Laboratory of Wave Modelling in Solids

The Directions of Works
  • Analytical methods of the wave propagation in solid bodies
  • Numerical methods for solution of wave propagations
  • Experimental tools and methods for acoustic emission (AE) measurements
  • Methods and techniques for AE signal processing
Staff of the Laboratory Doc. Ing. Petr HORA, CSc. - head of laboratory, scientific worker
RNDr. Olga ČERVENÁ - research worker
Ing. Pavel HOSNEDL
Mgr. Vladimír PELIKÁN - research worker
RNDr. Dr. Miroslav PŘIBÁŇ
Ing. František VALEŠ, CSc. - scientific worker
Phone +420 377 236 415
+420 377 236 416
+420 377 221 178
Projects and Grants Head directions of works of the laboratory is solving of projects. In present time the projects of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic are solving at the laboratory.
Technical Equipment
  • Silicon Graphics 320 Visual Workstation, 2 processors
  • Silicon Graphics 540 Visual Workstation, 4 processors
  • MARCK2000
  • the experimental AE source (Some special devices based on glass capillary breaking, small ball dropping and electromagnetic microhammer).
  • the resonant and broadband transducers (miniature pinducers, NIST standards with conical piezoelement)
  • digital oscilloscope TRACE (2 channels, 8 bits / 40 MHz)
  • transient recorder MAURER - ADAM (4 channels, 10 bits/ 20MHz)
  • test pieces to perform studies on elastic wave propagation (two steel cylinders 700x200 and 600x200 mm and two steel plates 1400x800x16 and 2500x1500x50 mm)

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