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název časopisu * dostupný od roku * pokračuje nebo dostupný do roku * změny názvu, poznámky
- ACC Current Journal Review
* January-February 1995
* December 2005 *
Title no longer available in electronic format as of 2006
- Accident Analysis &
Prevention * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Accident and Emergency
Nursing * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as International Emergency Nursing
- Accounting Forum
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Accounting, Management and Information
Technologies * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Information and Organization
- Accounting, Organizations and
Society * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Acta Agronomica Sinica
* January 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Anaesthesiologica
Taiwanica * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Acta Astronautica
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Automatica Sinica
* January 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Biomaterialia
* January 2005 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Ecologica Sinica
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Genetica Sinica
* January 2006 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Journal of Genetics and Genomics
- Acta Histochemica
* 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Materialia
* January 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly part of
Acta Metallurgica et Materialia; Incorporating
Nanostructured Materials
- Acta Mathematica Scientia
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
* March 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Metallurgica et
Materialia * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Acta Metallurgica;
Continued as Acta Materialia
- Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English
Letters) * February
2006 * December
2009 * Transferred to the Chinese
Society for Metals as of 2010
- Acta Oecologica
* 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Psychologica
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Acta Tropica
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Actualités Pharmaceutiques
* January 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Actualités Pharmaceutiques
Hospitaliéres * March
2005 * pokračuje
- Acute Pain
* December 1997 *
December 2009 * Title discontinued
as of 2010
- Ad Hoc Networks
* July 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Addictive Behaviors
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Additives for Polymers
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Advanced Cement Based
Materials * October
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Cement and Concrete Research
- Advanced Drug Delivery
Reviews * January-April
1993 * pokračuje
- Advanced Engineering
Informatics * January
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Artificial Intelligence in
- Advanced Powder Technology
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Advances in Accounting
* 2000 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Advances in International Accounting
- Advances in Applied
Mathematics * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Advances in Colloid and Interface
Science * 25 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Advances in Engineering
Software * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Advances in Engineering Software and
Workstations; Incorporating Computing Systems in
- Advances in Environmental
Research * 1 May
2000 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Journal of Environmental
- Advances in Enzyme Regulation
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Advances in International
Accounting * 2001
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Advances in Accounting
- Advances in Life Course
Research * 2000
* pokračuje *
- Advances in Mathematics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Advances in Neuroimmunology
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Journal of Neuroimmunology
- Advances in Space Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Advances in Water Resources
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Aeolian Research
* September 2009
* pokračuje *
- Aerospace Science and
Technology * January
1997 * pokračuje
- Aesthetic Surgery Journal
* Winter 1995 *
November-December 2009 *
Transferred to Sage Publications as of 2010
- AEU - International Journal of Electronics and
Communications *
2001 * pokračuje
- Ageing Research Reviews
* February 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Aggression and Violent
Behavior * Winter
1996 * pokračuje
- Agricultural Economics
* 1986 * December
2004 * Transferred to Blackwell as
of 2005
- Agricultural and Forest
Meteorology * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Agricultural Meteorology
- Agricultural Sciences in
China * January
2006 * pokračuje
- Agricultural Systems
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Agricultural Water Management
* April 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Agriculture, Ecosystems &
Environment * 15 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Agriculture and Environment
and Agro-Ecosystems
- Air Medical Journal
* January - March 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Journal of Air Medical Transport
- Air & Space Europe
* January - February 1999
* September - December 2001
* Title discontinued as of 2002
- Aircraft Design
* March 1998 *
December 2001 * Title discontinued
as of 2002
- Alcohol *
January - February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Alpha Omegan
* March 2006 *
pokračuje *
- ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research
/ Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap
* November 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Alzheimer's & Dementia
* *
pokračuje *
- American Heart Journal
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The American Journal of
Cardiology * 1 January
1995 * pokračuje
- The American Journal of Emergency
Medicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
- The American Journal of Geriatric
Pharmacotherapy *
* pokračuje
- The American Journal of Human
Genetics (Cell Press) * June
1997 * pokračuje
- American Journal of Infection
Control * February
1995 * pokračuje
- American Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology * January
1995 * do 2003
- American Journal of
Ophthalmology * January
1998 * pokračuje
- American Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as American Journal of
- American Journal of
Otolaryngology * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- American Journal of Preventive
Medicine * January
1998 * pokračuje
- The American Journal of
Surgery * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Anaerobe *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Analytica Chimica Acta
* 8 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Analytical Biochemistry
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Animal Behaviour
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The British Journal of Animal Behaviour
- Animal Feed Science and
Technology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Animal Reproduction Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Annales de Cardiologie et
d'Angéiologie * February
2001 * pokračuje
- Annales de Chirurgie
* January 2000 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Chirurgie; Incorporated into Journal de Chirurgie
- Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre
Supérieur * 1995
* 1999 * Formerly
known as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main Continued as
Chirurgie de la Main
- Annales de Chirurgie Plastique
Esthétique * February
2001 * pokračuje
- Annales Francaises d'Anesthésie et de
Réanimation *
1995 * pokračuje
- Annales de GénĂétique
* January - March 2000
* pokračuje *
Continued as European Journal of Medical Genetics
- Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non
Linear Analysis *
1997 * pokračuje
- Annales de l'Institut Pasteur /
Actualités *
1995 * 2002
* Journal published as Book Series as of 2003.
Journal coverage ends with Volume 12
- Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue
psychiatrique * February
2001 * pokračuje
- Annales de Paléontologie
* January-March 1998
* pokračuje *
- Annales des Ponts et
Chaussées * January - March
2002 * July-December
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine
Physique * 1995
* pokračuje *
Continued as Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Annales des Sciences Naturelles - Zoologie et
Biologie Animale * January-March
1998 * November-December
2000 * Title discontinued as of
- Annales d'Urologie
* January 2001 *
December 2007 * Title discontinued
as of 2008
- Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer
Anzeiger * January
1999 * pokračuje
- Annals of Botany
* January 1993 *
December 2001 * Transferred to
Oxford University Press as per Volume 88, Issue 5, 2001
- Annals of Diagnostic
Pathology * October
1997 * pokračuje
- Annals of Emergency Medicine
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians
- Annals of Epidemiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Annals of the ICRP
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication
- Annals of Nuclear Energy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine * February
2009 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Annales de Réadaptation et
de Médecine Physique
- Annals of Physics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Annals of Mathematical
- The Annals of Thoracic
Surgery * January
1995 * do 2003
- Annals of Tourism Research
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- L'Année Biologique
* January-March 1998
* December 2001 *
Title discontinued as of 2001
- Annual Review of Fish
Diseases * 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Aquaculture
- Annual Reviews in Control
* 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Annual Review in Automatic Programming
- L'Anthropologie
* January - March 2000
* pokračuje *
- Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases
Newsletter * January - March
1995 * October
2002 * Incorporating
Antimicrobic Newsletter and Infectious Diseases Newsletter;
Title discontinued as of 2003
- Antiviral Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Appetite *
February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Acoustics
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Animal Behaviour
Science * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Applied Animal Ethology
- Applied Behavioral Science
Review * 1995
* 1999 * Title
discontinued as of 2000
- Applied Catalysis A: General
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Applied Catalysis
- Applied Catalysis B:
Environmental * 15 March
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Applied Catalysis
- Applied Clay Science
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied and Computational Harmonic
Analysis * December
1993 * pokračuje
- Applied Energy
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Ergonomics
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Geochemistry
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Geography
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Mathematical
Modelling * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Applied Mathematics and
Computation * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Applied Mathematics Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Numerical Mathematics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Nursing Research
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Ocean Research
* June 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Applied and Preventive
Psychology * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- Applied Radiation and
Isotopes * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A. Applied Radiation
and Isotopes
- Applied Soft Computing
* June 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Soil Ecology
* April 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Applied Superconductivity
* January-February 1993
* 11 October 1999
* Title discontinued as of 2000
- Applied Surface Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Applications of Surface Science
- Applied Thermal Engineering
* January 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Heat Recovery Systems and CHP
- Aquacultural Engineering
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Aquaculture
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Annual Review of Fish Diseases
- Aquatic Botany
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Aquatic Toxicology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Arab Journal of
Gastroenterology * March
2009 * v kolekci nově od 2010
- Arabian Journal of Chemistry
* July 2009 * v kolekci nově od 2010 *
- Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of
Eurasia * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Archives of Biochemistry and
Biophysics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Archives of Cardiovascular
Diseases * January
2008 * pokračuje
- Archives of Gerontology and
Geriatrics * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Archives of Medical Research
* *
pokračuje *
- Archives of Oral Biology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Archives de Pédiatrie
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Archives of Psychiatric
Nursing * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Archivos de BronconeumologĂa (English
Edition) * January
2004 * pokračuje
- Artery Research
* 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Arthropod Structure &
Development * January
2000 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of Insect
Morphology and Embryology
- Artificial Intelligence
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Artificial Intelligence in
Engineering *
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Advanced Engineering Informatics
- Artificial Intelligence in
Medicine * February
1993 * pokračuje
- The Arts in Psychotherapy
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Art Psychotherapy
- The Asia Pacific Heart
Journal * December
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as The Asia Pacific Journal of
Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery; Continued as Heart,
Lung and Circulation
- The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic &
Cardiovascular Surgery * June
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as The Australasian Journal of
Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery; Continued as The Asia Pacific
Heart Journal
- Asian Journal of Psychiatry
* September 2008
* pokračuje *
- Asian Journal of Surgery
* April 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Asian Nursing Research
* June 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Assessing Writing
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Asthma Magazine
* July-August 1996
* January-February 2006
* Title discontinued as of 2007
- Astroparticle Physics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Atherosclerosis
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis Research
- Atherosclerosis Supplements
* September 2000
* 29 December 2009
- Atmospheric Environment
* January 1994 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics and Atmospheric
Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere
- Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General
Topics * January
1993 * December
1993 * Formerly part of
Atmospheric Environment (1967); Incorporated into
Atmospheric Environment
- Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban
Atmosphere * March
1993 * December
1993 * Formerly part of
Atmospheric Environment (1967); Incorporated into
Atmospheric Environment
- Atmospheric Research
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Atmospheric Science Letters
* July 2000 *
2003 * Transferred to Wiley as of
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data
Tables * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Auris Nasus Larynx
* January 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Australasian Emergency Nursing
Journal * September
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Australian Emergency
Nursing Journal
- Australian College of Midwives Incorporated
Journal * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as The Australian Journal of
- Australian Critical Care
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Australian Emergency Nursing
Journal * October
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Australasian Emergency Nursing
- The Australian Journal of
Midwifery * September
2001 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Australian College of
Midwives Incorporated Journal; Continued as Australian
- Australian Midwifery
* March 2003 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The Australian Journal of Midwifery; Continued as Women and
- Autoimmunity Reviews
* February 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Automatica
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Automation in Construction
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Autonomic Neuroscience
* 3 July 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System
- Baillière's Clinical
Anaesthesiology * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Anaesthesiology
- Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and
Metabolism * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Clinics in Endocrinology
and Metabolism; Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Baillière's Clinical
Gastroenterology * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Gastroenterology
- Baillière's Clinical
Haematology * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Haematology
- Baillière's Clinical Obstetrics and
Gynaecology * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Baillière's Clinical
Rheumatology * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Best Practice & Research
Clinical Rheumatology
- Basic and Applied Ecology
* 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Behavior Therapy
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Behavioral and Neural Biology
* January 1993 *
November 1994 * Formerly known
as Behavioral Biology; Continued as Neurobiology of
Learning and Memory
- Behaviour Research and
Therapy * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Behavioural Brain Research
* 23 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Behavioural Processes
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Anaesthesiology * April
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Endocrinology & Metabolism *
April 1999 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Gastroenterology * April
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Haematology * March
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Obstetrics & Gynaecology *
March 1999 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Best Practice & Research Clinical
Rheumatology * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Baillière's Clinical
- Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications * 15 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Biochemical Engineering
Journal * January
1998 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of The Chemical Engineering Journal
and the Biochemical Engineering Journal
- Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic
Biology * February
1993 * December
1994 * Formerly known as
Biochemical Medicine; Continued as Biochemical and Molecular
- Biochemical and Molecular
Medicine * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochemical Medicine and
Metabolic Biology; Continued as Molecular Genetics and
- Biochemical Pharmacology
* 7 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Biochemical Systematics and
Ecology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) -
Bioenergetics * 8 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis;
Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) -
Biomembranes * 18 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Biophysics including Photosynthesis Incorporating
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Biomembranes
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene
Regulatory Mechanisms * January
2008 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene
Structure and Expression * 23
January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Nucleic Acids and Protein
Synthesis Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene
Regulatory Mechanisms
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General
Subjects * 13 February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids
and Lipid Metabolism * 10 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Lipids and Related Subjects;
Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell
Biology of Lipids
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular
Basis of Disease * 22 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular
and Cell Biology of Lipids * 8
December 1998 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular
Cell Research * 17 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein
Structure *
* * Formerly
part of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology and
Biological Oxidation; Incorporated into Biochimica et
Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein
Structure and Molecular Enzymology
* 15 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Enzymology
and Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure
Continued as Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins
and Proteomics * 29 July
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews
on Biomembranes * 8 June
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Biochimica et Biophysica
Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews
on Cancer * 25 May
1993 * pokračuje
- Biochimie *
1993 * pokračuje
- Bioelectrochemistry
* February 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics
- Bioelectrochemistry and
Bioenergetics * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Bioelectrochemistry
- Biological Conservation
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Biological Control
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society * January
1993 * December
2001 * Transferred to Blackwell as
of 2001
- Biological Psychiatry
* 1 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Biological Psychology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Biologicals
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Biological Standardization
- Biomass and Bioenergy
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Biomaterials
* April 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Clinical Materials
- Biomedical and Environmental
Sciences * February
2008 * pokračuje
- Biomedical Signal Processing and
Control * January
2006 * pokračuje
- Biomedicine &
Pharmacotherapy *
1995 * pokračuje
- Biometric Technology Today
* 1 January 2000
* pokračuje *
- Biomolecular Engineering
* 31 December 1999
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular Engineering;
Continued as New Biotechnology
- Bioorganic Chemistry
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Bioorganic & Medicinal
Chemistry * July
1993 * pokračuje
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Letters * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Biophysical Chemistry
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Bioresource Technology
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Biological Wastes; Incorporating Energy in Agriculture
and Biomass
- Bioscience Hypotheses
* 2008 *
2009 * Title discontinued as of
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
1 March 2003 *
pokračuje * Continued as Drug
Discovery Today: BIOSILICO
- Biosystems
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Biosystems Engineering
* January 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
- Biotechnology Advances
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Blood Cells, Molecules, and
Diseases * April
1995 * pokračuje
- Blood Reviews
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Body Image
* January 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Bone *
January-February 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research; Incorporating
Bone and Mineral
- Bone and Mineral
* January 1993 *
1994 * Incorporated into Bone
- Botanical Journal of the Linnean
Society * January
1993 * December
2001 * Transferred to Blackwell as
of 2001
- Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Brain and Cognition
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Brain and Development
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Brain and Language
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Brain Research
* 9 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Molecular Brain Research, Developmental Brain
Research, Cognitive Brain Research and Brain Research
- Brain Research Bulletin
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Brain Research Protocols
* February 1997 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Brain Research
- Brain Research Reviews
* January-April 1993
* pokračuje *
- Brain Stimulation
* *
pokračuje *
- The Breast
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The British Accounting Review
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- British Homeopathic Journal
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
- The British Journal of
Chiropractic * September
1997 * pokračuje
* Continued as Clinical Chiropractic
- British Journal of Medical and Surgical
Urology * July
