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  1. Humpolícková, J. , A. Benda, L. Beranová, and M. Hof, Compaction Mechanism of Intermediate-sized DNA Elucidated by Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy. Chemické listy 103 (11), 911-914, 2009.

  2. Humpolickova, J., A. Benda, andJ. Enderlein. 2009. Optical Saturation as a Versatile Tool to Enhance Resolution in Confocal Microscopy. Biophysical Journal 97(9):2623-2629.

  3. Huranova, M., J.A. Jablonski, A. Benda, M. Hof, D. Stanek, andM. Caputi. 2009. In vivo detection of RNA-binding protein interactions with cognate RNA sequences by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Rna-a Publication of the Rna Society 15(11):2063-2071.

  4. Blanco-Rodriguez, A.M., M. Busby, K. Ronayne, M. Towrie, C. Gradinaru, J. Sudhamsu, J. Sykora, M. Hof, S. Zalis, A.J. Di Bilio, B.R. Crane, H.B. Gray, andA. Vlcek. 2009. Relaxation Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Re-I(CO)(3)(alpha-diimine)(HisX)(+) (X=83, 107, 109, 124, 126)Cu-II Azurins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(33):11788-11800. Supplementary Information

  5. Kubat, P., K. Lang, P. Janda, O. Frank, I. Matulkova, J. Sykora, S. Civis, M. Hof, andL. Kavan. 2009. Self-Assemblies of Cationic Porphyrins with Functionalized Water-Soluble Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9(10):5795-5802.

  6. Stefl, M., A. Kulakowska, and M. Hof, Simultaneous Characterization of Lateral Lipid and Prothrombin Diffusion Coefficients by Z-Scan Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal, 2009. 97(3): p. L1-L3.

  7. Vacha, R., S.W.I. Siu, M. Petrov, R.A. Bockmann, J. Barucha-Kraszewska, P. Jurkiewicz, M. Hof, M.L. Berkowitz, and P. Jungwirth, Effects of Alkali Cations and Halide Anions on the DOPC Lipid Membrane. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009. 113(26): p. 7235-7243.

  8. Mosinger, J., K. Lang, P. Kubat, J. Sykora, M. Hof, L. Plistil, and B. Mosinger, Photofunctional Polyurethane Nanofabrics Doped by Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin and Zinc Phthalocyanine Photosensitizers. Journal of Fluorescence, 2009. 19(4): p. 705-713.

  9. Sachl, R., I. Mikhalyov, M. Hof, andL.B.A. Johansson. 2009. A comparative study on ganglioside micelles using electronic energy transfer, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and light scattering techniques. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11(21):4335-4343.

  10. Jesenska, A., J. Sykora, A. Olzynska, J. Brezovsky, Z. Zdrahal, J. Damborsky, and M. Hof, Nanosecond Time-Dependent Stokes Shift at the Tunnel Mouth of Haloalkane Dehalogenases. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009. 131(2): p. 494-501.

  11. Beranova, L., J. Humpolickova, and M. Hof, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. Chemicke Listy, 2009. 103(2): p. 125-129.

  12. Sykora, J., L. Bourova, M. Hof, and P. Svoboda, The effect of detergents on trimeric G-protein activity in isolated plasma membranes from rat brain cortex: Correlation with studies of DPH and Laurdan fluorescence. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2009. 1788(2): p. 324-332.

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  1. Prochazka, K., P. Matejicek, M. Uchman, M. Stepanek, J. Humpolickova, M. Hof, and M. Spirkova, pH-Dependent Behavior of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolyte Shells of Polymeric Nanoparticles. Macromolecular Symposia, 2008. 273: p. 95-102,

  2. Humpolickova, J., L. Beranova, M. Stepanek, A. Benda, K. Prochazka, and M. Hof, Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy Reveals Compaction Mechanism of 10 and 49 kbp DNA and Differences between Polycation and Cationic Surfactant. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008. 112(51): p. 16823-16829,

  3. Humpolickova, J., L. Beranova, M. Stepanek, A. Benda, K. Prochazka, and M. Hof, Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy Reveals Compaction Mechanism of 10 and 49 kbp DNA and Differences between Polycation and Cationic Surfactant. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008. 112(51): p. 16823-16829,

