The price is:
single room 2100 CZK per night (including breakfast)
double room 2800 CZK per night (including breakfast for two persons)
There is no deposit needed, the bill will be paid directly to the hotels
upon departure
on the Charles University
hostel Kolej 17. listopadu (Campus Troja).
Reservation of the hostel is not necessary to be
It is enough on the arrival to the hostel just to contact the
reception refering to the reservation by name.
In the case of some troubles the contact person
at the hostel is Mrs. Zivnustkova on the telephone number
00420-2-688 5551 (reservation office during working days) or
00420-2-688 43 93 (reception) or 855 61 52.
How to get to the Charles University hostel (Kolej 17. listopadu):
From the airport, you should take bus #119 to the subway station
Dejvicka (green line, marked by "A"). You may also use bus #108
to the subway station Hradcanska (the same line). You should
get off the train at the station Muzeum (5 or 4 stops, respectively)
and change the line to the red one, marked by "C", then proceed
to the last stop Holesovicke nadrazi. You should NOT use the exit
to the railway station. The bus #112 will then take you to
Pelc-Tyrolka (2 stops), which is a stop just next to the hostel.
Another possibility is to take one of the buses to the get the
stop Kuchynka either #102, 156, 175 (2nd stop) or #144 (1st stop).
The total transportation time from the airport should be around
90 minutes.
From the main railway station just take the subway to Holesovicke
nadrazi and then proceed as above. The total transportation time
should be around 35 minutes.
The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before
entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked
in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then it is valid for 60
minutes during the working days and for 90 minutes during the
weekends, independently of the number of changes.
The fare is 10 Czech Crowns. The ticket must be bought before
entering the bus (at the newspaper places, e.g.) and must be marked
in the bus in the corresponding machine. Then iimpc97.html 000664 077432 000146 00000022104 06343535041 012635 0 ustar 00miro ala 000000 000000
IMPC'97 workshop
Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel
June 16-21, 1997, Milovy , Czech Republic
A Czech-U.S. Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing
will be held from June 16 to June 21, 1997 at the
Devet Skal Hotel (literally "Nine Rocks") in Milovy .
Milovy is a small village located in the Bohemian-Moravian
Highlands (central part of the Czech Republic) at about
100 kilometers (65 miles) from
Prague. A bus from Prague to Milovy will be arranged on June 15,
at 4 p.m. and from Milovy on June 21, arrival to Prague at 12 a.m.
Scientific Programme:
The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts,
specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing,
especially those interested in iterative methods and their
in computational mathematics.
The emphasis of the meeting will
be on a ``workshop'', i.e., on work among the participants,
with periods of free time for unstructured discussions.
preliminary program
of the workshop is available.
Organizing Committee:
Call for Papers
Please, indicate your intention to give a communication on the
enclosed registration form and send an abstract of maximum 15 lines.
A special issue of the journal Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
will be devoted to papers presented at the workshop. The issue
will contain only those papers that meet the publication standards
of the journal and that are approved by standard refereeing
procedures. The submission deadline is November 30, 1997.
Social Program
The recreation facilities offer a swimming pool, sauna, fitness
center, tennis courts, day-club, coffee-rooms, and other
We plan to organize a trip to visit local places of cultural
The basic fee for an accompanying person is US $200. The
supplement for a single room is US $80 (6 nights). The reduced fees
of US $300 (for participants) and US $200 (for accompanying
persons) should be paid by bank transfer to the account of the
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University
(before April 15, 1997)
38330-021/0100 (MFF UK Praha)
variable symbol 415 (IMPC)
Komercni banka Praha 1
Vaclavske namesti 42
Praha 1, Czech Republic
The Workshop fee can also be paid by the following credit cards:
VISA, Eurocard/Mastercard and American Express.
Send the coupon below by mail to the contact address of the
After April 15 the fees are USD $360 for participants
and USD $240 for accompanying persons.
Please, fill in your Registration Form and send it (together with
an abstract of your communication) to the following contact
address by February 28, 1997. Electronic submissions are
preferred. All participants will be notified about the acceptance
of their contributions by March 30, 1997.
Before and after the conference
the participants will have the opportunity, on an individual
to visit historical parts of Prague , one of the oldest and most
beautiful European towns, full of Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque
churches, palaces and monuments. The accommodation in Prague
will be preliminary
booked on request (see the enclosed registration form).
There are two hotels
with the group rate available in Prague:
Hotel ARISTON Praha and
Hotel BELVEDERE Praha .
You must make your reservation
directly with the hotel.
The dormitory accommodation is also available
in the hostel Kolej 17. listopadu
at the rate
275 CZK=10 USD for one bed
(in double room).
Once you have sent your registation form and announced your intention to
stay in the hostel
Kolej 17. listopadu you do not need to confirm your reservation
Contact Address:
Institute of Computer Science
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
CZ-182 07 Prague 8
Czech Republic
Student and Recent Ph.D. Paper Competition for the
U.S.-Czech Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing
June 16-21, 1997, Milovy, Czech Republic
Funds are available from NSF (U.S.) and the Czech Academy of Sciences to
cover the expenses of a few graduate students or recent Ph.D. recipients
from U.S. institutions to attend and present a paper at the U.S.-Czech
Workshop on Iterative Methods and Parallel Computing, to be held on June
16-21, 1997, in Milovy, Czech Republic.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together numerical analysts,
specialists in numerical linear algebra and parallel computing,
especially those interested in iterative methods and their applications
in computational mathematics. Milovy is a small village located in the
Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Central part of the Czech Republic) at about
100 kilometers (65 miles) from Prague. A full announcement can be found
in the URL:
To participate in the competition, please send an extended abstract (or
a full paper if available) of a proposed talk, a vita indicating date
of (obtained or expected) degree, and two letters of reccomendations
to Daniel B. Szyld, Department of Mathematics, 1805 N Broad Street,
Temple University (038-16), Philadelphia PA 19122-6094, or
electronically to,
to be received by February 22,
1997. Please indicate if your institution can contribute a portion of
your expenses and the amount. The selection will be made by the U.S.
members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland,
College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne
Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld
(Temple University, Philadelphia).
Back to the ICS AS CR page.
ection will be made by the U.S.
members of the organizing committee: Howard Elman (University of Maryland,
College Park), Roland Freund (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill), Anne
Greenbaum (Courant Institute, New York University), and Daniel Szyld
(Temple University, Philadelphia).