report from the Nevada/Bohemia health management education partnership.
Journal of Health Administration Education, 16 [2] 255-262 ( 1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/1242; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96063; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049400 - UTIA-B 980149 RIV CZ eng C
Rojíček, J. - Kárný, M.
A sequential stopping rule for extensive simulations.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 145-150.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049407 - UTIA-B 980156 CZ eng G
Rojíček, J. - Valečková, M. - Kárný, M. - Warwick, K.
Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 292 s.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606

049425 - UTIA-B 980178 RIV US eng J
Roubíček, T.
Optimal control of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 97 [3] 707-729 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.343(91) 0.321(92) 0.333(93) 0.316(94) 0.373(95) 0.520(96) 0.537(97) 0.517(98) 0.536(99) 0.558(00) 0.568(01) 0,402(02) 0.583(03) ]

049427 - UTIA-B 980180 RIV CZ eng J
Roubíček, T.
Optimality conditions for nonconvex variational problems relaxed in terms of Young measures.
Kybernetika, 34 [3] 335-347 (1998).
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049430 - UTIA-B 980185 RIV CH eng C
Roubíček, T.
Existence results for some nonconvex optimization problems governed by nonlinear processes.
In: Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications. - (Ed. Meier, K.). - Basel, Birkhäuser 1998. - S. 87-96. - (International Series of Numerical Mathematics. 124).
[Conference on Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications. (DE), 96.09.23-96.09.27]

063468 - UTIA-B 990161 RIV CH eng J
Roubíček, T.
Nonlinear heat equation with L. -data.
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 5 [4] 517-527 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228; GA AV ČR (CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor: 0,396(02) 0.471(03) ]

063453 - UTIA-B 990146 RIV SG eng C
Roubíček, T. - Kružík, M.
Numerical treatment of microstructure evolution modeling.
In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. - (Ed. Bock, H. G.). - Singapore, World Scientific 1998. - S. 532-539.
[ENUMATH '97 /2./. (DE), 97.09.28-97.10.03]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0228; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

049330 - UTIA-B 980067 RIV FR eng C
Ruiz-León, J. J. - Kraffer, F.
Column and row reducedness of polynomial matrices related to their infinite structures.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 141-146.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]

049337 - UTIA-B 980075 RIV CZ eng C
Schier, J.
Fast fixed-point algorithm for estimation of the system time lag.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 151-154.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]

049344 - UTIA-B 980085 RIV GB eng C
Schier, J. - Kadlec, J. - Böhm, J.
Robust adaptive controller with fine grain parallelism.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Glasgow, IFAC 1998. - S. 436-441.
[Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: ESPRIT(XE) 23544 HSLA

049405 - UTIA-B 980154 NL eng V
Schier, J. - van Gemund, A. J. C.
PTT and OTT Enhancement: Part 2. Final Report. (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Delft, Technical University 1998. - 61 s. - ( Technical Report. 1-68340-44(1998)04).
Grant: Dutch STW GA(NL) DEL 22.2733

049276 - UTIA-B 980011 RIV BE eng C
Schier, J. - van Gemund, A. J. C. - Reijns, G. L.
Real-time signal processing for an obstacle warning radar.
In: Signal Processing Symposium. - (Ed. Heck, A.). - Leuven, IEEE 1998. - S. 167-170.
[SPS '98. (BE), 98.03.26-98.03.27]
Grant: STW(NL) DEL 22.2733; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601

049484 - UTIA-B 980250 RIV GB eng J
Schindler, J. - Schindler, Z. - Schindler Jr., J.
A WWW-based information system on resistance of bacteria to antibiotics.
Medical Informatics, 23 [3] 179-185 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA310/96/0588

062656 - MU-W 990052 RIV US eng C
Segeth, K. - Ježek, J. - Saic, S.
Numerical modelling of rigid objects in a ductile matrix.
In: 4th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. - Houston, IAMG 1998. - S. 821-826.
[Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology/4./. Ischia (IT), 98.10.05-98.10.09]

049450 - UTIA-B 980214 DE eng V
Siddiqi, A. H. - Manchanda, P. - Kočvara, M.
An Iterative Two-Step Algorithm for American Option Pricing. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Erlangen, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik 1998. - 15 s. - (Research Report. 241).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075707

049322 - UTIA-B 980059 RIV CZ eng C
Sladký, K.
Sensitivity formulas for discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 517-521.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742

