belveder.html000644 077432 000146 00000004166 06337031551 013323 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 Hotel BELVEDERE
picture of hotel BELVEDERE

Hotel *** BELVEDERE Praha

Milady Horakove 19
17000 Praha 7
Czech Republic
Tel: (+420) 2 374741
Fax: (+420) 2 370355, (+420) 2 379 447
Reservations Department:
tel.: (+420) 2 20106254
FAX: (+420) 2 379447

The price is:
single room 2100 CZK per night (including breakfast)
double room 2800 CZK per night (including breakfast for two persons)
There is no deposit needed, the bill will be paid directly to the hotels upon departure


map of the region hotel hall restaurant
hotel room swimming pool swimming pool
swimming pool swimming pool Back to the IMPC'97

Last updated on May 6, 1997. Please send your comments or suggestions to
swimming pool swimming pool Back to the IMPC'97

Last updated on May 6, 19friday.html000644 077432 000146 00000011023 06345775423 013013 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 tyden

Friday, June 20th, 1997

7:30 - 8:15 Breakfast
8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
Walter Hoffman
8:30 - 9:15
Julio Diaz: The Incomplete Domain Decomposition LU Factorizations
9:15 - 10:00 Howard Elman: Efficient Iterative Solution of the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
Miroslav Fiedler
10:30 - 11:00 Jiri Rohn: Computing ||A||_{\infnty,1} is NP-Hard: The Result and Its Consequences
11:00 - 11:30 Michal Eiermann: Algebraic Multigrid Convergence for a Nonsymmetric Model Problem
11:30 - 12:00 Achiya Dax: Dual Iterative Methods - a Review
12:13 - 13:13 Lottery/Lunch
13:13 - 16:30 Afternoon Break
16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 1
Michal Krizek
16:00 - 16:30 Manfred Dobrowolski: Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Systems with Constraints
16:30 - 17:00 Pasi Tarvainen: Iterative Methods Based on Characteristic Domain Decomposition for Unilateral Variational Inequalities
17:00 - 17:30 Jiri Hrebicek: Numerical Simulation of the Turbine Missile Impact
17:30 - 18:00 Jari Toivanen: Parallel Fictitious Domain Method for Full Potential Flows
18:00 - 18:30 Martyn Field: Parallel Finite Element Analysis: Element Versus Node Partitioning
16:00 - 18:00 Parallel Session No. 2
Michele Benzi
16:00 - 16:30 Galina Muratova: Multigrid Method for Solving Strongly Non-Selfadjoint Problems
16:30 - 17:00 Heinrich Voss: Non-Nodal Masters in Parallel Condensation Methods for Eigenvalue Problems
17:00 - 17:30 Alison Ramage: Towards Parameter-Free Streamline Upwinding for Advection-Diffusion Problems
17:30 - 18:00 Zdenek Strakos: Is Forward Error Analysis of the GMRES Possible?
19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
on Problems 17:30 - 18:00 Zdenek Strakos: Is Forward Error Analysis of the GMRES Possible? 19:00 - 20:00 Dinner hostel.html000644 077432 000146 00000004370 06340263765 013036 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 tyden

Information on the Charles University hostel
Kolej 17. listopadu (Campus Troja).

Reservation of the hostel is not necessary to be confirmed It is enough on the arrival to the hostel just to contact the reception refering to the reservation by name. In the case of some troubles the contact person at the hostel is Mrs. Zivnustkova on the telephone number 00420-2-688 5551 (reservation office during working days) or 00420-2-688 43 93 (reception) or
855 61 52.

The exact address of the hostel is:

Kolej 17. listopadu
Patkova 3
182 07 Prague 8 - Liben
Czech Republic
Tel: 420-2-688 5551, 688 4393, 855 6152

How to get to the Charles University hostel (Kolej 17. listopadu):

From the airport, you should take bus #119 to the subway station Dejvicka (green line, marked by "A"). You may also use bus #108 to the subway station Hradcanska (the same line). You should get off the train at the station Muzeum (5 or 4 stops, respectively) and change the line to the red one, marked by "C", then proceed to the last stop Holesovicke nadrazi. You should NOT use the exit to the railway station. The bus #112 will then take you to Pelc-Tyrolka (2 stops), which is a stop just next to the hostel. Another possibility is to take one of the buses to the get the stop Kuchynka either #102, 156, 175 (2nd stop) or #144 (1st stop). The total transportation time from the airport should be around 90 minutes.

From the main railway station just take the subway to Holesovicke nadrazi and then proceed as above. The total transportation time should be around 35 minutes.

The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then it is valid for 60 minutes during the working days and for 90 minutes during the weekends, independently of the number of changes.

  Back to IMPC'97 Program Schedule roceed as above. The total transportation time should be around 35 minutes.

The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then iimpc97.html000664 077432 000146 00000022104 06343535041 012635 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 IMPC'97 workshop


Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing,
June 16-21, 1997, Milovy , Czech Republic

Original postcript file (5 pages).

A Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing will be held from June 16 to June 21, 1997 at the Devet Skal Hotel (literally "Nine Rocks") in Milovy . Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A bus from Prague to Milovy will be arranged on June 15, at 4 p.m. and from Milovy on June 21, arrival to Prague at 12 a.m.

Scientific Programme:

The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. The emphasis of the meeting will be on a ``workshop'', i.e., on work among the participants, with periods of free time for unstructured discussions. The preliminary program of the workshop is available.

Organizing Committee:

  • Ivo Marek (Charles University, Prague) (chairman)
  • Radim Blaheta (Academy of Sciences, Ostrava)
  • Jiri Holenda (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)
  • Michal Krizek (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Karel Segeth (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Zdenek Strakos (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Miroslav Tuma (Academy of Sciences, Prague)

  • Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park, MD)
  • Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ)
  • Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University, NY)
  • Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
  • Call for Papers

    Please, indicate your intention to give a communication on the enclosed registration form and send an abstract of maximum 15 lines. A special issue of the journal Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications will be devoted to papers presented at the workshop. The issue will contain only those papers that meet the publication standards of the journal and that are approved by standard refereeing procedures. The submission deadline is November 30, 1997.

    Social Program

    The recreation facilities offer a swimming pool, sauna, fitness center, tennis courts, day-club, coffee-rooms, and other services. We plan to organize a trip to visit local places of cultural interest.

    Workshop Fees

    The reduced fee is US $300, which covers the conference fee, accommodation in double rooms (6 nights), meals and refreshments during the conference including the price of chartered buses to take the participants from Prague to Milovy and back.

    The basic fee for an accompanying person is US $200. The supplement for a single room is US $80 (6 nights). The reduced fees of US $300 (for participants) and US $200 (for accompanying persons) should be paid by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (before April 15, 1997)

    38330-021/0100 (MFF UK Praha)
    variable symbol 415 (IMPC)
    Komercni banka Praha 1
    Vaclavske namesti 42
    Praha 1, Czech Republic

    The Workshop fee can also be paid by the following credit cards: VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and American Express. Send the coupon below by mail to the contact address of the workshop.
    After April 15 the fees are USD $360 for participants and USD $240 for accompanying persons.


    Please, fill in your Registration Form and send it (together with an abstract of your communication) to the following contact address by February 28, 1997. Electronic submissions are preferred. All participants will be notified about the acceptance of their contributions by March 30, 1997.


    Before and after the conference the participants will have the opportunity, on an individual basis, to visit historical parts of Prague , one of the oldest and most beautiful European towns, full of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque churches, palaces and monuments. The accommodation in Prague will be preliminary booked on request (see the enclosed registration form). There are two hotels with the group rate available in Prague: Hotel ARISTON Praha and Hotel BELVEDERE Praha . You must make your reservation directly with the hotel.

