Non-impacted Publications
Acosta, M., Brossaud, J. (2001) Stem and branch respiration in a Norway spruce forest
stand. Journal of Forest Science 47(3): 136-140.
Acosta, M., Janouš, D. (2001) Branch respiration in a Norway spruce stand. Beskydy
14: 73-76.
Acosta, M., Janouš, D. (2002) Stem respiration in different concentration of
atmospheric CO2. Beskydy 15: 49-54.
Acosta, M., Pavelka, M., Janouš, D. (2003) Heterogeneity in woody-tissue CO2 efflux in
a Norway spruce forest stand. Beskydy 16:73-78.
Blujdea, V., Urban, O. (2002) Long-term UV-B exposure effects in early senescent
leaves of Fagus sylvatica [L.] seedlings grown in vegetation pots: Gas exchange
analysis. Beskydy 15: 39-42.
Havránková, K., Hurtalová, T., Janouš, D. (2001) Air flow over a young spruce forest: I.
Wind direction analysis and mean vertical wind speed profiles. Beskydy 14: 77-82.
Havránková, K., Janouš, D. (2000) Analysis of the air flow above the mountain spruce
stand in the locality Bílý Kříž in Moravian-Silesian Beskids during the vegetation
season 1999. Zpravodaj Beskydy 13: 71-76.
Hrtúsová, J., Janouš, D., Havránková, K. (2000) Fluxes of CO2 between a Norway
spruce stand and boundary layer of the atmosphere determined by the direct
measurement and with a mathematical model. Zpravodaj Beskydy 13: 83-88.
Hurtalová, T., Havránková, K., Janouš, D., Matejka, F. (2002) Aerodynamic
characteristics of spruce forest stand – comparison of two methods. Meteorological
Journal 5(3): 17-22.
Hurtalová, T., Matejka, F., Janouš, D., Havránková, K., Marková, I. (2002) Deformation of
air flow over a young spruce forest stand. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
32(3): 237-248.
Klimánková, Z., Pokorný, R., Kulhavý, J. (2003) [Water regime in a mountain spruce
stand - precipitation, interception of precipitation.] Beskydy 16: 29 – 32.
Marková, I., Janouš, D., Pavelka, M. (2000) Transmittance of the Norway spruce
canopy. The Beskids Bulletin 13: 63-70.
Marková, I., Janouš, D., Pavelka, M. (2001) Distribution of global radiation and the
share of its diffusecomponent. The Beskids Bulletin 14: 67-72.
Mráček, A., Urban, O., Marek, M.V. (2001) [Differentiation of sun versus shade foliage
assimilation within a Norway spruce crown under impact of long-term elevated
CO2.] Beskydy 14: 95-98.
Pavelka, M., Janouš, D. (2002) Seasonal changes of coefficient Q10 in CO2 flux from
soil under spruce stand. The Beskids Bulletin 15: 43-48.
Pavelka, M., Janouš, D., Acosta, M. (2003) Limitation of soil respiration during dry
period. The Beskids Bulletin 16: 47-52.
Pokorný, R., Šalanská, P. (2001) Sap flux of dominant trees under low soil water
availability. Beskydy 14: 99-106.
Pokorný, R., Šalanská, P, Janouš, D., Pavelka, M. (2001) ALAI-02D – a new instrument
in forest practice. Journal of Forest Science 47: 164-169.
Šalanská, P., Pokorný, R. (2001) Sap flux of Norway spruce trees in relation to stem
diameter class. Beskydy 14: 107-112.
Urban, O., Pokorný, R. (2002) [Global climate changes versus forest stands: research
activities in Czech Republic.] Lesnická práce 81(1): 15-17.
Urban, O., Pokorný, R., Šalanská, P. (2000) Seasonal dynamics of specific leaf area
and specific branch area in Picea abies trees. Zpravodaj Beskydy 13: 157-160.
Urban, O., Pokorný, R., Šalanská, P., Mráček, A. (2001) [Morphological changes of
Norway spruce seedlings under the impact of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation.]
Beskydy 14: 113-116.
Urban, O., Rosová, Z., Pokorný, R., Kulhavý, J. (2002) The relationship between
carboxylation, electron transport and nitrogen content in Norway spruce needles.
Beskydy 15: 63-66.
Urban, O., Tůma, I. (2003) [Assimilation of two clear-cut grass species influenced by
enhanced UV-B radiation.] Beskydy 16: 61–64.