049351 - UTIA-B 980092 RIV CZ eng C
Sladký, K.
On the speed of adjustment in dynamical models for interactions of industrial and capital markets under uncertainties.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 279-288.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

063390 - UTIA-B 990080 RIV SK eng J
Sladký, K.
On instantaneous speed of adjustment in dynamic linear economic models.
Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics, 6 [3/4] 253-262 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075802

049314 - UTIA-B 980051 RIV CZ eng C
Smid, J. - Volf, P.
Tools for prediction of the system performance and detection of the changes.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 43-46.
[CMP'98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354

049294 - UTIA-B 980031 RIV US eng J
Söderström, T. - Ježek, J. - Kučera, V.
An efficient and versatile algorithm for computing the covariance function of an ARMA process.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 46 [6] 1591-1600 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0294
[Impact factor:0.637(92) 0.886(93) 1.234(94) 1.291(95) 1.565(96) 1.238(97) 1.402(98) 1.552(99) 1.203(00) 1.268(01) 1,159(02) 1.458(03) ]

049426 - UTIA-B 980179 RIV CZ eng J
Soukup, L.
Probability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear feature extraction.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 473-478 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049431 - UTIA-B 981187 CZ cze D
Soukup, L.
Aplikace bayesovského přístupu při zpracování geodetických měření. Doktorská disertační práce. (Ed. Meier, K.). - Praha, Stavební fakulta ČVUT 1998. - 94 s.

049349 - UTIA-B 980090 RIV US eng C
Studený, M.
Bayesian networks from the point of view of chain graphs.
In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference. - (Ed. Moral, S.). - San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann 1998. - S. 496-503.
[Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence /14./. (US), 98.07.24-98.07.26]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0478; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075801; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008

049398 - UTIA-B 980147 RIV CZ eng C
Studený, M.
Complexity of structural models.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 521-528.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0478; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075801; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008

049462 - UTIA-B 980227 RIV US eng J
Studený, M. - Bouckaert, R. R.
On chain graph models for description of conditional independence structures.
Annals of Statistics, 26 [4] 1434-1495 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA275105
[Impact factor: 1.382(99) 1.259(00) 1.346(01) 1,079(02) 1.369(03) ]

049310 - UTIA-B 980047 RIV NL eng M
Studený, M. - Vejnarová, J.
On multiinformation function as a tool for measuring stochastic dependence.
In: Learning in Graphical Models. - (Ed. Jordan, M. I.). - Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic 1998. - S. 261-297. - (NATO Science Series.; Series D: Behavioural and Social Sciences. 89).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/0478; GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008

049284 - UTIA-B 980021 RIV NL eng J
Swami, A. - Tichavský, P.
Strong ergodicity conditions for the n-th order moment (cumulant) of multiple sinusoids.
Signal Processing, 65 [2] 257-266 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor: 0.702(99) 0.685(00) 0.488(01) 0,536(02) 0.569(03) ]

049457 - UTIA-B 980222 RIV NL eng C
Swart, P. J. F. - Schier, J. - van Gemund, A. J. C. - van der Zwan, W. - Karelse, J. P. - Reijns, G. L. - van Genderen, P. - Ligthart, L. P. - Steenstra, H. T.
The COLORADO multistatic FMCW radar system.
In: European Microwave. Proceedings. - (Ed. Kingsbury, N. G.). - London, Europeam Microwave Association 1998. - S. 449-454.
[European Microwave /28./. (NL), 98.10.06-98.10.08]

049396 - UTIA-B 980145 RIV CZ eng C
Šámal, M. - Kárný, M.
Algorithms for optimized image subtraction and rotation of factors in factor analysis of image sequences.
In: Quantitative Image Analysis in Functional Scintigraphic Imaging. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Praha, GAMAMED 1998. - S. 19-23.
[Satellite Post-Congress Symposium. (CZ), 98.09.05]

049402 - UTIA-B 980151 RIV CZ eng C
Šindelář, J. - Kárný, M.
An algorithm decreasing mutual information.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 253-258.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603; GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118

049485 - UTIA-B 980251 CZ eng V
Šindelář, J. - Kárný, M. - Nedoma, P.
Controlling Value of f-information. Multivariate Case. (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 13 s. - (Research Report. 1927).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0118; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR (CZ) IAA2147701

049421 - UTIA-B 980174 RIV BE eng C
Tagarev, T. D. - Ivanova, P. I.
Forecasting multivariate time series using delay coordinate embedding: A theoretical case study.
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Black-Box Techniques for Nonlinear Modeling. - (Ed. Vanderwalle, J.). - Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit 1998. - S. 79-84.
[International Workshop on Advanced Black-Box Techniques for Nonlinear Modeling. (BE), 98.07.08-98.07.10]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603

