
Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Nedbal, DrSc.


DrSc. (2005, FMFI Komenského univerzita, Bratislava)
Doc. (2004, MFF Karlova Univerzita, Praha)
RNDr. (MFF UK, Praha)


hostujicí profesor, Konsorcium pro čisté využití uhlí (Consortium for Clean Coal Utilization, Washington University, St.Louis, USA (http://cccu.wustl.edu/docs/International_Affiliates.pdf)

školitel, Fakulta informatiky, Masarykova univerzita, Brno. http://www.fi.muni.cz/studies/doctoral/tutors.xhtml.cs

vedouci oddělení biologické dynamiky a vedouci pracovní skupiny matematické biologie ÚSBE

jednatel Photon Systems Instruments, Ltd.
Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Tel.: +420 386361231
Fax: +420 386361231

Současné zaměření

European Community FP6-2005-Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health: STREP 037897 (2007-2011). AUTOSCREEN for cell based high-throughput and high-content gene function analysis and drug discovery screens.

GACR 206/09/1284 (2009-2013). Cyanobacterial cell factory: Modeling and experimental validation of models of photosynthetic energy conversion, of growth, and of production.

FR—TI1/433 (2009-2011) Development of instrumentation and methodology for the selection of photoautotrophic microorganisms for production of higher-generation biofuels.

GACR 206/05/0894 (2005-2007). Technical and methodical platform for monitoring and manipulation of biological regulation in plants, algae and cyanobacteria.

Czech Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, Research Program MSM6007665808

Czech Academy of Sciences, Research Program AV0Z60870520

Functional Dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (FUNCDYN) with VSCHT Praha

I am interested in interaction between a complex biological system and its dynamic environment. The interaction is typically far from equilibrium with strong non-linear features. We apply multidimensional (e.g., 3-D space, time, spectrum) experimental methods to capture the resulting dynamics. Systemic approach is used to construct models exhibiting dynamic features homologous to the experiment (e-photosynthesis). The dominant model process of my research is plant photosynthesis with chlorophyll fluorescence emission used as a reporter signal.

Dřívější výsledky

The earlier results that I value most are:

1. Identification of the role of Cyt b559 in photoprotection of plants (Nedbal, L., Samson, G. and Whitmarsh, J. (1992) Redox state of a one-electron component controls the rate of photoinhibition of Photosystem II. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 89: 7929-7933)

2. My lab was the first to propose that mycosporine-like amino acids protect algae against UV-B radiation (Xiong F., Lederer F., Lukavský J. and Nedbal L. (1996) Screening of freshwater algae (Chlorophyta, Chromophyta) for ultraviolet-B sensitivity of the photosynthetic apparatus. J.Plant Physiol. 148: 42-48 / Xiong FS, Komenda J, Kopecký J, et al. (1997) Strategies of ultraviolet-B protection in microscopic algae. Physiol plantarum 100: (2) 378-388).

3. With Martin Trtílek, I am co-founder of Photon Systems Instruments, spol. s r.o.. We proposed and constructed numerous novel instruments that are operated by many distinguished users worldwide.

4. We identified new chlorophyll fluorescence transient in harmonically modulated irradiance (Nedbal, L., Brezina, V., Adamec, F., Štys, D., Oja, V., Laisk, A. and Govindjee: Negative feedback regulation is responsible for the non-linear modulation of photosynthetic activity in plants and cyanobacteria exposed to a dynamic light environment (2003) Biochim.Biophys.Acta: Bioenergetics 1607: 5-17 / Nedbal,L., B?ezina,V, ?ervený, J. and Trtílek, M. (2005) Photosynthesis in dynamic light: Systems biology of unconventional chlorophyll fluorescence transients in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Photosynth.Res. 84: 99-106).

5. My laboratory was the first research pioneer in Nové Hrady starting in 2000 an endeavor leading to the present Academic and University Center.

6. In 2002, we designed and organized start-up of Schola ludus program of graduate education in Nové Hrady.

7. In 2002, we organized the first international workshop in Nové Hrady as the foundations to the present Conference Center.

8. In 2006, we hosted Systems Biology Mark-Up Language (SBML) Hackathon http://sbml.org/workshops/, 7-9 April and Workshop on Emergent Dynamic Properties of Photosynthetic Organisms, 30 July - 5 August


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