    The dormitory accommodation is also available in the hostel Kolej 17. listopadu at the rate 275 CZK=10 USD for one bed (in double room). Once you have sent your registation form and announced your intention to stay in the hostel Kolej 17. listopadu you do not need to confirm your reservation directly.

    Contact Address:

    Institute of Computer Science
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    CZ-182 07 Prague 8
    Czech Republic
    Phone: (+420 2) 6605 3140
    Fax: (+420 2) 8585 789
    attn. M.Rozloznik

    Original postcript file (5 pages).

    Student and Recent Ph.D. Paper Competition for the
    U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing
    June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic

    Funds are available from NSF (U.S.) and the Czech Academy of Sciences to cover the expenses of a few graduate students or recent Ph.D. recipients from U.S. institutions to attend and present a paper at the U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing, to be held on June 16-21, 1997, in Milovy, Czech Republic.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A full announcement can be found in the URL:

    To participate in the competition, please send an extended abstract (or a full paper if available) of a proposed talk, a vita indicating date of (obtained or expected) degree, and two letters of reccomendations to Daniel B. Szyld, Department of Mathematics, 1805 N Broad Street, Temple University (038-16), Philadelphia PA 19122-6094, or electronically to, to be received by February 22, 1997. Please indicate if your institution can contribute a portion of your expenses and the amount. The selection will be made by the U.S. members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia).

    Back to the ICS AS CR page.
    ection will be made by the U.S. members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia).

    Back to the

    IMPC'97 ........=........ SANM '97

    Vazene a mile kolegyne, vazeni a mili kolegove,

    obracim se na vas ve funkci poradatele pravidelnych setkani SANM. Rok 1997 je lichy a to znamena, ze je to rok konani dalsiho naseho setkani. Na rok 1997 jsme pro Vas, verne ucastniky setkani SANM, prichystali darek. Jsem presvedcen, ze se Vam bude libit. Timto darkem je neobvykle zpestreni setkani. Nase setkani bude usporadano jako Cesko-americka pracovni porada (workshop) na tama "Iteracni metody a paralelni vypocty". Bude to znamenat pomerne pocetnou ucast ze zahranici a to jak tradicnich hosti SANM tak tentokrate jeste mnoha tech nejprednejsich odborniku v numericke matematice (O. Axelsson, R. Freund, G. Golub, A. Greenbaum, C. Paige, B. Parlett, O. Widlund a dalsi). Lze to povazovat za uznani vkladu naseho ceskeho tedy vlastne tez Vaseho osobniho vedeckeho potencialu v celosvetovem ramci.

    Rad bych, abyste se akce zucastnili a eventualne ji propagovali mezi svymi prateli a znamymi. S ohledem zejmena na ucastniky z USA presouvame termin konani workshopu ze zari 1997 na dobu
    od 16. cervna do 21. cervna 1997.

    Setkani se bude konat v hotelu Devet skal v Milovech na Ceskomoravske vysocine, v dustojnem prostredi a v prekrasne prirodni scenerii.

    Vazeni pratele, nevahejte a prihlaste s k ucasti na uvedeny workshop.
    Tesiim se Na shledanou s Vami u prilezitosti IMPC'97 v Milovech.

    V Praze dne 5.1.1997.
    Ivo Marek

    P.S: K tomuto dopisu prikladame texovsky soubor s prvnim oznamenim, tak jak bylo distribuovano v mezinarodnich kruzich. Cena pro ceske a slovenske ucastniky je odlisna a cini 3500 Kc. Tato castka zahrnuje ubytovani ve dvouluzkovem pokoji na 6 noci, plnou penzi a registracni poplatek.

    Jiz zminene oznameni (5 stran). je zde dostupne jako tiskovy soubor.

    Vazena kolegyne, vazeny kolego,

    s podporou cesko-americkeho grantu se ve dnech 16. az 21. cervna 1997 uskutecni v Milovech na Ceskomoravske vysocine Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing. Seminare se zucastni rada prednich odborniku z teto oblasti z USA, tuzemska i dalsich zemi.
    Organizacni vybor chce usnadnit ceskym studentum a mladym vedeckym pracovnikum ucast na tomto seminari a vypisuje proto soutez na vyber 3 ucastniku, jimz promine vlozne a uhradi ubytovani a stravovani v Milovech.

    Ucastnikem souteze se muze stat student (pred ukoncenim postgradualniho studia ci aspirantury) nebo cerstvy absolvent postgradualniho studia ci aspirantury (nejvyse 3 roky po ukonceni), ktery predlozi svuj odborny zivotopis, seznam publikaci a abstrakt sdeleni, ktere bude na seminari predneseno (maximalne pul strany textu).

    Prihlasky do souteze laskave zaslete do 28.2.1997 na adresu organizacniho vyboru konference nebo elektronicky na adresu Uplny text prvniho oznameni a dalsi informace ohledne konference muzete take nalezt na URL:

    Organizacni vybor konference IMPC'97
    Ustav informatiky a vypocetni techniky AV CR
    kontaktni osoba: M.Rozloznik
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    182 07 Praha 8
    Tel: (02) 6605 3140
    Fax: (02) 8585789

    Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing,
    June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic

    A Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing will be held from June 16 to June 21, 1997 at the Devet Skal Hotel (literally "Nine Rocks") in Milovy. Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A bus from Prague to Milovy will be arranged on June 15, at 4 p.m. and from Milovy on June 21, arrival to Prague at 4 p.m.

    Scientific Programme:

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. The emphasis of the meeting will be on a ``workshop'', i.e., on work among the participants, with periods of free time for unstructured discussions.

    Organizing Committee:

  • Ivo Marek (Charles University, Prague) (chairman)
  • Radim Blaheta (Academy of Sciences, Ostrava)
  • Jiri Holenda (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen)
  • Michal Krizek (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Karel Segeth (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Zdenek Strakos (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
  • Miroslav Tuma (Academy of Sciences, Prague)

  • Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park, MD)
  • Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ)
  • Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University, NY)
  • Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA)
  • Preliminary List of Participants Includes:

  • L. Adams (University of Washington, Seattle)
  • M. Arioli (IAN CNR, Pavia, Italy)
  • O. Axelsson (University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  • Ch. Broyden (University of Bologna, Italy)
  • R. Byers (University of Kansas, KA)
  • D. Calvetti (Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ)
  • J.C. Diaz (University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK)
  • M. Eiermann (Freiberg University, Germany)
  • B. Fischer (University of Luebeck, Germany)
  • G. Golub (Stanford University, Stanford, CA)
  • C. Paige (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
  • B. Parlett (University of California, Berkeley)
  • L. Reichel (Kent State University, Kent, OH)
  • P. Saylor (University of Illinois, Urbana, IL)
  • O. Widlund (Courant Institue, NYU, NY)
  • Call for Papers

    Please, indicate your intention to give a communication on the enclosed registration form and send an abstract of maximum 15 lines. A special issue of the journal Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications will be devoted to papers presented at the workshop. The issue will contain only those papers that meet the publication standards of the journal and that are approved by standard refereeing procedures. The submission deadline is November 30, 1997.

    Social Program

    The recreation facilities offer a swimming pool, sauna, fitness center, tennis courts, day-club, coffee-rooms, and other services. We plan to organize a trip to visit local places of cultural interest.

