Bc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses
BC theses
TiO2 nanoparticle layers on optical fibers and their photocatalytic activity
Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, 2008-2010, tutor - V. Matějec, BC student Ivo Bartoň
The goal of the thesis is a preparation of stable layers containing anatas nanoparticles on glass slides and optical fibers, characterization of their optical properties and morphology and testing of their photocatalytic activity during methylene blue decomposition.
MSc. theses
The influence of geometry of a fiber-optic element sensitive layer to sensitivity of bioluminescence (bio-sensor)
Czech Technical University FBMI, 2009-2010, tutor M.Pospíšilová, MS student Hana Vrbová
The goal of the thesis is a comparison of influence of various types of optical elements, connected to an optical fiber, and influence of active layers to the amount of detected bio-luminescence.
An optical element was designed, allowing two-order increase of bio-luminescence detection. The work was awarded by "Young Investigator Award" at a czech-slovak conference.
Influence of a matrix and pH-transducer concentration to fluorescence intensity as a function of teh excitation energy for a pH fiber-sensor
Charles University, 2009-2010, tutor M.Pospíšilová, MS student Pavel Škrabal
The thesis is focused on pH-determination in palnt cells. A suitable optical pH-transducer and a tapered optical fiber, smaller than teh cells, are used for the measurement. The goal of the thesis will be spectral (absorption and fluorescence) characterization of selected pH-transducers, entrapped in various materials, measured in various configurations.
PhD. theses
PřF UK, 2006-2010,PGS student - J.Mrázek
Related Ph.D. themes:
Thulium doped fiber lasers, tutor P.Peterka (dpt.210)
Passively Q-switched fiber-lasers, tutor P.Peterka (dpt.210)
Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Hoboken, Belgium, "Technology of optical fibers", I.Kašík, O.Podrazký
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Limoges, France, "Technology of optical fibers", J.Mrázek
Advanced Study Course on Optical Sensing (ASCOS), "Optical fibers for optical sensing", I.Kašík
Czech Republic
Optical Fibers (optoelectronics, photonics), Czech Technical University FJFI, FEL, I.Kašík, T.Martan
Fiber Optics for Biomedicine, Czech Technical University FBMI, M.Pospíšilová
Optical (fiber) sensors, Charles University MFF, I.Kašík
Co-accreditations for following fields of study:
Material Chemistry and Technology (Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague)
Electrotechnics and Informatics (Czech Technical University FEL, FJFI).