2008 * v kolekci nově od 2010
- British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as British Journal of Oral
- British Journal of Plastic
Surgery * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Plastic,
Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
- British Veterinary Journal
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
Continued as The Veterinary Journal
- Building and Environment
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Building Science
- Bulletin de l'Institut
Pasteur * 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Microbes and Infection
- Bulletin of Mathematical
Biology * January
1993 * November
2005 * Transferred to Springer as
of 2006
- Bulletin des Sciences
Mathématiques * January
1998 * pokračuje
- Burns *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Business Horizons
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Calphad *
January - March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cancer Cell (Cell Press)
* February 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Cancer Detection and
Prevention * March
2002 * pokračuje
* Continued as Cancer Epidemiology
- Cancer Epidemiology
* July 2009 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Cancer Detection and Prevention
- Cancer Genetics and
Cytogenetics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Cancer Letters
* 15 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Cancer/Radiothérapie
* June 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Bulletin du Cancer/Radiothérapie
- Cancer Treatment Reviews
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Evidence-based Oncology
- Carbohydrate Polymers
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Carbohydrate Research
* 15 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Carbon *
1993 * pokračuje
- Card Technology Today
* 1 January 2000
* July-August 2009
* Title discontinued as of 2010
- Cardiovascular Pathology
* January - March 1995
* pokračuje *
- Cardiovascular Radiation
Medicine * January
1999 * pokračuje
* Continued as Cardiovascular Revascularization
- Cardiovascular Revascularization
Medicine * January-March
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Cardiovascular Radiation
- Cardiovascular Surgery
* February 1995 *
December 2003 * Transferred to BC
Decker as of 2004
- Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public
Policy * 1976
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Journal of Monetary Economics
- The Case Manager
* January-March 1995
* November-December 2006
* Title discontinued as of 2007
- Catalysis Communications
* November 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Catalysis Today
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Cell (Cell Press) * 13
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Cell Biology International
* January 1993 *
December 2009 * Formerly known
as Cell Biology International Reports; Transferred to Portland
Press Ltd. as of 2010
- Cell Calcium
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cell Metabolism (Cell Press)
* January 2005 *
pokračuje *
- Cell Stem Cell (Cell Press)
* 7 June 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Cellular Immunology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cellular Signalling
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cement and Concrete
Composites * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as International Journal of Cement Composites and
Lightweight Concrete
- Cement and Concrete Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating Advanced
Cement Based Materials
- Ceramics International
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Ceramurgia International
- Chaos, Solitons &
Fractals * January-February
1993 * pokračuje
- The Chemical Engineering Journal and the
Biochemical Engineering Journal *
November 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as The
Chemical Engineering Journal; Continued as Biochemical
Engineering Journal and Chemical Engineering Journal
- Chemical Engineering Journal
* 15 January 1997
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of The Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical
Engineering Journal
- The Chemical Engineering
Journal * February
1993 * October
1993 * Continued as The Chemical
Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal
- Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process
Intensification * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Chemical Engineering Research and
Design * November
1996 * pokračuje
- Chemical Engineering Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Chemical Geology
* 5 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Chemical Geology: Isotope Geoscience section
- Chemical Health and Safety
* January-February 1999
* pokračuje *
Continued as Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
- Chemical Physics
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Chemical Physics Letters
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Chemico-Biological
Interactions * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Chemie der Erde -
Geochemistry *
2002 * pokračuje
- Chemistry & Biology (Cell Press)
* September 1994
* pokračuje *
- Chemistry and Physics of
Lipids * 12 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory
Systems * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Laboratory Automation &
Information Management
- Chemosphere
* January-February 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Chemosphere - Global Change Science
- Chemosphere - Global Change
Science * August
1999 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Chemosphere
- Child Abuse & Neglect
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Children and Youth Services
Review * 1995
* pokračuje *
- China Economic Review
* Spring 1995 *
pokračuje *
- China Economic Review
* Spring 1989 *
pokračuje *
- China Particuology
* April 2003 *
pokračuje * Continued as
- China Population, Resources and
Environment * January
2007 * October
2008 * Title discontinued as of
- Chinese Astronomy and
Astrophysics * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Chinese Astronomy
- Chinese Chemical Letters
* January 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Chinese Journal of
Aeronautics * February
2007 * pokračuje
- Chinese Journal of Analytical
Chemistry * January
2006 * pokračuje
- Chinese Journal of Catalysis
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Chinese Journal of Chemical
Engineering * February
2006 * pokračuje
- Chinese Journal of
Chromatography * January
2006 * November
2008 * Transferred to the Science
Press as of 2009
- Chinese Journal of Natural
Medicines * January
2008 * pokračuje
- Chinese Journal of Traumatology (English
Edition) * February
2008 * pokračuje
- Chinese Medical Sciences
Journal * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Chirurgie *
February 1998 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Annales de Chirurgie
- Chirurgie de la Main
* February 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur
- CIRP Annals - Manufacturing
Technology * 1995
* pokračuje *
- CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Technology * 2008
* pokračuje *
- Cities *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- City, Culture and Society * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Cladistics
* March 1993 *
December 2003 * Transferred to
Blackwell as of 2004 ,dále dostupné přes Wiley
- Clinica Chimica Acta
* 31 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine * June
1999 * December
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Clinical and Applied Immunology
Reviews * January - February
2000 * May-August
2006 * Formerly known as Clinical
Immunology Newsletter; Title discontinued as of 2007
- Clinical Biochemistry
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Biomechanics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Chiropractic
* March 2003 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The British Journal of Chiropractic
- Clinical Cornerstone
* June - July 1998
* pokračuje *
- Clinical and Diagnostic
Virology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Clinical Virology
- Clinical Effectiveness in
Nursing * March
1997 * 2006
* Title discontinued as of 2007
- Clinical Eye and Vision Care
* March 1995 *
December 2000 * Title discontinued
as of 2002
- Clinical Imaging
* January - March 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Journal of Computed Tomography
- Clinical Immunology
* January 1999 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
- Clinical Immunology and
Immunopathology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Clinical Immunology
- Clinical Immunology
Newsletter * 1995
* pokračuje *
Continued as Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews
- Clinical Materials
* 1993 *
1994 * Incorporated into
- Clinical Microbiology
Newsletter * 1 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Clinical Neurology and
Neurosurgery * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Clinical Neurophysiology
* January 1999 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology;
Incorporating Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control and
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials
- Clinical Neuroscience
Research * January
2001 * November
2007 * Title discontinued as of
- Clinical Nutrition
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Nutrition
Supplements *
2004 * 2009
- Clinical Oncology
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Pediatric Emergency
Medicine * December
1999 * pokračuje
- Clinical Psychology Review
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Radiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists
- Clinical Radiology Extra
* August 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Clinical Simulation in
Nursing *
* pokračuje *
- Clinical Techniques in Equine
Practice * March
2002 * December
2007 * Title discontinued as of
- Clinical Techniques in Small Animal
Practice * February
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Topics in Companion Animal
- Clinical Therapeutics
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Clinical Update
* October 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Clinics in Dermatology
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- CMIG Extra: Cases
* January 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Coastal Engineering
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Cognition *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Cognitive and Behavioral
Practice * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- Cognitive Brain Research
* July 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Brain Research
- Cognitive Development
* January - March 1995
* pokračuje *
- Cognitive Psychology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cognitive Systems Research
* December 1999 *
pokračuje *
- Cold Regions Science and
Technology * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Colloids and Surfaces
* 18 January 1993
* 18 January 1993
* Continued as Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects and Colloids and Surfaces
B: Biointerfaces
- Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
Engineering Aspects * 17 March
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Colloids and Surfaces
- Colloids and Surfaces B:
Biointerfaces * 14 May
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Colloids and Surfaces
- The Columbia Journal of World
Business * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of World Business
- Combinatorial Chemistry - an Online
Journal * September
1998 * pokračuje
- Combustion and Flame
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation * January
1996 * pokračuje
- Communist and Post-Communist
Studies * March
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Studies in Comparative
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A:
Molecular & Integrative Physiology
* January 1998 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A:
Physiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology; Continued as Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B:
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly part of
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:
Comparative Pharmacology * January
1993 * July 1993
* Formerly part of Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology; Continued as Comparative Biochemistry and
Physiology Part C: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Endocrinology
* September 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:
Comparative Pharmacology; Continued as Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:
Toxicology & Pharmacology *
January 2001 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Pharmacology,
Toxicology and Endocrinology
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D:
Genomics and Proteomics * March
2006 * pokračuje
- Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Complementary Therapies in Clinical
Practice * February
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Complementary Therapies in
Nursing and Midwifery
- Complementary Therapies in
Medicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Complementary Therapies in Nursing and
Midwifery * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Complementary Therapies in
Clinical Practice
- Composite Structures
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Composites
* June 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
- Composites Business Analyst
* October 1998 *
January 2000 * Title discontinued
as of 2001
- Composites Engineering
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Composites Part B: Engineering
- Composites Manufacturing
* June 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
- Composites Part A: Applied Science and
Manufacturing *
1996 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Composites Manufacturing
and Composites
- Composites Part B:
Engineering *
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Composites Engineering
- Composites Science and
Technology * 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Fibre Science and Technology
- Comprehensive Psychiatry
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series I - Mathematics * January
1997 * pokračuje
* Continued as Comptes Rendus Mathematique
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
* May 1997 * 31
December 2001 * Continued as
Comptes Rendus Geoscience and Comptes Rendus Palevol
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIB - Mechanics * May
2000 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des
Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy; Continued as
Comptes Rendus Mécanique
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy
* July 1998 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB -
Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy; Continued as Comptes
Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Chemistry-Astronomy
* January 1997 *
pokračuje * Continued as Comptes
Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB -
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIC - Chemistry * January
1998 * pokračuje
* Continued as Comptes Rendus Chimie
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series III - Sciences de la Vie *
January 1997 *
pokračuje * Continued as Comptes
Rendus Biologies
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IV - Physics-Astrophysics *
March 2000 *
pokračuje * Continued as Comptes
Rendus Physique
- Comptes Rendus Biologies
* January 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de
la Vie
- Comptes Rendus Chimie
* January 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIC - Chemistry
- Comptes Rendus Geoscience
* 15 January 2002
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
- Comptes Rendus Mathematique
* 1 January 2002
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series I - Mathematics
- Comptes Rendus Mécanique
* October 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics
- Comptes Rendus Palevol
* September 2002
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences -
Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science
- Comptes Rendus Physique
* April 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IV -
- Computational Biology and
Chemistry * February
2003 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computers & Chemistry
- Computational Geometry
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computational Materials
Science * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Computational Statistics & Data
Analysis * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Computational and Theoretical Polymer
Science * June
1997 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Polymer
- Computer-Aided Design
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computer Aided Geometric
Design * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Computer Audit Update
* January 1995 *
December 1997 * Title discontinued
as of 1998
- Computer Communications
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computer Fraud & Security
* January 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin
- Computer Fraud & Security
Bulletin * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Computer Fraud & Security
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Systems * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Robotics and Computer-Integrated
- Computer Languages
* April 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as Computer
Languages, Systems & Structures
- Computer Languages, Systems &
Structures * April
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computer Languages
- Computer Law & Security
Review * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computer Methods and Programs in
Biomedicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computer Programs in
- Computer Networks
* 14 January 1999
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
- Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computer Networks
(1976); Continued as Computer Networks
- Computer Physics
Communications * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Computer Science Review
* August 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Computer Speech &
Language * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Computer Standards &
Interfaces * 1 January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Computers and Standards
and Interfaces in Computing
- Computer Vision and Image
Understanding * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as CVGIP: Image Understanding
- Computerized Medical Imaging and
Graphics * January - February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computerized Radiology
- Computers in Biology and
Medicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computers and Biomedical
Research * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Biomedical Informatics
- Computers & Chemical
Engineering * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computers & Chemistry
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Computational Biology and Chemistry
- Computers and Composition
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Education
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Electrical
Engineering * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computers and Electronics in
Agriculture * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Computers, Environment and Urban
Systems * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Urban Systems
- Computers & Fluids
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Geosciences
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Computers and Geotechnics
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Graphics
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Computers in Human Behavior
* Winter 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Industrial
Engineering * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computers in Industry
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Mathematics with
Applications * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Computers & Operations
Research * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Location Science
- Computers & Security
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Computers & Structures
* 3 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Computing Systems in
Engineering * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Advances in Engineering
- Consciousness and Cognition
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Construction and Building
Materials * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
* 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of The British Contact Lens Association;
Incorporating International Contact Lens Clinic
- Contemporary Clinical Trials
* February 2005 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Controlled Clinical Trials
- Contemporary Educational
Psychology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Continental Shelf Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Contraception
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Control Engineering Practice
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Controlled Clinical Trials
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Contemporary Clinical Trials
- Coordination Chemistry
Reviews * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Coronary Health Care
* February 1997 *
November 2001 * Title discontinued
as of 2001
- Corrosion Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cortex *
1997 * pokračuje
- COSPAR Information Bulletin
* April 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Space Research Today
- Cretaceous Research
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Critical Perspectives on
Accounting * March
1990 * pokračuje
- Critical Reviews in
Oncology/Hematology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Crop Protection
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cryobiology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cryogenics
* April 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Crystal Engineering
* June 1998 *
December 2003 * Title discontinued
as of 2004
- Current Anaesthesia & Critical
Care * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Current Applied Physics
* January 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Current Biology (Cell Press)
* 1 January 1994
* pokračuje *
- Current Diagnostic Pathology
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Diagnostic Histopathology
- Current Obstetrics &
Gynaecology * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Obstetrics, Gynaecology &
Reproductive Medicine
- Current Opinion in
Biotechnology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Cell
Biology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Chemical
Biology * June
1997 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface
Science * 1 February
1999 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Environmental
Sustainability * October
2009 * v kolekci nově od 2010
- Current Opinion in Genetics &
Development * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Immunology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Current Opinion in
Microbiology * February
1998 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in
Neurobiology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in
Pharmacology * 1 February
2001 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Plant
Biology * February
1998 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials
Science * February
1996 * pokračuje
- Current Opinion in Structural
Biology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Current Orthopaedics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Orthopaedics and Trauma
- Current Paediatrics
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Paediatrics and Child Health
- Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Current Problems in Cancer
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Current Problems in
Cardiology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Current Problems in
Dermatology * January-February
1995 * November - December
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent
Health Care * January
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Current Problems in
- Current Problems in
Pediatrics * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Current Problems in Pediatric
and Adolescent Health Care
- Current Problems in Surgery
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Current Surgery
* January - February 1999
* pokračuje *
Continued as Journal of Surgical Education
- Current Therapeutic Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and
Learning * August
2009 * pokračuje
- CVD Prevention and Control
* April 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Prevention and Control
- CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image
Processing * January
1993 * November
1994 * Formerly known as
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing; Continued as
Graphical Models and Image Processing
- CVGIP: Image Understanding
* January 1993 *
November 1994 * Continued as
Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Cytokine *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Cytokine & Growth Factor
Reviews * June
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Progress in Growth Factor
- Data & Knowledge
Engineering * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Decision Support Systems
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic
Research Papers * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A.
