Laboratory of Biology of Cytoskeleton

IMG ASCR, v.v.i

Research interests


Microtubules are intracellular dynamic polymers made up of evolutionarily conserved polymorphic alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers and a large number of microtubule-associated proteins. Microtubules are required for vital processes in eukaryotic cells including mitosis, meiosis, maintenance of cell shape and many forms of intracellular transport. Various signaling molecules interact with microtubule components, and microtubules are likely to be the critical factors for spatial organization of signal transduction. Several populations of microtubules of different composition, stability and properties carry out these essential functions in cells. Posttranslational modifications of tubulins play an important role in the determination of microtubule properties. Organization of microtubular networks in cells is controlled by microtubule organizing centres (MTOCs). One of the key components of MTOCs is the gamma-tubulin which is necessary for nucleation and organization of microtubules. Gamma-tubulin also exists in cells in the form of soluble gamma-tubulin complexes, whose functions are just about beginning to be understood. In addition, gamma tubulin may participate in other cell functions, such as cell cycle progression or dynamics of the microtubule ends.

The long-term research program of the laboratory of Dr. Pavel Draber includes the study of structure-function relationships of microtubule proteins and their interactions with other cytoskeletal elements in cells under normal and pathological conditions. To this end the research group has used immunological approaches and prepared a panel of monoclonal antibodies that made it possible to contribute to the structural mapping of tubulin dimers, to analyse their posttranslational modifications and to identify the microtubule-interacting proteins. Recently the research efforts concentrated towards the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms governing the microtubule nucleation and the role of gamma-tubulin in this process. It has been shown that soluble gamma-tubulin is posttranslationally modified, interacts with tubulin heterodimers and forms complexes with protein tyrosine kinase. Experimental evidence has been provided that the properties of gamma-tubulin change during differentiation events, and that gamma-tubulin is not universal nucleator of microtubules. It could also be demonstrated that gamma-tubulin in plant cells is located in the kinetochore/centromeric region of chromosomes under normal conditions and is present in membrane-associated complexes.

Current work focuses on 1) the understanding of the function of gamma-tubulin forms in different cell types, 2) modulation of microtubule properties by signal transduction molecules, and 3) molecular and functional characterisation of components of MTOCs. To address these questions, techniques of molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology are being used, as well as a variety of microscopic techniques.