Publications 2009 (22)
- Lučan, R.K., Andreas, M., Benda, P., Bartonička, T., Březinová, T., Hoffmannová, A., Hulová, Š., Hulva, P., Neckářová, J., Reiter, A., Svačina, T., Šálek, M. and Horáček, I. (2009) Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: distributional status, roosting and feeding ecology. In: Acta Chiropterologica. Vol 11 (1), pp. 61-69.
- Nadporozhskaya M.A; Cudlin P; Novak F, Bykhovets S.S., Chertov O.G, Komarov A.S.,Mikhailov A.V. (2009) Analysis of the soil organic matter stability in spruce forests of Krkonose in Czechia on the basis of the ROMUL mathematical model. In: Euras. Soil Sci.. Vol 42, pp. 657-667.
- Hais M., Jonášová M., Langhammer J., Kučera T. (2009) Comparison of two types of forest disturbance using multitemporal Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery and field vegetation data. In: Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol 113, pp. 835-845.
- Šálek M., Kreisinger J., Sedláček F. & Albrecht T. (2009) Corridor vs hayfield matrix use by mammalian predators in an agricultural landscape. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Vol 134, pp. 8-13.
- Atanasova, N., Kitayska, T., Yankov, D., Šafaříková, M., Tonkova, A. (2009) Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase production by cell biocatalysts of alkaliphilic bacilli. In: Biochem. Eng. J.. Vol 46, pp. 278-285.
- Kuzel S, Vydra J, Triska J, Vrchotova N, Hruby M, Cigler P (2009) Elicitation of Pharmacologically Active Substances in an Intact Medical Plant. In: J. Agric. Food Chem.. Vol 57, pp. 7907-7911.
- Hubka,T., Kandelová,M., Komárek,K., Šafaříková,M., Šafařík,I., Kujalová,H. (2009) Extraction of alkylphenols and nonylphenol mono- and diethoxylates from water using magnetically modified adsorbents. In: Chromatographia. Vol 69, pp. 133-137.
- Šafaříková,M., Maděrová,Z., Šafařík,I. (2009) Ferrofluid modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells for biocatalysis. In: Food Res. Int.. Vol 42, pp. 521-524.
- Vávrová E., Cudlín O., Vavříček D., Cudlín P. (2009) Ground vegetation dynamics in mountain spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) forests recovering after air pollution stress impact. In: Plant Ecology. Vol 205 (2), pp. 305-321.
- Šafařík,I., Šabatková,Z., Šafaříková,M. (2009) Invert sugar formation with magnetically responsive Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. In: J. Magn. Magn. Mater.. Vol 31, pp. 1478-1481.
- Kalinová J., Vrchotová N. (2009) Level of catechin, myricetin, quercetin and isoquercitrin in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), changes of their levels during vegetation and their effect on the growth of selected weeds. In: J. Agric. Food Chem.. Vol 57, pp. 2719-2725.
- Mašková Z., Doležal J., Květ J., Zemek F. (2009) Long-term functioning of a species-rich mountain meadow under different management regimes. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Vol 132, pp. 192-202.
- Šafařík,I., Šafaříková,M. (2009) Magnetic nano- and microparticles in biotechnology. In: Chem. Papers. Vol 63, pp. 497-505.
- Mosiniewicz-Szablewska,E., Šafaříková,M., Šafařík,I. (2009) Magnetic studies of ferrofluid-modified microbial cells. In: J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.. Vol 9, pp. 1-6.
- Pavela R., Vrchotová N., Tříska J. (2009) Mosquitocidal activities of thyme oils (Thymus vulgaris L.)against Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae). In: Parasitol Res. Vol 105, pp. 1365-1370.
- Fischer, D., Pavluvčík, P., Sedláček, F. and Šálek, M. (2009) Predation of the alien American mink Mustela vison on native crayfish populations in middle-sized streams in central and western Bohemia. In: Folia Zoologica. Vol 58 (1), pp. 45-56.
- Padyšáková, E., Šálek, M., Poledník, L., Sedláček, F., Albrecht, T. (2009) Removal of American mink increases the Access of simulated nests in linear habitat. In: Wildlife Research. Vol 36 (3), pp. 225-230.
- Malenovský Z., Mishra K.B., Zemek F., Rascher U., Nedbal L. (2009) Scientific and technical challenges in remote sensing of plant canopy reflectance and fluorescence. In: Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol 60, pp. 2987-3004.
- Schödelbauerová I., Roberts D. and Kindlmann P. (2009) Size of protected areas is the main determinant of species diversity in orchids. In: Biological Conservation. Vol 142, pp. 2329-2334.
- Královec J., Pocová L., Jonášová M., Macek P., Prach K. (2009) Spontaneous recovery of an intensively used grassland after cessation of fertilizing. In: Applied Vegetation Science. Vol 12, pp. 391-397.
- Královec J., Pocová L., Jonášová M., Macek P., Prach K. (2009) Spontaneous recovery of an intensively used grassland after cessation of fertilizing. In: Applied Vegetation Science. Vol 12, pp. 391-397.
- Hais M., Kučera T. (2009) The influence of topography on the forest surface temperature received from Landsat TM, ETM+ and ASTER thermal channels. In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol 64, pp. 585-591.