Anamika Mishra
MSc bioinformatics, University of Allahabad (India), 2005
PhD student
Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady
Tel.: +420 389031111
Fax: +420 386361231
Současné zaměření
Comparing dynamical features of biological objects/populations
with respect to targeting and categorizing their particular dynamical
states. Identification of typical or most significant properties
(ioinic/molecular markers) of an evolving process of interest.
Possible extension towards short-term predictions of the system's dynamical behavior.
Advanced computational and statistical techniques will be applied or
adapted for specific applications. In particular, algorithms developed for
large data sets analyses as such used in different branches of
bioinformatics or epidemiology will be studied and analyzed. The goal
is to improve their performance with respect to sufficient sensitivity
under dimensionality reduction, signal-to-noise ratio, and periodic
patterns identification. At first, neighbor-joining methods and forward
floating search will be targeted.