049447 - UTIA-B 980210 CZ eng V
Tagarev, T.
Nonlinear Analysis of Background Radiation Fluctuations. (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 39 s. - (Research Report. 1933).
Grant: Copernicus(XE) PL963365

049401 - UTIA-B 980150 RIV CZ eng C
Tesař, L.
Model-based fault detection and isolation methods based on Bayesian bootstrap filter.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 161-166.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) CT 94:0237

049435 - UTIA-B 980193 RIV CZ eng J
Tichavský, P. - Boček, P.
Detection of influential points by convex hull volume minimization.
Kybernetika, 34 [5] 515-534 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049387 - UTIA-B 980131 SE eng V
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Multicomponent Polynomial Phase Signal Analysis Using a Tracking Algorithm. (Ed. Lovell, B. C.). - Stockholm, Royal Institute of Technology 1998. - 9 s. - (Technical Report. IR-S3-SB-9844).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

049393 - UTIA-B 980137 RIV US eng C
Tichavský, P. - Händel, P.
Estimating parameters of polynomial phase signals by tracking algorithms.
In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. - (Ed. Li, F.). - Piscataway, IEEE 1998. - S. 348-351.
[IEEE Signal Processing Workshop /9./. (US), 98.09.14-98.09.16]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466

049296 - UTIA-B 980033 RIV US eng J
Tichavský, P. - Muravchik, C. - Nehorai, A.
Posterior Cramér-Rao bounds for discrete-time nonlinear filtering.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 46 [5] 1386-1396 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/97/0466
[Impact factor:0.637(92) 0.886(93) 1.234(94) 1.291(95) 1.565(96) 1.238(97) 1.402(98) 1.552(99) 1.203(00) 1.268(01) 1,159(02) 1.458(03) ]

049332 - UTIA-B 980069 RIV FR eng C
Torres-Munoz, J. A. - Zagalak, P.
A note on model matching by state feedback.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 191-195.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]

049359 - UTIA-B 980100 RIV CZ eng J
Vajda, I.
Global information in statistical experiments and consistency of likelihood-based estimates and tests.
Kybernetika, 34 [3] 245-263 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175402
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049486 - UTIA-B 980252 CZ eng V
Vajda, I.
On Consistency of M-estimators in Models with a Linear Substructure. (Ed. Serpico, S. B.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 37 s. - (Research Report. 1931).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA1075709; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703

049461 - UTIA-B 980226 RIV CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - Grim, J.
About the maximum information and maximum likelihood principles in neural networks.
Kybernetika, 34 [4] 485-494 (1998).
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703; GA AV ČR(CZ) KSK1075601
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049459 - UTIA-B 980224 RIV CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - Lonek, B. - Nikolov, V. - Veselý, A.
Neural network realizations of Bayes decision rules for exponentially distributed data.
Kybernetika, 34 [5] 497-514 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA102/94/0320; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075703
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049282 - UTIA-B 980017 RIV CZ eng J
Vajda, I. - van der Meulen, E. C.
Global statistical information in exponential experiments and selection of exponential models.
Applications of Mathematics, 43 [1] 23-51 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/96/0415; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA175402

076006 - UTIA-B 20000055 RIV FR eng J
Vajda, I. - van der Meulen, E. C.
The chi-square error of Barron estimator of regular density is asymptotically normal.
Publications of the Institute of Statistics of the University of Paris, 42 [2/3] 93-110 (1998).
Grant: Commission EC(XE) Copernicus 579

049403 - UTIA-B 980152 RIV CZ eng C
Valečková, M. - Kárný, M.
Markov chains in non-linear identification: Bayesian clustering for reduced parametrisation.
In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Ed. Warwick, K.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 273-278.
[CMP '98 /3./. (CZ), 98.09.07-98.09.09]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 25729

049395 - UTIA-B 980144 RIV GB eng C
Valečková, M. - Kárný, M. - Sutanto, E. L.
Bayesian M-T clustering for reduced parametrisation of Markov chains used for non-linear adaptive elements.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. - (Ed. Simek, K.). - Glasgow, IFAC 1998. - S. 381-386.
[Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. (GB), 98.08.26-98.08.28]
Grant: GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075606; GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA2075603; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 25729