Oceanographic Research Papers
- Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in
Oceanography *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Deep Sea Research Part A.
Oceanographic Research Papers
- Dendrochronologia
* 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Dental Abstracts
* January-February 2005
* pokračuje *
- Dental Materials
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Desalination
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Design Studies
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Deutsche Zeitschrift fĂĽr
Akupunktur *
* pokračuje *
- Developmental Biology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Developmental Brain Research
* 14 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Brain Research
- Developmental Cell
* July 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Developmental & Comparative
Immunology * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Developmental Review
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical
Research & Reviews * February
2007 * pokračuje
- Diabetes & Metabolism
* February 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Diagnostic Histopathology
* January 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Current Diagnostic Pathology
- Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious
Disease * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Diamond and Related Materials
* 26 February 1993
* pokračuje *
- Differential Geometry and its
Applications * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Digestive and Liver Disease
* January - February 2000
* pokračuje *
- Digestive and Liver Disease
Supplements *
* pokračuje *
- Digital Investigation
* February 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Digital Signal Processing
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Disaster Management &
Response * January-March
2003 * October-December
2007 * Formerly known as
International Journal of Trauma Nursing; Title discontinued as of
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
* 5 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Discrete Mathematics
* 22 February 1993
* pokračuje *
- Discrete Optimization
* 15 June 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Disease-a-Month
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Displays *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- DNA Repair
* 22 January 2002
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Mutation Research/DNA Repair
- Domestic Animal Endocrinology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Drug Discovery Today
* January 1996 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS, Drug Discovery Today:
BIOSILICO and Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today
- Drug Discovery Today:
BIOSILICO * 1 January
2004 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today
Formerly known as BIOSILICO
- Drug Discovery Today: Disease
Mechanisms * 1 May
2004 * pokračuje
- Drug Discovery Today: Disease
Models * 1 May
2004 * pokračuje
- Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS
* 1 February 2004
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today Formerly known as
- Drug Discovery Today:
Technologies * 1 May
2004 * pokračuje
- Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic
Strategies * 1 May
2004 * pokračuje
- Drug Resistance Updates
* March 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Dyes and Pigments
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Dynamics of Atmospheres and
Oceans * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Early Childhood Research
Quarterly * September
1995 * pokračuje
- Early Human Development
* 30 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Screening
- Earth and Planetary Science
Letters * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Earth Science Frontiers
* January 2007 *
September 2009 * Title discontinued
as of 2010
- Earth-Science Reviews
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Eating Behaviors
* September 2000
* pokračuje *
- EAU Update Series
* March 2003 *
pokračuje * Continued as
EAU-EBU Update Series
- EAU-EBU Update Series
* February 2006 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
EAU Update Series; Incorporated into European Urology Supplements
- Ecological Complexity
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Ecological Economics
* February 1989 *
pokračuje *
- Ecological Engineering
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Ecological Indicators
* August 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Ecological Informatics
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Ecological Modelling
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Economic Modelling
* January 1984 *
pokračuje *
- Economic Systems
* March 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Economics of Education Review
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Economics of Education Review
* Spring 1981 *
pokračuje *
- Economics & Human Biology
* January 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Economics Letters
* 1978 *
pokračuje *
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental
Safety * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Education for Chemical
Engineers * 2006
* pokračuje *
- Educational Research Review
* 2006 *
pokračuje *
- EJVES Extra
* January 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Electoral Studies
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Electric Power Systems
Research * January
1995 * pokračuje
- The Electricity Journal
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Electrochemistry
Communications * January
1999 * pokračuje
- Electrochimica Acta
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Clinical Neurophysiology
- Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Clinical Neurophysiology
- Electroencephalography and Clinical
Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials Section
* January-February 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Clinical Neurophysiology
- Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications * Autumn - Winter
2002 * pokračuje
- Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics * March
1999 * pokračuje
- Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
Science * 1995
* pokračuje *
- EMC -
Anesthésie-Réanimation * March
2004 * October
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- EMC -
Cardiologie-Angéiologie * February
2004 * November
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- EMC - Chirurgie
* February 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Dentisterie
* February 2004 *
pokračuje * Continued as EMC
- Odontologie and EMC - Stomatologie
- EMC -
Dermatologie-Cosmétologie *
February 2004 * November
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- EMC - Endocrinologie
* January 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC -
Gynécologie-Obstétrique *
February 2004 * November
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- EMC - Hématologie
* March 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC -
Hépato-Gastroenterologie *
February 2005 * October
2005 * Formerly known as EMC
- Hépatologie; Title discontinued as of 2006
- EMC - Hépatologie
* March 2004 *
pokračuje * Continued as EMC
- Hépato-Gastroenterologie
- EMC - Kinésithérapie
* March 2005 *
December 2005 * Formerly part
of EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie; Title discontinued as
of 2006
- EMC - Maladies Infectieuses
* February 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Médecine
* February 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Néphrologie
* February 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Neurologie
* January 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Odontologie
* March 2005 *
December 2005 * Continued
from EMC - Dentisterie; Title discontinued as of 2006
- EMC - Ophtalmologie
* February 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Oto-rhino-laryngologie
* February 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Pédiatrie
* February 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Pneumologie
* January 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Podologie
* March 2005 *
December 2005 * Formerly part
of EMC - Podologie-Kinésithérapie; Title discontinued as
of 2006
- EMC -
Podologie-Kinésithérapie *
February 2004 *
pokračuje * Continued as EMC
- Kinésithérapie and EMC - Podologie
- EMC - Psychiatrie
* January 2004 *
November 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Radiologie
* February 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC -
Rhumatologie-Orthopédie * January
2004 * November
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- EMC - Stomatologie
* March 2005 *
December 2005 * Continued from EMC
- Dentisterie; Title discontinued as of 2006
- EMC - Toxicologie-Pathologie
* January 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- EMC - Vétérinaire
* February 2004 *
December 2005 * Title discontinued
as of 2006
- Emerging Markets Review
* 1 May 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Emotion, Space and Society
* October 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Endeavour *
1995 * pokračuje
- Energy *
January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Exergy, An International Journal
- Energy and Buildings
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Energy Conversion and
Management * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Energy Conversion
- Energy Economics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating Journal
of Energy Finance & Development
- Energy Economics
* January 1979 *
pokračuje * Incorporating Journal
of Energy Finance & Development
- Energy Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Energy Procedia
* February 2009 *
pokračuje *
- Energy for Sustainable
Development * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Engineering Analysis with Boundary
Elements * October
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Engineering Analysis
- Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Engineering Failure Analysis
* March 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Engineering Fracture
Mechanics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Engineering Geology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Mining Science and Technology
- Engineering Management
International * July
1981 * November
1988 * Continued as Journal of
Engineering and Technology Management
- Engineering Structures
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- English for Specific Purposes
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The ESP Journal
- Entertainment Computing
* January 2009 *
pokračuje *
- Environment International
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Environmental and Experimental
Botany * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Radiation Botany
- Environmental Forensics
* March 2000 *
September 2002 * Transferred to
Taylor & Francis as of 2003
- Environmental Hazards
* 2007 *
2007 * Formerly known as
Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards; Transferred
to Earthscan as of 2008
- Environmental Impact Assessment
Review * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Environmental Modelling &
Software * 1997
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Environmental Software
- Environmental Pollution
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued
from Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and
Biological and Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and
- Environmental Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Environmental Science &
Policy * March
1998 * pokračuje
- Environmental Software
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Environmental Modelling & Software
- Environmental Toxicology and
Pharmacology * 15 February
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as European Journal of
Pharmacology: Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Enzyme and Microbial
Technology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Epidemics *
March 2009 *
pokračuje *
- Epilepsy & Behavior
* February 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Epilepsy Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating Journal
of Epilepsy
- e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical
Nutrition and Metabolism * August
2006 * pokračuje
- Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Estuarine and Coastal
Marine Science
- Ethology and Sociobiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as Evolution
and Human Behavior
- European Economic Review
* Winter 1969 *
pokračuje *
- European Geriatric Medicine * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- European Journal of Agronomy
* October 1996 *
pokračuje *
- European Journal of Cancer
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology;
- European Journal of Cancer and Clinical
Oncology * October
1993 * October
1993 * Formerly known as
European Journal of Cancer (1965); Continued as European
Journal of Cancer
- European Journal of Cancer Part B: Oral
Oncology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Oral Oncology
- European Journal of Cancer
Supplements * August
2003 * January
2010 *
- European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic
Surgery * 1995
* pokračuje *
- European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
Supplements * December
2004 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Cardiovascular
Nursing * February
2002 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Cell
Biology * January
2000 * pokračuje
- European Journal of
Combinatorics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Integrative
Medicine * November
2008 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Internal
Medicine * May
1999 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Mechanics -
A/Solids * January - February
1998 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Mechanics -
B/Fluids * January - February
1998 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Medical
Genetics * January-March
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Annales de Génétique
- European Journal of Medicinal
Chemistry * 1993
* pokračuje *
- European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
and Reproductive Biology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Oncology
Nursing * March
1998 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Cancer Nursing
- European Journal of Operational
Research * 8 January
1993 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Paediatric
Neurology * 1997
* pokračuje *
- European Journal of Pain
* 1997 *
pokračuje *
- European Journal of Pain
Supplements * September
2007 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences * March
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
- European Journal of Pharmaceutics and
Biopharmaceutics * January
1997 * pokračuje
- European Journal of
Pharmacology * 5 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating European Journal of
Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology
- European Journal of Pharmacology: Environmental
Toxicology and Pharmacology * 13
January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
- European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular
Pharmacology * 4 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into European Journal of
- European Journal of Political
Economy * 1985
* pokračuje *
- European Journal of
Protistology *
2001 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Purchasing & Supply
Management * March
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Purchasing and Supply
- European Journal of
Radiography * March
2009 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Radiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- European Journal of Radiology
Extra * January
2003 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Soil
Biology * January-March
1998 * pokračuje
- European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic
Chemistry * January
1998 * pokračuje
* Continued as Solid State Sciences
- European Journal of Surgical Oncology
(EJSO) * February
1995 * pokračuje
- European Journal of
Ultrasound * January
1995 * February
2003 * Title discontinued as of
March 2003
- European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular
Surgery * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as European Journal of
Vascular Surgery
- European Management Journal
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- European
Neuropsychopharmacology * March
1995 * pokračuje
- European Polymer Journal
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- European Psychiatry
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- European Urology
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- European Urology Supplements
* * December
2009 * Incorporating EAU-EBU
Update Series
- Evaluation and Program
Planning * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
- Evidence-based Cardiovascular
Medicine * April
1997 * June 2006
* Title discontinued as of 2007
- Evidence-based Healthcare
* June 1997 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health
- Evidence-based Healthcare and Public
Health * October
2004 * December
2005 * Formerly known as
Evidence-based Healthcare; Title discontinued as of 2006
- Evidence-based Obstetrics &
Gynecology * March
1999 * September-December
2006 * Title discontinued as of
- Evidence-based Oncology
* March 2000 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Cancer Treatment Reviews
- Evolution and Human Behavior
* January 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Ethology and Sociobiology
- L'Évolution Psychiatrique
* *
pokračuje *
- Exergy, An International
Journal * 2001
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Energy
- Experimental Cell Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Experimental Eye Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Experimental Gerontology
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Experimental Hematology
* January 1999 *
pokračuje *
- Experimental and Molecular
Pathology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Experimental Mycology
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Fungal
Genetics and Biology
- Experimental Neurology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
- Experimental Parasitology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Experimental Thermal and Fluid
Science * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Experimental and Toxicologic
Pathology * 2001
* pokračuje *
- Expert Systems with
Applications * January-March
1993 * pokračuje
- Explorations in Economic
History * Autumn - Winter
1969 * pokračuje
- EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and
Healing * January
2005 * pokračuje
- Expositiones Mathematicae
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Il Farmaco
* January 1998 *
November-December 2005 * Title
discontinued as of 2006
- FEBS Letters
* July 1968 *
pokračuje *
- FEMS Microbiology Ecology
* May 1993 *
November 2005 * Transferred to
Blackwell as of 2006 , dostupné přes Wiley
- FEMS Microbiology Letters
* 1 January 1993
* 15 December 2005
* Transferred to Blackwell as of 2006, dostupné přes Wiley
- FEMS Microbiology Reviews
* July 1993 *
November 2005 * Transferred to
Blackwell as of 2006, dostupné přes Wiley
- Fertility and Sterility
* February 1997 * do 2008 *
- Fibrinolysis
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis
- Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis
* January 1997 *
January 2001 * Formerly known
as Fibrinolysis; Title discontinued as of 2001
- Field Crops Research
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Filtration Industry Analyst
* April 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Filtration & Separation
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Finance Research Letters
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Financial Services Review
* 1991 *
2001 * Transferred to The Academy
of Financial Services as of 2002
- Finite Elements in Analysis and
Design * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Finite Fields and Their
Applications * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Fire Safety Journal
* July 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Fish & Shellfish
Immunology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Fisheries Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Fitoterapia
* 1 February 1999
* pokračuje *
- Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional
Ecology of Plants *
2002 * pokračuje
- Flow Measurement and
Instrumentation * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Fluid Dynamics Research
* January 1993 *
November-December 2008 *
Transferred to IOP Publishing as of 2009
- Fluid Phase Equilibria
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Focus on Catalysts
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Focus on Pigments
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Focus on Polyvinyl Chloride
* January 2002 *
December 2002 * Title discontinued
as of 2003
- Focus on Powder Coatings
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Focus on Surfactants
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Food and Bioproducts
Processing * December
1996 * pokračuje
- Food and Chemical Toxicology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Food and Cosmetics Toxicology
- Food Chemistry
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Food Control
* August 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Food Hydrocolloids
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Food Microbiology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Food Policy
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Food Policy
* November 1975 *
pokračuje *
- Food Quality and Preference
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Food Research International
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The Foot *
March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Foot and Ankle Surgery
* 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Fooyin Journal of Health
Sciences * August
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Forensic Science
International * March
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Forensic Science
- Forensic Science International:
Genetics * March
2007 * pokračuje
- Forensic Science International: Genetics
Supplement Series * August
2008 * December
2009 *
- Forensic Science International Supplement
Series * December
2009 * pokračuje
- Forest Ecology and Management
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Forest Policy and Economics
* 1 May 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Free Radical Biology and
Medicine * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Advances in Free Radical
Biology & Medicine and Journal of Free Radicals in Biology
& Medicine
- Frontiers in
Neuroendocrinology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Fuel *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Fuel Cells Bulletin
* October 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Fuel and Energy Abstracts
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Fuel Processing Technology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Fundamental and Applied
Toxicology * January
1993 * December
1997 * Continued as Toxicological
- Fungal Biology * dříve Mycological Reserch * změna názvu od r. 2010
- Fungal Biology Reviews
* February 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- Fungal Ecology
* February 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Fungal Genetics and Biology
