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162 06 Praha 6
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List of selected publications


The number of citations3111259135159190659165516124
The number of citations30
summaryThe count of publications: 105
hide publicat.The number of citations: 947


year 2010
105Malinakova K, Novosadova L, Lahtinen M, et al.C-13 Chemical Shift Tensors in Hypoxanthine and 6-Mercaptopurine: Effects of Substitution, Tautomerism, and Intermolecular InteractionsJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Volume: 114 Issue: 4 Pages: 1985-1995 Published: FEB 4 (2010)2.871N/A
year 2009
104Spirkova M, Strachota A, Urbanova M, et al.Structural and Surface Properties of Novel Polyurethane FilmsMATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Volume: 24 Issue: 10-11 Pages: 1185-1189 Published: (2009)0.706-N/A
103Kotek J, Kelnar I, Brus J, et al.Polyamide/layered silicate nanocomposites: A correlation between fracture toughness and molecular mobilityE-POLYMERS Article Number: 138 Published: DEC 20 (2009)0.661-N/A
102Dedecek J, Sklenak S, Li CB, et al.Effect of Al/Si Substitutions and Silanol Nests on the Local Geometry of Si and Al Framework Sites in Silicone-Rich Zeolites: A Combined High Resolution Al-27 and Si-29 NMR and Density Functional Theory/Molecular Mechanics StudyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 113 Issue: 32 Pages: 14454-14466 Published: AUG 13 (2009)3.396-N/A
101Penkova AV, Polotskaya GA, Toikka AM, et al.Structure and Pervaporation Properties of Poly(phenylene-iso-phthalamide) Membranes Modified by Fullerene C-60MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING Volume: 294 Issue: 6-7 Pages: 432-440 Published: JUL 9 (2009)1.925-N/A
100Romeo HE, Fanovich MA, Williams RJJ, et al.Fast Synthesis of Nanostructured Microspheres of a Bridged Silsesquioxane via Ultrasound-Assisted Sol-Gel ProcessingMACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 210 Issue: 2 Pages: 172-178 Published: FEB 5 (2009)2.202-N/A
99Toman L, Janata M, Spevacek J, et al.Amphiphilic Conetworks. IV. Poly(methacrylic acid)-/-Polyisobutylene and Poly(acrylic acid)-/-Polyisobutylene Based Hydrogels Prepared by Two-Step Polymer Procedure. New pH Responsive ConetworksJOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages: 1284-1291 Published: MAR 1 (2009)3.8211N/A
98Nausner M, Brus J, Haubl M, et al.Characterization of the sodium binding sites in microcrystalline ATP by Na-23-solid-state NMR and ab initio calculationsINORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 362 Issue: 4 Pages: 1071-1077 Published: MAR 2 (2009)1.94-N/A
97Dedecek J, Sklenak S, Li C, et al.Effect of Al-Si-Al and Al-Si-Si-Al Pairs in the ZSM-5 Zeolite Framework on the Al-27 NMR Spectra. A Combined High-Resolution Al-27 NMR and DFT/MM StudyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 113 Issue: 4 Pages: 1447-1458 Published: JAN 29 (2009)3.3962N/A
year 2008
96Dědeček J., Sklenak S et al.Aluminum siting in the framework of silicon rich zeolites. A ZSM-5 studyStudies in Surface Science and Catalysis--N/A
95Dostal L, Jambor R, Ruzicka A, et al.Synthesis and Structure of Organoantimony(III) Compounds Containing Antimony-Selenium and -Tellurium Terminal BondsVolume 174, Issue B, Pages 781-786, (2008)3.8155N/A
94Spevacek J, Brus JSolid-state NMR studies of polysaccharide systemsORGANOMETALLICS Volume: 27 Issue: 23 Pages: 6059-6062 Published: DEC 8 (2008)-1N/A
93Melanova K, Benes L, Zima V, et al.Thermal behavior of tetrahydropyran-interealated VOPO4: Structural and dynamics studyMACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA Volume: 265 Pages: 69-76 Published: (2008)2.694-N/A
92Padelkova Z, Nechaev MS, Cernosek Z, .... Brus J. et al.Solvent-Controlled Ring Size in Double C,N-Chelated StannoxanesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Issue: 3 Pages: 444-451 Published: JAN (2007)3.8157N/A
