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11 Dec 09 - 11 Dec 09
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The research activity of the group is concentrated on:
  • experimental study of internal microstructure of materials in connection with phase transformations and
  • thermodynamic modelling, phase diagrams and phase compositions prediction of multicomponent alloy systems, kinetics of phase transformations.
The former topic can be described as an application of electron microscopy, both scanning and transmission, x-ray microanalysis including, to the study of internal microstructure of metals and alloys. The study of relations between existing phases, their morphology and mechanical properties on advanced materials (high-chromium steels, magnesium alloys, nickel alloys) should be mentioned among the recent results. The latter topic is based on the application of existing thermodynamic model to thermodynamic equilibrium calculations and phase diagram modelling in multicomponent systems, and simulation of diffusional processes in phase transformations.
The most important projects solved by the group in the last five years are:
  • theoretical and experimental study of Ni-based model systems and thermodynamic description of phase equilibria
  • ordering processes in Ni-based superalloys studied by Monte-Carlo simulation
  • the development of modern high Cr materials through the theoretical modelling
  • intelligent welding of power generation components
  • theoretical and experimental assessment of phase diagrams of lead-free solders, mainly Zn-Sn-In-(Bi)-(Pd) systems
  • influence of phase composition of Mg alloyed with rare earthes on the improvement of its utility properties at elevated temperature
  • microstructural assessment of 9%Cr steels after long term creep at high temperature, thermodynamic modelling of phase diagrams and precipitates behaviour (Laves phase, Z – phase …).
  • structural stability of weld joints of creep resisting chromium steels and their degradation during long-term operation
  • structure examination in nickel intermetallics
Last update
12. 11. 2009