hlavní stránka   Scientific Information Centre (Library)  of Institute of Physiology AS CR ,v.v.i.
Book Catalogue                                                               Czech

Library book E-catalogue (print books and e-books)
  • short help:
    • The Search function enables you to find records by entering keywords or phrases (author, title e.g.).
    • A List of Records is displayed as a result of a Search
    • Holdings information is available by clicking on an underlined - A list of items will then be displayed, you see "location" = call number (A,B,E + number) of book in our Library
  • you can loan this book - circulation services
  • for help with location please contact a librarian at the circulation desk of the Library (phone 241 062 414, knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz)
  • The Library online catalogue contains records for:
    • books (monographs) and e-book
      • if you are looking for some book published before 1990 then you will need to check our card catalogue.
    • doctoral thesis - only between 2000 -  2001 (back issues of doctoral thesis only in card catalogue)

Library Card catalogue  (processing finished in 2001)
  • the card catalogue is located beside the issue desk
Card catalogue includes these publications:
1. monographs - call number A,B,E,BP - till 2001 located in:
  • author catalogue
  • classified catalogue UDC (MDT)
2. doctoral thesis - call number D
3. print journals  - call number J or B - records are processed also electronic version

update 25.8.2008 | Library home page |Czech |