91Husak M, Jegorov A, Brus J, et al.Metergoline II: structure solution from powder diffraction data with preferred orientation and from microcrystalORGANOMETALLICS 27 (20), 5303-5308 Published: OCT 27 (2008).1.4333N/A
90Gomez ML, Fasce DP, Williams RJJ, .. Brus J, et al.Tuning the photoluminescence of silsesquioxanes with short substituted urea bridgesSTRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Pages: 517-525, JUN (2008).2.021-N/A
89Spirkova M, Brus J, Brozova L, et alA view from inside onto the surface of self-assembled nanocomposite coatingPROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, 61 (2-4), 145-155, FEB (2008)1.5911N/A
88Kratochvil J, Baldrian J, Brus JLong-term X-ray stimulated crystallization of poly(N-methyldodecano-12-lactam) in blend with poly(styrene-stat-acrylic acid).J. POLYM. SCI. B POLYM. PHYS. 46 (3), 311 ( 2008)3.405-pdf
87Brus J, Urbanova M, Strachota AEpoxy networks reinforced with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes: Structure and segmental dynamics as studied by solid-state NMR,MACROMOLECULES 41 (2), 372-386 (2008)4.2777N/A
year 2007
86Janata M, Toman L, Spevacek J, Brus J, et al.,Amphiphilic conetworks. III. Poly(2,3-dihydroxypropyl methacrylate)-polyisobutylene and poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate-polyisobutylene based hydrogels prepared by two-step polymer procedureJOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 45 (17): 4074-4081 SEP 1 (2007))3.4054N/A
84Romeo HE, Fanovich MA, Williams RJJ, Brus J et al.,Bridged silsesquioxanes with organic domains self-assembled as functionalized molecular channelsMACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 208 (11): 1202-1209 JUN 4 (2007)2.0213N/A
83Strachota A, Whelan P, Kriz J, Brus J, et al.Formation of nanostructured epoxy networks containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) blocksPOLYMER 48 (11): 3041-3058 MAY 21 (2007)2.77317N/A
82Strachotova B, Strachota A, Uchman M,…Brus J. et al.Super porous organic-inorganic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based hydrogel with a very fast temperature responsePOLYMER 48 (6): 1471-1482 MAR 8 (2007)2.77314N/A
81Spevacek J, Brus J, Divers T, et al.Solid-state NMR study of biodegradable starch/ polycaprolactone blendsEUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 43 (5): 1866-1875 MAY (2007)2.1136N/A
80Brus J, Kriz JPast and present of NMR spectrometry: A View inside molecules and peopleCHEMICKE LISTY 101 (2): 122-130 (2007)0.431-N/A
79Pechar M, Brus J, Kostka L, et al.Thermoresponsive self-assembly of short elastin-like polypentapeptides and their poly(ethylene glycol) derivativesMACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE 7 (1): 56-69 JAN 5 (20072.5218N/A
78Romeo HE, Fanovich MA, Williams RJJ, Brus J. et alSelf-assembly of a bridged silsesquioxane containing a pendant hydrophobic chain in the organic bridgeMACROMOLECULES 40 (5): 1435-1443 MAR 6 (2007)4.2777N/A
year 2006
77Arnoldova P, Brus J, Prokopova I et al.Role of magnesium complexes in the anionic polymerization of hexano-6-lactamE-POLYMERS: Art. No. 068 NOV 3 (2006)0.9342N/A
76Brus J, Urbanova M, Kelnar I, et alA solid-state NMR study of structure and segmental dynamics of semicrystalline elastomer-toughened nanocompositesMACROMOLECULES 39 (16): 5400-5409 AUG 8 (2006)3.89810N/A
75Pola J, Galikova A, Bastl Z, …Brus J et al.„UV laser deposition of nanostructured Si/C/O/N/H from disilazane precursors and evolution to silicon oxycarbonitrideAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY 20 (10): 648-655 OCT (2006)1.2333N/A
74Kriz J, Dybal J, Brus JCooperative hydrogen bonds of macromolecules. 2. Two-dimensional cooperativity in the binding of poly(4-vinylpyridine) to poly(4-vinylphenol)JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 110 (37): 18338-18346 SEP 21 (2006)4.11510N/A
