hlavní stránka     Scientific Information Centre (Library) of Institute of Physiology AS CR ,v.v.i.
Adress, opening hours, traffic, staff                                                          Czech

address - traffic - opening hours - basic contacts - staff

nahoru Address
Institute of Physiology of AS CR, v.v.i.
Scientific information centre - Library
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 Prague 4 - Krč
Czech Republic
Location code of the Library (sigla)

nahoru Traffic
  • Prague Public Transit Co. Inc.
  • travel on metro line C until the station “Budějovická”. Exit the station “Budějovická” in the same direction that the train was traveling, following signs for “Poliklinika”. After leaving the station, continue walking through a small below-ground shopping area in the same direction until the last stairs on the right, again following signs for “Poliklinika”. At the top of the stairs is a bus stop. Take bus 193 in the direction “Ústavy Akademie věd” until the final stop. The entrance to the Academy of Sciences (Krč campus) is directly opposite the bus stop.
  • The Library is located at downstairs left, in building A on the Krč campus.

nahoru  Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays, Friday  10.00 - 14.00
Wednesday  8.00 -  17.00

nahoru Basic contacts
circulation desk, informations, copy services 241 062 414 (in opening hours) knihfyziolzavináčbiomed.cas.cz  (any time)
fax 241 062 403  
Interlibrary Loan Services - more
241 062 400 mvs-fguzavináčbiomed.cas.cz

nahoru Library staff:
RNDr. Zuzana Lisková
241 062 402

- head of library
- library web page
- managing e-resources
Jana Hrůzová
241 062 401
- assistant manager
- electronic services, search and reference services
- print periodicals administration
Věra Hloušková
241 062 400
- Interlibrary lending services - contact for orders: mvs-fguzavináčbiomed.cas.cz
- managing out of order titles
- copy services
Adéla Hrubá
241 062 401
- cataloging of books
Mgr. Lucie Trajhanová
241 062 400
- processing of publishing activities Institute of Physiology - ASEP
- managing of e-books catalogue

Blanka Liberová
241 062 444
lending and information services
- other library services
- copy services
circulation desk
241 062 414
- lending, informations, references, other questions ....
at maternity leaving Blanka Baťhová, Lucie Poláchová


update 9.2.2010 | Library home page |Czech|