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Institute of Information Theory and Automation


A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P R S T V W Z All - phone directory (pdf), institution phone numbers
Name Surnamesort icon Position Department Room 26605-
Petr Zagalak research associate AS 377 2367
Milan Zajíček deputy head of IT VS 68 2376
Daniela Zdeňková HS 172 2311
Zelenková P 14 2594
Jan Zeman Ph.D. student AS 480 2570
Kateřina Zemánková Ph.D. student AS 380 2442
Pavel Zezula research associate 364 2392
Pavel Žid research associate RO 466 2200
Jiří Zikmund research associate 366 2223
Barbara Zitová head of the department ZOI 146 2390
Jarmila Zoltánová secretary of director 105 2422
Responsible for information: admin
Last modification: 15.01.2009
Institute of Information Theory and Automation