    Workshop Fees

    The reduced fee is US $300, which covers the conference fee, accommodation in double rooms (6 nights), meals and refreshments during the conference including the price of chartered buses to take the participants from Prague to Milovy and back.

    The basic fee for an accompanying person is US $200. The supplement for a single room is US $80 (6 nights). The reduced fees of US $300 (for participants) and US $200 (for accompanying persons) should be paid by bank transfer to the account of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University (before April 15, 1997)

    38330-021/0100 (MFF UK Praha)
    variable symbol 415 (IMPC)
    Komercni banka Praha 1
    Vaclavske namesti 42
    Praha 1, Czech Republic

    The Workshop fee can also be paid by the following credit cards: VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and American Express. Send the coupon below by mail to the contact address of the workshop.
    After April 15 the fees are USD $360 for participants and USD $240 for accompanying persons.


    Please, fill in your Registration Form and send it (together with an abstract of your communication) to the following contact address by February 28, 1997. Electronic submissions are preferred. All participants will be notified about the acceptance of their contributions by March 30, 1997.


    Before and after the conference the participants will have the opportunity, on an individual basis, to visit historical parts of Prague, one of the oldest and most beautiful European towns, full of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque churches, palaces and monuments. The accommodation in Prague will be preliminary booked on request (see the enclosed registration form). Depending on your interest there will be two or three hotels with the group rate available in Prague. The approximate prices for the Pyramida Hotel are 1900 CZK=75 USD (single room) and 2900 CZK=110 USD (double room) per night and 275 CZK=10 USD for one bed (double room) in the student dormitory (Kolej 17. listopadu). Your group reservations will be forwarded directly to the hotel (dormitory). Reservations of the hotel must be individually confirmed to the hotel. Contact address with the accommodation details will be delivered after receiving the application form.

    Contact Address:

    Institute of Computer Science
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    CZ-182 07 Prague 8
    Czech Republic
    Phone: (+420 2) 6605 3140
    Fax: (+420 2) 8585 789
    attn. M.Rozloznik

    Student and Recent Ph.D. Paper Competition for the
    U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing
    June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic

    Funds are available from NSF (U.S.) and the Czech Academy of Sciences to cover the expenses of a few graduate students or recent Ph.D. recipients from U.S. institutions to attend and present a paper at the U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing, to be held on June 16-21, 1997, in Milovy, Czech Republic.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts, specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications in computational mathematics. Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Central part of the Czech Republic) at about 100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A full announcement can be found in the URL:

    To participate in the competition, please send an extended abstract (or a full paper if available) of a proposed talk, a vita indicating date of (obtained or expected) degree, and two letters of reccomendations to Daniel B. Szyld, Department of Mathematics, 1805 N Broad Street, Temple University (038-16), Philadelphia PA 19122-6094, or electronically to, to be received by February 22, 1997. Please indicate if your institution can contribute a portion of your expenses and the amount. The selection will be made by the U.S. members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld (Temple University, Philadelphia).

    Zpet na stranku UIVT AVCR.
    ction will be made by the U.S. members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland, College Park), Roland Freund (Bell iprog.html000644 077432 000146 00000006437 06346715170 012664 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 IMPC'97 program

    IMPC'97 - Program Schedule

    June, 16th
    June, 17th
    June, 18th
    June, 19th
    June, 20th
    Opening Talk
    12:13 - 13:13
    12:13 - 13:13
    12:13 - 13:13
    12:13 - 13:13
    12:13 - 13:13
    Poster Session
    Parallel Sessions
    Parallel Sessions
    Parallel Sessions
    Parallel Sessions
    Welcome Party
    >13:13--16:30 Parallel Sessions
    16:00--19:00 Parallel Sessions
    16:00--18:30 Parallel Sessions
    16:00--19:00 Parallel Sessions
    16:00--18:30 Marianske Lazne
    picture of Marianske Lazne

    Marianske Lazne (Marienbad)


    West part of the Czech Republic
    near the border with Germany

    Distances from:
    Prague: 160 km
    Frankfurt: 370 km
    Muenchen: 260 km
    Wien: 440 km
    Leipzig: 210 km

    ``There is no more beautiful spa in all the world,'' Thomas Alva Edison declared when he saw Marienbad a hundred years ago.

    Its uniqueness and fame have been influenced by many factors. Marienbad is a southern gate to the Slavkov Forest preserve the favorable geological conditions of which have given the rise to curative mineral waters. In the area of the town, which is not very large, about 40 mineral springs shoot forth; in the neighborhood there are over a hundred ... The springs have long been known=

    but it was only two hundred years ago that a Tepl=A0 native Dr.Nehr became concerned with their use. He found support from K.K.Reitenberger, abbot of the Tepl=A0 Premonstratesian monastery. The future spa area belonged under the administration of this monastery. Nehr's efforts brought success in 1818 when Marienbad was acknowledged as a public spa. Afterwards this a dynamic development began and the town was transformed, in a short time, from a moorland into one of the world's most beautiful and most visited spastown.

    Quick development brought tur-of-the-century Marienbad, to the attention of the whole world. The town became a place where prominent persons of politics, culture and commerce came for treatment, order to undergo a treatment, to spend holidays, or of simple prestige reasons. Although passing years have decreased the splendour of these nostalgic times something has been preserved. The most important things: the extraordinary richess of natural curative springs, a beautiful environment, pur, healthy air, charming architecture, and large areas of parks. Those wo are coming for the first time are captivated, others return every year.

    And so Mr. T.A. Edison's words remain as they were a hundred years ago.

    Back to the PASE'97
    Last updated on March 13, 1997. Please send your comments or suggestions to
    areas of parks. Those wo are coming for the first time are captivated, others return every year.

    And so Mr. T.A. Edison's words remain as they were a hundred years ago.

    Back to the PASE'97milovy.html000644 077432 000146 00000003430 06306317222 013041 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 Hotel in Milovy
    picture of Milovy

    Hotel *** DEVET SKAL

    Milovy, 592 03 Snezne na Morave
    Czech Republic
    Tel: (+420) 616 942 82
    Fax: (+420) 616 943 11

    "Devet Skal" is a name of a hotel located
    by a lake in Milovy. In addition to a stay in a comfort interior with a pool, sauna and fitness centre you have an option of going for walks, swimming, bicycle or ski renting, etc. There is also a skiing lift nearby. The beauty of the country inspired many well- known Czech painters.

    Hotel Devet skal ***, 593 m above sea level, 3 km from Snezne

    map of the region hotel hall restaurant
    hotel room swimming pool Back to the IMPC'97

    Last updated on January 13, 1997. Please send your comments or suggestions to
    ABLE> hotel room swimming pool tyden