  4. Valenta, J., A. Fucikova, F. Vacha, F. Adamec, J. Humpolickova, M. Hof, I. Pelant, K. Kusova, K. Dohnalova, and J. Linnros, Light-Emission Performance of Silicon Nanocrystals Deduced from Single Quantum Dot Spectroscopy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2008. 18(18): p. 2666-2672,

  5. Machan, R., P. Jurkiewicz, A. Benda, and M. Hof, Model peptide LAH(4) and its interaction with phospholipid bilayers. Journal of Peptide Science, 2008. 14(8): p. 176-176,

  6. Hof, M., Prague analytical centre of innovations http ://www.gacr.cz/PACI. Chemicke Listy, 2008. 102(5): p. 363-363,

  7. Olzynska, A., P. Jurkiewicz, and M. Hof, Properties of Mixed Cationic Membranes studied by Fluorescence Solvent Relaxation. J Fluorescence (published online), 2008,

  8. Jurkiewicz, P., C. Konak, V. Subr, M. Hof, P. Stepanek, and K. Ulbrich, Investigation of nanoparticle coating by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2008. 209(14): p. 1447-1453,

  9. Lang, K., P. Kubat, J. Mosinger, J. Bujdak, M. Hof, P. Janda, J. Sykora, and N. Iyi, Photoactive oriented films of layered double hydroxides. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2008. 10(30): p. 4429-4434,

  10. Humpolickova, J., M. Stepanek, T. Kral, A. Benda, K. Prochazka, and M. Hof, On mechanism of intermediate-sized circular DNA compaction mediated by spermine: Contribution of fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Fluorescence, 2008. 18(3-4): p. 679-684,

  11. Kubat, P., K. Lang, P. Lhotak, P. Janda, J. Sykora, P. Matejicek, M. Hof, K. Prochazka, and Z. Zelinger, Porphyrin/calixarene self-assemblies in aqueous solution. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry, 2008. 198(1): p. 18-25,

  12. Blanco-Rodriguez, A.M., K.L. Ronayne, S. Zalis, J. Sykora, M. Hof, and A. Vlcek, Solvation-driven excited-state dynamics of [Re(4-Et-Pyridine)(CO)(3)(2,2 '-bipyridine)](+) in imidazolium ionic liquids. A time-resolved infrared and phosphorescence study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2008. 112(16): p. 3506-3514,

  13. Miszta, A., R. Machan, A. Benda, A.J. Ouellette, W.T. Hermens, and M. Hof, Combination of ellipsometry, laser scanning microscopy and Z-scan fluorescence correlation spectroscopy elucidating interaction of cryptdin-4 with supported phospholipid bilayers. Journal of Peptide Science, 2008. 14(4): p. 503-509,

  14. Humpolickova, J., A. Benda, J. Sykora, R. Machan, T. Kral, B. Gasinska, J. Enderlein, and M. Hof, Equilibrium dynamics of spermine-induced plasmid DNA condensation revealed by fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal, 2008. 94(3): p. L17-L19,

  15. Miszta, A., B. van Deursen, R. Schoufs, M. Hof, and W.T. Hermens, Absence of ethanol-induced interdigitation in supported phospholipid bilayers on silica surfaces. Langmuir, 2008. 24(1): p. 19-21,

  16. Sachl, R., M. Stepanek, K. Prochazka, J. Humpolickova, and M. Hof, Fluorescence study of the solvation of fluorescent probes prodan and laurdan in poly(epsilon-caprolactone)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) vesicles in aqueous solutions with tetrahydrofurane. Langmuir, 2008. 24(1): p. 288-295,

  17. Therese Mikaelsson, Radek Šachl and Lennart B.-Å. Johansson Electronic Energy Transport and Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Structural Insights into Proteins, Regular Protein Aggregates and Lipid Systems. Book chapter, Reviews in Fluorescence

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  1. Stasiuk, M., D. Bartosiewicz, J. Gubernator, K. Cieslik-Boczula, M. Hof, and A. Kozubek, A semisynthetic 5-n-alkylresoreinol derivative and its effect upon biomemhrane properties. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section C-a Journal of Biosciences, 2007. 62(11-12): p. 881-888,

