
Bílý Kříž in 20th of the last century.
Originally pastoral region is nowadays afforested with spruce stand.
Bílý Kříž

Experimental research site Bílý Kříž in the Beskydy Mts. (49°30´N, 18°32´E, 908 m a.s.l.) was established in 1986 within the project “Global research of pollution impact on Beskydy forestry”. The aim of the project was to describe the influence of different types of protective and silvicultural practices on the improvement of stability and immunity of mountain-spruce stands to air pollutants.

After 1989, the research focused on the studies monitoring the impacts of global changes, i.e. the increases of atmospheric CO2 concentration and ultraviolet (ultraviolet-B) radiation, on forest ecosystems. Open-top chambers, glass domes with adjustable windows, and UV-B illumination bank have been constructed to simulate the growing conditions expected around 2050.

In the present time, our Laboratory is focused on the monitoring of energy and substances fluxes by eddy covariance technique and the evaluation of carbon pools in various types of mountain ecosystems.

Download the PowerPoint presentation about Bílý Kříž (31MB).

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