The Directions of Works |
- Analytical methods of the wave propagation in solid bodies
- Numerical methods for solution of wave propagations
- Experimental tools and methods for acoustic emission (AE) measurements
- Methods and techniques for AE signal processing
Staff of the Laboratory |
Doc. Ing. Petr HORA, CSc. - head of laboratory, scientific worker
RNDr. Olga ČERVENÁ - research worker
Ing. Pavel HOSNEDL
Mgr. Vladimír PELIKÁN - research worker
RNDr. Dr. Miroslav PŘIBÁŇ
Ing. František VALEŠ, CSc. - scientific worker
Phone |
+420 377 236 415
+420 377 236 416
+420 377 221 178 |
Projects and Grants |
Head directions of works of the laboratory is solving of projects. In present time the projects of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic are solving at the laboratory. |
Technical Equipment |
- Silicon Graphics 320 Visual Workstation, 2 processors
- Silicon Graphics 540 Visual Workstation, 4 processors
- MARCK2000
- the experimental AE source (Some special devices based on glass capillary breaking, small ball dropping and electromagnetic microhammer).
- the resonant and broadband transducers (miniature pinducers, NIST standards with conical piezoelement)
- digital oscilloscope TRACE (2 channels, 8 bits / 40 MHz)
- transient recorder MAURER - ADAM (4 channels, 10 bits/ 20MHz)
- test pieces to perform studies on elastic wave propagation (two steel cylinders 700x200 and 600x200 mm and two steel plates 1400x800x16 and 2500x1500x50 mm)