Michal Heřman, MSc.
MSc. (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen,
computer graphics)
computer graphics)
IT specialist, team leader

Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Phone: +420 387775654
Fax: +420 385310249
Current projects
computer network administration, personal computer service, WWW, email server admin. (CentOS)
computer graphics, programming in C++ and PHP
Past Projects
1992-2005 Department of Remote Sensing and GIS
- 2005 FW6 Integrated Project 0100036-2; SEAMLESS: System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society; Sub-priority: 6.3 - Global Change and Ecosystem
- 2004-2006 Czech Science Foundation (GACR); Sedláček (Univ. South Bohemia), Zemek (ISBE); Subdivision in small mammals population by natural and anthropogenic landscape barriers
- 1999-2001 Extreme hydrological Phenomenons in Landscape; Grant agency of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - FS CVUT Prague
- 1999-2001 Integrated risk assessment and new pest management technology in ecosystems affected by forest decline and bark beetle outbreaks; EC, co-ordinator of the czech part - ILE CAS.
- 1998 The reasons of decrease of water-management role of the forest in Landscape - care of Landscape; Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator AOPK
- 1995-1997 Sustainable development strategies and carrying capacity and revenue mechanisms for Šumava Biosphere reserve; grant GA ČR, koordinátor - ÚEK AV ČR
- 1995-1997 Future of Šumava region from the point of view of methods of Landscape use; Grant agency of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - ILE CAS.
- 1994-1996 Map and evaluation of topical state of vegetation on forest soil found on territory of national park and protected Landscape area Šumava; Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, co-ordinator - Šumava National Park and Protected Area Administration
- 1993-1997 Emission Abatement Strategies and the Environment; EC, co-ordinator of the czech part - ILE CAS.
- Microsoft Security Essentials
provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
Institute publications in impacted journals
- Zemek F., Heřman M., Kierdorf H., Kierdorf U. Sedláček F. (2006) Spatial analyses of dental fluorosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) in the Ore mountains (Czech Republic). In: The Science of the Total Environment. Vol 370, pp. 491-505.
- Zemek F., Jiang Tong, Heřman M., Yuang Feng, Deming Zhu (2005) Land use changes under economic boom – impact on water quality. (Case study of the Taihu Lake Basin, China). In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 24 (1), pp. 124-138.
- Weiter L., Heřman M., Sedláček F., Zemek F. (2002) Potential occurrence of the birch mouse (Sicista betulina) in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava): A geographical information system approach. In: Folia zoologica. Vol 51 (1), pp. 133-144.
- Zemek F., Heřman M. (2001) Bark beetle - a stress factor of spruce forests in the Bohemian Forests. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20, pp. 95-107.
- Kovář P., Cudlín P., Korytář M., Zemek F., Heřman M. (2001) Comparative study of water balance on the experimental catchment Všeminka and Dřevnice. In: Rostlinná výroba. Vol 47, pp. 260-266.
- Sedláček F., Zemek F., Heřman M., Kierdorf H., Kierdorf U. (2001) Fluoride load on ecosystems in wester part of Krušné Hory Mts determined by bioindication. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (1), pp. 70-79.
- Heřman M., Zemek F., Cudlín P., Kovář P. (2001) Landscape fragmentation for flood prevention: GIS and hydrological modelling approach assessing forested landscape. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20 (3), pp. 149-157.
- Zemek F., Heřman M., Bufková I. (2001) Social and natural aspects of getting over a disturbed development of semicultural landscape. In: Ecology (Bratislava). Vol 20, pp. 155-172.