Impacted publications
Blockeel T.L., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Ochyra R., H�jkov� P.,
H�jek M., Ku�era J., K�rschner H.,

M�ller F., Oliv�n G., Parolly G., Porley R.D., Rams S., S�neca A., S�rgio C., Townsend

C.C., Tyshchenko O., Vieira C. (2006): New national and regional bryophyte records,

Journal of Bryology 28(2): 151-155.
Blockeel T.L., Ochyra R., Chlebicki A., H�jkov� P.,
H�jek M., Hrad�lek Z., K�rschner H., Parolly

G., Pl�ek V., Quandt D., Vanderpoorten A. (2006): New national and regional

bryophyte records, 12.
Journal of Bryology 28(1): 68-70.
Bragazza L., Limpens J., Gedrol R., Grosvernier P.,
H�jek M., H�jek T.,
H�jkov� P.,

Hansen I., Iacumin P., Kutnar L., Rydin H., Tahvanainen T. (2005): Nitrogen

concentration and delta 15N signature of ombrotrophic Sphagnum mosses at different

N deposition levels in Europe.
Global Change Biology 11: 106-114.
Bragazza L., Tahvanainen T., Kutnar L., Rydin H., Limpens J.,
H�jek M., Grosvernier P., H�jek

H�jkov� P., Hansen I., Iacumin P., Gedrol R. (2004): Nutritional constraints in

ombrotrophic Sphagnum plants under increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition in

New Phytologist 163: 609-616.
Danihelka J. (2003): Achillea asplenifolia in Tschechien, mit taxonomischen Bemerkungen.
Preslia 75(2): 115-135.
Danihelka J., Rotreklov� O. (2001): Chromosome numbers within the
Achillea millefolium 
and the
A. distans groups in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Folia Geobot. 36: 163-

Danihelka J., Saukel J., Ehrendorfer F. (2006): Typification of the names
Achillea millefolium 
collina and A.
pannonica (Asteraceae, Anthemidae). Taxon 55(2): 507-510.
D�t� D., Navr�tilov� J.,
H�jek M., Valachovi� M., Pukajov� D. (2006): Habitat variability and

classification of the bladderwort (Utricularia) communities: comparison of peat

depressions in Slovakia and in the T�ebo� basin.
Preslia 78(3): 331-343.
Eckstein R. L.,
Danihelka J., H�lzel N., Otte A. (2004): The effects of management and

environmental variation on population stage structure in three river-corridor violets.
Acta Oecol.
25(1-2): 83-91.
Eckstein R. L., H�lzel N.,
Danihelka J. (2006): Biological Flora of Central Europe:
Viola elatior,
V. pumila and
V. stagnina. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 8(1):

Eckstein R. L., O'Neill R.,
Danihelka J., Otte A., K�hler W. (2006): Genetic structure among

and within peripheral and central populations of three endangered floodplain violets.
Molecular Ecology 15(9): 2367-2379.
Fiala K. (2000): Root and rhizome growth of grasses
Calamagrostis arundinacea and
villosa on deforested sites in response to pollution and climatic impacts.
Biol�gia 55: 91-

Fiala K. (2001): The role of root system of
Calamagrostis epigejos in its successful expansion

in alluvial meadows.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 20: 292-300.
Fiala K., Holub P., Sedl�kov� I.,
T�ma I., Z�hora J., Tesa�ov� M. (2003): Reasons and

consequences of expansion of
Calamagrostis epigejos in alluvial meadows of landscape

affected by water control measures - A multidisciplinary research.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava
22, Suppl. 2/2003: 242-258.
Fiala K., T�ma I., Holub P. (2001): Effect of wet depositions on losses of nutrients from soil

on deforested areas in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids Mts (the Czech Republic).
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 20, Suppl. 4/2001: 373-381.g
Fiala K., T�ma I., Holub P., Jand�k J. (2004): The role of
Calamagrostis communities in

preventing soil acidification and base cation losses in deforested mountain area

affected by acid deposition.
Plant and Soil 268: 35-49.
Fiala K., T�ma I., Holub P, Tesa�ov� M., Jand�k J., P�vkov� A. (2001): Importance of grass

cover in reduction of negative processes in soil affected by air pollution.
Rostl. V�r. 47:

