Ministry of education, youth and sports of the Czech republic, grant No.: 1M06011 (2006 - 2009).
"The Centre of molecular methods for monitoring the diffuse pollution of the environment"
(Dr. Pěknicová J., IMG AS CR; Dr. Dvořáková K., UK; M.Sc. Stavělová M, Earth Tech; Dr. Jinoch P., Vidia; M.Sc. Matějů V., Envisan; M.Sc. Suchánek M., rEcoli; M.Sc. Janata J., IM AS CR).

Ministry of education, youth and sports of the Czech republic, National program VII.: 2B06151 (2006 - 2010).
"Biodegradation of polybrominated compounds, monitoring of concentration changes of pollutants and their intermediates in the environment"
(Dr. Lepša L., Vidia; Dr. Pěknicová J., IMG AS CR, Dr. Kovář M., Earth Tech; M.Sc. Matějů V., Envisan; M.Sc. Suchánek M., rEcoli; M.Sc. Martínková L., IM AS CR, Assoc. Prof. Macek T., IOCB AS CR, Prof. Demnerová K, ICT).

International project EUREKA, EKDEQ OE211, grant No.: 3557 (2006-2008).
"Elisa kits fors detection of environmental quality"
(Dr. Pěknicová J., IMG AS CR; Dr. Novotná M., Vidia, Prof. Blume J., IBGE, Ukraine; Prof. Knopp D., IHT, Germany).

Grant agency of the Ministry of health of the Czech republic, grant No.: NR/7838-3 (2006 - 2008).
"Differential expression of pregnancy associated plasma protein - A (PAPP-A) and Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) in follicular fluid and blood of women in correlation with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)"
(Dr. Řežábek K ., FM UK; Dr. Pěknicová J., IMG AS CR; M.Sc. Moos J., Immunotech).

Grant agency of the Czech republic, grant No.: 303/06/0895 (2006 - 2008).
"Characterization of proteins secreted by the male reproductive tract and their role in individual steps of the reproduction process"
(Dr. Jonáková V. IMG AS CR, Dr. Liberda J., UK).

Grant agency of the Czech republic, grant No.: 524/06/0817 (2006 - 2008).
"Ultrastructure, energetic and competition in spermatozoa: A comparative study using two model species of chondrostean and teleostean fishes"
(Dr. Linhart O., SU; Dr. Pěknicová J., IMG AS CR).