Description of the Training Site
The Training Site is located at the Institute of
Macromolecular Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague.
The Institute is one of the leading,
internationally recognized institutes of the
Academy with activities embracing basic research
and education in a broad range of specific
disciplines of macromolecular science. The
Institute was founded in 1959 and one of the
pioneers of polymer chemistry in the then
Czechoslovakia, Professor Otto Wichterle,
world-wide recognized through his invention of
soft contact lenses, stood at its birth and
became its first director. The research
activities of the Institute are aimed at the
synthesis of polymers and new polymer materials,
polymer physics and physical chemistry of
polymers. International cooperation is an
integral part of the research and the Institute
cooperates with universities and research
institutions virtually all over the world.
The Institute is organized in 12 departments
specialized in various areas of polymer chemistry
and physics. At the same time, several thematic
groups exist grouping people from different
departments, who share common interests and who
cooperate in (often) cross-disciplinary subjects
of macromolecular chemistry, physics and biology.
The Training Site is the most important
thematic group existing at the Institute and is
devoted to the study of organized polymer systems
at the supramolecular level. Scientists of the
Training Site are currently engaged in the most
advanced research on polymeric nanostructures as
applied both in biology and technology. Thus the
study of the water-soluble drug carrier systems
designed for site-specific therapy and the
polycation/DNA complexes with potential use in
gene therapy meets significant response in the
specialists' society. Polymer micelles are
studied that are based on amphiphilic copolymers
of some acrylic monomers and that serve as
absorbents and carriers of active substances
(e.g., drugs). The micelle structure,
interactions with low-molecular-weight substances
and, in particular, the local and semilocal
mobility are studied by multinuclear NMR
spectroscopy and relaxation, combined with SANS,
dynamic light scattering and other methods.
Studies of bioactive polymers based on synthetic
polypeptides and polyesters are performed as well
as syntheses of biodegradable and amphiphilic
block copolymers, forming supramolecular
structures. Applications of such supramolecular
structures to biomaterials for cell therapies and
tissue repair are evaluated. Organization of
synthetic polymers into nanostructures is studied
both on the microscopic and macroscopic levels.
Phase formation, evolution and dissolution of
technologically important polymer blends is
studied theoretically end experimentally using
rheological, morphological and scattering
techniques. Effects of reactive and
copolymer-based compatibilization on
microstructure and properties of polymer blends
are evaluated. Nanostructures formed by bulk
block copolymers are investigated including their
dynamic properties by scattering and microscopy
techniques, as well as conductivity properties of
thin films. From the point of view of basic
science, the leading theme of research of the
Training Site is understanding and exploiting
mobility and order in synthetic, natural and
hybrid macromolecular systems with the ultimate
goal to find and explore structural factors of
spontaneous self-ordering of macromolecular
systems as well as conditions at which local and
semilocal mobility cease to compete with the
order and start to cooperate in a dynamic
functional order.
Petr Štěpánek [
] 20.8.2001