73Toman L, Janata M, Spevacek J, …Brus J et al.Amphiphilic conetworks. II. Novel two-step synthesis of poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]-polyisobutylene, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-polyisobutylene, and poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)-polyisobutylene hydrogelsJOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY 44 (21): 6378-6384 NOV 1 (2006)3.40511N/A
72Lutecki M, Strachotova B, Uchman M, …Brus J et al.Thermosensitive PNIPA-based organic-inorganic hydrogelsPOLYMER JOURNAL 38 (6): 527-541 (2006)1.1463N/A
71Chalupa J, Handlir K, Cisarova I, …Brus J et al,Structural study of bis(triorganotin(IV)) esters of 4-ketopimelic acidJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY 691 (12): 2631-2640 JUN 1 (2006)2.3324N/A
70Drinek V, Vacek K, Yuzhakov G , Brus JPolymerization of monomers initiated by silyl centers in SiO deposits prepared by pulsed laser ablationJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 102 (5): 4488-4492 DEC 5 (2006)1.3061N/A
69Fasce DP, Williams RJJ, Matejka L, Brus J, et al.Photoluminescence of bridged silsesquioxanes containing urea or urethane groups with nanostructures generated by the competition between the rates of self-assembly of organic domains and the inorganic polycondensationMACROMOLECULES 39 (11): 3794-3801 MAY 30 (2006)4.2775N/A
68Hetflejs J, Kuncova G, Sabata S, … Brus J,Alternative synthesis of poly(hydroxymethylsiloxane) for lipase immobilization and use of the adsorbates as esterification biocatalystsJOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 38 (2): 121-131 MAY (2006)1.152N/A
67Spevacek J, Brus J, Dybal J,Solid polymer electrolytes studied by NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculationsMACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA 235: 57-63 (2006)0.691-N/A
66Tishchenko GA, Brus J, Dybal J, Pekarek M, Sedlakova Z, Bleha M, Bastl ZSurface-deposited acid/base on glass microribers in formation of (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-[2-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyl]heptaisobutyl- octasilsesquioxane bioverlayLANGMUIR 22 (8): 3633-3639 APR 11 (2006)3.295-N/A
year 2005
65Spirkova M, Brus J, Baldrian J, et alPreparation and surface characterisation of novel epoxy-based organic-inorganic nano-composite coatingsSURFACE COATINGS INTERNATIONAL PART B-COATINGS TRANSACTIONS 88 (4): 237-242 DEC (2005)0.1265N/A
64Novak P, Brus J, Cisarova I, et al.,Double-C,N-chelated tri- and diorganotin(IV) fluoridesDouble-C,N-chelated tri- and diorganotin(IV) fluorides1.36420N/A
63Fattakhova D, Petrykin V, Brus J, et al.Solvothermal synthesis and electrochemical behavior of nanocrystalline cubic Li-Ti-O oxides with cationic disorderSOLID STATE IONICS 176 (23-24): 1877-1885 (2005)1.86213N/A
62Spevacek J, Brus J, Dybal J, et alSolid-state C-13 NMR and DFT quantum-chemical study of polymer electrolyte poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)/AgCF3SO3MACROMOLECULES 38 (12): 5083-5087 JUN 14 (2005)3.8983N/A
61Beigbeder A, Bruzaud SP, Spevacek J, Brus J, Grohens Y,Dynamics and crystallization in polydimethylsiloxane nanocompositesMACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA 222: 225 (2005)0.6911N/A
60Brus J, Urbanova MSelective measurement of heteronuclear H-1-C-13 dipolar couplings in motionally heterogeneous semicrystalline polymer systemJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 109 (23): 5050-5054 JUN 16 (2005)2.6395N/A
59SPEVACEK J, BRUS J, DYBAL JSolid state NMR and DFT study of polymer electrolyte poly(ethylene oxide)/LiCF3SO3SOLID STATE IONICS, 176, 163, (2005)1.8625N/A
58Brus J, Jakes JGeometry of multiple-spin systems as reflected in C-13-{H-1} dipolar spectra measured at Lee-Goldburg cross-polarizationSOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE 27 (3): 180 (2005)1.76N/A
