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Elansary H.O., Muller K., Olson M.S., Štorchová H. (2010): Transcription profiles of mitochondrial genes correlate with mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in a natural population of Silene vulgaris. BMC Plant Biology10: 11     


Elansary H.O., Adamec L, Štorchová H. (2010): Uniformity of organellar DNA in Aldrovanda vesiculosa, an endangered aquatic carnivorous species, distributed across four continents. Aquatic Botany 92: 214-220


Chab D., Kolar J., Olson M.S., Storchova H. (2008):Two Flowering Locus T (FT) homologs in Chenopodium rubrum differ in expression patterns. Planta 228:929-940. [abstract]

Havlova M., Dobrev P.I., Motyka V., Storchova H., Libus J., Dobra J., Malbeck J., Gaudinova A.,Vankova R. (2008): The role of cytokinins in response to water deficit in tobacco plants over-expressing trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene under 35S or SAG12 promoters. Plant, Cell and Environment 31: 341-353 [abstract]

Storchova H., Olson M.S.(2007): The architecture of the chloroplast trnH-psbA non-coding region in angiosperms. Plant Systematics and Evolution 268: 235-256

Whittier D.P., Storchova H.(2007). The Gametophyte of Huperzia selago in Culture. American Fern Journal 97:149-154

Libus J., Storchova H. (2006): Quantification of cDNA generated by reverse transcription of total RNA provides a simple alternative tool for quantitative RT-PCR normalization. BioTechniques 41: 156-164 [pdf]

Suzuki J.I., Herben T, Krahulec F., Storchova H., Hara T. (2006). Effects of neighbourhood structure and tussock dynamics on genet demography of Festuca rubra in amountain meadow. Journal of Ecology 94: 66-76


Storchova H., Olson M.S. (2004). Comparison between mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA variation in the native range of Silene vulgaris. Molecular Ecology 13: 2909-2919. [abstract]

Kirschner J., Stepanek J., Mes T.H.M., den Nijs J.C.M., Oosterveld P., Storchova H. , Kuperus P. (2003). Principal features of the cpDNA evolution in Taraxacum (Asteraceae, Lactuceae): a conflict with taxonomy. Plant Systematics and Evolution 239: 231-255

Maldonado San Martín  A.P., Adamec L., Suda J., Mes T.H.M., Storchova H. (2003). Genetic variation within the endangered species Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) as revealed by RAPD analysis. Aquatic Botany 75 (2):159-172 [abstract]


Storchova H., Chrtek J., Bartish I.V., Tetera M., Kirschner J., Stepanek J. (2002). Genetic variation in agamospermous taxa of Hieracium sect. Alpina (Compositae) in Tatry Mts. (Slovakia). Plant Systematics and Evolution 235: 1-17 [pdf]

Mes T. H. M., Kuperus  P., Kirschner J., Stepanek J., Storchova H., Oosterveld P., Nijs J.C.M. den (2002). Detection of genetically divergent clone mates in apomictic dandelions. Molecular Ecology 11: 253-265

Mes T. H. M., Kuperus  P., Kirschner J., Stepanek J., Oosterveld P., Storchova H.,  Nijs J.C.M. den (2000). Evolution of trn Phe (GAA) chloroplast pseudogenes in the agamocomplex Taraxacum  (Asteraceae. Lactuceae).Genome 43: (4): 634-641 [abstract]

Storchova H. , Hrdlickova R., Chrtek J.Jr., Tetera M., Fitze D., Fehrer J. (2000). An improvement of DNA isolation from plants collected in the field and conserved in saturated NaCl/CTAB solution. Taxon 49: 79-84 [pdf]


Storchova H., Stepankova J. (1996).  RAPD in the genus  Myosotis -    Optimization of the PCR reaction. Chemické listy 90: 703 – 704

Storchova H.,  Capkova V., Tupy J.  (1994). A Nicotiniana tabacum  mRNA encoding  a 69 kDa  glycoprotein occuring abundantly  in  pollen tubes is transcribed  but not translated during pollen development in the anthers. Planta 192: 441-445


1980 - 90

Doskocil  J., Storchova  H., Stokrova  J., Forstova  J., Meyer J.(1988). Correlation  of physical maps  and some genetic  functions in  the genomes of the  kappa-theta family of Bacillus licheniformis. Molecular and General Genetics. 214: 343-347.

