Alexander Ač, MSc.
PhD. student
Poříčí 3b, CZ-60300 Brno
Phone: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Current projects
Energy and matter fluxes in mountain grassland ecosystems, with focus on the karbon cycle and it’s estimation by means of imaging spectroscopy and imaging fluorometry
Institute publications in impacted journals
- Ač A., Malenovský Z., Hanuš J., Tomášková I., Urban O., Marek MV. (2009) Near-distance imaging spectroscopy investigating chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic aktivity of grassland in the daily course. In: Functional Plant Biology. Vol 36 (10-11), pp. 1006-1015.
- Lichtenthaler HK., Ač A., Marek MV. Kalina J., and Urban O. (2007) Differences in pigment composition, photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll fluorescence images of sun and shade leaves of four tree species. In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol 45 (8), pp. 577-588.
- Urban O., Ač A., Kalina J., Priwitzer T., Šprtová M., Špunda V.and Marek MV. (2007) Temperature dependences of carbon assimilation processes in four dominant species from mountain grassland ecosystem. In: Photosynthetica. Vol 45 (3), pp. 392-399.