Workling Group of Electronic Phenomena - Topics and
DC and AC electrical characteristics in the dark and under
illumination in the temperature interval 10 - 400 K.
Photoelectrical characteristics in the spectral range 200 - 800
nm. Measurements of photogeneration efficiency of
high-resistivity films by the xerographic discharge method. Thin
film transistor and solar cell characterization.
- Variable sets of instruments (Keithley electrometers and
stabilized power supply, xenon lamp and pulse xenon lamp,
0.25 m monochromator Jobin Yvon, radiometers EG & G
580, closed cycle helium refrigerator Displex Air
Products with vacuum system).
Determination of charge carrier mobility, post-transit
behaviour, space-charge and trapping effects, and quantum
efficiency of photogeneration of free charge carriers in polymer
films by transient photocurrent measurements (time-of-flight
method) with nanosecond time resolution.
- Nd YAG and dye laser ND-60 Continuum Corp. with doublers
- pulse duration 3-5 ns, wavelength regions 550-740 nm
and 270-370 nm, 1-5 mJ per pulse in UV region, about 30
mJ per pulse in the visible region, 200 mJ at 532 nm, 450
mJ at 1064 nm, 10 Hz repetition rate or single pulse
- Digitizing oscilloscope Hewlet-Packard 5410 B.
Characterization of photochromic and electroluminescent
behaviour of organic solids including time resolution (in
millisecond time resolution) and temperature dependences.
- UV-VIS spectrometers equipped with high sensitivity
detector head EG & G 585 and temperature controller
(Haake H40/F6), self-made spectrometer for
thermostimulated absorption.
Microwave photoconductivity in polymers, characterization
of kinetics of photoinduced ion-pairs.
- Ka-band microwave source, reflectance detection, Nd YAG
and dye laser ND-60 (see above).

Preparation of thin organic films. Multilayered sandwich
films of various organic materials and metals deposited in
vacuum; the film thickness controlled with a quartz crystal.
Polymer films spin-coated from polymer solutions.
- Spin coating, vacuum deposition facility, quartz crystal
balance monitor, profilometer.
Preparation of nanoparticles by laser ablation.
- Nd YAG laser (see above).