Doskocil J.,  Forstova J., Storchova H.  (1986): Physical mapping of LP 51 and LP 52 prophages of lysogenic strains of Bacillus licheniformis. Molecular and General Genetics 205: 530-534.

Meyer  J.,  Stalhammar-Carlemalm  M.,  Storchova  H., Doskocil J. (1986). Denaturation maps  of_Bacillus  licheniformis phagesLP-52 and theta DNAs. Gene 41: 327-329.

Meyer  J.,  Stalhammar-Carlemalm  M.,  Storchová  H., Doskocil J. (1986). The genomes of the morphologically different bacteriophages LP 52 and theta are related. Experientia 42 (1): 104

Doskocil J., Forstova J., Storchova  H., Meyer J. (1985). Genomic structure and  evolution of _Bacillus  licheniformis_theta and  LP 52  phage family. In:  Glass R.E., Spirek  J. (Eds.): Gene Manipulation and Expression. Croom Helm. London, pp. 3-21.

Storchova H.,  Meyer J., Doskocil  J. (1985). An  electron microscopic heteroduplex  study of the  sequence relations between the bacteriophages LP 52 and theta. Molecular and General Genetics 199: 476-490.

Forstova J., Grunnerova H., Hostomsky Z., Doskocil J. (1982).
      Sequence  Homology and  Recombination between  the genomes of morphologically   dissimilar bacteriophages  LP 52  and theta. Molecular and General Genetics 199: 476-490.

Fucik  V., Grunnerova  H.,  Zadrazil  S. (1982).  Restriction and modification in  Bacillus subtilis 168.  Regulation of hsr  M (non B). Expression in spoOA mutants and effects on permissiveness for F15 and 105 phages. Molecular and General Genetics 186: 118-121.

Fucik V.,  Grunow R., Grunnerova  H., Hostomsky Z.,  Zadrazil S.(1980). New  members of Bacillus subtilis  phage group containing a  protein link in  their circular DNA.  In: Zadrazil S., Sponar J. (Eds.) DNA - recombination, interactions and repair.
       p. 111-118.


Current Abstracts

Štorchová H., Muller K., Olson M.S.(2009): Transcription of mitochondrial genes in Silene vulgaris. International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology, P43. Lake Tahoe, California, USA, May 9-14, 2009

Muller K., Elansary H.O.M., Storchova H. (2008) Study of transcription variability of mitochondrial genes in Silene vulgaris. XXI. Biochemicky sjezd. Sbornik p. 91. Ceske Budejovice, Czech rep. (2008)

Storchova H, Elansari H.O.M, Muller K (2008): Heteroplasmy, paternal transmission of organellar genomes and transcription of mitochondrial genes in a natural population of Silene vulgaris. Silene – from populations to genes. Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, 4-9.5.2008

Novakova M.,Dobrev P, Motyka V, Gaudinova A, Malbeck J., Pospisilova J., Haisel D, Storchova H., Dobra J., Mok M. C., Mok D. W. S., Martin R, Vankova R. (2007): Cytokinin function in drought stress response and subsequent recovery. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and beyond, pp 171-174.

Muller K., Bartoš J., Doležel J., Storchova H. (2007): Study of the gene transfer from the plant mitochondrion to the nucleus using flow-sorted nuclei. International Conference of Analytical Cytometry IV. Book of Abstract 120. Brno, Czech Republic

Dobrá J, Storchova H, Haisel D, Libus J, Havlová M, Vaňková R. (2007): Putative link between cytokinins and proline degradation and its potential involvement in plant response to drought stress. Poster Abstract Book of „Plant Biology and Botany Joint Congress“ (Chicago, USA,  7. – 11.7.2007), p. 9.(A)

Storchova H., Chab D., Kolar J. (2006): identification and expression studies of flowering related genes in the genus Chenopodium. Book of Abstracts. XV. FESPB Congress, 17-21 July 2006, Lyon, France

Vankova R., Novakova M., Dobrev P., Motyka V., Gaudinova A., Malbeck J., Pospisilova J., Haisel D., Storchova H., Dobra J., Libus J., Mok M.C., Mok D.W.S (2006): The Evaluation of the Role of Cytokinins in Tobacco Drought stress Response and Subsequent recovery. Book of Abstracts. XV. FESPB Congress, 17-21 July 2006, Lyon, France