* March 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Experimental Mycology
- Fusion Engineering and Design
* 1 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Nuclear Engineering and Design. Fusion
- Fuß & Sprunggelenk
* 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Future Generation Computer
Systems * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Futures *
January - February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
* 11 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Gait & Posture
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Games and Economic Behavior
* March 1989 *
pokračuje *
- Gas Separation &
Purification *
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Separation and Purification
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Gender Medicine
* August 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Gene * 15
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Gene Expression Patterns
* August 2001 *
pokračuje *
- General and Comparative
Endocrinology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- General Hospital Psychiatry
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- General Pharmacology: The Vascular
System * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Comparative and General
Pharmacology; Continued as Vascular Pharmacology
- Genetic Analysis: Biomolecular
Engineering * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Gene Analysis
Techniques; Continued as Biomolecular Engineering
- Genomics *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Genomics, Proteomics &
Bioinformatics * May
2006 * pokračuje
- Geobios *
1993 * pokračuje
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Geoderma *
15 March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Geoforum *
February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Geography and Natural
Resources * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Geomorphology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes
* January 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Geothermics
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Geriatric Nursing
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Global Environmental Change
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Global Environmental Change Part B:
Environmental Hazards * June
1999 * pokračuje
* Continued as Environmental Hazards
- Global Finance Journal
* Spring 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Global Finance Journal
* Autumn 1989 *
pokračuje *
- Global and Planetary Change
* May 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Gondwana Research
* October 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Government Information
Quarterly * 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Journal of Government Information
- Graphical Models
* January 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Graphical Models and Image Processing
- Graphical Models and Image
Processing * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as CVGIP: Graphical Models and
Image Processing; Continued as Graphical Models
- Growth Hormone & IGF
Research * February
1998 * pokračuje
- Gynecologic Oncology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Gynécologie Obstétrique &
Fertilité * October
2000 * pokračuje
- Habitat International
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Handbooks in Operations Research and Management
Science * 1995
* 2007 * Will be
continued as Surveys in Operations Research and Management
- Harmful Algae
* March 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Health & Place
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Health Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Health Policy and Education
- Hearing Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Heart, Lung and Circulation
* May 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The Asia Pacific Heart Journal
- Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and
Critical Care * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Heat Recovery Systems and CHP
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Heat Recovery Systems; Continued as Applied
Thermal Engineering
- High Energy Density Physics
* December 2005 *
pokračuje *
- Historia Mathematica
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- History of European Ideas
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The History of the Family
* 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Home Care Provider
* January - February 1996
* December 2001 *
Title discontinued as of 2002
- Homeopathy
* January 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
British Homeopathic Journal
- HOMO - Journal of Comparative Human
Biology * 2001
* pokračuje *
- Hong Kong Journal of
Nephrology * October
1999 * pokračuje
- Hong Kong Journal of Occupational
Therapy * 2001
* pokračuje *
- Hong Kong Physiotherapy
Journal * 2000
* pokračuje *
- Hormones and Behavior
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Human Immunology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Human Movement Science
* June 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Human Pathology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Human Resource Management
Review * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- Hydrometallurgy
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Icarus *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- III-Vs Review
* February 1995 *
December 2006 * Formerly known
as Euro III-Vs Review; Title discontinued as of 2007
- Image and Vision Computing
* January-February 1993
* pokračuje *
- Immunity *
April 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Immuno-analyse & Biologie
Spécialisée *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Trait - d'Union
- ImmunoMethods
* February 1993 *
December 1994 * Incorporated
into Methods
- Immunobiology
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Immunology Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Immunology Today
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Trends in
- Immunopharmacology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
International Immunopharmacology
- Immunotechnology
* May 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Journal of Immunological Methods
- IMPACT of Computing in Science and
Engineering * March
1993 * December
1993 * Title discontinued as of
- Indagationes Mathematicae
* 27 March 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)
- Industrial Crops and Products
* August 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Industrial Marketing
Management * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Infant Behavior and
Development * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
- Infection, Genetics and
Evolution * July
2001 * pokračuje
- Information and Computation
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Information and Control
- Information Economics and
Policy * April
1995 * pokračuje
- Information Economics and
Policy * 1983
* pokračuje *
- Information Fusion
* July 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Information & Management
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Information and Organization
* January 2001 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Accounting, Management and Information Technologies
- Information Processing
Letters * 25 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Information Processing &
Management * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Information Storage and
- Information Sciences
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Information Sciences - Applications
- Information Sciences -
Applications * January
1994 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Information Sciences
- Information Security Technical
Report * 1996
* pokračuje *
- Information and Software
Technology * May - June
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Data Processing
- Information Systems
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Infosecurity
* January-February 2007
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Infosecurity Today
- Infosecurity Today
* January - February 2004
* pokračuje *
Continued as Infosecurity
- Infrared Physics
* February 1993 *
December 1993 * Continued as
Infrared Physics & Technology
- Infrared Physics &
Technology * February
1994 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Infrared Physics
- Injury *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Injury Extra
* *
pokračuje *
- Innovative Food Science & Emerging
Technologies * 1 March
2000 * pokračuje
- Inorganic Chemistry
Communications * 1 January
1998 * pokračuje
- Inorganica Chimica Acta
* 1 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Inorganica Chimica Acta Reviews
- Insect Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Insect Biochemistry
- Insulin *
January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Insurance: Mathematics and
Economics * April
1995 * pokračuje
- Insurance: Mathematics and
Economics * January
1982 * pokračuje
- Integration, the VLSI Journal
* June 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Integrative Medicine
* Winter 1998 *
Spring 2000 * Title discontinued as
of 2000
- Intelligence
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Intensive and Critical Care
Nursing * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Intensive Care Nursing
- Interacting with Computers
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Intermetallics
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- International Biodeterioration &
Biodegradation *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International
- International Business Review
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Scandinavian International Business Review
- International Communications in Heat and Mass
Transfer * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Letters in Heat and Mass
- International Congress Series
* June 2001 * 1
November 2007 * Title discontinued
as of 2008
- International Contact Lens
Clinic * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Contact Lens and Anterior
- International Dairy Journal
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- International Emergency
Nursing * January
2008 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Accident and Emergency
- International Health
* September 2009
* v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- International Hepatology
Communications * January
1995 * March 1997
* Continued as Hepatology Research
- International
Immunopharmacology * January
2001 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Immunopharmacology and International
Journal of Immunopharmacology
- The International Information & Library
Review * March
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Library
- The International Journal of
Accounting * 1996
* pokračuje *
- International Journal of Accounting Information
Systems * March
2000 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Adhesion and
Adhesives * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Antimicrobial
Agents * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Applied Earth
Observation and Geoinformation *
1999 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Applied Quality
Management * 1999
* 1999 * Title
discontinued as of 2000
- International Journal of Approximate
Reasoning * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Bio-Medical
Computing * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as International Journal of Medical
- The International Journal of Biochemistry &
Cell Biology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
- International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules * February
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Cardiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Coal
Geology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Critical
Infrastructure Protection *
December 2008 *
pokračuje *
- International Journal of Developmental
Neuroscience * February
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Drug
Policy * 1 February
1998 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Educational
Development * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Educational
Research * 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Evaluation in Education
- International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy Systems * February
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Engineering
Science * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Fatigue * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Food
Microbiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Forecasting * April
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- International Journal of
Gerontology * March
2007 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Greenhouse Gas
Control * April
2007 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Gynecology &
Obstetrics * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Heat and Fluid
Flow * March 1993
* pokračuje *
- International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Hospitality
Management * March
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Human-Computer
Studies * January
1994 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies; Incorporating Knowledge Acquisition
- International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Hygiene and
Environmental Health *
2000 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Immunopharmacology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into International Immunopharmacology
- International Journal of Impact
Engineering * February
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Industrial
Ergonomics * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Industrial
Organization * March
1983 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Infectious
Diseases * July
1996 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Information
Management * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Social Science Information
- International Journal of Inorganic
Materials * 1 April
1999 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Solid State Sciences
- International Journal of Insect Morphology and
Embryology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Arthropod Structure & Development
- International Journal of Intercultural
Relations * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Law, Crime and
Justice * March
2008 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
the Sociology of Law
- International Journal of Law and
Psychiatry * Spring
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Machine Tools and
Manufacture * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Machine Tool Design and Research
- International Journal of Man-Machine
Studies * January
1993 * December
1993 * Continued as International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- International Journal of Mass
Spectrometry * June
1998 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of Mass
Spectrometry and Ion Processes
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and
Ion Processes * 13 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics; Continued as
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
- International Journal of Mechanical
Sciences * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Medical
Informatics * March
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Bio-Medical Computing
- International Journal of Medical
Microbiology *
2001 * pokračuje
* Incorporating International Journal of
Medical Microbiology Supplements
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology
Supplements * August
2003 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into International Journal of
Medical Microbiology
- International Journal of Mineral
Processing * April
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy
and Materials * February
2009 * December
2009 * Formerly known as
Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Mineral,
Metallurgy, Material; Transferred to Springer Verlag as of 2010
- International Journal of Multiphase
Flow * February
1993 * pokračuje
- The International Journal of Nautical
Archaeology * August
1993 * November
2003 * Transferred to Blackwell as
of 2004
- International Journal of Non-Linear
Mechanics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Nursing
Studies * February
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Obstetric
Anesthesia * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Oral Surgery
- Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing * 1997 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Osteopathic
Medicine * March
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Osteopathic
- International Journal for
Parasitology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngology Extra * March
2006 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Pharmaceutics * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Plasticity * 1995
* pokračuje *
- International Journal of Pressure Vessels and
Piping * 1993
* pokračuje *
- International Journal of Production
Economics * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Engineering Costs and
Production Economics
- International Journal of Project
Management * February
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Psychophysiology * February
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Radiation Applications
and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation
Measurements * January
1993 * October
1993 * Formerly known as
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982); Continued
as Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
- International Journal of Radiation
Oncology*Biology*Physics * 1
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- International Journal of Refractory Metals and
Hard Materials *
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of
Refrigeration * January
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Research in
Marketing * May
1995 * pokračuje
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences * January
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of Rock
Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and
Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- International Journal of Sediment
Research * March
2008 * pokračuje
- International Journal of the Sociology of
Law * March 1995
* pokračuje *
Continued as International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
- International Journal of Solids and
Structures * 1993
* pokračuje *
- International Journal of
Surgery * May-August
2004 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as The Journal of Surgery;
- International Journal of Thermal
Sciences * January
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Revue Générale de Thermique
- International Journal of Transport
Management * February
2002 * 2004
* Title discontinued as of 2005
- International Journal of Trauma
Nursing * January-March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Disaster Management & Response
- International Review of Economics &
Finance * 1992
* pokračuje *
- International Review of Financial
Analysis * 1995
* pokračuje *
- International Review of Financial
Analysis * 1992
* pokračuje *
- International Review of Law and
Economics * June
1981 * pokračuje
- The Internet and Higher
Education * 1998
* pokračuje *
- Interventional Cardiology
Newsletter * January
1995 * November
1997 * Title discontinued as of
- IRBM *
March 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- IRBM News *
March 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- ISA Transactions
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Photogrammetria
February 2000 *
pokračuje * Continued as IRBM
* February 2000 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
RBM-News Continued as IRBM News
- Japan and the World Economy
* May 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Japan and the World Economy
* October 1988 *
pokračuje *
- Japanese Dental Science
Review * July
2008 * pokračuje
- Joint Bone Spine
* December 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Journal de Chirurgie * 2004 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Academic
Librarianship * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Accounting and
Economics * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Accounting and
Economics * March
1979 * pokračuje
- Journal of Accounting
Education * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Accounting and Public
Policy * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian
Studies * September
2008 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of Adolescence
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Adolescent Health
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Adolescent Health Care
- Journal of Aerosol Science
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Affective
Disorders * 11 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of African Earth
Sciences * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Aging Studies
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Research * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Biosystems Engineering
- Journal of Air Transport
Management * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Algebra
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Algorithms
* January 1993 *
October 2009 * Title discontinued
as of 2010
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Allergy
- Journal of Alloys and
Compounds * 11 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of the Less Common
- Journal of the American Academy of
Dermatology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of American Association for Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus *
March 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the American College of
Cardiology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of the American College of
Surgeons * 1 July
1997 * pokračuje
- Journal of the American Dietetic
Association * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of the American Society for Mass
Spectrometry * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Analytical and Applied
Pyrolysis * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Anthropological
Archaeology * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Anxiety Disorders
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Applied Developmental
Psychology * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Applied Economics
* May 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Journal of Applied Geophysics
* 14 April 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- Journal of Applied Logic
* February 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Approximation
Theory * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Archaeological
Science * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Arid Environments
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The Journal of Arthroplasty
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Asia-Pacific
Entomology * March
1998 * pokračuje
- Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences * February
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Southeast Asian Earth
- Journal of Asian Economics
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Asian Economics
* Spring 1990 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the Association for Laboratory
Automation * 1 March
1999 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS
Care * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial
Physics * January
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Atmospheric and
Terrestrial Physics
- Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial
Physics * January
1993 * December
1996 * Continued as Journal of
Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
- Journal of Autoimmunity
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the Autonomic Nervous
System * 3 January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Autonomic Neuroscience
- Journal of Banking &
Finance * June
1977 * pokračuje
- Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental
Psychiatry * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Behavioral
Economics * 1972
* Autumn 1990 *
Continued as The Journal of Socio-Economics
- Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical
Methods * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Proteomics
- Journal of Biomechanics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Biomedical
Informatics * February
2001 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Computers and Biomedical
- Journal of Bionic Engineering
* March 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Bioscience and
Bioengineering * June
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Fermentation and
- Journal of Biotechnology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Bodywork and Movement
Therapies * October
1996 * pokračuje
- Journal of The British Contact Lens
Association *
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Contact Lens and Anterior Eye
- Journal of Business Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Business Venturing
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cancer Nursing
* March 1997 *
pokračuje * Continued as
European Journal of Oncology Nursing
- Journal of Cardiac Failure
* October 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cardiology
* February 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal
Research * March
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Anesthesia * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Cardiothoracic
- Journal of Catalysis
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cereal Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Chemical Health and
Safety * January-February
2006 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Chemical Health and Safety
- Journal of Chemical
Neuroanatomy * February
1995 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Chemical
Thermodynamics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- The Journal of China Universities of Posts and
Telecommunications * March
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of China University of Mining and
Technology * December
2006 * pokračuje
* Continued as Mining Science and Technology
- Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical
Engineers * January
2007 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of the Taiwan Institute
of Chemical Engineers
- Journal of the Chinese Medical
Association * January
2005 * pokračuje
- Journal of Chiropractic
Medicine * Winter
2002 * pokračuje
- Journal de Chirurgie
* January 2004 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Annales de Chirurgie
- Journal of Chromatography A
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Chromatographic Reviews
- Journal of Chromatography B
* 5 January 2002
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical
Sciences and Applications
- Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical
Sciences and Applications * 29
January 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Journal of
Chromatography B
- Journal of Cleaner Production
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Clinical
Anesthesia * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Chronic Diseases
- Journal of Clinical Forensic
Medicine * June
1994 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Forensic and Legal
- Journal of Clinical
Lipidology * March
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Clinical
Neuroscience * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Clinical Virology
* 24 July 1998 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
- Journal of Colloid and Interface
Science * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Colloid Science
- Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series
A * January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Journal of Combinatorial Theory
- Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series
B * January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Journal of Combinatorial Theory
- Journal of Communication
Disorders * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Comparative
Economics * March
1977 * pokračuje
- Journal of Comparative
Pathology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Complexity
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics * 8 April
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Computational
Physics * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Computer and System
Sciences * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Constructional Steel
Research * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Contaminant
Hydrology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Contemporary Accounting &
Economics * June
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of Controlled Release
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Corporate Finance
* April 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Corporate Finance
* March 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial
Surgery * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Maxillofacial
- Journal of Criminal Justice
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Critical Care
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain
- Journal of Crohn's and
Colitis * September
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
Supplements * March
2007 * September
2009 *
- Journal of Crystal Growth
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Cultural Heritage
* January 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Cystic Fibrosis
* March 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Dental Sciences
* March 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Journal of Dentistry
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Dermatological
Science * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Dermatological Science
Supplement * April
2005 * December
2006 *
- Journal of Development
Economics * September
1974 * pokračuje
- Journal of Diabetes and its
Complications * January - March
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Diabetic
- Journal of Differential
Equations * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Discrete
Algorithms * February
2003 * pokračuje
- Journal of Econometrics
* March 1973 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Economic Behavior &
Organization * March
1980 * pokračuje
- Journal of Economic Dynamics and
Control * February
1979 * pokračuje
- Journal of Economic
Psychology * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Economic
Psychology * June
1981 * pokračuje
- Journal of Economic Theory
* June 1969 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Economics and
Business * 1982
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Electroanalytical
Chemistry * 15 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Electrocardiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology * June
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related
Phenomena * 22 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Electrostatics
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The Journal of Emergency
Medicine * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Emergency Nursing
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Empirical Finance
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Empirical Finance
* June 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Energy Finance &
Development *
1998 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Energy Economics
- Journal of Engineering and Technology
Management * July
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Engineering Management
- Journal of Engineering and Technology
Management * September
1989 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Engineering Management
- Journal of English for Academic
Purposes * 2002
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management * May
1974 * pokračuje
- Journal of Environmental
Management * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Advances in Environmental
- Journal of Environmental
Psychology * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Environmental
Radioactivity *
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Environmental
Sciences * September-October
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of Epilepsy
* August 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Epilepsy Research
- Journal of Equine Veterinary
Science * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the European Ceramic
Society * 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as International Journal of High Technology
- Journal of Evidence Based Dental
Practice * July
2001 * pokračuje
- Journal of Exercise Science &
Fitness * 2009
* v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Journal of Exotic Pet
Medicine * January
2006 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Seminars in Avian and
Exotic Pet Medicine
- Journal of Experimental Animal
Science * December
1999 * 26 February
2007 * Title discontinued as of
- Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and
Ecology * 16 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Family Business Strategy * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of Feline Medicine &
Surgery * March
1999 * pokračuje
- Journal of Fermentation and
Bioengineering *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Fermentation
Technology; Continued as Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
- Journal of Financial
Economics * May
1974 * pokračuje
- Journal of Financial
Intermediation * March
1990 * pokračuje
- Journal of Financial Markets
* 30 April 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Financial
Stability * September
2004 * pokračuje
- Journal of Fluency Disorders
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Fluids and
Structures * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Food Composition and
Analysis * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Food Engineering
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The Journal of Foot and Ankle
Surgery * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Forensic and Legal
Medicine * January
2007 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Clinical
Forensic Medicine
- Journal of Forest Economics
* 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the Formosan Medical
Association *
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Franklin
Institute * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Fuel Chemistry and
Technology * December
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of Functional
Analysis * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Functional Foods
* January 2009 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Genetics and
Genomics * January
2007 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Acta Genetica Sinica
- Journal of Geochemical
Exploration * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Geodynamics
* May-June 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Geometry and
Physics * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Government
Information * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Government Publications
Review; Incorporated into Government Information Quarterly
- Journal of Hand Therapy
* January 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Hazardous
Materials * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Health Economics
* May 1982 *
pokračuje *
- The Journal of Heart and Lung
Transplantation * January
1999 * do 2003
- Journal of Hepatology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The Journal of High Technology Management
Research * Spring
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Historical
Geography * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Hospital Infection
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Housing Economics
* March 1991 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Human Evolution
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.
B * April 2006
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Hydro-environment
Research * September
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Hydrology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Immunological
Methods * 4 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Immunotechnology
- Journal of Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry * January
2008 * pokračuje
- Journal of Infection
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Infection and Public
Health * 2008
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Informetrics
* January 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Inorganic
Biochemistry * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Journal of Insect Physiology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of International Accounting, Auditing
and Taxation *
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of International
Economics * February
1971 * pokračuje
- Journal of International Financial Markets,
Institutions and Money * April
1997 * pokračuje
- Journal of International
Management * July
1998 * pokračuje
- Journal of International Money and
Finance * 1982
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Invertebrate
Pathology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Iron and Steel Research,
International * January
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Japanese and International
Economies * March
1987 * pokračuje
- Journal of King Saud University -
Science * July
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of the Korean Statistical
Society * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Journal of Laboratory and Clinical
Medicine * January
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Translational Research
- Journal of Light Metals
* February 2001 *
November 2002 * Title discontinued
as of 2003
- Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell
Signalling * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Prostaglandins and Other Lipid
- The Journal of Logic and Algebraic
Programming * January - February
2001 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as The Journal of Logic Programming
- The Journal of Logic
Programming * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as The Journal of Logic and Algebraic
- Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process
Industries * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Luminescence
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Macroeconomics
* Winter 1979 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance
* January 1997 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A and Journal of Magnetic
Resonance, Series B
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series
A * January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969);
Incorporated into Journal of Magnetic Resonance
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series
B * February 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969);
Incorporated into Journal of Magnetic Resonance
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological
Therapeutics * January
1999 * pokračuje
- Journal of Manufacturing
Processes * 1999
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Manufacturing
Systems * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Marine Systems
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Materials Processing
Technology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Mechanical
Working Technology
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Mathematical
Behavior * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Mathematical
Economics * March
1974 * pokračuje
- Journal of Mathematical
Psychology * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal de Mathématiques Pures et
Appliquées * January
1997 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of
Biomedical Materials * January
2008 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Medical Colleges of
PLA * February
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Medical Ultrasound
* 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Medieval History
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Membrane Science
* 19 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Memory and
Language * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behavior
- Journal of Men's Health
* March 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The Journal of Men's Health & Gender
- The Journal of Men's Health &
Gender * May 2004
* pokračuje *
Continued as Journal of Men's Health
- Journal of Microbiological
Methods * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Microcomputer
Applications * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Network and Computer
- Journal of Midwifery & Women's
Health * January - February
2000 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
- Journal of Molecular Biology
* 5 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Molecular
Catalysis * 1 January
1993 * 15 December
1994 * Continued as Journal of
Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical and Journal of Molecular
Catalysis B: Enzymatic
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:
Chemical * 15 December
1994 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Journal of Molecular
- Journal of Molecular Catalysis B:
Enzymatic * 4 December
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Journal of Molecular
- Journal of Molecular and Cellular
Cardiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Molecular Graphics
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as Journal of
Molecular Graphics and Modelling
- Journal of Molecular Graphics and
Modelling * February
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Molecular Graphics
- Journal of Molecular Liquids
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Advances in Molecular Relaxation and Interaction Processes
- Journal of Molecular
Spectroscopy * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Molecular
Structure * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Molecular Structure:
THEOCHEM * 25 February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Monetary Economics
* January 1975 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy
- Journal of Multinational Financial
Management * April
1997 * pokračuje
- Journal of Multivariate
Analysis * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal de Mycologie Médicale / Journal of
Medical Mycology * March
2005 * pokračuje
- Journal of Nanjing Medical
University * January
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Natural Gas
Chemistry * March
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of Natural Gas Science and
Engineering * July
2009 * pokračuje
- Journal for Nature
Conservation *
2002 * pokračuje
- Journal of Neonatal Nursing
* June 2005 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Network and Computer
Applications * January
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Microcomputer
- Journal of Neuroimmunology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Advances in Neuroimmunology
- Journal of Neurolinguistics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of the Neurological
Sciences * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Neuroscience
Methods * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mechanics * 30 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Nuclear Materials
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Number Theory
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
* January - February 1993
* pokračuje *
Continued as Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
- The Journal for Nurse
Practitioners *
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Nutrition
Education * January
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Nutrition Education
and Behavior
- Journal of Nutrition Education and
Behavior * January-February
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Nutrition
- The Journal of Nutritional
Biochemistry * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Operations
Management * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Organometallic
Chemistry * 12 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Orthopaedic
Nursing * February
1997 * pokračuje
* Will be continued as International Journal of
Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
- Journal of Osteopathic
Medicine * April
2001 * pokračuje
* Continued as International Journal of
Osteopathic Medicine
- The Journal of Pain
* Spring 2000 *
pokračuje * Has predecessor
called APS Journal
- Journal of Pain and Symptom
Management * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent
Gynecology * February
1999 * pokračuje
- Journal of Pediatric Health
Care * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Pediatric Nursing
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Pediatric Urology
* February 2005 *
pokračuje *
- Journal de Pédiatrie et de
Puériculture *
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of PeriAnesthesia
Nursing * February
1996 * pokračuje
- Journal of Petroleum Science and
Engineering * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical
Analysis * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological
Methods * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Pharmacological
- Journal of Phonetics
* January-April 1995
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Photochemistry
* 1993 *
1993 * Continued as Journal of
Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry and Journal of
Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:
Chemistry * 15 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Journal of Photochemistry
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B:
Biology * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Journal of Photochemistry
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C:
Photochemistry Reviews * 29 June
2000 * pokračuje
- Journal of Physics and Chemistry of
Solids * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Physiology-Paris
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Plant Physiology
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive &
Aesthetic Surgery * January
2006 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as British Journal of Plastic
- Journal of Policy Modeling
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Policy Modeling
* January 1979 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Power Sources
* 5 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Journal of Pragmatics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Process Control
* April 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Product Innovation
Management * January
1993 * November
2002 * Transferred to Blackwell as
of 2003
- Journal of Professional
Nursing * January - February
1993 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Prosthetic
Dentistry * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Prosthodontic
Research * January
2009 * pokračuje
- Journal of Proteomics