    Monday, June 16th, 1997

    7:30 - 8:15 Breakfast
    8:30----9:45 OPENING and Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:00
    Olof Widlund
    9:00 - 9:45 Daniel Szyld: Parallel Asynchronous Weighted Additive Schwartz Methods
    9:45 - 10:15 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:15 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    Ake Bjorck
    10:15 - 11:00 Beresford Parlett: Variants on Two-Sided Lanczos
    11:00 - 11:30 Paul Saylor: Recent progress with the Chebyshev Iterative Method
    11:30 - 12:00 Martin Gutknecht: Look-Ahead Procedures for Lanczos-Type Product Methods
    12:13 - 13:13 Lottery/Lunch
    13:13 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 1
    Paul Saylor
    16:00 - 16:30 Heike Fassbender: Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Methods for Certain Structured Eigenvalue Problems
    16:30 - 17:00 Valeria Simoncini: Stagnation of Restarted GMRES and the Role of the Right-Hand Side
    17:00 - 17:30 Eric de Sturler: Truncated GMRES
    17:30 - 18:00 Zdenek Dostal: Iterative Solution of Systems with Several Right Hand Sides
    18:00 - 18:30 Pavel Burda: On an Aposteriori Error Estimate for the FEM Solution of the Stokes Flow in Axisymmetric Tubes
    18:30 - 19:00 Manish Malhotra: Solution of Shifted Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides by Block Quasi-Minimal Residual Iterations
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 2
    Michael Eiermann
    16:00 - 16:30 Rudiger Weiss: On Solvers for Non-Linear Large Systems
    16:30 - 17:00 Radim Blaheta: Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Systems Arising in Incremental Elasto-Plasticity
    17:00 - 17:30 Ivo Marek: The Art of Aggregation-Disaggregation
    17:30 - 18:00 Uwe Schrader: Convergence of Asynchronous Jacobi-Newton Iterations
    18:00 - 18:30 Martin Styblo: The Mathematical Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Contaminants Transport
    18:30 - 19:00 Jan Zitko: Restarted GMRES for Cyclically Reduced Non-Self-Adjoint Elliptic Problems
    20:00 - 23:00 Welcome Party
    roundwater Flow and Contaminants Transport 18:30 - 19:00 Janpase97.html000664 077432 000146 00000016114 06313531370 012637 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 International Worshop PASE'97

    6th International Workshop on Parallel Application in Statistics and Economics

    PASE'97 - Computers in Finance and Economics

    Marianske Lazne , Czech Republic, November 9-12, 1997

    List of Oral presentations:
  • Thomas Ankenbrand, Marco Tomassini: Agent Based Simulation of Financial Markets
  • Baestaens, W.M. Van den Bergh: Portfolio Approach to Default Risk
  • Enrico Capobianco: On the Multiresolution Analysis of FinancialVolatility Models
  • Thorsten Poddig: Modelling and Forecasting Integrated Financial Markets using Artificial Neural Networks
  • Folke A. Rauscher: Exchange Rate Forecasting: a Neural VEC Approach
  • Dieter Wenger, Andre R. Probst: A Multi-Agent nad Service-Based Architecture for an Electronic Virtual Financial Marketplace
  • Lisbeth la Cour: Regime Shift Models as an Alternative to the Use of a 'Business Time Scale' for High Frequency Exchange Rate Data
  • Shu-Heng Chen, Chia-Hsuan Yeh: Modelling Volatility with Genetic Programming
  • Christian A. Johnson: Design of a Vectorial Neural Network Model for Forecasting Time Series
  • Stahl: Backtesting Using a Generalization of the Traffic-Light-Approach
  • Giovanni Barone Adesi: Portfolio Correlation Risk
  • Adrian Trapletti: Bayesian Modelling of High Frequency Data in Finance
  • Georges A. Darbellay, Marek Slama: How nonlinear is your time series? - A new method and a case study
  • Jan Rauch, Petr Berka: Knowledge Discovery in Financial Data - a Case Study
  • Emil Pelikan, Petr Berka: Data Mining Methods in Prediction
  • Gilles O. Zumbach, Michel M. Dacorogna, Ulrich A. Muller, Richard B. Olsen: Considering Time Intervals as the Random Variable: a New Point of View for studying Financial Time Series
  • Remo Schnidrig, Diethelm Wurtz, Martin Hanf: ART - Advanced Realtime Trading : A Realtime Simluation of a Foreign Exchange Trading Room
  • Ladislav Pecen, Krystof Eben: Early Detection of Change Point in Multidimensional Time Series
  • Kerckhoffs, H. Koppelaar: GMDH-based Stock Prediction
  • Rakhal D. Dave, Gerhard Stahl, Giuseppe Ballochi, Mark C. Lundin, Richard B. Olsen: Volatility Conditional Correlations between Financial Markets: an empirical study with impact on Risk Management Strategies
  • Ben Seifert: The ``Divide-and-Rule'' Algorithm for Optimizing Functions of Many Variables
  • Markus Miksa: SONNET Sal. Oppenheim Neural Net Trader

  • List of Poster presentations:
  • Nihat Badem: Autocorrelation Problem in the Linear Regression Models with Indicator Variables
  • Petr Berka: Continuous Classes in Rule Induction: The Knowledge Explorer Approach
  • Tasos Falas: The Choice of the Cost Function in Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network
  • Ghaziri, P. Abou-Ezze: Predicting Debt Rescheduling of Less Developed Countries Using Neural Networks
  • Dusan Marcek: Stock Price Prediction Based on Efficient Market Theory - Models, Empirical Assessment and Computer Processing
  • Stanislawa Ostasiewicz, Walenty Ostasiewicz: Adaptive Forecasting Methods
  • Th. D. Popescu: Detection of Abrupt Changes in Time Series
  • Adrian Stanculescu: An Optimizing Procedure for Recurrent Neural Networks Used for Forecasting
  • Jan Smid, Petr Volf: On Logistic Functional Models for Classification
  • Richard Vahrenkamp: Payment Systems and Retailbanking in the Internet
  • Algis Garliauskas: Neural Network Chaos Theory and Applications in Finance
  • Preecha Vichitthamaros: Classification of Thai Life Insurance Companies Based on Some Financial Measures: An Empirical Study
  • Paola Cianchi, Gianfranco Congiu, Giovanni Della Lunga, Leonardo Landi, Alessandro Piattoli: Financial Model Definition and Execution in a Real Time System Fully Integrated with the Market
  • Vladimir Sys, Ales Prochazka: From Genetic Algorithms towards a Robust Initialization Method for Wavelet Networks: Application to Time Series Forecasting
  • Bojana Lunar Pecek, Igor Grabec: Day Type Identification and 24-Hour Forecasting of Slovenian Electric Power Consumption (EPC)
  • Labermeier, D. Wurtz, P. Biberstein, A. Leuthold: Probabilistic Vehicle Routing Optimization
  • Alvarez, J-M. Auger, A. Varfis: Multilayer Perceptron Models Can Forecast Short Economic Time-Series
  • Laszlo Monostori, Jozsef Hornyak, Csaba Egresits: ANN and Hybrid AI Approaches to Financial and Business Problems
  • Jozsef Hornyak, Laszlo Monostori: Feature Extraction Techniques for ANN-Based Financial Forecasting
  • Fabian: Minimum Fisher Information Principle
  • Martin Dudziak, Gregory White: Holographic Encoding and Associative Learning Models for Time Series Forecasting
  • Martin Dudziak: Onset of Cycles and Dissipation: A Network Thermodynamic View of Self-Organization and the Edge of Chaos Applied to Large-Population Datasets
  • Martin Dudziak: From Animats to Habitats to Global Marketplaces: Intelligent 3D Intranet Environments for the Trading and Securities Industry
  • Milan Palus: From Nonlinearity to Predictability

  • contact addresses:
    Martin Hanf, IPS CLU B1, ETH Zentrum CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland, email:
    Emil Pelikan, ISC AS CR, Pod vodarenskou vezi 2, 182 07 Prague, Czech Republic, email:

    For further information please contact :

    The workshop is organized by

    Swiss Center for Scientific Computing, ETH, Zuerich
    Olsen&Associates, Research Institute for Applied Economics, Zuerich
    Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
    Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague

    Back to the ICS AS CR page.
    Swiss Center for Scientific Computing, ETH, Zuerich
    Olsen&Associates, Research Institute for Applied Economics, Zuerich
    Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
    Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague

    Back to the tyden   Back to IMPC'97 Program Schedule

    Preliminary Program for Monday,
    June 16th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Monday, June 16th, 1997

    8:30----10:00 OPENING and Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:15
    9:15 - 10:00 Daniel Szyld: Parallel Asynchronous Methods for Linear Systems
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    10:30 - 11:00 Beresford Parlett: Non-Symmetric Lanczos Method
    11:00 - 11:30 Paul Saylor: --
    11:30 - 12:00 M.H. Gutknecht: Look-ahead Procedures for Lanczos-Type Product Methods
    12:13 - 13:00 Lottery/Lunch
    13:00 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 1
    16:00 - 16:30 D.R. Kincaid: Modified and Generalized GMRES Iterative Algorithms of Lanczos-Type
    16:30 - 17:00 Valeria Simoncini: Stagnation of Restarted GMRES and the Role of the Right-Hand Side
    17:00 - 17:30 Eric de Sturler: Truncated GMRES
    17:30 - 18:00 Zdenek Dostal: Iterative Solution of Systems with Several Right Hand Sides
    18:00 - 18:30 Khalide Jbilou: Global Lanczos-Type Methods for Linear Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides
    18:30 - 19:00 Leonid Knizherman: On Adaptation of the Lanczos and Arnoldi Methods to the Spectrum
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 2
    16:00 - 16:30 Rudiger Weiss: On Solvers for Non-Linear Large Systems
    16:30 - 17:00 Igor Shimansky: Iterations for Nonlinear Problems: The Kavcanov Method P
    17:00 - 17:30 M. Malhotra: --
    17:30 - 18:00 Uwe Schrader: Convergence of Asynchronous Jacobi-Newton Iterations
    18:00 - 18:30 Martin Styblo: --
    18:30 - 19:00 Jan Cihlar: Numerical Solution of Discrete Navier-Stokes Systems
    20:30 - 23:00 Welcome Party

    Preliminary Program for Tuesday,
    June 17th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Tuesday, June 17th, 1997

    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:15
    Jose Diaz: The Incomplete Domain Decomposition LU Factorizations
    9:15 - 10:00 Anne Greenbaum: On the Role of the Left Starting Vector in the Two-Sided Lanczos Algorithm
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    10:30 - 11:00 Ake Bjorck: Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Total Least Squares Problems
    11:00 - 11:30 M. Eiermann: --
    11:30 - 12:00 Michele Benzi: Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners: A Comparative Study
    12:13 - 13:00 Lottery/Lunch
    13:00 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 1
    16:00 - 16:30 Oliver Ernst: Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods for Discrete Maxwell Equations
    16:30 - 17:00 Petra Schufer: Preconditioning in Electronic Circuit Simulation
    17:00 - 17:30 K. Gustafson: Operator Trigonometry of Domain Decomposition
    17:30 - 18:00 Jan Vlcek: An Indefinite Preconditioner for Saddle Point System
    18:00 - 18:30 M.E. Kilmer: Cauchy-like Block Diagonal Preconditioners for the Regularization of 2-D Ill-Posed Problems
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 2
    16:00 - 16:30 Thilo Penzl: Iterative Solution of Large Lyapunov Equations
    16:30 - 17:00 M.R. Larin: Algebraic Multilevel Incomplete Factorization Method for Stieltjes Matrices
    17:00 - 17:30 L.A. Krukier: Iterative Solution of Strongly Nonsymmetric Linear Systems Using Skew-symmetric Part of the Initial Matrix as Preconditioners
    17:30 - 18:00 L.G. Chikina: Solution of Strongly Nonsymmetric Linear Equation Systems Using the Bicircular Triangular Method
    18:00 - 18:30 A.L. Chikin: Product Triangular Methods for the Iterative Solution of the Steady Convection/Diffusion Equation P
    19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
    20:00 - 21:30 Panel Discussion: Directly or Iteratively?

    Preliminary Program for Wednesday,
    June 18th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Wednesday, June 18th, 1997

    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:15
    D. Calvetti: --
    9:15 - 10:00 Lothar Reichel: --
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    10:30 - 11:00 Mario Arioli: --
    11:00 - 11:30 Miroslav Fiedler: --
    11:30 - 12:00 Vlastimil Ptak: Measuring Convergence
    12:13 - 13:00 Lottery/Lunch
    13:00 - 18:30 Trip
    19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
    20:30 - 21:00 Demonstrating Session: Parallel Matlab
    20:30 - 21:00 Demonstrating Session: Turbines

    Preliminary Program for Thursday,
    June 19th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Thursday, June 19th, 1997

    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:15
    R.W. Freund: A Symmetric Lanczos-Type Algorithm for Multiple Starting Vectors and Its Applications
    9:15 - 10:00 Ralph Byers: Spectral Projection Methods for Large Scale Eigenvalue and Invariant Subspace Problems
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    10:30 - 11:00 Nancy Nichols:--
    11:00 - 11:30 Charles Broyden: The Gram-Schmidt Method - A Hierarchy of Algorithms
    11:30 - 12:00 Peter Arbenz: Eigenvalue Solvers for Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities
    12:13 - 13:00 Lottery/Lunch
    13:00 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 1
    16:00 - 16:30 Vladimir Druskin: Krylov Subspace Methods to Compute Functions of Large Matrices: Analysis and Applications
    16:30 - 17:00 Jiri Kadlec: Numerical Analysis of QR, QRD and Normalized QR RLS Filters Using the Probability Description of Propagated Data
    17:00 - 17:30 C.J. Hegedus: Error Monitoring in CG and CR Methods.
    17:30 - 18:00 H. Sadok: A new Interpretation of Craig's and LSQR Methods.
    18:00 - 18:30 Xiao-Chuan Cai: Domain Decomposition Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Unsteady Flow Problems
    18:30 - 19:00 Vladimir Vasilenko: Domain Decomposition Schemes and Preconditioning for Extra-MD-Splines
    19:00 - 19:30 E. Heikkola: Domain Decomposition Method with Nonmatching Meshes for 3D Acoustic Scattering Problem
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 2
    16:00 - 16:30 Matthias Bollhofer: Modified Block Diagonal Splittings and Their Degree of Optimality
    16:30-17:00 Tugrul Dayar: Experiments with Two-Stage and Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods on Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains
    17:00 - 17:30 Martin J. Gander: Space-Time Continuous Waveform Relaxation for Reaction Diffusion Equations
    17:30 - 18:00 Zbigniew I. Woznicki: Conditions for Convergence and Comparison
    18:00 - 18:30 Carmen Perea: Some Convergent and Comparison Theorems for Multisplittings of Nonsingular Matrices
    18:30 - 19:00 Josep Arnal: Non-stationary Parallel Multisplitting Methods for Solving Almost Linear Systems
    19:00 - 19:30 Ljiljana Cvetkovic: Convergence Area for Relaxation Parameters in Two-Sweep Methods for SDD and H-Matrices
    20:30 - 24:00 Gala Dinner

    Preliminary Program for Friday,
    June 20th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Friday, June 20th, 1997