  2. Sachl, R., M. Uchman, P. Matejicek, K. Prochazka, M. Stepanek, andM. Spirkova, Preparation and characterization of self-assembled nanoparticles formed by poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) copolymers with long poly(epsilon-caprolactone) blocks in aqueous solutions. 2007 Langmuir 23(6):3395-3400.
  3. Sykora, J., P. Slavicek, P. Jungwirth, J. Barucha, and M. Hof, Time-dependent stokes shifts of fluorescent dyes in the hydrophobic backbone region of a phospholipid bilayer: Combination of fluorescence spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007. 111(21): p. 5869-5877,

  4. Hohlbein, J., M. Steinhart, C. Schiene-Fischer, A. Benda, M. Hof, and C.G. Hubner, Confined diffusion in ordered nanoporous alumina membranes. Small, 2007. 3(3): p. 380-385,

  5. Sykora, J., K. Kaiser, I. Gregor, W. Bonigk, G. Schmalzing, and J. Enderlein, Exploring fluorescence antibunching in solution to determine the stoichiometry of molecular complexes. Analytical Chemistry, 2007. 79(11): p. 4040-4049,

  6. Kapusta, P., M. Wahl, A. Benda, M. Hof, and J. Enderlein, Fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Fluorescence, 2007. 17(1): p. 43-48,

  7. Rieber, K., J. Sykora, A. Olzynska, R. Jelinek, G. Cevc, and M. Hof, The use of solvent relaxation technique to investigate headgroup hydration and protein binding of simple and mixed phosphatidylcholine/surfactant bilayer membranes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2007. 1768(5): p. 1050-1058,

  8. Olynska, A., A. Zan, P. Jurkiewicz, J. Sykora, G. Grobner, M. Langner, and M. Hof, Molecular interpretation of fluorescence solvent relaxation of Patman and H-2 NMR experiments in phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2007. 147(2): p. 69-77,

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  1. Jurkiewicz, P., A. Olzynska, M. Langner, and M. Hof, Headgroup hydration and mobility of DOTAP/DOPC bilayers: A fluorescence solvent relaxation study. Langmuir, 2006. 22(21): p. 8741-8749,

  2. Przybylo, M., J. Sykora, J. Humpolickova, A. Benda, A. Zan, and M. Hof, Lipid diffusion in giant unilamellar vesicles is more than 2 times faster than in supported phospholipid bilayers under identical conditions. Langmuir, 2006. 22(22): p. 9096-9099,

  3. Humpolickova, J., E. Gielen, A. Benda, V. Fagulova, J. Vercammen, M. Vandeven, M. Hof, M. Ameloot, and Y. Engelborghs, Probing diffusion laws within cellular membranes by Z-scan fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal, 2006. 91(3): p. L23-L25,

  4. Hoffmannova, H., M. Hof, and P. Krtil, Potential controlled adsorption and lateral mobility of DOPC on polycrystalline gold - an EQCM and in situ fluorescence microscopy study. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2006. 588(2): p. 296-302,

  5. Dertinger, T., I. von der Hocht, A. Benda, M. Hof, and J. Enderlein, Surface sticking and lateral diffusion of lipids in supported bilayers. Langmuir, 2006. 22(22): p. 9339-9344,

  6. Benda, A., V. Fagul'ova, A. Deyneka, J. Enderlein, and M. Hof, Fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy combined with lifetime tuning: New perspectives in supported phospholipid bilayer research. Langmuir, 2006. 22(23): p. 9580-9585,

  7. Kral, T., M. Langner, and M. Hof, DNA-spermine and DNA-lipid aggregate formation visualized by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Chemotherapy, 2006. 52(4): p. 196-199,

  8. Adjimatera, N., T. Kral, M. Hof, and I.S. Blagbrough, Lipopolyamine-mediated single nanoparticle formation of calf thymus DNA analyzed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Pharmaceutical Research, 2006. 23(7): p. 1564-1573,

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  1. Sykora, J., P. Jurkiewicz, R.M. Epand, R. Kraayenhof, M. Langner, and M. Hof, Influence of the curvature on the water structure in the headgroup region of phospholipid bilayer studied by the solvent relaxation technique. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2005. 135(2): p. 213-221,

