Noé Almarza | Lattice gas models of simple systems with complex phase behavior |
Max Berkowitz | Hydration force acting between model hydrophilic surfaces. |
Dezso Boda | Is the primitive model of electrolytes a good model to reproduce the mean activity coefficient of electrolytes? |
Peter Cifra | Shape transition in semiflexible biomacromolecules confined in a channel and in a cavity |
Pablo Debenedetti | Thermodynamic and kinetic models of chiral amplification |
Jeppe Dyre | "Isomorphs" in liquid phase diagrams |
Alain Fuchs | Thermodynamics of guest-induced structural transitions in hybrid organic-inorganic frameworks |
Dirk Gillespie | An efficient algorithm for density functional theory of fluids in three dimensions for charged, hard sphere fluids |
Stefan Grandner | Impact of charged confining substrates on the structure formation in colloidal solutions |
Richard Henchman | Potential energy surface and free energy of aqueous solutions |
Douglas Henderson | Understanding liquids |
Marie Jardat | Influence of small ions on protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions |
Pal Jedlovszky | Structure of coexisting liquid phases of supercooled water |
Miguel Jorge | A critical assessment of methods for the intrinsic analysis of liquid interfaces |
George Jackson | The invalidation of the virial route to the surface tension of nanoscale fluid drops due to fluctuations in the free energy |
Gerhard Kahl | Single-particle and collective slow dynamics of colloids in porous confinement |
Gunnar Karlström | Retardation effects breaking long-range structural ordering in dipolar fluids |
Andreas Klamt | COSMO-RS: From quantum chemistry to liquid phase thermodynamics |
David Kofke | Advances in the calculation and application of cluster integrals for fluid properties prediction |
Thomas Lafitte | Modelling the anomalies in the thermodynamic properties of water with associating Mie segments of variable repulsive/attactive range |
Brian Laird | Calculation of interfacial free energies from atomistic simulation with Gibbs-Cahn integration |
Daniel Laria | Polar mixtures under nanoconfinement |
Ruth Lynden-Bell | Hydrophobic phenomena in water: the contributions of network structure, hydrogen bond strength and density |
Edward J. Maggin | A Molecular Simulation Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Chemically Functionalized Ionic Liquids |
Marco Mazza | Dynamics and self--assembly of mesogens between nano--patterned surfaces |
Erich Muler | A new paradigm in developing models for use in molecular simulations of complex fluids: The top-down coarse- graining approach, from equation of state to simulation energy |
Eva Noya | Quantum effects in liquid water and the ice phases: the path to a new empirical model for water |
Christopher Outhwaite | The planar electric double layer at and near zero surface charge for a restricted primitive model electrolyte |
Andrzej Patrykiejew | Freezing and demixing in two-dimensional symmetrical mixtures |
Nick Quirke | The interaction of nanomaterials with water |
Martin Schoen | Sorption-induced deformation of mesoporous materials |
Marcello Sega | The problem of sugar puckering in molecular dynamics simulations |
Stefan Sokolowski | Microscopic structure and thermodynamics of a core-softened model fluids |
Alberto Striolo | Graphene sheets-oil nanocomposites: Equilibrium and transport properties from molecular simulation |
Carlos Vega | Successes and failures in the description of water when simulating simple models |
Jadran Vrabec | The air pressure effect on the homogeneous nucleation of carbon dioxide by molecular simulation |