    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    8:30 - 9:15
    Loyce Adams: --
    9:15 - 10:00 Howard Elman: Efficient Iterative Solution of the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    10:30 - 11:00 Jiri Rohn: Computing ||A||_{\infnty,1} is NP-Hard
    11:00 - 11:30 R.B. Lehoucq: The Stability of the QR Algorithm and its Applications
    11:30 - 12:00 Achiya Dax: Dual Iterative Methods - a Review
    12:13 - 13:00 Lottery/Lunch
    13:00 - 16:30 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 1
    16:00 - 16:30 Pavel Burda: On an Aposteriori Error Estimate for the FEM Solution of the Stokes Flow in Axisymmetric Tubes P
    16:30 - 17:00 Pasi Tarvainen: Iterative Methods Based on Characteristic Domain Decomposition for Unilateral Variational Inequalities
    17:00 - 17:30 Jiri Hrebicek: Numerical Simulation of the Turbine Missile Impact
    17:30 - 18:00 Jari Toivanen: Parallel Fictitious Domain Method for Full Potential Flows
    18:00 - 18:30 Martyn R. Field: Parallel Finite Element Analysis: Element Versus Node Partitioning
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 2
    16:00 - 16:30 Heike Fassbender: Implicitly Restarted Lanczos Methods for Certain Structured Eigenvalue Problems
    16:30 - 17:00 Heinrich Voss: Non-nodal Masters in Parallel Condensation Methods for Eigenvalue Problems
    17:00 - 17:30 Michal Kocvara: On Interior Point Methods for Some Structural Optimization Problems
    17:30 - 18:00 Ondrej Jakl: Parallel Implementation of the Displacement Decomposition Technique in Elasticity P
    18:00 - 18:30 G.V. Muratova: Multigrid Method for Solving Strongly Non-Selfadjoint Problems
    19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
    20:00 - 21:30 Panel Discussion: Fortran 2005 or C++++ in Scientific Computing?

    Nepouzite osoby neserazene,
    June 20th, 1997,
    IMPC'97 Milovy , Czech Republic

    Original postcript file (1 page).

    Nepouzite osoby

    stack Pavel Solin: Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Methods for Inviscid Compressible Flows
    stack Petr Tichy: Untraditional Derivation of BCG Algorithm
    stack Michal Krizek: Post-processing of Gauss-Seidel Iterations
    stack Jan Zitko: Restarted GMRES for Cyclically Reduced Non-Self-Adjoint Elliptic Problems
    stack Sofia Davydycheva: Application of the Spectral Lanczos Decomposition Method to Computing the Electromagnetic Field in 3-D Inhomogenous Anisotropic Media
    stack Miroslav Znojil: A Perturbative Version of the Lanczos Method
    stack Richard Varga: --
    stack Radim Blaheta: Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Systems Arising in Incremental Elasto-Plasticity
    stack J. Maryska, M. Rozloznik, M. Tuma: Solving Linear Systems in the Potential Fluid Flow Problem
    stack J. Drkosova, M. Rozloznik, Z. Strakos: Projection Property and the Equivalence of Krylov Subspaces
    Radim Blaheta:
    Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Systems Arising in Incremental Elasto-Plasticity stack J. Maryska, M. Rozloznik, M. Tuma: Solving Linear Systems in the Potential Fluid Flow Problem stack J. Drkosova, M. Rozloznik, Z. Strakos: Projection Property and the Equivalence of Krylov Subspaces thursday.html000644 077432 000146 00000012027 06346715141 013375 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 tyden

    Thursday, June 19th, 1997

    7:30 - 8:15 Breakfast
    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    Karel Segeth
    8:30 - 9:15
    Roland Freund: A Symmetric Lanczos-Type Algorithm for Multiple Starting Vectors and Its Applications
    9:15 - 10:00 Ralph Byers: Spectral Projection Methods for Large Scale Eigenvalue and Invariant Subspace Problems
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    Vlastimil Ptak
    10:30 - 11:00 Nancy Nichols: The Solution of Uncertain Matrix Equations by Iteration
    11:00 - 11:30 Charles Broyden: The Gram-Schmidt Method - A Hierarchy of Algorithms
    11:30 - 12:00 Peter Arbenz: Eigenvalue Solvers for Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities
    12:13 - 13:13 Lottery/Lunch
    13:13 - 16:00 Afternoon Break
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 1
    Charles Broyden
    16:00 - 16:30 Vladimir Druskin: Krylov Subspace Methods to Compute Functions of Large Matrices: Analysis and Applications
    16:30 - 17:00 Jiri Kadlec: Numerical Analysis of QR, QRD and Normalized QR RLS Filters Using the Probability Description of Propagated Data
    17:00 - 17:30 Csaba Hegedus: Error Monitoring in CG and CR Methods
    17:30 - 18:00 Hasan Sadok: A New Interpretation of Craig's and LSQR Methods
    18:00 - 18:30 Erkki Heikkola: Domain Decomposition Method with Nonmatching Meshes for 3D Acoustic Scattering Problem
    18:30 - 19:00 Vladimir Vasilenko: Domain Decomposition Schemes and Preconditioning for Extra-MD-Splines
    16:00 - 19:00 Parallel Session No. 2
    Achiya Dax
    16:00 - 16:30 Matthias Bollhofer: Modified Block Diagonal Splittings and Their Degree of Optimality
    16:30-17:00 Tugrul Dayar: Experiments with Two-Stage and Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods on Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chains
    17:00 - 17:30 Martin Gander: Space-Time Continuous Waveform Relaxation for Reaction Diffusion Equations
    17:30 - 18:00 Zbigniew Woznicki: Conditions for Convergence and Comparison
    18:00 - 18:30 Carmen Perea: Some Convergent and Comparison Theorems for Multisplittings of Nonsingular Matrices
    18:30 - 19:00 Josep Arnal: Non-Stationary Parallel Multisplitting Methods for Solving Almost Linear Systems
    20:00 - 23:00 Banquet
    font color="green"> Carmen Perea:
    Some Convergent and Comparison Theorems for Multisplittings of Nonsingular Matrices 18:30 - 19:00 Josep Arnal: Non-Stationary Parallel Multisplitting Methods for Solving Almost Linear Systems 20:00 - 23:00 Banquet Travel Information for Participants


    IMPC '97
    Institute of Computer Science
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    CZ-182 07 Prague 8
    Czech Republic

    Phone: (+420 2) 6605 3140
    Fax: (+420 2) 8585 789

    Attention! The timetable of the train connections is valid only from June 1, 1997 to May 23, 1998!

    IMPC'97 -- Travel Instructions for Participants

    IMPC'97 -- U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing -- will be held in Milovy, Czech Republic, from June 16 to June 21, 1997. Milovy is a small village in the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands (the central part of the Czech Republic) by the town Zdar nad Sazavou, not too far from higway D-1 connecting Prague and Brno, two biggest cities of the country. Using the highway D-1 from Prague to Brno (or from Brno to Prague), you must leave by Exit 119 (Velky Beranov, Zdar nad Sazavou) and turn to the public road No. 353 to Zdar nad Sazavou (26 km). In Zdar nad Sazavou change to the public road No. 18 to the direction Nove Mesto na Morave (another 10 km). Finally in Nove Mesto na Morave turn to the left to the public road No. 354 (direction Svratka, Snezne). The hotel Devet skal in Milovy is about 9 km from Nove Mesto between Snezne and Svratka nearby the lake on the left hand side (going from Snezne to Svratka).

    The nearest international airports are Prague (recommended because of the special IMPC'97 bus and the better public transport connections to Milovy) and Vienna.