  2. Jurkiewicz, P., J. Sykora, A. Olzynska, J. Humplickova, and M. Hof, Solvent relaxation in phospholipid bilayers: Principles and recent applications. Journal of Fluorescence, 2005. 15(6): p. 883-894,

  3. Humpolickova, J., M. Stepanek, K. Prochazka, and M. Hof, Solvent relaxation study of pH-dependent hydration of poly(oxyethylene) shells in polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(oxyethylene) micelles in aqueous solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2005. 109(48): p. 10803-10812,

  4. Gielen, E., J. Vercammen, J. Sykora, J. Humpolickova, M. vandeVen, A. Benda, N. Hellings, M. Hof, Y. Engelborghs, P. Steels, and M. Ameloot, Diffusion of sphingomyelin and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in the membrane of OLN-93 oligodendroglial cells studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2005. 328(12): p. 1057-1064,

  5. Benda, A., M. Hof, M. Wahl, M. Patting, R. Erdmann, and P. Kapusta, TCSPC upgrade of a confocal FCS microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2005. 76(3),

  6. Kral, T., K. Widerak, M. Langner, and M. Hof, Propidium iodide and PicoGreen as dyes for the DNA fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements. Journal of Fluorescence, 2005. 15(2): p. 179-183,

  7. Hof, M., T. Kral, M. Langner, N. Adjimatera, and I.S. Blagbrough, DNA Condensation Characterised by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS). Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2005. 10(Supplement): p. 23-25,

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  1. Benes, M., D. Billy, A. Benda, H. Speijer, M. Hof, and W.T. Hermens, Surface-dependent transitions during self-assembly of phospholipid membranes on mica, silica, and glass. Langmuir, 2004. 20(23): p. 10129-10137,

  2. Fidler, V. and M. Hof, 8th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes. Journal of Fluorescence, 2004. 14(1): p. 1-1,

  3. Benda, A., M. Benes, V. Marecek, A. Lhotsky, W.T. Hermens, and M. Hof, How to determine diffusion coefficients in planar phospholipid systems by confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2003. 19(10): p. 4120-4126,

  4. Matejicek, P., J. Humpolickova, K. Prochazka, Z. Tuzar, M. Spirkova, M. Hof, and S.E. Webber, Hybrid block copolymer micelles with partly hydrophobically modified polyelectrolyte shells in polar and aqueous media: Experimental study using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, time-resolved fluorescence, light scattering, and atomic force microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003. 107(32): p. 8232-8240,

  5. Humpolickova, J., K. Prochazka, M. Hof, Z. Tuzar, and M. Spirkova, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using octadecylrhodamine B as a specific micelle-binding fluorescent tag; Light scattering and tapping mode atomic force microscopy studies of amphiphilic water-soluble block copolymer micelles. Langmuir, 2003. 19(10): p. 4111-4119,

  6. Humpolickova, J., K. Prochazka, and M. Hof, Octadecylrhodamine B as a specific micelle-binding fluorescent tag for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy studies of amphiphilic water-soluble block copolymer micelles. Spectroscopic behavior in aqueous media. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2003. 68(11): p. 2105-2119,

  7. Jurkiewicz, P., A. Okruszek, M. Hof, and M. Langner, Associating oligonucleotides with positively charged liposomes. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2003. 8(1): p. 77-84,

  8. Stepanek, M., J. Humpolickova, K. Prochazka, M. Hof, Z. Tuzar, M. Spirkova, and T. Wolff, Light scattering, atomic force microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy studies of polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(ethylene oxide) micelles. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2003. 68(11): p. 2120-2138,

  9. Sheynis, T., J. Sykora, A. Benda, S. Kolusheva, M. Hof, and R. Jelinek, Bilayer localization of membrane-active peptides studied in biomimetic vesicles by visible and fluorescence spectroscopies. European Journal of Biochemistry, 2003. 270(22): p. 4478-4487,

  10. Jelinek, K., F. Uhlik, Z. Limpouchova, P. Matejicek, K. Prochazka, Z. Tuzar, M. Spirkova, and M. Hof, Amphiphilic block copolymer micelles with hydrophobically modified shells. Molecular Simulation, 2003. 29(10-11): p. 655-660,

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  1. Hutterer, R. and M. Hof, , in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging and Probes, R. Kraayenhof, A.J.W.G. Visser, and H.C. Gerritsen, Editors. 2002, Springer: Weinheim. p. 225-239.

