Poříčí 3b, CZ-61600 Brno
Phone: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Dr. Petr Holub
Associated Research Assistant
Poříčí 3b, CZ-61600 Brno
Phone: +420 543211560
Fax: +420 543211560
Institute publications in impacted journals
- Holub P., Tůma I. (2010) The effect of enhanced nitrogen on aboveground biomass allocation and nutrient resorption in the fern Athyrium distentifolium. In: Plant Ekology. Vol 207, pp. 373-380.
- Fiala, K., Tůma, I., Holub, P. (2009) Effect of manipulated rainfall on root production and plant belowground dry mass of different grassland ecosystems. In: Ecosystems. Vol 12 (6), pp. 906-914.