- F. Todorov, M. Chomát, D. Berková, J. Čtyroký, V. Matějec, I.Kašík: "Sensitivity characteristics of long-periodgratings written with a CO2 laser in fiber with parabolic-index cladding", Sensors Lett. 7 (2009) 1-5 (doi:10.1166/sl.2009.1184)
- P. Peterka, I. Kašík, V. Matějec: "Zařízení a způsob pro navázání signálu a čerpání do dvouplášťového optického vlákna", CZ Pat. 301215, 2009
- O. Podrazký, I. Kašík , M. Pospíšilová, V. Matějec: "Use of nanoparticles for preparation of rare-earth doped silica fibers", Physica Status Solidi C 6 (10) (2009) 2228-2230
- T. Martan, J. Kaňka, I. Kašík, V. Matějec: "Theoretical analysis and preparation of tapered suspended core microstructure fibers", International Journal of Optomechatronics 3 (3) (2009) 233-249
- I. Kašík, J. Mrázek, O. Podrazký, M. Seidl, J. Aubrecht, M. Pospíšilová, P. Tobiška, V. Matějec, B. Kovács, A. Markovics, M. Szili: "Fiber- optic detection of chlorine in water", Sensors and Actuators: B 139 (1) (2009) 139-142
- P.Šiška, J. Škápa, V. Vašinek, F. Hanáček, I. Kašík: "Optical fiber sensor based on redistribution of power among several guided modes", Proc. SPIE 7356, Optical Sensors 2009, Prague, 20-22 April 2009, 73561G-1 ? 73561G-7
- K. Rose, S. Dzyadevych, R. Fernandez-Lafuente, N. Jaffrezic, G. Kuncová, V. Matějec, P. Scully: "Hybrid coatings as transducers in optical biosensors", Journal of Coatings Technology Research 5 (4), (2008) 491-496
- M. Pospíšilová, P. Adámek, P. Peterka, V. Kubeček, I. Kašík, V. Matějec: "Influence of Si-Al-Ge-Sb matrices on Tm3+ excitation levels", Materials Science Forum IV 587-588 (2008), 293-297
- T. Martan, J. Kaňka, I. Kašík, V. Matějec: "Tapered optical fibres for sensing", Proc. SPIE 7138, Photonics Prague 2008, Prague, 27.08.2008- 29.08.2008, 71380Z-1 ? 71380Z-6
- M. Zaharescu, A. Barau, L. Predoana, M. Gartner, M. Anastasescu, J. Mrázek, I. Kašík, V. Matějec: "TiO2-SiO2 sol-gel hybrid films and their sensitivity to gaseous toluene", J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354 (2/9) (2008), 693-699
- M. Chomát, D. Berková, F. Todorov, J. Čtyroký, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, J. Proboštová, M. Salvia, J. Jehid: "Bend sensing with with long-period fiber gratings in capillaries embedded in structures", Materials Science and Engineering C 28 (5-6) (2008), 716-721
- J. Čtyroký, M. Chomát, V. Matějec: "Analysis of bending effects in long period gratings in fibres with parabolic refractive index profile of the cladding", Materials Science and Engineering C 28 (5-6) (2008), 739-743
- I. Kašík, J. Mrázek, O. Podrazký, M. Seidl, J. Aubrecht, P. Tobiška, V. Matějec, B. Kovács, A. Markovics, M. Szili: "Preparation and characterization of thin transducer layers sensitive to free chlorine in water", Materials Science and Engineering C 28 (5-6) (2008), 842-847
- V. Matějec, J. Mrázek, M. Hayer, O. Podrazký, J. Kaňka, I. Kašík: "Sensitivity of microstructure fibers to gaseous oxygen", Materials Science and Engineering C 28 (5-6) (2008), 876-881
- P. J. Scully, L. Betancor, J. Bolyo, S. Dzydevych, J. M. Guisan, R. Fernandez-Lafuente, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, G. Kuncová, V. Matějec, B. O'Kennedy, O. Podrazký, K. Rose, L. Sašek, J. S. Young: "Optical fibre biosensors using enzymatic transducers to monitor glucose", Measurement Science and Technology 18 (10) (2007) 3177-3186
- V. Matějec, M. Hayer, J. Mrázek, I. Kašík, O. Podrazký, M. Pospíšilová: "Performance of the sol-gel method for the preparation of optical fibers", Revue Roumaine de Chimie 52 (10) (2007), 991-998
- O. Podrazký, J. Mrázek, M. Seidl, I. Kašík, P. Tobiška, V. Matějec, T. Martan, J. Aubrecht: "Optical principle of pH measurement for detection of auxin flow through cellular membrane", Proc. SPIE 6585 - Optical Sensing Technology and Applications, Prague, April 2007, 65850Y.1-6580Y.7
