Logo Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

Papers of Department of Polymer Membranes

Pientka Z., Brožová L., Bleha M., Preparation and Characterization of Ultrathin Polymeric Films, J. Membr. Sci., 214, 157-161, 2003

E. Brynda, M. Houska A. Wikerstal A.Brandenburg, Optical biosensors for real-time measurement of analytes in blood plasma, Biosensors. Bioelectronics, 17, 665-675, 2002

Tishchenko G., Dybal J., Meszarosova K., Sedlakova Z., Bleha M., Purification of specific immunoglobulin G1 by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography using nickel complexes of chelating porous and nonporous polymeric sorbentsbased on poly(methacrylic esters). Effet of polymer structure, J. Chromatogr. A, 954 115-126, 2002

J.Lokaj, L.Brožová, P.Holler, Z.Pientka: Synthesis and gas transport properties of block copolymers composed of poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) and polystyrene blocks, Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 67, 267-278, 2002.

Razina A. B., Sedláková Z., Bouchal K., Tenkovcev A. B., Ilavský M. Liquid-Crystalline Polyesters with End Nitroxyl Radicals and Their Use in Living Free- Radical Polymerization, Polym. Sci. A 44, 924-930, 2002

J.Lokaj, P.Holler, J.Kovářová: Nitroxide-terminated poly(styrene-co-diethyl fumarate)s and derived block copolymers, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 84, 2432-2439, 2002

Andreeva D.V., Pientka Z., Brozova L., Bleha M., Polotskaya G.A., Elyashevich G.K., Effect of polymerization conditions of pyrrole on formation, structure and properties high gas separation thin polypyrrole films, Thin solid Films, V405, N1-2, 231-246, 2002

Tishchenko G., Hilke R., Albrecht W., Schauer J., Luetzow K., Pientka Z., Bleha M., Ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes in latex purification by diafiltration with suction, Sep. Pur. Technol. 30, 57-68, 2002

Demchenko Y. A., Razina A., Sedláková Z., Sikora A., Baldrian J., Ilavský M. Dynamic mechanical and thermal Behavior of thermotropic polyesters based on 4,4c -alkane-1-w -diylbis(4-hydroxybenzoic acid) and 4,4c -(pentane-1,5-diyloxy)dibenzoic acid, Eur. Polym. J., 38, 2333-2341, 2002

V.Koubová, E. Brynda, L.Karasová, J. Škvor, J. Homola, J. Dostálek, P. Tobiška, J.Rošický, Detection of foodborne pathogens using surface plasmon resonance biosensors, Sensors Actuators B 74, 100-105, 2001

Razina A. B., Sedláková Z., Bouchal K., Tenkovcev A. B., Ilavský M. Synthesis of semisolid liquid-crystal polyesters with terminal nitroxyl radicals and their use in 'living' radical polymerization (in Russian), Vysokomol. Soedin. 44, 1469-1477, 2002

E. Brynda, M. Houska, M. Jiroušková, J.E. Dyr, Albumin and heparin multilayer coatings for blood contacting medical devices, J.Biomed Mater.Res., 51 (2000) 249-257

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