Institutional project
2005-2010 Reg. code AV0Z60170517, Structure, functioning and development of aquatic ecosystems (J. Matěna)
Project supported by the "Norwegian financial mechanism"
2007-2011 Reg. code EEA NFM CZ0051, The assesment of impact of the Gothenburg Protocol on acidified and eutrophied soils and waters (J. Kopáček, J. Matěna, coordinated by Czech Geological Survey, Praha)
2008-2011 Reg. code EEA NFM CZ0091, Monitoring of the fish stock of Czech Reservoirs (J. Kubečka, J. Peterka)
Project sponsored by the Ministry of education, youth and sports of CR
2008-2010 Reg. code OC08040, Nutrient sources in catchments with complex land use and impacts on the aquatic ecosystems of reservoirs (J. Hejzlar)
Projects sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture of CR
2008-2012 Reg. code QH81046, Optimalisation of the biomanipulative effect of predatory fish in the ecosystems of water reservoirs. (J. Kubečka)
2008-2011 Reg. code QH82078 (NAZV), Water retention in floodplains and measures of its increase (J. Žaloudík)
2008-2011 Reg. code QH81012, The use of aeration technologies in the reduction of cyanobacterial resting stages and nutirent bioavalilability in reservoir sediments (J. Borovec)
Projects sponsored by the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of CR
2008-2010 Reg. code KJB600960810, Effect of food quantity and quality on the reverse in competitive success between 0+ perch and roach (J. Peterka)
Projects sponsored by the Grant Agency of CR
2007-2010 Reg. code 206/07/1392, Horizontal acoustic surveys and fish behaviour in the open water (J. Kubečka)
2007-2011 Reg. code 206/07/1200, Constraints and limits of biological recovery from acid stress: What is the future of headwater ecosystems in the Bohemian Forest? (J. Vrba)
2008-2012 Reg. code 206/08/0015, Ecophysiological traits and grazing- and virus-induced mortality of bacterial strains representing major bacterioplankton groups in a reservoir (K. Šimek)
2009–2012 Reg. code 206/09/1325, Cyclical parthenogenesis in vertically diversified environment: genetic differentiation and reproductive segregation in population of Daphnia galeata (J. Macháček)
2009–2012 Reg. code 206/09/1764, Controlling factors of phosphorus sorption in lake and reservoir sediments (J. Hejzlar)
2009–2011 Reg. code 206/09/P266, Predator avoidance strategies in early life stages of percid fishes (M. Čech)
2009–2013 Reg. code 206/09/0309, (K. Řeháková)
2009-2013 Reg. code GA526/09/0567 (J. Kopáček, coordinated by Faculty od Science UK, Praha)
2010–2012 Reg. code P504/10/0566, (J. Jezbera)
2010–2012 Reg. code P504/10/1501, (E. Zapomělová)
2010–2012 Reg. code P504/10/1534, (K. Horňák)
International projects
2008-2010 Interreg IV, Cross-Border Water Conservation in the Drachensee Catchment (J. Žaloudík)
2009-2010 Reg. Code 09-14, Estimation of fish yield potential in lakes - Institut für Binnenfescherei e.V. Postdam, Germany (J. Kubečka)
2009-2010 Calibration of sampling methods for spanish fish populations in reservoirs, Spanish Ministry of Environment, Spain (J. Kubečka)
2009-2010 Reg. Code A/CZ0046/2/0029, Monitoring the environment of man-made lakes: what can fisheries data and models tell us? Norwegian Education Fund, Norway (J. Kubečka)