- P. Peterka, I. Kašík, V. Matějec, W. Blanc, B. Faure, B. Dussardier, G. Monnom, V. Kubeček: "Thulium-doped silica-based optical fibers for cladding-pumped fiber amplifiers", Opt. Materials 30 (2007) 174-176
- M. Chomát, J. Čtyroký, D. Berková, V. Matějec, J. Kaňka, J. Skokánková, F. Todorov, A. Jančárek, P. Bittner: "Temperature sensisivity of long-period gratings inscribed with a CO2 laser in optical fiber with graded-index cladding", Sensors and Actuators: B 119(2) (2006) 642-650
- P. Peterka, I. Kašík, V. Matějec, V. Kubeček, P. Dvořáček: "Experimental demonstration of novel end-pumping method for double-clad fiber devices", Optics Letters. 31(22) (2006) 3240-3242
- P. Solařík, Z. Burian, I. Kašík, V. Matějec, J. Mrázek, M. Hayer: "Dielectric annular core fiber for optical sensing", In Proceedings SPIE 6189 ? Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, March 2006, 61891R. 1-61891R. 9
- M. Crişan, M. Răileanu, S. Preda, M. Zaharescu, A. M. Vălean, E. J. Popovici, V. S. Teodorescu, V. Matějec, J. Mrázek: "Manganese doped sol-gel materials with catalytic properties", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8(2) (2006) 815-819
- M. Chomát, D. Berková, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, J. Kaňka, R. Slavík, A. Jančárek, P. Bittner: "Responses of a long-period gratings fabricated in a graded-index optical fiber to temperature and refractive-index changes", Materials Science and Engineering C 26(2-3) (2006) 457-461
- J. Čtyroký, M. Chomát, V. Matějec: "Analysis of long-period gratings inscribed in the core of a fiber with inverse parabolic-index cladding", Materials Science and Engineering C 26(2-3) (2006) 431-435
- A. Abdelghani, K. Cherif, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, V. Matejec: "Impedance spectroscopy on xerogel layer for chemical sensing", Materials Science and Engineering C 26(2-3) (2006) 542-545
- V. Matějec, J. Mrázek, M. Hayer, I. Kašík, P. Peterka, J. Kaňka, P. Honzátko, D. Berková: "Microstructure fibers for gas detection", Materials Science and Engineering C 26(2-3) (2006) 317-321
- J. Skokánková, J. Mrázek, V. Matějec, M. Hayer, I. Kašík, M. Chomát, D. Berková, A. Barau, M. Zaharescu, M. Raileanu: "Properties of xerogel layers for the detection of toluene in water", Materials Science and Engineering C 26(2-3) (2006) 208-213
- I. Kašík, V. Matějec, M. Chomát, M. Hayer, D. Berková, J. Mrázek, J. Skokánková: "Silica ?based optical Fibres with tailored refractive-index profiles in the region of 1. 46-1. 52 for evanescent-wave chemical detection", Sensors and Actuators: B 107(1) (2005) 93-97
- J. Mrázek, V. Matějec, M. Hayer, I. Kašík, D. Berková: "Application of the sol-gel method at the fabrication of microstructure fibers", J. Sol-Gel Sci. & Technol. 31 (2004) 175-178
- K. Cherif, J. Mrázek, S. Hleli, V. Matějec, A. Abdelghani, M. Chomát, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, I. Kašík: "Detection of aromatic hydrocarbons in air and water using xerogel layers coated on PCS fibers excited by collimated beam", Sensors and Actuators: B 95 (2003) 97-106
- K. Cherif, A. Abdelghani, S. Hleli, L. Ponsonnet, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, V. Matějec: "Contact angle measurement on xerogel sensitive layer for optical fibre sensor", Materials Science and Engineering C 23(5) (2003) 571-577
- V. Matějec, M. Chomát, D. Berková, J. Mrázek, R. Ardeleanu, V. Harabagiu, M. Pinteala, B. C. Simionescu: "Detection of toluene dissolved in water by using PCS fibers excited by an inclined collimated beam", Sensors and Actuators: B 90 (2003) 204-210