  2. Hafner, A., M. Benes, F. Merola, G. Duportail, F.W. Schneider, and M. Hof, Time-resolved tryptophan fluorescence of fragment 1-86 of factor X and the influence of membrane binding. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2002. 67(12): p. 1872-1882,

  3. Sykora, J., V. Mudogo, R. Hutterer, M. Nepras, J. Vanerka, P. Kapusta, V. Fidler, and M. Hof, ABA-C-15: A new dye for probing solvent relaxation in phospholipid bilayers. Langmuir, 2002. 18(24): p. 9276-9282,

  4. Sykora, J., P. Kapusta, V. Fidler, and M. Hof, On what time scale does solvent relaxation in phospholipid bilayers happen? Langmuir, 2002. 18(3): p. 571-574,

  5. Hutterer, R. and M. Hof, Probing ethanol-induced phospholipid phase transitions by the polarity sensitive fluorescence probes Prodan and Patman. Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 2002. 216: p. 333-346,

  6. Benes, M., D. Billy, W.T. Hermens, and M. Hof, Muscovite (mica) allows the characterisation of supported Bilayers by ellipsometry and confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biological Chemistry, 2002. 383(2): p. 337-341,

  7. Kral, T., M. Langner, M. Benes, D. Baczynska, M. Ugorski, and M. Hof, The application of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in detecting DNA condensation. Biophysical Chemistry, 2002. 95(2): p. 135-144,

  8. Kral, T., M. Hof, and M. Langner, The effect of spermine on plasmid condensation and dye release observed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Biological Chemistry, 2002. 383(2): p. 331-335,

  9. Kral, T., M. Hof, P. Jurkiewicz, and M. Langner, Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) as a tool to study DNA condensation with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB). Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2002. 7(2): p. 203-211,

  10. Sykora, J. and M. Hof, Solvent relaxation in phospholipid bilayers: Physical understanding and biophysical applications. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2002. 7(2): p. 259-261,

  11. Hutterer, R. and M. Hof, Dynamics in diether lipid bilayers and interdigitated bilayer structures studied by time-resolved emission spectra, decay time and anisotropy profiles. Journal of Fluorescence, 2001. 11(3): p. 227-236,

  12. Benes, M., J. Hudecek, P. Anzenbacher, and M. Hof, Coumarin 6, hypericin, resorufins, and flavins: Suitable chromophores for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of biological molecules. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2001. 66(6): p. 855-869,

  13. Hafner, A., F. Merola, G. Duportail, R. Hutterer, F.W. Schneider, and M. Hof, Calcium-induced conformational change in Fragment 1-86 of factor X. Biopolymers, 2000. 57(4): p. 226-234,

  14. Ball, L.J., R. Kuhne, B. Hoffmann, A. Hafner, P. Schmieder, R. Volkmer-Engert, M. Hof, M. Wahl, J. Schneider-Mergener, U. Walter, H. Oschkinat, and T. Jarchau, Dual epitope recognition by the VASP EVH1 domain modulates polyproline ligand specificity and binding affinity. Embo Journal, 2000. 19(18): p. 4903-4914,

  15. Egelhaaf, H.J., B. Lehr, M. Hof, A. Hafner, H. Fritz, F.W. Schneider, E. Bayer, and D. Oelkrug, Solvation and solvent relaxation in swellable copolymers as studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Fluorescence, 2000. 10(4): p. 383-392,

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  1. Hof, M., Applied Fluorescence in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine, W. Rettig, B. Strehmel, and S. Schrader, Editors. 1999, Springer Verlag: Berlin. p. 439-456.