* 30 April 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods
- Journal of Psychiatric
Research * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Psychosomatic
Research * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Public Economics
* April 1972 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Purchasing and Supply
Management * January
2003 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as European Journal of
Purchasing & Supply Management
- Journal of Pure and Applied
Algebra * 13 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Quality Management
* 1996 * Volume
6, Issue 1, Pages 1-112 (4th Quarter 2001)
* Title discontinued as of 2002
- Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and
Radiative Transfer * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Radiology Nursing
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Rare Earths
* February 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Reproduction and
Contraception * March
2007 * pokračuje
- Journal of Reproductive
Immunology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Research in
Personality * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Retailing
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Rural Studies
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Safety Research
* Winter 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Saudi Chemical
Society * July
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of the Saudi Heart
Association * July
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of School Psychology
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Science and Medicine in
Sport * January
1998 * pokračuje
- Journal of Sea Research
* February 1996 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research
- Journal of Second Language
Writing * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow
Surgery * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Social and Evolutionary
Systems * 1995
* 1998 * Formerly
known as Journal of Social and Biological Structures; Title
discontinued as of 1999
- The Journal of
Socio-Economics * Winter
1991 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Behavioral
- Journal of Solid State
Chemistry * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Sound and
Vibration * 8 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of South American Earth
Sciences * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Southeast Asian Earth
Sciences * January
1995 * December
1996 * Continued as Journal of
Asian Earth Sciences
- Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference * January
1995 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Steroid
- Journal of Stored Products
Research * March
1993 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Strategic Information
Systems * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular
Diseases * September-October
1996 * pokračuje
- Journal of Structural Biology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research
- Journal of Structural Geology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Substance Abuse
* 1995 * December
2001 * Title discontinued as of
- Journal of Substance Abuse
Treatment * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- The Journal of Supercritical
Fluids * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Supramolecular
Chemistry * January - February
2001 * December
2002 * Title discontinued as of
- The Journal of Surgery
* October 2003 *
pokračuje * Continued as
International Journal of Surgery
- Journal of Surgical Education
* January-February 2007
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Current Surgery
- Journal of Surgical Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Symbolic
Computation * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Systems
Architecture * September
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Microprocessing and
- Journal of Systems and
Software * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical
Engineers * January
2009 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of the Chinese
Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Journal of Terramechanics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Theoretical
Biology * 7 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Thermal Biology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Tissue Viability
* February 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and
Biology * April
2000 * pokračuje
- Journal of Traditional Chinese
Medicine * March
2008 * pokračuje
- Journal of Transport
Geography * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering
and Information Technology *
December 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Ultrasound
* March 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of University of Science and Technology
Beijing, Mineral, Metallurgy, Material
* February 2006 *
pokračuje * Continued as
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials
- Journal of Urban Economics
* January 1974 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Vascular Nursing
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical
Applications and Research * July
2006 * pokračuje
- Journal of Veterinary
Cardiology * May
1999 * pokračuje
- Journal of Virological
Methods * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Visceral Surgery * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image
Representation * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Visual Languages &
Computing * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Vocational
Behavior * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Voice
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal
Research * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Journal of World Business
* Winter 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
The Columbia Journal of World Business
- Journal of X-Ray Science and
Technology * December
1993 * June 1997
* Transferred to IOS Press as of 1997
- JSAE Review
* January 1994 *
October 2003 * Transferred to the
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan as of 2004
- The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical
Sciences * January
2003 * pokračuje
- Kinésithérapie, la Revue
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- The Knee *
March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Knowledge Acquisition
* March 1993 *
December 1994 * Incorporated
into International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- Knowledge-Based Systems
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Komplementäre und Integrative
Medizin *
* pokračuje *
- Krankenhaus-Hygiene +
InfektionsverhĂĽtung * 15 March
2007 * pokračuje
- Laboratory Automation & Information
Management * September
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Chemometrics and Intelligent
Laboratory Systems
- Labour Economics
* June 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The Lancet
* 2 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- The Lancet Infectious
Diseases * April
2001 * pokračuje
- The Lancet Neurology
* May 2002 *
pokračuje *
- The Lancet Oncology
* May 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Land Use Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Landscape and Urban Planning
* April 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Landscape Planning; Incorporating Urban Ecology
- Language & Communication
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Language Sciences
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The Leadership Quarterly
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Learning and Individual
Differences *
1995 * pokračuje
- Learning and Instruction
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Learning and Motivation
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Legal Medicine
* January 1999 *
pokračuje *
- Leukemia Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Library Acquisitions: Practice &
Theory * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Library Collections, Acquisitions, and
Technical Services
- Library Collections, Acquisitions, and
Technical Services * Winter
1999 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Library Acquisitions: Practice
& Theory
- Library & Information Science
Research * Winter
1994 * pokračuje
- The Lichenologist
* March 1993 *
September - November 2003 *
Transferred to Cambridge University Press as of 2004
- Life Sciences
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland
Waters * January
1999 * pokračuje
- Linear Algebra and its
Applications * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Lingua *
March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Linguistics and Education
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Lithos *
February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Livestock Production Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Livestock Science
- Livestock Science
* January 2006 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Livestock Production Science
- Location Science
* May 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Computers & Operations Research
- Long Range Planning
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Lung Cancer
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- LWT - Food Science and
Technology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics,
Biology and Medicine * August
1998 * November
2002 * Transferred to Springer
Verlag as of 2003
- Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift fĂĽr
Säugetierkunde *
2002 * pokračuje
- Management Accounting
Research * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Manual Therapy
* November 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Chemistry
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Environmental Research
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Genomics
* March 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Geology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Micropaleontology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Models
* December 1999 *
2002 * Title discontinued as of
- Marine and Petroleum Geology
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Pollution Bulletin
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Marine Structures
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Materials Characterization
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- Materials Chemistry and
Physics * January-February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Materials Chemistry
- Materials & Design
* August 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
International Journal of Materials in Engineering Applications
- Materials Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Materials Research Bulletin
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Materials Science and Engineering:
A * 15 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Materials Science and
- Materials Science and Engineering:
B * 30 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Materials Science and
- Materials Science and Engineering:
C * 30 May 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Materials Science Reports;
Incorporating Supramolecular Science
- Materials Science and Engineering: R:
Reports * 1 September
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Materials Science Reports
- Materials Science Reports
* January 1993 *
16 August 1993 * Continued as
Materials Science and Engineering: C and Materials Science and
Engineering: R: Reports
- Materials Science in Semiconductor
Processing * 1 April
1998 * pokračuje
- Materials Today
* 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Mathematical Biosciences
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Mathematical and Computer
Modelling * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Mathematical Modelling
- Mathematical Social Sciences
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Mathematical Social Sciences
* September 1980
* pokračuje *
- Mathematics and Computers in
Simulation * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Matrix Biology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Maturitas *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Measurement
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Industrial Metrology
- Meat Science
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Mechanics of Materials
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Mechanics Research
Communications * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Mechanism and Machine Theory
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Mechanisms
- Mechanisms of Ageing and
Development * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Mechanisms of Development
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Cell Differentiation and Development
- Mechatronics
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Médecine de Catastrophe - urgences
collectives * May
1998 * March 2000
* Formerly known as Urgences Médicales;
Title discontinued as of 2000
- Médecine & Droit
* 2 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Médecine et Maladies
Infectieuses * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Médecine Nucléaire
* January 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Medical Engineering &
Physics * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Journal of Biomedical
- Medical Hypotheses
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Medical Image Analysis
* March 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Medical Laser Application
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Medical Update for
Psychiatrists * January-February
1996 * November-December
1998 * Title discontinued as of
- Membrane Technology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Mental Health and Physical
Activity * June
2008 * pokračuje
- Metabolic Engineering
* January 1999 *
pokračuje *
- Metabolism
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Metal Finishing
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Metal Powder Report
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Metamaterials
* March 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Methods *
April 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Neuroprotocols and ImmunoMethods
- Microbes and Infection
* January 1999 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Immunologie, Annales de l'Institut
Pasteur / Virologie, Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur, Research in
Immunology and Research in Virology
- Microbial Pathogenesis
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Microbiological Research
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Microchemical Journal
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Microelectronic Engineering
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Microelectronics Journal
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Microelectronics Reliability
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Micron *
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Electron Microscopy Reviews
and Micron and Microscopica Acta
- Microporous Materials
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
- Microporous and Mesoporous
Materials * February
1998 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Microporous Materials and Zeolites
- Microprocessing and
Microprogramming * April
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Euromicro Newsletter;
Continued as Journal of Systems Architecture
- Microprocessors and
Microsystems * May
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Microprocessors
- Microvascular Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Midwifery *
March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Minerals Engineering
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Mining Science and Technology (China) *
dříve název Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
* v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Mitochondrion
* June 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Molecular Aspects of Medicine
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Molecular and Biochemical
Parasitology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Molecular Brain Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Brain Research
- Molecular Cell (Cell Press)
* December 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Molecular Cell Biology Research
Communications * April
1999 * November
2001 * Title discontinued as of
- Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Molecular and Cellular Probes
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Molecular Diagnosis
* March 1996 *
December 2001 * Transferred to Adis
International Ltd. as of 2002
- Molecular Genetics and
Metabolism * January
1998 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biochemical and Molecular
- Molecular Immunology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- Molecular Medicine Today
* April 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as Trends in
Molecular Medicine
- Molecular Oncology
* June 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Mutation Research/DNA Repair
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Mutation Research/DNA Repair Reports; Continued as DNA
- Mutation Research/DNAging
* February 1995 *
May 1996 * Title discontinued as of
- Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and
Related Subjects * February
1995 * 12 December
1996 * Title discontinued as of
1997 Incorporated into Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
and Environmental Mutagenesis
- Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular
Mechanisms of Mutagenesis * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and
Environmental Mutagenesis * 15
January 1997 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Mutation Research Letters Formerly known as Mutation
Research/Genetic Toxicology Incorporating Mutation
Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects and
Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology
- Mutation Research Letters
* January 1995 *
June 1998 * Title discontinued as
of 1996 Incorporated into Mutation Research/Genetic
Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
- Mutation Research/Mutation Research
Genomics * September
1997 * December
2001 * Title discontinued as of
- Mutation Research/Reviews in Genetic
Toxicology * March
1993 * pokračuje
* Continued as Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation
- Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation
Research * March
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Mutation Research/Reviews
in Genetic Toxicology
- Mycological Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje - změna názvu od 2010 * Formerly known as
Transactions of the British Mycological Society; Continued as
Fungal Biology
- Mycologist
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Bulletin of the British Mycological Society Continued as Fungal
Biology Reviews
- Nano Today
* February 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and
Medicine *
* pokračuje *
- Nanostructured Materials
* January-February 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia
- NDT & E International
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
NDT International
- Néphrologie &
Thérapeutique * March
2005 * pokračuje
- Netherlands Journal of Sea
Research * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Sea Research
- Network Security
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Neural Networks
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Neurobiology of Aging
* January-February 1993
* pokračuje *
- Neurobiology of Disease
* November 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Neurobiology of Learning and
Memory * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Behavioral and Neural
- Neurochemistry International
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Neurocomputing
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Neurodegeneration
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Experimental Neurology
- NeuroImage
* September 1993
* pokračuje *
- Neuromuscular Disorders
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Neuron (Cell Press) *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Neuropeptides
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Neuropharmacology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
International Journal of Neuropharmacology
- Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical
Neurophysiology *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Revue
d'Electroencéphalographie et de Neurophysiologie Clinique
- Das Neurophysiologie-Labor
* 17 April 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Neuroprotocols
* February 1993 *
June 1994 * Incorporated into
- Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de
l'Adolescence * February
2001 * pokračuje
- Neuropsychologia
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- NeuroRX *
January 2004 *
pokračuje * Continued as
- Neuroscience
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral
Reviews * Winter
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Biobehavioral Reviews
- Neuroscience Letters
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Neuroscience Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Neuroscience Research Supplements
- Neuroscience Research
Supplements *
1993 * 1994
* Incorporated into Neuroscience Research
- Neurotherapeutics
* January 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- NeuroToxicology
* February 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Neurotoxicology and
Teratology * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- New Astronomy
* July 1996 *
pokračuje *
- New Astronomy Reviews
* July 1998 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Vistas in Astronomy
- New Biotechnology
* June 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Biomolecular Engineering
- New Carbon Materials
* December 2006 *
pokračuje *
- New Ideas in Psychology
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Newborn and Infant Nursing
Reviews * March
2001 * pokračuje
- Nitric Oxide
* February 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Nitric Oxide
* February 1997 *
pokračuje *
- NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life
Sciences * 2000
* pokračuje *
- Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid
Systems * March
2007 * pokračuje
- Nonlinear Analysis: Real World
Applications * March
2000 * pokračuje
- Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods &
Applications * January
1993 * pokračuje
- The North American Journal of Economics and
Finance * Spring
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as North American Review of
Economics and Finance
- The North American Journal of Economics and
Finance * Spring
1992 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as North American Review of
Economics and Finance
- North American Review of Economics and
Finance * Spring
1990 * Spring
1991 * Continued as The North
American Journal of Economics and Finance
- Nuclear Data Sheets
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Nuclear Data Sheets. Section A and Nuclear Data Sheets. Section B
- Nuclear Engineering and
Design * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Nuclear Structural
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and
Associated Equipment * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and
Atoms * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research
- Nuclear Medicine and Biology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation.
Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Nuclear Physics A
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Physics B
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Nuclear Physics
- Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings
Supplements * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Nuclear Tracks and Radiation
Measurements * July
1993 * 1993
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and
Radiation Measurements; Continued as Radiation Measurements
- Nurse Education in Practice
* March 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Nurse Education Today
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Nurse Leader
* *
pokračuje *
- Nursing Outlook
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Nutrition *
January 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Nutrition Clinique et
Métabolisme *
1995 * pokračuje
- Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular
Diseases * February
2003 * pokračuje
- Nutrition Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Obesity Research & Clinical
Practice * January
2007 * pokračuje
- Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive
Medicine * January
2007 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Current Obstetrics &
- Ocean & Coastal
Management * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Ocean and Shoreline Management
- Ocean Engineering
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Ocean Modelling
* January 1999 *
pokračuje *
- Oceanologica Acta
* January - February 1998
* November 2003 *
Discontinued as of 2004
- Omega *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Operations Research Letters
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic
Surgery * July
1996 * pokračuje
* Continued as Operative Techniques in Thoracic
and Cardiovascular Surgery
- Operative Techniques in General
Surgery * September
1999 * December
2008 * Title discontinued as of
- Operative Techniques in
Neurosurgery * March
1998 * December
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- Operative Techniques in
Orthopaedics * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Operative Techniques in Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery * February
1995 * February
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Operative Techniques in Sports
Medicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Operative Techniques in Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery * May
1998 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Operative Techniques in
Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery
- Ophthalmology
* January 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Opportunistic Pathogens
* November 1997 *
November 1997 * Formerly known
as Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease;
Title discontinued as of 1998
- Optical Fiber Technology
* October 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Optical Materials
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Optical Materials
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Optical Switching and
Networking * January
2005 * pokračuje
- Optics Communications
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Optics & Laser Technology
* April 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Optics Technology
- Optics and Lasers in
Engineering *
1995 * pokračuje
- Optik - International Journal for Light and
Electron Optics *
2001 * pokračuje
- Option/Bio
* January 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Optometry - Journal of the American Optometric
Association * January
2004 * pokračuje
- Oral Oncology
* January 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
European Journal of Cancer Part B: Oral Oncology;
- Oral Oncology Extra
* January 2004 *
November 2006 * Title discontinued
as of 2007
- Oral Oncology Supplement
* 2005 * July
2009 *
- Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral
Pathology * 2006
* 2006 *
Continued as Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral
Radiology, and Endodontology
- Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology,
Oral Radiology, and Endodontology *
January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology
- Orbis *
Winter 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Ore Geology Reviews
* May 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Organic Electronics
* December 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Organic Geochemistry
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Organisms Diversity &
Evolution * 2001
* December 2009 *
Transferred to Springer Verlag as of 2010
- Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Organizational Behavior and
Human Performance
- Organizational Dynamics
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Orthodontic Waves
* March 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Orthopaedics and Trauma
* February 2009 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Current Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery &
Research * February
2009 * pokračuje
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Osteopathische Medizin, Zeitschrift fĂĽr
ganzheitliche Heilverfahren *
* pokračuje
- Otolaryngology - Head and Neck
Surgery * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
* May 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Paediatric Respiratory
Reviews * March
2000 * pokračuje
- Paediatrics and Child Health
* January 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Current Paediatrics
- Pain *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Pain Management Nursing
* March 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Palaeoworld
* January 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Parallel Computing
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Parasitology International
* March 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Parasitology Today
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Trends in
- Parkinsonism & Related
Disorders * July
1995 * pokračuje
- Particuology
* February 2008 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
China Particuology
- Pathologie Biologie
* February 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Pathology and Oncology
Research * March
1999 * December
1999 * Transferred to Springer
Verlag as of 2000 (dostupné přes Springer)
- Pathology - Research and
Practice * 2001
* pokračuje *
- Pathophysiology
* April 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Patient Education and
Counseling * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Patient Counselling and
Health Education
- Pattern Recognition
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Pattern Recognition Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Pediatric Neurology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Pediatrics & Neonatology
* April 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Pedobiologia
* 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Pedosphere
* February 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Peptides *
January-February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Performance Evaluation
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Perioperative Medizin
* April 2009 *
pokračuje *
- Personality and Individual
Differences * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and
Systematics *
1998 * pokračuje
- Pervasive and Mobile
Computing * March
2005 * pokračuje
- Pesticide Biochemistry and
Physiology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Petroleum Exploration and
Development * February
2008 * pokračuje
- Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae
* July 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Science & Technology
Today * 1 April
1998 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Drug Discovery Today
- Pharmacological Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Pharmacological Research Communications
- Pharmacology Biochemistry and
Behavior * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Pharmacology &
Therapeutics *
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Pharmacology &
Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors
and Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and
Systematic Pharmacology
- Philips Journal of Research
* 1995 *
1998 * Title discontinued as of
- Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic
Therapy * May
2004 * pokračuje
- Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and
Applications * December
2003 * pokračuje
- Photovoltaics Bulletin
* January 2002 *
December 2003 * Title discontinued
as of 2004
- Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its
Applications * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Physica
- Physica B: Condensed Matter
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly part of
Physica B+C
- Physica C: Superconductivity
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Physica B+C
- Physica D: Nonlinear
Phenomena * 30 January
1993 * pokračuje
- Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and
Nanostructures * 19 January
1998 * pokračuje
- Physica Medica
* January-March 2005
* pokračuje *
- Physical Communication
* March 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Physical Mesomechanics
* January-April 2007
* pokračuje *
- Physical Therapy in Sport
* February 2000 *
pokračuje *
- Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy,<br> Physics and
Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere and
<br> Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar,
Terrestrial & Planetary Science
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A:
Solid Earth and Geodesy *
1999 * 2001
* Formerly part of Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth; Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth, Parts A/B/C
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B:
Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere *
1999 * 2001
* Formerly part of Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth; Incorporated into Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth, Parts A/B/C
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C:
Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science
* 1999 *
2001 * Formerly part of
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth; Incorporated into
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts
A/B/C * January
2002 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, <br> Physics and
Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere and
<br> Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar,
Terrestrial & Planetary Science
- Physics of the Earth and Planetary
Interiors * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Physics Letters A
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Physics Letters
- Physics Letters B
* 7 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly part of Physics Letters
- Physics of Life Reviews
* April 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Physics Procedia
* August 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Physics Reports
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Computer Physics Reports
- Physiological and Molecular Plant
Pathology * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Physiological Plant
- Physiology & Behavior
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Physiotherapy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Phytochemistry
* 20 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Phytochemistry Letters
* 15 April 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Phytomedicine
* 2001 *
pokračuje *
- Placenta *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Planetary and Space Science
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry * January - February
1998 * pokračuje
- Plant Science
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Plant Science Letters
- Plasmas & Ions
* September 1998
* January 2000 *
Title discontinued as of 2001
- Plasmid *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Plastics, Additives and
Compounding * April-May
1999 * November-December
2009 * Title discontinued as of
- Poetics *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Polar Science
* August 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Policy and Society
* 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Political Geography
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Political Geography Quarterly
- Polyhedron
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters and Journal of Inorganic
and Nuclear Chemistry
- Polymer *
February 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science
- Polymer Contents
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Polymer Degradation and
Stability * 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Polymer Photochemistry
- Polymer Gels and Networks
* 1995 * December
1998 * Title discontinued as of
- Polymer Testing
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Postharvest Biology and
Technology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Powder Technology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Pratique Médicale et Chirurgicale de l'Animal
de Compagnie * January-March
2008 * pokračuje
- Pratiques Psychologiques
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Precambrian Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Precision Engineering
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Prevention and Control
* March 2005 *
pokračuje * Continued as CVD
Prevention and Control
- Preventive Medicine
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Preventive Veterinary
Medicine * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Primary Care Diabetes
* February 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Primary Care Update for
OB/GYNS * January - February
1995 * November - December
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Probabilistic Engineering
Mechanics * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Procedia Chemistry
* September 2009
* v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Procedia Earth and Planetary
Science * September
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Procedia Engineering
* July 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences * 2009
* v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Procedia in Vaccinology
* 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute * 2000
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Symposium (International) on Combustion
- Proceedings of the Geologists'
Association *
1995 * pokračuje
- Process Biochemistry
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Process Safety and Environmental
Protection * November
1996 * pokračuje
- Progrès en Urologie - FMC
* February 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Aerospace
Sciences * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Progress in Biophysics and Molecular
Biology * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Progress in Cardiovascular
Diseases * January-February
1995 * pokračuje
- Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization
of Materials *
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Progress in Crystal Growth
and Characterization
- Progress in Energy and Combustion
Science * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Progress in Growth Factor
Research * 1995
* pokračuje *
Continued as Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
- Progress in Histochemistry and
Cytochemistry *
2002 * pokračuje
- Progress in Lipid Research
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids
- Progress in Materials Science
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Progress in Metal Physics
- Progress in Natural Science
* 10 January 2008
* 10 December 2009
* Title discontinued as of 2010
- Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and
Biological Psychiatry * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Progress in
- Progress in Neurobiology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Nuclear Energy
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy * November
1995 * pokračuje
- Progress in Oceanography
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Organic Coatings
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Particle and Nuclear
Physics * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Progress in Pediatric
Cardiology * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Progress in Planning
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Polymer Science
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Progress in Quantum
Electronics *
1995 * pokračuje
- Progress in Retinal and Eye
Research * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Progress in Retinal Research
- Progress in Solid State
Chemistry * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Progress in Surface Science
* January-April 1993
* pokračuje *
- Prostaglandins
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators
- Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential
Fatty Acids (PLEFA) * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Prostaglandins,
Leukotrienes and Medicine
- Prostaglandins and Other Lipid
Mediators * April
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Prostaglandins;
Incorporating Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling
- Protein Expression and
Purification * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Protist *
February 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Psychiatry Research
* 31 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Psychiatry Research:
Neuroimaging * 31 May
1995 * pokračuje
- Psychologie Française
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Psychologie du Travail et des
Organisations * March
2004 * December
2006 * Title discontinued as of
- Psychology of Sport and
Exercise * July
2000 * pokračuje
- Psychoneuroendocrinology
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Public Health
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Public Health Forum
* 23 April 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Public Relations Review
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Pulmonary Pharmacology
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Pulmonary
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Pulmonary Pharmacology &
Therapeutics * February
1997 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Pulmonary Pharmacology
- Pump Industry Analyst
* October 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The Quarterly Review of Economics and
Finance * Winter
1995 * pokračuje
- The Quarterly Review of Economics and
Finance * Winter
1993 * pokračuje
- Quaternary Geochronology
* February 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Quaternary International
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Quaternary Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Quaternary Science Reviews
* 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Race and Society
* 1998 *
2004 * Title discontinued as of
- Radiation Measurements
* January 1994 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
- Radiation Physics and
Chemistry * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part C. Radiation Physics
and Chemistry
- Radiography
* June 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Radiotherapy and Oncology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Rare Metal Materials and
Engineering * January
2008 * pokračuje
- RBM-News *
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as ITBM-RBM News
- Reactive and Functional
Polymers * September
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Reactive Polymers
- Reactive Polymers
* May 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents; Continued as
Reactive and Functional Polymers
- Real-Time Imaging
* April 1995 *
October-December 2005 * Title
discontinued as of 2006
- Réanimation
* January 2001 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Réanimation Urgences
- Réanimation Urgences
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
- Recherche - Transports -
Sécurité * January - March
1998 * October - December
2003 * Title discontinued as of
- Refocus *
January - February 2001 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Renewable Energy Focus
- Regional Science and Urban
Economics * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Regional and Urban
- Regional Science and Urban
Economics * February
1975 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Regional and Urban
- Regional and Urban Economics
* May 1971 *
October 1974 * Continued as
Regional Science and Urban Economics
- Regulatory Peptides
* 5 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Reinforced Plastics
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Reliability Engineering & System
Safety * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Reliability Engineering
- Religion *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Remote Sensing of Environment
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Renewable Energy
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Solar & Wind Technology
- Renewable Energy Focus
* July-August 2007
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Refocus
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews * March-June
1997 * pokračuje
- Reports on Mathematical
Physics * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Reports of Practical Oncology &
Radiotherapy * November-December
2009 * pokračuje
- Reproductive BioMedicine
Online * October
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Reproductive Health Matters
* May 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Reproductive Toxicology
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Research in Accounting
Regulation * 2003
* pokračuje *
- Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders * January-March
2007 * pokračuje
- Research in Developmental
Disabilities * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Analysis and Intervention in
Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental
- Research in Economics
* April 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Ricerche Economiche
- Research in Immunology
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Microbes and Infection
- Research in International Business and
Finance * April
2004 * pokračuje
- Research in Microbiology
* July - August 1993
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Microbiologie
- Research in Organizational
Behavior * 2000
* pokračuje *
- Research Policy
* April 1972 *
pokračuje *
- Research in Social and Administrative
Pharmacy * March
2005 * pokračuje
- Research in Social Stratification and
Mobility * 2001
* pokračuje *
- Research Strategies
* Winter 1997 *
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- Research in Transportation
Economics * 1996
* pokračuje *
- Research in Transportation
Economics * 1994
* pokračuje *
- Research in Veterinary
Science * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Research in Virology
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Microbes and Infection
- Resource and Energy Economics
* May 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Resources and Energy
- Resource and Energy Economics
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Resources and Energy
- Resources, Conservation and
Recycling * April
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Conservation & Recycling
and Resources and Conservation
- Resources and Energy
* September 1978
* December 1992 *
Continued as Resource and Energy Economics
- Resources Policy
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Resources Policy
* September 1974
* pokračuje *
- Respiration Physiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
- Respiratory Medicine
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
British Journal of Diseases of the Chest
- Respiratory Medicine CME
* 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Respiratory Medicine: COPD
Update * March
2005 * August-November
2009 * Title discontinued as of
- Respiratory Medicine Extra
* 2005 *
2007 * Title discontinued as of
- Respiratory Physiology &
Neurobiology * March
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Respiration Physiology
- Resuscitation
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Review of Economic Dynamics
* January 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Review of Financial Economics
* Autumn 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Review of Palaeobotany and
Palynology * 23 February