- M. Chomát, D. Berková, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, G. Kuncová: "The effect of hydrodynamic conditions on the detection of aqueous solutions of toluene by means of an inverted graded-index fiber", Sensors and Actuators: B 90 (2003) 151-156
- M. Chomát, D. Berková, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, G. Kuncová, M. Hayer: "Optical detection of toluene in water using an IGI optical fiber with a short sensing region", Sensors and Actuators: B 87 (2002) 258-267
- K. Cherif, S. Hleli, A. Abdelghani, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, V. Matějec: "Chemical detection of liquid media with a refractrometric sensor based a multimode optical fibre", Sensors 2 (2002) 195-204
- M. Chomát, D. Berková, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, G. Kuncová, H. Gagnaire, A. Trouillet, F. Bardin: "Optical detection of toluene in water by using IGI fibers", Materials Science and Engineering C 21 (2002) 211-215
- V. Matějec, D. Berková, M. Chomát, M. Zábrodský: "Detection of toluene by using specially PCS fibers excited by an inclined collimated beam", Materials Science and Engineering C 21 (2002) 217-221
- F. Bardin, I. Kašík, A. Trouillet, V. Matějec, H. Gagnaire, M. Chomát: "Surface plasmon resonance sensor using an optical fiber with an inverted graded-index profile", Applied Optics 41 (2001) 2514-2520
- V. Matějec, I. Kašík, D. Berková, M. Hayer, M. Chomát, Z. Berka, A. Langrová: "Properties of optical fiber preforms prepared by inner coating of substrate tubes", Ceramics-Silikáty 45 (2001) 62-69
- E. Chailleux, M. Salvia, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, V. Matějec, I. Kašík: "In situ study of the epoxy cure process using a fibre-optic sensor", Smart Material Science and Structures 10 (2001) 194-202
- P. Peterka, I. Kašík, J. Kaňka, P. Honzátko, V. Matějec, M. Hayer: "Twin-core fibre design and preparation for easy splicing", IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 12 (2000) 1656-1658
- M. Hayer, V. Matějec, D. Berková, I. Kašík, J. Kaňka, P. Peterka, P. Honzátko: "Effect of high-temperature treatment on optical properties of silica films doped with Al2O3, P2O5 and rare-earth elements", J. Sol-Gel Sci. and Technol. 19 (2000) 293-296
- M. Sedlář, V. Matějec, T. Grygar, J. Kadlecová: "Sol-gel processing and magnetic properties of nickel zinc ferrite thick films", Ceramics Int. 26 (2000) 507-512
- M. Sedlář, V. Matějec, I. Paulička: "Optical fibre magnetic field sensors using ceramic magnetostrictive jackets", Sensors and Actuators: A 84 (2000) 297-302
- V. Matějec, I. Kašík, M. Chomát: "Chapter 13: Fundamentals and performance of the MCVD aerosol process", Aerosol chemical processes in the enviroment, Levis (2000)
- M. Makowska, I. Kityk, J. Berdowski, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, A. Mefleh: "Nonlinear optical phenomena in the Al2O3 - P2O5, Er- and Yb-doped silica glasses", Pure and Appl. Opt. 2 (2000) 43-47
- F. Abdelmalek, M. Lacroix, J. M. Chovelon, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, D. Berková, V. Matějec, I. Kašík, M. Chomát, H. Gagnaire: "Consequences of TiO2 doping on the optical properties of pourous silica layers coated on silica optical fibers", Thin Solid Films 340 (1999) 280-287
- V. Matějec, M. Chomát, I. Kašík, J. Čtyroký, D. Berková, M. Hayer: "Inverted-graded index fiber structures for evanescent-wave chemical sensing", Sensors and Actuators: B 51 (1998) 340-347
- I. Kašík, V. Matějec, J. Kaňka, P. Honzátko: "Properties and fabrication of ytterbium-erbium co-doped silica fibres for high power fiber lasers", Pure and Appl. Opt. 7 (1998) 457-465
- V. Matějec, M. Chomát, M. Hayer, D. Berková, M. Pospíšilová, I. Kašík: "Improvement of the sectorial fiber for evanescent-wave sensing", Sensors and Actuators: B 39 (1997) 334-338