57Pola J, Herlin-Boime N, Brus J, et al.IR laser production of nanostructured polyborocarbosiloxane powders with Si-O-B bondsSOLID STATE SCIENCES 7 (1): 123 (2005)1.5986N/A
56Brus J, Spirkova MNMR spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic coatingsMACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA 220: 155-164 (2005)0.6911N/A
55Brus JPrinciples and applications of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy of solid state at natural isotopic abundanceCHEMICKE LISTY 99 (2): 99-108 (2005)0.384-N/A
year 2004
54Krtil P, Dedecek J, Kostlanova T, BrusLi-6 MAS NMR study of lithium insertion into hydrothermally prepared Li-Ti-O spinelELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS 7 (7): A163-A166 (2004)2.2719N/A
53Brus J., Jegorov A.Through-bonds and through-space solid-state NMR correlations at natural isotopic abundance: Signal assignment and structural study of simvastatinJ. Phys. Chem. A, 108(18); 3955, (2004)2.63917N/A
52Matejka L, Dukh O, Kamigova H, Hlavata D, Spirkova M, Brus JBlock-copolymer organic-inorganic networks. Structure, morphology and thermomechanical propertiesPOLYMER 45 (10): 3267 (2004)2.43317N/A
51Bleha M, Tishchenko G, Pientka Z, Brus JEffect of POSS (TM) functionality on morphology of thin hybrid chitosan filmsDESIGNED MONOMERS AND POLYMERS 7, 25, (2004)0.6613N/A
50Spirkova M, Brus J, Hlavata D, Kamisova H, Matejka L, Strachota A,Preparation and characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic epoxide-based films and coatings prepared by the sol-gel processJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 92 (2), 937, (2004)1.02110N/A
49Brus J., Spirkova M, Hlavata D, Strachota A.Self-organization, structure, dynamic properties and surface morphology of silica/epoxy films as seen by solid-state NMR, SAXS and AFMMACROMOLECULES 37, (4) 1346 (2004)4.27735N/A
48Špírková M., Brus J., Matějka LEpoxy-based organic-inorganic nanocomposite coatings and films prepared by sol-gel processSci. Israel – Technol. Advan. 6, 7-15 (2004)--N/A
year 2003
47Janata M, Masar B, Toman L, Brus J. et al.Synthesis of novel types of graft copolymers by a "grafting-from" method using ring-opening polymerization of lactones and lactidesREACT FUNCT POLYM 57 (2-3), 137, (2003)1.58213N/A
46Spevacek J, Brus JSolid state NMR study of intercalate complexes of poly(ethylene oxide) and small moleculesMACROMOL SYMP 203, 111, (20030.6915N/A
45Matejka L, Dukh O, Meissner B, Hlavata D, Brus J, Strachota A.Block copolymer organic-inorganic networks. Formation and structure orderingMACROMOLECULES 36, 7977 (2003)3.89829N/A
44Spirkova M, Brus J, Hlavata D, Kamisova H, Matejka L, Strachota A.Preparation and characterisation of hybrid organic/inorganic coatings and filmsSurf. Coat. Int. B-Coat. Trans. 86 (3): 187 (2003)0.1267N/A
43Brus J., Petříčková H., Dybal J.Influence of local molecular motions on the determination of 1H-1H internuclear distances measured by 2D 1H spin-exchange experimentsSolid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 23, 183 (2003)1.711N/A
42Synytsya A., Copikova J., Brus J.13C CP/MAS NMR Spectra of Pectins: Peak Fitting Analysys in the C-6 RegionCzech. J. Food. Sci. 21, 1, (2003)--N/A
year 2002
41Brus J. Dybal JHydrogen-bond interactions in organically-modified polysiloxane networks studied by 1D and 2D CRAMPS and double-quantum H-1 MAS NMRMacromolecules, 35, 10038 (2002)3.89820N/A
40Lébl T., Smyčka A., Brus J., Bruhn C.Synthesis, structural study, and in vitro trypanocidal and antitumour activities of tetrakis(3-methoxypropyl)tin and (3-methoxypropyl)tin chlorideEUR J INORG CHEM (1), 143-148 (2003)2.3367N/A
39Brus J., Petříčková H., Dybal J.Potential and limitations of 2D H-1-H-1 spin-exchange CRAMPS experiments to characterize structures of organic solidsMONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE 133: (12), 1587 (2002)0.9046N/A
