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hlavní stránka   Scientific Information Centre (Library) of Institute of Physiology AS CR ,v.v.i.
All available  e-journals                                                                              Czech

Access to all accessible e-journals via catalogue EZB  or Pubmed
  • ezb logo EZB [full access] - enter EZB (via EZProxy server) - complete offer of fulltext e-journals is located in this unique place - catalogue EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek)
      • EZB searching via this link is not possible to download articles from subscribed journal (from free jounals yes)
    • the accessibility of each journal is indicated by the traffic light system of different colours
    • if you need to download subscribed fulltext journal using EZB/Library, please notice that it is possible only via proxy server
    • more information and instruction about using EZB catalogue
  • pubmed logo Pubmed [Pubmed full-text] - select this Pubmed proxy link if you want to access the Library full-text journals (articles) directly via PubMed
The colours of the traffic light signify (in catalogue EZB):
  • předplacené  access to full text articles is granted to users of the Library   - Library subscribed journals current year included - in this way are marked journals:
    1. individually subscribed (A-Z list)
    2. included in collections (Elsevier, Springer etc.)
  • předplacenénedostupné access to full text articles - Library subscribed journals with restriction - in this way are marked journals:
    1. access to full-text articles is granted to users of the Library, but access is possible only on the Library computers - AACR journals
    2. access to full-text articles is granted only for the Institute of Microbiology: 
  • nedostupné no access to full texts for users of the SIC but tables of contents and abstracts are generally available free of charge

nahoru Offer of e-journals - other users (public) - browsing EZB cataloque
  • access to EZB for the public
  • this access permits to download articles from the Library subscribed e-journals, marked as předplacené
  • you can get an article within personal visit  or by Interlibrary loan
  • journals marked as free are open access (free), it means that articles may be dowloaded from any computer

update 17.12.2009 | Library home page |Czech|