Fiala K., Z�hora J.,
T�ma I., Holub P. (2004): Importance of plant matter accumulation,

nitrogen uptake and utilization in expansion of tall grasses
(Calamagrostis epigejos and
Arrhenatherum elatius) into acidophilous dry grassland.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 23: 225-

H�jek M. (2002): The class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae in the Western Carpathians:

indirect gradient analysis, species groups and their relation to phytosociological

Biologia 57: 461-469.
H�jek M., H�jkov� P. (2004): Environmental determinants of variation in Czech Calthion

wet meadows: a synthesis of phytosociological data.
Phytocoenologia 34: 33-54.
H�jek M., Hekera P. (2004): Can seasonal variation in fen water chemistry influence the

reliability of vegetation-environment analyses?.
Preslia 76: 1-14.
H�jek M., Hekera P.,
H�jkov� P. (2002): Spring fen vegetation and water chemistry in the

Western Carpathian flysch zone.
Folia Geobotanica 37: 205-224.
H�jkov� P., H�jek M. (2003): Species richness and above-ground biomass of poor and

calcareous spring fens in the flysch West Carpathians, and their relationships to water

and soil chemistry.
Preslia 75: 271-287.
H�jkov� P., H�jek M. (2004): Bryophyte and vascular plant responses to base-richness

and water level gradients in Western Carpathian Sphagnum-rich mires.
Geobotanica 39: 335-351.
H�jkov� P., H�jek M. (2004): Sphagnum-mediated successional pattern in the mixed mire

in the Mur�nska planina Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia).
Biologia 59: 63-72.
H�jkov� P., H�jek M., Apostolov� I. (2006): Diversity of wetland vegetation in the

Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role.
Ecology 184(1): 111-130.
H�dl R. (2004): Vegetation of beech forests in the Rychlebsk� Mountains, Czech Republic,

re-inspected after 60 years with assessment of environmental changes.
Plant Ecology
170(2): 243-265.
H�dl R. (2004): Retreat of
Dentaria enneaphyllos L. in Rychlebsk� hory Mountains, Czech

Republic, in perspective of habitat preferences.
Biol�gia 59(4): 417-423.
Holub P. (2001): Nutrient use efficiencies of various alluvial meadows in South Moravia.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 20, Suppl. 4: 366-372.
Holub P. (2002): The expansion of
Calamagrostis epigejos into alluvial meadows: comparison

of aboveground biomass in relation to water regimes.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 21(1): 27-37
Holub P. (2003): The effect of increased altitude on the growth and nitrogen use efficiency

Calamagrostis arundinacea and
C. villosa. Biologia, Bratislava 58(4): 1-11.
Holub P. (2003): Nitrogen use efficiency and the dominance of
Calamagrostis epigejos in

floodplain meadows.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 22, Suppl. 2: 268-274.
Hors�k M.,
H�jek M. (2003): Composition and species richness of molluscan communities in

relation to vegetation and water chemistry in the Western Carpathian spring fens: the

poor-rich gradient.
Journal of Molluscan Studies 69: 349-357.
Hors�k M.,
H�jek M. (2005): Habitat requirements and distribution of Vertigo geyeri

(Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Western Carpathian rich fens.
Journal of Conchology 38:

Chytr� M.,
Danihelka J. (1993): Long-term changes in the field layer of oak-hornbeam

forests under the impact of deer and mouflon.
Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica 28
(3): 225-245.
Chytr� M., Py�ek P., Tich� L. Knollov� I.,
Danihelka J. (2005): Invasions by alien plants in

the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats.
Preslia 77(4): 339-

Jankovsk� V., Andreev A.A., Panova N.K. (2006): Holocene environmental history on the

Polar Urals, Russia.
Boreas 35(4): 650-661.
Jankovsk� V., Kom�rek J. (2000): Indicative value of
Pediastrum and other coccal green

algae in palaeoecology.
Folia Geobotanica 35: 59-82.
Jankovsk� V., Pokorn� J. (2002): Microfossils palaeoecology of a Medieval fishpond system