  2. Hof, M., Picosecond tryptophan fluorescence of membrane-bound prothrombin fragment 1. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology, 1998. 1388(1): p. 143-153,

  3. Hutterer, R., F.W. Schneider, W.T. Hermens, R. Wagenvoord, and M. Hof, Binding of prothrombin and its fragment 1 to phospholipid membranes studied by the solvent relaxation technique. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1998. 1414(1-2): p. 155-164,

  4. Hutterer, R., A.B.J. Parusel, and M. Hof, Solvent relaxation of Prodan and Patman: A useful tool for the determination of polarity and rigidity changes in membranes. Journal of Fluorescence, 1998. 8(4): p. 389-393,

  5. Hof, M. and R. Hutterer, Solvent relaxation of fluorescent labels as a new tool for the detection of polarity and rigidity changes in membranes. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1998. 48(4): p. 435-441,

  6. Hutterer, R., F.W. Schneider, H. Lanig, and M. Hof, Solvent relaxation behaviour of n-anthroyloxy fatty acids in PC-vesicles and paraffin oil: A time-resolved emission spectra study. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1997. 1323(2): p. 195-207,

  7. Hutterer, R., F.W. Schneider, and M. Hof, Anisotropy and lifetime profiles for n-anthroyloxy fatty acids: A fluorescence method for the detection of bilayer interdigitation. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 1997. 86(1): p. 51-64,

  8. Hof, M., P. Lianos, and A. Laschewsky, An amphiphilic hemicyanine dye employed as a sensitive probe of water in reverse AOT micelles. Langmuir, 1997. 13(8): p. 2181-2183,

  9. Hof, M. and P. Lianos, Structural studies of thin AOT films by using the polarity fluorescent probe coumarin-153. Langmuir, 1997. 13(2): p. 290-294,

  10. Lanig, H., M. Hof, G. Bringmann, and F.W. Schneider, Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of helically distorted aromatic systems. Chemical Physics Letters, 1997. 272(5-6): p. 478-483,

  11. Hutterer, R., K. Kramer, F.W. Schneider, and M. Hof, The localization of the local anesthetic tetracaine in phospholipid vesicles: A fluorescence quenching and resonance energy transfer study. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 1997. 90(1-2): p. 11-23,

  12. Fuchs, H.M., M. Hof, V. Mudogo, and R. Lawaczeck, Fluorescence energy transfer on erythrocyte membranes. General Physiology and Biophysics, 1997. 16(1): p. 15-28,

  13. Hof, M., S. Vajda, V. Fidler, and V. Karpenko, Picosecond tryptophan fluorescence of human blood serum orosomucoid. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1996. 61(5): p. 808-818,

  14. Hof, M., G.R. Fleming, and V. Fidler, Time-resolved fluorescence study of a calcium-induced conformational change in prothrombin fragment 1. Proteins-Structure Function and Genetics, 1996. 24(4): p. 485-494,

  15. Hutterer, R., F.W. Schneider, H. Sprinz, and M. Hof, Binding and relaxation behaviour of Prodan and Patman in phospholipid vesicles: A fluorescence and H-1 NMR study. Biophysical Chemistry, 1996. 61(2-3): p. 151-160,

  16. Hof, M., R. Hutterer, N. Perez, H. Ruf, and F.W. Schneider, Influence of Vesicle Curvature on Fluorescence Relaxation Kinetics of Fluorophores. Biophysical Chemistry, 1994. 52(2): p. 165-172,

  17. Lanig, H., M. Hof, T. Stahl, and F.W. Schneider, Intramolecular Deactivation of Substituted Quinolinium Cations - Time-Resolved Fluorescence and Semiempirical Calculations. Chemical Physics Letters, 1994. 220(6): p. 423-428,

  18. Pearce, K.H., M. Hof, B.R. Lentz, and N.L. Thompson, Comparison of the Membrane-Binding Kinetics of Bovine Prothrombin and Its Fragment-1. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1993. 268(31): p. 22984-22991,

  19. Schleicher, J., M. Hof, and F.W. Schneider, Determination of Fractal Dimensions of Xerogels Via Forster Energy-Transfer. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1993. 97(2): p. 172-176,

  20. Brand, K., M. Hof, and F.W. Schneider, Isotope Effect in the Time Resolved Fluorescence of Anthracene in Small Unilamellar Vesicles. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1991. 95(11): p. 1511-1514,

  21. Hof, M., J. Schleicher, and F.W. Schneider, Time Resolved Fluorescence in Doped Aerogels and Organosilicate Glasses. Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1989. 93(11): p. 1377-1381,

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