    To reach MILOVY from PRAGUE:

    Special IMPC'97 bus(es) will be organized for participants travelling from Prague on SUNDAY afternoon (JUNE 15). Two special IMPC'97 busses will wait for you in Prague on Sunday, June 15, at the bus parking lot next to the new campus of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University (Campus Troja, V Holesovickach 2, Praha 8). THE DEPARTURE TIME IS IS 16:00 (4 P.M.). You can meet the organizers at the main entrance hall of the campus complex, beginning from 9:00 in the morning, and you may leave your luggage with them in the case of early arrival. The participants staying in the dormitory of the Charles University can easily reach the parking lot by walk (2-3 minutes). One of the busses will stop near the Hotel BELVEDERE Praha (16:15) and then near the Hotel ARISTON Praha, (16:30) so that the participants staying there before the meeting could conveniently enter the bus.

    How to get to the Campus Troja:

    From the airport, you should take bus #119 to the subway station Dejvicka (green line, marked by "A"). You may also use bus #108 to the subway station Hradcanska (the same line). You should get off the train at the station Muzeum (5 or 4 stops, respectively) and change the line to the red one, marked by "C", then proceed to the last stop Holesovicke nadrazi. You should NOT use the exit to the railway station. The bus #112 will then take you to Pelc-Tyrolka (2 stops), which is a stop just next to the campus. The total transportation time from the airport should be around 90 minutes. From the main railway station just take the subway to Holesovicke nadrazi and then proceed as above. The total transportation time should be around 35 minutes. The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then it is valid for 60 minutes during the working days and for 90 minutes during the weekends, independently of the number of changes.

    There are several daily train connections from Prague to Zdar nad Sazavou (to be pronounced as 'Zhdyaar nad Saazavou'). The transport by IMPC'97 car from Zdar nad Sazavou could be arranged upon request, or the taxi should be used.

        Departure station     Prague  Zdar n/S.  Destination  Operates
        Prague, Main Station    5:52    8:28   -->Bratislava   daily
        Prague, Main Station   11:52   14:21   -->Budapest     daily
        Prague, Main Station   14:22   17:01   -->Breclav      daily
        Prague, Main Station   16:37   18:54   -->Bratislava   daily
        Prague, HOLESOVICE !   18:12   20:38   -->Brno    not on Sa!
        Prague, Main Station   22:36    1:04   -->Bucharest    daily

    To reach MILOVY from VIENNA

    You can use InterCity or EuroCity trains Vienna-Prague to get to Havlickuv Brod; then the transport by car should be requested to take you from Havlickuv Brod -- railway station to Milovy, or the taxi should be used..

           Train   Vienna Sdb  Brno  Havlickuv_Brod  Destination  Operates
           EC 70    7:10 -  8:59 - 10:19          -->Prague     daily
           EC 172  11:10 - 12:59 - 14:19          -->Berlin     daily
           EC 72   15:25 - 17:15 - 18:33          -->Prague     daily

    Those participants, who will not use the arranged transportation to and from Milovy (late arrivals or early departures), must arrange it on the individual basis. However, we will be pleased for any information about your nonstandard arrival or departure and we will try to be as helpful as we can.

    Travelling from MILOVY to PRAGUE

    The detailed information will be announced during the meeting.

    Special IMPC'97 bus will be organized for participants travelling to Prague on SATURDAY morning (JUNE 21). The bus(es) will arrive around noon time. We plan to proceed with one bus directly to the airport (the expected arrival around 13:00 (1 P.M.), but this has not been confirmed yet.

    By Train: The IMPC'97 car should be requested to transport you from Milovy to Zdar n/S. -- railway station.

       Zdar n/S.  Prague  (station)       Days of operation
         4:10  -   6:42   Main Station    daily
         6:23  -   8:50    Holesovice     Mo-Sa
         7:27  -  10:01   Main Station    daily
         8:33  -  11:01   Main Station    daily
        14:58  -  17:32   Main Station    daily
        18:37  -  21:18   Main Station    daily
        20:22  -  22:45    Holesovice     daily


    The IMPC'97 car should be requested to transport you from Milovy to Havlickuv Brod -- railway station.

           Train    Havlickuv Brod  Brno  Vienna   Days of operation
           IC 73           11:17 - 12:36 - 14:33      daily
           EC 173          15:32 - 16:51 - 18:48      daily
           EC 71           19:32 - 20:51 - 22:48      daily

    We look forward to seeing you at IMPC'97 and wish you an enjoyable stay in the Czech Republic.

    Back to the IMPC'97
    Mon May 19 16:00:18 MET DST 1997
    -------------------- IC 73 11:17 - 12:36 - 14:33 daily EC 173 15:32 - 16:51 - 18:48 daily EC 71 19:32 - 20:51 - 22:48 daily

    We look forward to seeing you at IMPC'97 and wish you an enjoyable stay in the Czech Republic.

    travelling.html000644 077432 000146 00000020223 06340060013 013657 0ustar00miroala000000 000000 Travel Information for Participants


    IMPC '97
    Institute of Computer Science
    Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
    Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
    CZ-182 07 Prague 8
    Czech Republic

    Phone: (+420 2) 6605 3140
    Fax: (+420 2) 8585 789

    Attention! The timetable of the train connections is valid only from June 1, 1997 to May 23, 1998!

    IMPC'97 -- Travel Instructions for Participants

    IMPC'97 -- U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing -- will be held in Milovy, Czech Republic, from June 16 to June 21, 1997. Milovy is a small village in the Bohemian-Moravian Uplands (the central part of the Czech Republic) by the town Zdar nad Sazavou, not too far from higway D-1 connecting Prague and Brno, two biggest cities of the country.

    The nearest international airports are Prague (recommended because of the special IMPC'97 bus and the better public transport connections to Milovy) and Vienna.

    To reach MILOVY from PRAGUE:

    Special IMPC'97 bus(es) will be organized for participants travelling from Prague on SUNDAY afternoon (JUNE 15). Two special IMPC'97 busses will wait for you in Prague on Sunday, June 15, at the bus parking lot next to the new campus of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University (Campus Troja, V Holesovickach 2, Praha 8). THE DEPARTURE TIME IS IS 16:00 (4 P.M.). You can meet the organizers at the main entrance hall of the campus complex, beginning from 9:00 in the morning, and you may leave your luggage with them in the case of early arrival. The participants staying in the dormitory of the Charles University can easily reach the parking lot by walk (2-3 minutes). One of the busses will stop near the Hotel BELVEDERE Praha (16:15) and then near the Hotel ARISTON Praha, (16:30) so that the participants staying there before the meeting could conveniently enter the bus.

    How to get to the Campus Troja:

    From the airport, you should take bus #119 to the subway station Dejvicka (green line, marked by "A"). You may also use bus #108 to the subway station Hradcanska (the same line). You should get off the train at the station Muzeum (5 or 4 stops, respectively) and change the line to the red one, marked by "C", then proceed to the last stop Holesovicke nadrazi. You should NOT use the exit to the railway station. The bus #112 will then take you to Pelc-Tyrolka (2 stops), which is a stop just next to the campus. The total transportation time from the airport should be around 90 minutes. From the main railway station just take the subway to Holesovicke nadrazi and then proceed as above. The total transportation time should be around 35 minutes. The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then it is valid for 60 minutes during the working days and for 90 minutes during the weekends, independently of the number of changes.

    There are several daily train connections from Prague to Zdar nad Sazavou (to be pronounced as 'Zhdyaar nad Saazavou'). The transport by IMPC'97 car from Zdar nad Sazavou could be arranged upon request, or the taxi should be used.