(Vajgar, Czech Republic).
Folia Geobotanica 37: 393-398.
Klime� L., Dan��k M.,
H�jek M., Jongepierov� I., Ku�era T. (2001): Scale-dependent biases

in species counts in a grassland.
Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 699-704.
Lososov� Z.,
Danihelka J., Chytr� M. (2003): Seasonal dynamics and diversity of weed

vegetation in tilled and mulched vineyards.
Biologia 58(1): 49-57
Navr�tilov� J.,
H�jek M. (2005): Recording relative water table depth using PVC tape

discolouration: Advantages and constraints in fens.
Applied Vegetation Science 8: 21-26.
Navr�tilov� J., Navr�til J.,
H�jek M. (in press): Relationships between environmental factors

and vegetation in nutrient-enriched fens at fishpond margins.
Folia Geobotanica.
Opravilov� V.,
H�jek M. (2006): The variation of testacean assemblages
Rhizopoda) along the complete base-richness gradient in fens: a case study from the

West Carpathians.
Acta Protozoologica 45(2): 191-204.
Panova N. K.,
Jankovsk� V., Korona O. M., Zinov'ev E.V. (2003): The Holocene dynamics of

vegetation and ecological conditions in the Polar Urals.
Russ. Journ. Ecology, 34(4):

Pokorn� P., Boenke N., Chytr��ek M., Nov�kov� K., S�dlo J., Vesel� J., Kune� P.,
V. (2006): Insight into the environment of a pre-Roman Iron Age hillfort at Vladar,

Czech Republic, using a multi-proxy approach.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15
(4): 419-433.
Pokorn� P.,
Jankovsk� V. (2000): Long-term vegetation dynamics and the infilling process

of a former lake (�varcenberk, Czech Republic).
Folia Geobotanica 35: 433-457.
Poul��kov� A., H�jkov� P., K�enkov� P.,
H�jek M. (2004): Distribution of diatoms and

bryophytes on linear transects through spring fens.
Nova Hedwigia 78: 411-424.
Rybn��ek K., Dickson J., Rybn��kov� E. (1998): Flora and vegetation at about A.D. 1100 in

the vicinity of Brno, Czech Republic.
Veget. Hist. Archaeobot. 7(3): 155-165.
Rybn��ek K., Rybn��kov� E (2004): Pollen analyses of sediments from the summit of the

Prad�d range in the Hrub� Jesen�k Mts. (Eastern Sudetes).
Preslia 76(4): 331- 347.
Rybn��kov� E.,
Rybn��ek K. (2006): Pollen and macroscopic analyses of sediments from two

lakes in the High Tatra mountains, Slovakia.
Veget. Hist. Archaeobot. 15(4): 345-356.
�epka R.,
Danihelka J. (2005): Typification of the name
Carex muricata var.
Wallr. and its nomenclatural consequences.
Preslia 77(1): 129-136.
Sedl�kov� I.,
Fiala K. (2001): Ecological problems of degradation of alluvial meadows due to

Calamagrostis epigejos. Ekol�gia, Bratislava 20(3): 226-233.
�umberov� K., Lososov� Z.,
Fab�i�ov� M., Hor�kov� V. (2006): Variability of vegetation of

exposed pond bottoms in relation to management and environmental factors.
78(2): 235-252.
�umberov� K., Lososov� Z., Hor�kov� V. (2005): Vegetation dynamics on exposed pond

bottoms in the �eskobud�jovick� basin (Czech Republic).
Phytocoenologia 35: 421-448.
T�ma I. (1998): Variation in the activity of cellulolytic microorganisms in several ecosystems

of the Beskydy Mts.
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 17: 316-326.
T�ma I. (2002): Release of nutrients from decomposing grass litter on deforested areas

affected by air pollution in the Beskydy Mts.
Ekol�gia (Bratislava), 21(2): 201-220.
T�ma I. (2003): A study of the effect of pollution and climate impact on plant growth based

on field transplantation (a phytometer method).
Ekol�gia, Bratislava 22, Suppl. 2: 253-

T�ma I., Holub P., Fiala K. (2005): Competitive balance and nitrogen losses from three

grass species
(Arrhenatherum elatius, Calamagrostis epigejos, Festuca ovina). Biologia
60: 417-422.