From the city (route from the city or from Velvary)
Following tram rails, you have to continue through the Na
Petřinách street to the tram terminal. The Institute is
located behind it.
From Vypich cross (arrival from most directions)
You have to continue through Ankarská street (arrow to
Petřiny), from which you can after 100m turn left to the
Na Vypichu street, and after 1 km to right through the U
hvězdy street to the Institute. You can also continue
through Ankarská street 1 km to its end at crossing with
Na Petřinách street, where you turn left and follow
tram rails to the tram terminal at the Institute.
From Ruzyně (arrival using road I/7)
Continue through Libocká street to its begin (crossing
with Na Vypichu street) near to the Institute, to which
you have to turn left.