Prof. Pavel Kindlmann
Senior Scientist

Na Sádkách 7, CZ-37005 České Budějovice
Phone: +420 387775358
Fax: +420 387775357
Current projects
- Population dynamics models, predator-prey systems and stability of ecological communities, application in biological control
- Life histories of aphids, their predators and terrestrial orchids
- Conservation biology
Institute publications in impacted journals
- Schödelbauerová I., Roberts D. and Kindlmann P. (2009) Size of protected areas is the main determinant of species diversity in orchids. In: Biological Conservation. Vol 142, pp. 2329-2334.
- Ameixa O., Kindlmann P. (2008) Agricultural policy-induced landscape changes: effects on carabid abundance. In: European Journal of Entomology. Vol 105 (4), pp. 467-476.
- Kindlmann P. & Burel F. (2008) Connectivity measures: a review. In: Landscape Ecol.. Vol 23, pp. 879-890.
- Jersáková J., Johnson S. D., Kindlmann P., Pupin A-C. (2008) Effect of nectar supplementation on male and female components of pollination success in the deceptive orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina. In: Acta Oecologica. Vol 33, pp. 300-306.
- Rico A., Kindlmann P., Sedláček F. (2007) Barrier effects of roads on movements of small mammals. In: Folia Zoologica. Vol 56 (1), pp. 1-12.
- Aviron S., Kindlmann P. & Burel F. (2007) Conservation of butterfly populations in dynamic landscapes: The role of farming practices and landscape mosaic. In: Ecol. Modelling. Vol 205, pp. 135-145.
- Wotavová-Novotná K., Vejsadová H. & Kindlmann P. (2007) Effects of sugars and growth regulators on in vitro growth of Dactylorhiza species. In: Biol. Plantarum. Vol 51, pp. 198-200.
- Rico A., Kindlmann P., Sedláček F. (2007) Road crossing in bank voles and yellow-necked mice. In: Acta Theriologica. Vol 52 (1), pp. 85-93.
- Kindlmann P., Hullé M. & Stadler B. (2007) Timing of dispersal: effect of ants on aphids. In: Oecologia. Vol 152, pp. 625-631.
- Kindlmann P., Kull T., Whigham D. & Willems J. (2006) Ecology and population dynamics of terrestrial orchids: An introduction. In: Folia Geobotanica. Vol 41, pp. 1-2.
- Kindlmann P., Jersáková J. (2006) Effect of floral display on reproductive success in terrestrial orchids.. In: Folia Geobot.. Vol 41, pp. 47-60.
- Kindlmann P., Houdková K. (2006) Intraguild predation: fiction or reality?. In: Pop. Ecology. Vol 48, pp. 317-322.
- Jersáková J., Kindlmann P. & Renner S.S. (2006) Is the colour dimorphism in Dactylorhiza sambucina maintained by differential seed viability instead of frequency-dependent selection?. In: Folia Geobotanica. Vol 41, pp. 61-76.
- Rajchard J., Procházka J. and Kindlmann P. (2006) Long-term decline in Common Swift (Apus apus) annual breeding success may be related to weather conditions. In: Ornis Fennica. Vol 83, pp. 66-72.
- Janečková P., Wotavová K., Schödelbauerová I., Jersáková J. & Kindlmann P. (2006) Relative effects of management and environmental conditions on performance and survival of populations of a terrestrial orchid, Dactylorhiza majalis. In: Biol. Conserv.. Vol 129, pp. 40-49.
- Houdková K., Kindlmann P. (2006) Scaling up population dynamic processes in a ladybird–aphid. In: Population Ecology. Vol 48, pp. 323-332.
- Halkett F., Kindlmann P., Plantegenest M., Sunnucks P., Simon J.C. (2006) Temporal differentiation and spatial coexistence of sexual and facultative asexual lineages of aphids at mating sites. In: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Vol 19, pp. 809-815.
- Kull T., Kindlmann P., Hutchings M., Primack R. (2005) Conservation biology of orchids: Introduction. In: Biol. Conserv..
- Mráček Z., Bečvář S., Kindlmann P. & Jersáková J. (2005) Habitat preference for entomopathogenic nematodes, their insect hosts and new faunistic records for the Czech Republic. In: Biological Control. Vol 34, pp. 27-37.
- Haraštová M., Jersáková J., Kindlmann P., Čurn L. (2005) Morphometric and genetic divergence among populations of Neotinea ustulata (Orchidaceae) with different flowering phenologies. In: Folia Geobotanica. Vol 40, pp. 385-405.
- Mráček Z., Kindlmann P., Webster J.M. (2005) Steinernema affine (Nematoda: Steinernematidae), a new record for North America and its distribution relative to other entomopathogenic nematodes in British Columbia. In: Nematology. Vol 7 (part 4), pp. 495-501.
- Kindlmann P., Aviron S. & Burel F. (2005) When is landscape matrix important for determining animal fluxes between resource patches?. In: Ecol. Complexity. Vol 2, pp. 150-158.
- Kindlmann P., Aviron S., Burel F. & Ouin A. (2004) Can assumption of a non-random search and consideration of actual landscape mosaic improve our prediction of butterfly fluxes between resource patches?. In: Ecol. Ent.. Vol 29, pp. 447-456.
- Halkett F., Harrington R., Hulle M., Kindlmann P., Menu F., Rispe C. & Plantegenest M. (2004) Dynamics of production of sexual forms in aphids: theoretical and experimental evidence for adaptive . In: Amer. Naturalist. Vol 163 (6), pp. 112-125.
- Kindlmann P., Halkett F., Harrington R., Hulle M., Menu F., Rispe C., Plantegenest M. (2004) Dynamics of Production of Sexual Forms in Aphids: Theoretical and Experimental Evidence for Adaptive "Coin-Flipping" Plasticity. In: American Naturalist. Vol 163 (6), pp. 112-125.
- Dostálková I. & Kindlmann P. (2004) Evolutionarily stable strategies for random processes. In: Theor. Pop. Biol.. Vol 65, pp. 205-210.
- Jersáková J. Kindlmann P. (2004) Reproductive success and gender variation in nectarless vs. rewarding orchids. In: Int. J. Plant Sci.. Vol 165, pp. 779-785.
- Kindlmann P., Stadler B. (2004) Temporal fluctuations in throughfall carbon concentrations in a spruce forest. In: Ecological Modelling. Vol 176, pp. 381-388.