        Departure station     Prague  Zdar n/S.  Destination  Operates
        Prague, Main Station    5:52    8:28   -->Bratislava   daily
        Prague, Main Station   11:52   14:21   -->Budapest     daily
        Prague, Main Station   14:22   17:01   -->Breclav      daily
        Prague, Main Station   16:37   18:54   -->Bratislava   daily
        Prague, HOLESOVICE !   18:12   20:38   -->Brno    not on Sa!
        Prague, Main Station   22:36    1:04   -->Bucharest    daily

    To reach MILOVY from VIENNA

    You can use InterCity or EuroCity trains Vienna-Prague to get to Havlickuv Brod; then the transport by car should be requested to take you from Havlickuv Brod -- railway station to Milovy, or the taxi should be used..

           Train   Vienna Sdb  Brno  Havlickuv_Brod  Destination  Operates
           EC 70    7:10 -  8:59 - 10:19          -->Prague     daily
           EC 172  11:10 - 12:59 - 14:19          -->Berlin     daily
           EC 72   15:25 - 17:15 - 18:33          -->Prague     daily

    Those participants, who will not use the arranged transportation to and from Milovy (late arrivals or early departures), must arrange it on the individual basis. However, we will be pleased for any information about your nonstandard arrival or departure and we will try to be as helpful as we can.

    Travelling from MILOVY to PRAGUE

    The detailed information will be announced during the meeting.

    Special IMPC'97 bus will be organized for participants travelling to Prague on SATURDAY morning (JUNE 21). The bus(es) will arrive around noon time. We plan to proceed with one bus directly to the airport (the expected arrival around 13:00 (1 P.M.), but this has not been confirmed yet.

    By Train: The IMPC'97 car should be requested to transport you from Milovy to Zdar n/S. -- railway station.

       Zdar n/S.  Prague  (station)       Days of operation
         4:10  -   6:42   Main Station    daily
         6:23  -   8:50    Holesovice     Mo-Sa
         7:27  -  10:01   Main Station    daily
         8:33  -  11:01   Main Station    daily
        14:58  -  17:32   Main Station    daily
        18:37  -  21:18   Main Station    daily
        20:22  -  22:45    Holesovice     daily


    The IMPC'97 car should be requested to transport you from Milovy to Havlickuv Brod -- railway station.

           Train    Havlickuv Brod  Brno  Vienna   Days of operation
           IC 73           11:17 - 12:36 - 14:33      daily
           EC 173          15:32 - 16:51 - 18:48      daily
           EC 71           19:32 - 20:51 - 22:48      daily

    We look forward to seeing you at IMPC'97 and wish you an enjoyable stay in the Czech Republic.

    Back to the IMPC'97
    Mon May 19 16:00:18 MET DST 1997
    -------------------- IC 73 11:17 - 12:36 - 14:33 daily EC 173 15:32 - 16:51 - 18:48 daily EC 71 19:32 - 20:51 - 22:48 daily

    We look forward to seeing you at IMPC'97 and wish you an enjoyable stay in the Czech Republic.


    Tuesday, June 17th, 1997

    7:30 - 8:15 Breakfast
    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    Beresford Parlett
    8:30 - 9:15
    Olof Widlund: Some New Domain Decomposition Methods for Linear Elasticity and Helmholtz's Equation
    9:15 - 10:00 Anne Greenbaum: On the Role of the Left Starting Vector in the Two-Sided Lanczos Algorithm
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    Mario Arioli
    10:30 - 11:00 Ake Bjorck: Stability of Conjugate Gradient-Type Methods for Linear Least Squares Problems
    11:00 - 11:30 Chris Paige: Sensitivity Analysis of the Unsymmetric Lanczos Factorization
    11:30 - 12:00 Michele Benzi: Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners: A Comparative Study
    12:13 - 13:13 Lottery/Lunch
    13:13 - 14:00 Afternoon Break
    14:00 - 15:30 Poster Session
    poster Alexey Chikin: Product Triangular Methods for the Iterative Solution of the Steady Convection/Diffusion Equation
    poster Pavel Burda: On an Aposteriori Error Estimate for the FEM Solution of the Stokes Flow in Axisymmetric Tubes
    poster Ondrej Jakl: Parallel Implementation of the Displacement Decomposition Technique in Elasticity
    poster Pavel Solin: Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Methods for Inviscid Compressible Flows
    poster Petr Tichy: Untraditional Derivation of BCG Algorithm
    poster Jan Cihlar: Numerical Solution of Discrete Navier-Stokes Systems
    poster Sofia Davydycheva: Application of the Spectral Lanczos Decomposition Method to Computing the Electromagnetic Field in 3-D Inhomogenous Anisotropic Media
    poster Miroslav Znojil: A Perturbative Version of the Lanczos Method
    poster Jaroslav Bosek: Recursive Projection Method and Inertial Manifold Theory
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 1
    Martin Gutknecht
    16:00 - 16:30 Leonid Knizherman: On Adaptation of the Lanczos and Arnoldi Methods to the Spectrum
    16:30 - 17:00 Petra Schufer: Preconditioning in Electronic Circuit Simulation
    17:00 - 17:30 Karl Gustafson: Operator Trigonometry of Domain Decomposition
    17:30 - 18:00 Ladislav Luksan: An Indefinite Preconditioner for Saddle Point Systems
    18:00 - 18:30 Mischa Kilmer: Cauchy-like Block Diagonal Preconditioners for the Regularization of 2-D Ill-Posed Problems
    16:00 - 18:30 Parallel Session No. 2
    Rudiger Weiss
    16:00 - 16:30 Thilo Penzl: Iterative Solution of Large Lyapunov Equations
    16:30 - 17:00 Michal Krizek: Post-processing of Gauss-Seidel Iterations
    17:00 - 17:30 Lev Krukier: Iterative Solution of Strongly Nonsymmetric Linear Systems Using Skew-symmetric Part of the Initial Matrix as Preconditioners
    17:30 - 18:00 Lubov Chikina: Solution of Strongly Nonsymmetric Linear Equation Systems Using the Bicircular Triangular Method
    18:00 - 18:30 Ljiljana Cvetkovic: Convergence Area for Relaxation Parameters in Two-Sweep Methods for SPD and H-Matrices
    19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
    :00 - 18:30 Ljiljana Cvetkovic: Convergence Area for Relaxation Parameters in Two-Sweep Methods for SPD and H-Matrices 19:00 - 20:00 tyden

    Wednesday, June 18th, 1997

    7:30 - 8:15 Breakfast
    8:30----10:00 Early Morning Session
    Ivo Marek
    8:30 - 9:15
    Daniela Calvetti: A Regularizing Lanczos Iteration Method for Underdetermined Linear Systems of Equations
    9:15 - 10:00 Lothar Reichel: An Iterative Block Method for Computing a Few Close Eigenvalues of a Large Sparse Symmetric Matrix
    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea Break
    10:30 - 12:00 Late Morning Session
    Nancy Nichols
    10:30 - 11:00 Mario Arioli: The Use of QR Factorization in Building Preconditioners for Augmented Systems
    11:00 - 11:30 Miroslav Fiedler: Numerical Mathematics and Graph Theory
    11:30 - 12:00 Vlastimil Ptak: Measuring Convergence
    12:13 - 13:13 Lottery/Lunch
    13:13 - 18:30 Trip
    19:00 - 20:00 Dinner
    20:00 - 21:00 Jiri Kadlec: Demonstration of Parallel Matlab
    20:00 - 21:00 Jiri Hrebicek: Demonstration of Maple in Scientific Computing
    13:13 - 18:30 Trip 19:00 - 20:00 Dinner 20:00 - 21:00 Jiri Kadlec: Demonstration of Parallel M