38Jambor R., Dostal L., Ruzicka A., Cisarova I., Brus J., Holcapek M., Holecek J.Organotin(IV) derivatives of some O,C,O-chelating ligandsOrganometalics 21, 3996 (2002)3.19638N/A
37Straka P., Brus J., Endrýsová J.Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy of Ostrava-Karviná CoalsChem. Pap.56, 178 (2002)0.2853N/A
36Brus J.Solid-state NMR study of phase separation and order of water molecules and silanol groups in polysiloxane networksJ. Sol-Gel Sci and Technol. 25 (1), 17 (2002)1.1516N/A
35Růžička A, Dostál L., Jambor R. Buchta V., Brus J., Císařová I., Holčapek M., Holeček JStructure and in vitro atifugal activity of [2,6-bis(dimethylaminomethyl) phenyl]diphenyltin(IV) compondsAppl. Organometal. Chem., 16, 315 (2002)1.38551N/A
34Brus J., J. Dybal, P. Sysel R. Hobzová,Mobility, structure and domain size in polyimide-poly(dimethyl)siloxane networks studied by solid-state NMR spectroscopyMacromolecules, 35, 1253 (2002)3.89825N/A
33Marek R., Brus J., Toušek J., Kovács L., Hocková D.N7- and N9-substituted purine derivatives: a 15N NMR studyMagn. Reson. Chem. 40, 353 (2002)1.48924N/A
year 2001
32Brus J., Kolář F, Machovič V., Svítilová J.Structure of silicon oxycarbide glasses derived from poly(methylsiloxane) and poly [methyl(phenyl)siloxane] precursorsJ. Non-Cryst. Solids, 289 (1-3), 62 (2001)1.43329N/A
31Růžička A., Jambor R., Brus J., Cisarova I., Holeček J.Solution and cross-polarization/magic angle spinning NMR investigation of intramolecular coordination Sn-N in some organotin(IV) C,N-chelatesInorg. Chim. Acta 323 (1-2), 163 (2001)1.55435N/A
30Janata M., Lochmann L., Brus J., Vlček P.Selective grafting of block copolymers. II. Multi-metalated (co)polymers as initiators for grafting process. Model metalation studiesMacromolecules 34 (6) 1593-1599 (2001)3.8983N/A
29J. Brus, M. Škrdlantová1H MAS NMR Study of Structure of Hybrid Siloxane-Based Networks and the Interaction with Quartz FillerJ. Non-Cryst. Solids 281 (1-3), 61-71 (2001)1.4334N/A
28Matějka L., Dukh O., Hlavatá D., Meissner B., Brus J.Cyclization and self-organization in polymerization of trialkoxysilanesMacromolecules, 34 (20), 6904 (2001)3.89842N/A
27Sysel P., Hobzová R., Šindelář V., Brus JPreparation and characterization of crosslinked polyimide-poly(dimethylsiloxane)sPolymer 42, 10079 (2001)2.43321N/A
26Janata M., Brus J., Lochmann L., Vlček PSelective grafting of block copolymers. III. Multigrafted copolymersMacromol. Chem. Phys. 202 (17), 3293 (2001)1.881N/A
25Jambor R., Růžička A., Brus J., Císařová I., Holeček JStructure of [2,6-bis-(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl tribromide hydrateInorg. Chem. Commun. 4 (5), 257-260 (2001)1.6829N/A
24Janata M., Masař B., Toman L., Vlček P., Brus J., Holler P.Multifunctional ATRP macroinitiators for the synthesis of graft copolymersReact. Funct. Polym., 50 (1), 67-75 (2001)1.58215N/A
year 2000
23J. BrusHeating of samples induced by fast magic-angle spinningSolid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 16 (3), 151-160 (2000)1.727N/A
22J. Brus, J. Dybal, P. Schmidt, J. Kratochvíl, J. BaldrianOrder and mobility in polycarbonate - poly(ethylene oxide) blends studied by solid-state NMR and Other MethodsMacromolecules 33, 6448 (2000)3.89833N/A
21J. Brus, J.Dybal,Solid state NMR study of structure and molecular dynamics of hybrid siloxane networksPolymer 41, 5269 (2000)2.43319N/A
20L. Matějka, O. Dukh, J. Brus, W.J. Simonsick, B. MeisnerCage-like structure formation during sol-gel polymerization of glycidyloxypropltrimethoxysiloxaneJ. Non-Cryst. Solids. 270, 34 (2000)1.43341N/A
19J.Kříž, J.Brus, J.Pleštil, D. Kurková, B. Masař, J.Dybal,Polymer Dynamic in an Interface-Confident Space: NMR Study of Poly(hexyl ethacrylate)- block-poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(dodecyl methacrylate)-block – poly(acrylic acid) Micels in D2OMacomolecules 33 (11), 4108-4115 (2000)3.89811N/A