1993 * pokračuje
- Reviews in Gynaecological and Perinatal
Practice * June
2006 * September
2006 * Formerly known as
Reviews in Gynaecological Practice; Title discontinued as of 2007
- Reviews in Gynaecological
Practice * Summer
2001 * pokračuje
* Continued as Reviews in Gynaecological and
Perinatal Practice
- Reviews in Molecular
Biotechnology * 1 March
2000 * May 2002
* Title discontinued as of 2002
- Revista Española de CardiologĂa (English
Edition) * January
2004 * pokračuje
- Revue Européenne de Psychologie
Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology
* March 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Revue Française
d'Allergologie * January
2009 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Revue Française
d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique
- Revue Française d'Allergologie et
d'Immunologie Clinique *
January-February 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Revue Française d'Allergologie (1970) Continued as Revue
Française d'Allergologie
- Revue Française des
Laboratoires * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Revue Francophone des
- Revue Francophone des
Laboratoires * June-July
2005 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Revue Française des
- Revue Générale des Chemins de
Fer * January
1998 * December
1999 * Title discontinued as of
- Revue Générale de Thermique
* January 1996 *
pokračuje * Continued as
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
- La Revue de Médecine Interne
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Revue de Micropaléontologie
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Revue du Rhumatisme
* January 2000 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Rice Science
* March 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Ricerche Economiche
* March 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Research
in Economics
- Robotics and Autonomous
Systems * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Robotics
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing * March
1996 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Röntgenpraxis
* 9 September 2005
* pokračuje *
- Russian Geology and
Geophysics * January
2007 * pokračuje
- Russian Literature
* 1 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Safety Science
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Occupational Accidents
- SAS Journal
* March 2007 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- The Saudi Dental Journal
* July 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Saudi Journal of Biological
Sciences * July
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Saudi Journal of
Ophthalmology * July
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal
* July 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Sauvegarde de l'Enfance
* January - February 2002
* August - December 2003
* Title discontinued as of 2004
- Scandinavian Journal of
Management * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Scandinavian Journal of
Management Studies
- Scandinavian Journal of Pain
* May 2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Schizophrenia Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Science of Computer
Programming * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Science & Justice
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of the Forensic Science Society
- Science & Sports
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Science of The Total
Environment * 6 January
1995 * pokračuje
- Scientia Horticulturae
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Screening *
May 1996 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Early Human Development
- Scripta Materialia
* 1 January 1996
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia;
Incorporating Nanostructured Materials
- Scripta Metallurgica et
Materialia * 1 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Scripta Metallurgica;
Continued as Scripta Materialia
- Sealing Technology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Sedimentary Geology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seizure *
March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine
and Pain * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Journal of Critical Care
- Seminars in Arthritis and
Rheumatism * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet
Medicine * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
- Seminars in Cancer Biology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Cell Biology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Continued as Seminars
in Cell & Developmental Biology
- Seminars in Cell & Developmental
Biology * February
1996 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Seminars in Cell Biology;
Incorporating Seminars in Developmental Biology
- Seminars in Cerebrovascular Diseases and
Stroke * March
2001 * September
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and
Surgery * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Seminars in Developmental
Biology * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Incorporated into Seminars in Cell &
Developmental Biology
- Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal
Medicine * October
2004 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Seminars in Neonatology
- Seminars in Immunology
* February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Integrative
Medicine * March
2003 * December
2005 * Title discontinued as of
- Seminars in Neonatology
* February 1996 *
pokračuje * Continued as
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
- Seminars in Neuroscience
* February 1993 *
May 1998 * Title discontinued as of
- Seminars in Oncology Nursing
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Orthodontics
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Pain Medicine
* March 2003 *
March 2005 * Title discontinued as
of 2006
- Seminars in Pediatric Infectious
Diseases * January
1995 * October
2006 * Title discontinued as of
- Seminars in Pediatric
Neurology * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Seminars in Pediatric Surgery
* February 2003 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Perinatology
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery * January
2003 * pokračuje
- Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
* 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Vascular Surgery
* March 2002 *
pokračuje *
- Seminars in Virology
* April 1993 *
August 1998 * Title discontinued as
of 1998
- Sensors and Actuators A:
Physical * February
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators
- Sensors and Actuators B:
Chemical * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Sensors and Actuators
- Separation and Purification
Technology * 19 May
1997 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Gas Separation & Purification and
Separations Technology
- Separations Technology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Separation and Purification Technology
- Serials Review
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious
Disease * March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Opportunistic Pathogens
- Sexologies
* January-March 2006
* pokračuje *
- Sexuality, Reproduction and
Menopause * October
2003 * October
2006 * Transferred to Dowden Health
Media as of 2007
- Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Signal Processing
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Signal Processing: Image
Communication * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Simulation Modelling Practice and
Theory * 15 October
2002 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Simulation Practice and
- Simulation Practice and
Theory * 15 March
1995 * pokračuje
* Continued as Simulation Modelling Practice and
- Sleep Medicine
* 1 February 2000
* pokračuje *
- Sleep Medicine Reviews
* November 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Small Ruminant Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Smart Materials Bulletin
* October 2000 *
December 2002 * Title discontinued
as of 2003
- Social Networks
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- The Social Science Journal
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Social Science & Medicine
* January 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical
Sociology, Social Science & Medicine. Part B: Medical
Anthropology, Social Science & Medicine. Part C: Medical
Economics, Social Science & Medicine. Part D: Medical
Geography, Social Science & Medicine. Part E: Medical
Psychology and Social Science & Medicine. Part F: Medical and
Social Ethics
- Social Science Research
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Socio-Economic Planning
Sciences * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Socio-Economic Planning
Sciences * September
1967 * pokračuje
- Sociologie du Travail
* 3 January 1999
* pokračuje *
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering *
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as International Journal of
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Soil Technology
* June 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into Soil
and Tillage Research
- Soil and Tillage Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporating Soil
- Solar Energy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Solar Energy Materials and Solar
Cells * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Incorporating Solar Cells and Solar
Energy Materials
- Solid State Communications
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Solid-State Electronics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Solid State Ionics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Solid State Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance * March
1993 * pokračuje
- Solid State Sciences
* January-February 1999
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic
Chemistry; Incorporating International Journal of Inorganic
- South African Journal of
Botany * February
2006 * pokračuje
- Space Policy
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Space Research Today
* April 2007 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
COSPAR Information Bulletin
- Spatial and Spatio-temporal
Epidemiology * October-December
2009 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
Molecular Spectroscopy
- Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular
Spectroscopy * January
1993 * 1994
* Formerly part of Spectrochimica Acta;
Continued as Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
- Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic
Spectroscopy * January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Spectrochimica Acta
- Speech Communication
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Spill Science & Technology
Bulletin * March
1995 * 2003
* Title discontinued as of 2004
- The Spine Journal
* January - February 2001
* pokračuje *
- Sport Management Review
* November 1998 *
pokračuje *
- Sport-Orthopädie - Sport-Traumatologie -
Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology
* 12 April 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Statistical Methodology
* December 2004 *
pokračuje *
- Statistics & Probability
Letters * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Stem Cell Research
* October 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Steroids *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Stochastic Processes and their
Applications * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Structural Change and Economic
Dynamics * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Structural Change and Economic
Dynamics * June
1990 * pokračuje
- Structural Safety
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Studies in Educational
Evaluation * 1995
* pokračuje *
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Part A * March
1995 * pokračuje
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern
Physics * April
1995 * pokračuje
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical
Sciences * March
1998 * pokračuje
- Superlattices and
Microstructures * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Supramolecular Science
* September 1994
* pokračuje *
Incorporated into Materials Science and Engineering: C
- Surface and Coatings
Technology * 9 January
1993 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Surface Technology
- Surface Science
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
Incorporating Surface Science Letters
- Surface Science Letters
* 1 January 1993
* 1 October 1993
* Incorporated into Surface Science
- Surface Science Reports
* March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- The Surgeon
* February 2003 * v kolekci nově od r. 2010 *
- Surgery *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Surgical Neurology
* January 1995 *
December 2009 * Will be continued
as World Neurosurgery
- Surgical Oncology
* February 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Survey of Ophthalmology
* January-February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Symposium (International) on
Combustion * 1996
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Symposium on Combustion and Flame, and
Explosion Phenomena; Continued as Proceedings of the Combustion
- Synthetic Metals
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- System *
February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Systematic and Applied
Microbiology *
2001 * pokračuje
- Systems & Control Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Systems Engineering - Theory &
Practice * January
2007 * October
2008 * Title discontinued as of
- Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology * March
2004 * pokračuje
- Talanta *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
July 2002 *
pokračuje * Continued as Drug
Discovery Today: TARGETS
- Teaching and Learning in
Nursing * June
2006 * pokračuje
- Teaching and Teacher
Education * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Technical Tips Online
* January 1996 *
January 2002 * Title discontinued
as of 2003
- Techniques in Gastrointestinal
Endoscopy * January
1999 * pokračuje
- Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain
Management * January
1997 * pokračuje
- Techniques in Vascular and Interventional
Radiology * March
1998 * pokračuje
- Technological Forecasting and Social
Change * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Technological Forecasting
- Technology in Society
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Technovation
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Tectonophysics
* 15 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Telecommunications Policy
* January - February 1995
* pokračuje *
- Telematics and Informatics
* Winter 1994 *
pokračuje *
- Tetrahedron
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Tetrahedron: Asymmetry
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Tetrahedron Letters
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Theoretical and Applied Fracture
Mechanics * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Theoretical Computer Science
* 4 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Theoretical Population
Biology * February
1993 * pokračuje
- Theriogenology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Thermochimica Acta
* 1 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Thin Solid Films
* 15 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Thin-Walled Structures
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Thinking Skills and
Creativity * April
2006 * pokračuje
- Thrombosis Research
* 1 January 1995
* pokračuje *
- Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases * v kolekci nově od r. 2010
- Tissue and Cell
* April 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Topics in Companion Animal
Medicine * February
2008 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Clinical Techniques in
Small Animal Practice
- Topology *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Topology and its Applications
* 20 January 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as General Topology and its Applications
- Tourism Management
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
International Journal of Tourism Management
- Toxicological Sciences
* January 1998 *
December 1998 * Formerly known
as Fundamental and Applied Toxicology; Transferred to
Oxford University Press as of 1999
- Toxicology
* 29 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Toxicology and Applied
Pharmacology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Toxicology Letters
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Toxicology in Vitro
* February 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Toxicon *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- TrAC Trends in Analytical
Chemistry * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of
China * February
2006 * pokračuje
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene *
January-February 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Transfusion and Apheresis
Science * February
2001 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Transfusion Science
- Transfusion Clinique et
Biologique * 1995
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion et
- Transfusion Medicine Reviews
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Transfusion Science
* March 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology; Continued as
Transfusion and Apheresis Science
- Translational Research
* 1 July 2006 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
- Transplant Immunology
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Transplantation Proceedings
* February - March 1997
* pokračuje *
- Transplantation Reviews
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Transport Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Transportation Research Part A: Policy and
Practice * January
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly known as Transportation Research
Part A: General
- Transportation Research Part B:
Methodological * February
1995 * pokračuje
* Formerly part of Transportation Research
- Transportation Research Part C: Emerging
Technologies * February
1995 * pokračuje
- Transportation Research Part D: Transport and
Environment * September
1996 * pokračuje
- Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review * March
1997 * pokračuje
- Transportation Research Part F: Traffic
Psychology and Behaviour * August
1998 * pokračuje
- Travel Medicine and Infectious
Disease * February
2003 * pokračuje
- Trends in Biochemical
Sciences * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Trends in Biotechnology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Cardiovascular
Medicine * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Trends in Cell Biology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Cognitive Sciences
* April 1997 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Ecology &
Evolution * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Trends in Endocrinology &
Metabolism * January-February
1993 * pokračuje
- Trends in Food Science &
Technology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Trends in Genetics
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Immunology
* 1 January 2001
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Immunology Today
- Trends in Microbiology
* April 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Molecular Medicine
* 1 January 2001
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Molecular Medicine Today
- Trends in Neurosciences
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Trends in Parasitology
* 1 January 2001
* pokračuje *
Formerly known as Parasitology Today
- Trends in Pharmacological
Sciences * January
1993 * pokračuje
- Trends in Plant Science
* January 1996 *
pokračuje *
- Tribology International
* April 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
- Tsinghua Science &
Technology * February
2005 * pokračuje
- Tubercle and Lung Disease
* February 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Tubercle Continued as Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis
* February 2001 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Tubercle and Lung Disease
- Tunnelling and Underground Space
Technology * January
1995 * pokračuje
- Tzu Chi Medical Journal
* March 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Ultramicroscopy
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Ultrasonic Imaging
* January 1993 *
October 1996 * Transferred to
Dynamedia Inc. as of 1996
- Ultrasonics
* May 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
* 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Ultrasound in Medicine &
Biology * 1993
* pokračuje *
- Update on Cancer Therapeutics
* March 2006 *
May 2009 * Title discontinued as of
- Urban Forestry & Urban
Greening * 2002
* pokračuje *
- Urban Water
* March 1999 *
December 2002 * Title discontinued
as of 2003
- Urgences Médicales
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Continued as Médecine
de Catastrophe - urgences collectives
- Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original
Investigations * January - February
1995 * pokračuje
- Urology *
January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Utilities Policy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Utilities Policy
* October 1990 *
pokračuje *
- Vaccine *
March 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Vacuum *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Vascular Pharmacology
* January 2002 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
General Pharmacology: The Vascular System
- Veterinary Immunology and
Immunopathology * January
1993 * pokračuje
- The Veterinary Journal
* January 1997 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
British Veterinary Journal
- Veterinary Microbiology
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Veterinary Parasitology
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Vibrational Spectroscopy
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Virology *
January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Virus Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Vision Research
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Vistas in Astronomy
* 1995 *
pokračuje * Incorporating
Astronomy Quarterly Continued as New Astronomy Reviews
- Waste Management
* 1993 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Nuclear and Chemical Waste Management
- Waste Management &
Research * February
1993 * December
1997 * Transferred to International
Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association as of 1997
- Water Research
* January 1993 *
pokračuje *
- Wave Motion
* February 1993 *
pokračuje * Wear
* 2 January 1993
* pokračuje *
- Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on
the World Wide Web * December
2003 * pokračuje
- Women and Birth
* March 2006 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as
Australian Midwifery
- Women's Health Issues
* Winter 1995 *
pokračuje *
- Women's Health Medicine
* November-December 2004
* 1 November 2006
* Title discontinued as of 2007
- Women's
Studies International Forum * January - February 1995 *
pokračuje * Formerly known as Women's Studies International
- World Development
* February 1973 *
pokračuje *
- World Patent Information
* March 1995 *
pokračuje *
- World Pumps
* January 1995 *
pokračuje *
- World Science and Technology
* February 2008 *
pokračuje *
- Yearbook of Urology
* 2006 *
pokračuje *
- Zeitschrift
für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im
Gesundheitswesen * 12
February 2008 *
pokračuje *Formerly known as Zeitschrift für
ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen - German Journal
for Quality in Health Care - German
Journal for Quality in Health Care
- Zeitschrift
für ärztliche Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen - German
Journal for Quality in Health Care - German Journal for
Quality in Health Care * 13 March
2007 * pokračuje
Continued as Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im
- Zeitschrift für Medizinische
Physik * 15 March
2007 * pokračuje
- Zeolites *
January 1993 *
pokračuje * Incorporated into
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
- Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society * January 1993 * November
2001 * Transferred to Blackwell as of 2001
- Der Zoologische Garten
* 25 July 2007 *
pokračuje *
- Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of
Comparative Zoology *
2001 * pokračuje
- Zoology *
2001 * pokračuje