049361 - UTIA-B 980103 RIV CZ eng C
van der Meulen, E. C. - Vajda, I.
About the chi-square error of Barron density estimate.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 557-562.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: Copernicus(XE) 579; NATO(XE) CRG 931030

049377 - UTIA-B 980121 RIV DE eng C
van Dijk, N. M. - Sladký, K.
On discrete-form expressions for time-inhomogeneous cumulative reward structures.
In: Operations Research Proceedings 1997. - (Ed. Derigs, U.). - Springer, Berlin 1998. - S. 162-167.
[Symposium on Operations Research. SOR'97. (DE), 97.09.03-97.09.05]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/96/0420

049293 - UTIA-B 980030 RIV CZ eng J
Vejnarová, J.
A note on the interval-valued marginal problem and its maximum entropy solution.
Kybernetika, 34 [1] 17-26 (1998).
Grant: GA MŠk(CZ) VS96008
[Impact factor:0.179(91) 0.146(92) 0.108(93) 0.193(94) 0.156(95) 0.158(96) 0.149(97) 0.080(98) 0.100(99) 0.178(00) 0.316(01) 0,341(02) 0.319(03) ]

049432 - UTIA-B 980190 RIV CZ eng C
Vejnarová, J.
Possibilistic independence and operators of composition of possibility measures.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 575-580.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/98/1487

049445 - UTIA-B 980208 RIV FR eng C
Vejnarová, J.
Composition of possibility measures on finite spaces: Preliminary results.
In: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. IPMU'98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Paris, La Sorbonne 1998. - S. 25-30.
[IPMU'98 /7./. (FR), 98.07.06-98.07.10]

049380 - UTIA-B 980124 RIV CZ eng J
Víšek, J. Á.
Robust constrained combinations of forecasts.
Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society, [8] 53-80 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770

049381 - UTIA-B 980125 RIV CZ eng C
Víšek, J. Á.
Robust specification test.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 581-586.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770

049320 - UTIA-B 980057 RIV CZ eng C
Volf, P.
On counting process with random increments.
In: Prague Stochastics '98. Proceedings. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 587-590.
[Prague Stochastics '98. (CZ), 98.08.23-98.08.28]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742; GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354

049340 - UTIA-B 980081 CZ cze K
Volf, P. - Linka, A.
O podstatě a aplikacích MCMC metod.
In: ROBUST'98. Sborník prací desáté zimní školy JČMF. - (Ed. Dohnal, G.). - Praha, JČMF 1998. - S. 243-253.
[ROBUST'98 /10./. (CZ), 98.01.26-98.01.30]
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049446 - UTIA-B 980209 CZ eng V
Volf, P. - Linka, A.
Two Applications of Counting Processes: 1.Reliability Model of a Parallelly Organized System. 2.Process Cumulating Random Increments at Random Moments. (Cumulative Process). (Ed. Plačková, A.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 22 s. - (Research Report. 1935).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/97/0354; GA ČR(CZ) GA402/98/0742; GA MŠk(CZ) VS97084

049355 - UTIA-B 980096 CZ eng G
Vošvrda, M.
Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - 305 s.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049369 - UTIA-B 980113 RIV CZ eng C
Vošvrda, M.
Czech macroeconomics.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 21-41.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049371 - UTIA-B 980115 RIV CZ eng C
Vošvrda, M.
A description of the capital market in the Czech Republic (1997).
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 65-76.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049372 - UTIA-B 980116 RIV CZ eng C
Vošvrda, M.
CAPM and the selected european capital markets.
In: Information Asymmetries on Capital Markets Emerging in Transition Countries, the case of the Czech Capital Market. - (Ed. Vošvrda, M.). - Praha, ÚTIA AV ČR 1998. - S. 77-106.
[Information Asymmetries '98. (CZ), 98.05.26-98.05.27]
Grant: PHARE(XE) P95-2014-R

049287 - UTIA-B 980024 RIV CZ eng J
Vošvrda, M. - Filáček, J. - Kapička, M.
The efficient market hypothesis testing on the Prague Stock Exchange.
Bulletin České ekonometrické společnosti, [7] 55-67 (1998).
Grant: GA ČR(CZ) GA402/97/0770

049331 - UTIA-B 980068 RIV FR eng C
Zagalak, P. - Eldem, V. - Özcaldiran, K.
On a special case of the Morgan problem.
In: Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control. - (Ed. Víšek, J. Á.). - Nantes, IFAC 1998. - S. 181-186.
[IFAC Conference SSC'98. (FR), 98.07.08-98.07.10]

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