18Matějka L., Dukh O., Hlavatá D., Brus J., Simonsick W. J. JrSol-gel polymerization of alky(trialkoxy)silanes - formation of cage-like silsesquioxane structuresPolym. Prepr. 41(1), 502 (2000)-4N/A
year 1999
17J. Brus, J.DybalCopolymerization of tetraethoxysilane and dimethyl (diethoxy) silane studied by Si-29 NMR and ab initio calculations of Si-29 NMR chemical shiftsPolymer 40, 6933 (1999)2.43325N/A
16Holeček J., Lyčka A, Micák D., Nagy L., Brus J, Vertes A., Seik Wen NgInfrared, 119Sn, 13C and 1H NMR, 119Sn and 13C CP/MAS NMR and Mossbauer spectral study of some Tris(1-butyl)tin(IV) citratec and 1,2,3-propanetricarboxylatesCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 64(6), 1028 (1999)1.0627N/A
15J. Spěváček, J. BrusSolid state NMR studies of Syndiotactic Polystyrene / Ethylbenzene and Poly(oxyethylene) / LiCF3SO3 Molecular ComplexesMacromol. Symp. 138, 129 (1999)0.6914N/A
14J. Spěváček, J. BrusPolymer-Solvent Interactions in Thermoreversible Gels of Isotactic Poly(methyl methacrylate) as Studied by Measurement of 1H NMR Relaxation of the SolventMacromol. Symp. 138, 117 (1999)0.6913N/A
13J. Dybal, J. Brus, P. Schmidt,NMR and Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of the Order and Mobility in Polycarbonate and Polycarbonate-poly(Ethylene Oxide) BlendsMacromol. Symp.146, 17 (1999)0.6912N/A
12J.Kříž, J.Pleštil, Z.Tuzar, H.Pospíšil, J.Brus, J.Jakeš, B.Masař, P.Vlček, I.Zhivkov, D.Doskočilová,Interface Affected Polymer Dynamics: NMR, SANS and LS Study of the Influence of Shell-Core Interactions on the Core Chain Mobility of Poly(2-ethylhexyl acrylate)-block-poly(acrylic acid) Micelles in WaterMacromolecules 32(2), 397 (1999)3.89818N/A
11Sykorova, I.; Brus, J; Oplustil, S; Machovic, V; Stejskal, M; Kubelka, J; Bek, J; Cermak, I; Melicharkova E; Danek V; Zakova, BCzech republic coal composition and structureActa Mont., Ser. AB, 7, 35-44, 161-170 (1999)--N/A
10Novak F., Kalouskova N., Machovic V., Brus J.Composition and structure of fulvic acids from B-horizon of ferro-humic podzol in Trojmezi (Bohemian Forest Mts.)J. Forest Sci. 45, 554-565 (1999)--N/A
year 1998
9Rypacek, F.; Stefko, I.; Machova, L.; Kubies, D.; Brus, J.Synthesis of ester-amide copolymers from lactones and a-amino acid N-carboxyanhydridesPolym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 39(2), 126-127 (1998). American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry-1N/A
8Jiří Brus, Petr KotlíkSol-gel polykondenzace alkoxysilanů, struktura a vlastnosti siloxanových materiálůChem. Listy. 92, 302-311, (1998)0.3841N/A
year 1997
7M. Janata, L. Lochmann, J. Brus, P. Holer, Z. Tuzar, P. KratochvílSelective grafting of block copolymersMacromolecules 30(24), 7370 (1997)3.8989N/A
6Jiří Brus, Jiří Karhan, Petr KotlíkStudy of polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane catalyzed with dibutylbis[1-oxo(dodecyl)oxy]stannane using 1H NMR a 29Si NMR spektrometry and Quasi elastic light scatteringCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 62, 442, (1997)1.0622N/A
year 1996
5Jiří Brus, Jiří Karhan, Petr Kotlík29Si NMR study of distribution of oligomers in polycondensation of tetraethoxysilaneCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 61, 691-703, (1996)1.06210N/A
4Jiří Brus, Petr KotlíkUžití nmr spektrometrie při studiu polykondenzace alkoxysilanůChem. Listy 90, 316-323, (19960.384-N/A
3Jiří Brus, Jiří Karhan, Petr Kotlíkpolyacrylate effects on tetraethoxysilane polycondensationChem. Mater. 8, 2739, (19964.1038N/A
2Jiří Brus, Petr KotlíkConsolidation of stone by mixtures of alkoxysilane and acrylic polymerStudies in Conservation 41(2), 109-120, (1996)0.39N/A
1Jiří Brus, Petr KotlíkCracking of organosilicone stone consolidants in gel form“, Studies in Conservation 41(1), 55-61, (1996)Studies in Conservation 41(1), 55-61, (1996)0.34N/A